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Write a 6-page paper on Databases, please check the rubrics I have uploaded to write this paper , its very important also do a powerpoint and the powerpoint should be a summary of the 6 page paper.

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Microsoft Word - Homework 4.docx
Homework 4

1. (10 pts) For the following program, explain the interesting elements related to threads. Focus on
explaining the output of the program.

1 public class TaskThreadDemo {
2 public static void main (String args []) {
3 String [] sa = {"a", "X", "+", "."};
4 for (String s: sa) {
5 Runnable ps = new PrintChar (s, 200);
6 Thread ts = new Thread (ps, s);
7 ts.start ();
8 }
end for each character
9 }
end main
10 }
end class TaskThreadDemo
12 class PrintChar implements Runnable {
13 String ch;
14 int times;
16 public PrintChar (String c, int n) {
17 ch = c;
18 times = n;
19 }
end constructor
21 public void run () {
22 for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
23 System.out.print (ch);
24 }
end for loop
25 }
end method run
26 }
end class PrintChar

2. (10 pts) What is changed if the method called on line 7, start(), is replaced with run()? Explain (of
course). Focus on explaining the output of the program.

3. (10 pts) What is changed if the method Thread.yield() is added between lines 23 and 24? Explain.
Focus on explaining the output of the program.

4. (10 pts) Modify the above program so that the Thread.sleep method is called after each character has
een printed causing it to sleep for 500 milliseconds. Describe how that modification has altered the
output and explain why the change had the effect that you described.

5. (10 pts) Modify the above program so that the Thread.sleep method is called after each thread is
created in the main method causing it to sleep for 500 milliseconds. Describe how that modification has
altered the output and explain why the change had the effect that you described.
Grading Ru

Attribute Meets Does not meet
Problem 1 10 points
Explains the interesting elements
elated to threads. Focuses on
explaining the output of the program.
0 points
Does not explain the interesting elements
elated to threads. Does not focus on
explaining the output of the program.
Problem 2 10 points
Explains what is changed if the
method called on line 7, start(), is
eplaced with run().Focuses on
explaining the output of the program.
0 points
Does not explain what is changed if the
method called on line 7, start(), is replaced
with run(). Does not focus on explaining
the output of the program.
Problem 3 10 points
Explains what is changed if the
method Thread.yield() is added
etween lines 23 and 24. Focuses on
explaining the output of the program.
0 points
Does not explain what is changed if the
method Thread.yield() is added between
lines 23 and 24. Does not focus on
explaining the output of the program.
Problem 4 10 points
Explains how the output is changed if
the Thread.sleep method is called
after each character has been
0 points
Does not explain how the output is
changed if the Thread.sleep method is
called after each character has been
Problem 5 10 points
Explains how the output is changed if
the Thread.sleep method is called
after each thread is created in the
main method.
0 points
Does not explain how the output is
changed if the Thread.sleep method is
called after each thread is created in the
main method.
Answered 2 days After Nov 25, 2024


Shubham answered on Nov 28 2024
3 Votes
Selection of Topic
Databases has been selected as the topic because of the central role in modern computing. This has transformative impact on the way data is stored, managed and utilized. Databases are considered as the backbone of technological application. This can range from social media platforms to e-commerce, healthcare systems and financial services. It includes the ability to organize, retrieve and analyse large amounts of data. The topic is selected because this can help in addressing real-world problems. Organizations rely on databases for maintaining accurate records for enhancing decision-making and improve efficiency of operation (Raj, Roy & Luo, 2023). The advancement in database technologies like cloud databases, distributed systems and NoSQL databases can provide opportunities for exploring the businesses to handle growing complexity and volume of data. It is important to understand databases that provides foundational skill in fields like computer science, data analysis and software development. The exploration of provides information about the technical and conceptual frameworks behind data organization and management. It will help in ensuring deeper appreciation for information systems function. The topic of databases aligns with ongoing projects of user. This provides practical perspective on the implementation of database systems for solving specific challenges like inventory management and automation.
Description of technology
The database is structured collection of data that can electronically stored and accessed through database management system. The technology plays an important role in managing data efficiently and reliably. This can help users to retrieve, manipulate and analyse information. Databases is considered as the foundation for different applications from websites and enterprise systems to mobile apps and cloud services.
Components of a Database
1. Data: It is the core component because database contains data that is organized into tables with rows and columns. Tables represent entities and rows represent instances of entities.
2. Database Management System: The DBMS is software used to interact with the database. It provides functionalities for creating, updating, deleting and querying data that will help in ensuring data integrity and security (Parmar, Patel & Padghawala, 2023).
3. Schema: The schema that defines structure of database. This will help in specifying data is organized, relationships between entities and constraints for ensuring accuracy.
4. Query Language: Structured Query Language is the standard language for interacting with relational databases. This enables users to perform operations like data retrieval and manipulation.
Figure 1: Components of Database
Types of Databases
1. Relational Databases: Databases organize data in tables with predefined relationships. It includes examples including MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle Database. It is widely used because of query solving capabilities and data integrity.
2. NoSQL Databases: It is are designed for unstructured or semi-structured data for providing flexibility and scalability. It includes document databases, key-value stores and graph databases.
3. Cloud Databases: It is the database that is hosted on cloud platforms like AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. It ensures scalability, high availability and reduced infrastructure costs.
4. In-Memory Databases: It store data in RAM for faster processing. This include Redis and SAP HANA that are ideal for real-time applications.
Key Features of Database Technology
1. Data Storage and Retrieval: Databases can store and retrieve data using indexing and optimized query processing.

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