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no plagiarism, i have got this due soon and needs to be in java ide, also remember last report that you helped with , the feedback from sir was that the image is no relevant and whatever is written...

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To experience developing an organized system from scratch. To experience working with a group to develop a full organizing system including the use of taxonomies and/or controlled vocabularies as well as encoding of metadata.


You will need to work with a group for this project. Please identify two to three individuals with whom you can work on this project. You will need to share your collaborative document with me.

Develop an organizing system to organize material on a website for a resource collection of your choice. Here are a few resource schemas you may consider using:

  1. Recipe [ to an external site.


  2. Music Recording [ to an external site.


  3. Drug [ to an external site.


  4. Video Game [ to an external site.


  5. Vehicle [ to an external site.


  6. Dublin Core (General Purpose) [ to an external site.


Alternatively, you may choose your own topic and use the Dublin Core Schema and Omeka to set up your organized system. Your organizing system should include the selection of appropriate elements from the schema, the development of a basic taxonomy, and the selection or development of appropriate controlled vocabularies for names of persons and organizations (even when not specifically required in the schema), as well as appropriate controlled vocabulary formatting, for dates, languages and identifiers where required or recommended by the schema.

Your completed project should include:

  • a front page listing the members of the group

  • a discussion of the design decisions you must make for this system to be efficient and effective.

You will develop a demo to show how your system would work in practice. While your demonstration does not need to be a fully working website or model, you should include a working faceted taxonomy and metadata encodings corresponding to at least three (3) of your created metadata records. You may use paper mockups or slides to demonstrate how the system would work.

You may use an existing digital library tool such as Omeka, code a demo yourself in HTML, use a website builder, or create a slide presentation/video showing how your system would work.

Your project must include the following:

1) a page discussing design decisions [This should include answering the questions posed here to an external site.


2) a minimum of 10 metadata records for your selected resources formatted according to the example shown in the table below (your metadata record should use a minimum of 8 elements/properties) [skill learned in Assignment 3]:

Metadata Element


Content/Vocabulary Standard for Formatting


The Discipline of Organizing: 4thProfessional Edition


Glushko, Robert J.



Information organization.



This textbook takes a multi-disciplinary approach to the field of information organization.


Glushko, Robert J.















ISO 639-2

NB. Since you will be using your property/element names will not be the same as shown in the table, since that uses Dublin Core

3) validated metadata encoding in rdf/xml or json for three (3) of your metadata records [See Week 11 Module]

4) the identification and use of established controlled vocabularies for names of persons and organizations (See to an external site.

) and for all elements where a content standard is recommended or required for a property by the schema eg. language, date. [See Week 5 module]

5) the set of interactions you will enable on your site (these can be built into the system or you can demonstrate how you would like it to work) [See to an external site.


5) a hierarchical taxonomy that will support organization of your resources and at least three facets to enable filtering of the search results. [skill learned in Assignment 4 and Week 10 module]

6) demo/overview of how your website would look with enabled taxonomy and results displayed


It is recommended that you work with at least one other person on this project. Because it is very important to experience issues involving lack of consensus for taxonomy or controlled vocabulary development during this project. A student who would prefer to work alone must reach out to me for agreement first and must also write an additional short paper which will compare their system to a similar system for a similar experience.

Submission Components:

  1. Submit a single pdf document or presentation which combines these elements of your organized system. You may present the document as slides (with or without voice) as you desire.Do not use Prezi or any similar tool.

    1. one page discussing design decisions

    2. 10 metadata records

    3. 3 validated encoded metadata records (rdf/xml, json)

    4. mock ups of interactions showing how they are enabled

    5. full faceted taxonomy that organizes resources and supports search and browse

    6. demo/overview of how your website would look with enabled taxonomy and results displayed

    7. final page providing summary of the work done, decisions made, challenges, disagreements and resolutions, and any final thoughts. (Include a link to your collaborative document on this final page, be sure permissions are set appropriately for me to view this document)

  2. Students who are working alone should add an additional document, 400 words, comparing their system to an existing system on a similar topic/with a similar function. If you work in a group, you will have the chance to discuss issues of compromise and consensus that a solo project will miss. Comparing your system to an existing system will still allow you to experience and discuss some of these issues.

Group Sign Up

Group membership is a self enroll, you will not be randomly assigned. Do the following:

  • Please identify the Final Project Group Sets and self-sign up with one of the available groups. Instructions for self-sign up may be foundat this linkLinks to an external site.

    . (If you choose to work alone, please contact me for permission and so that I might set up Canvas to accept your work.)

  • Create a collaborative document (Microsoft Word or Google Docs) in which you will all be working and share that file with me.

  • Please use one page of the collaborative document to outline tasks and how you will be dividing those tasks between group members.

  • Please add a notation if a group member fails to complete their assigned and agreed on tasks.


Final Project Rubric

Final Project Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Discussion of Design Decisions
Project has one page with a discussion of design decisions.


Full Marks

Design decisions include all the organizing questions along with appropriate answers and considerations for each.


Partial Marks

Some elements of design decisions were not discussed or more thorough discussion is needed in elements mentioned.


No Marks

No discussion of design decisions present or discussion is lacking to the point where meaningful assessment is impossible.


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Metadata Records
Project includes the required amount of metadata records

to >2.0

Full Marks

10 or more metadata records provided

to >0.0

Partial Marks

Less than 10 metadata records provided.


No Marks

No sample records provided.


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Appropriate schema applied to records


Full Marks

Excellent use of chosen metadata schema.


Partial Marks

Some issues with your schema (not a schema, schema not well described, schema not well implemented)


No Marks

No schema used.


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Controlled Vocabulary
Excellent selection and use of controlled vocabulary for value and formatting of schema properties.


Full Marks

Excellent description of controlled vocabulary and correct application to properties shown across the organizing system.


Partial Marks

Reasonable description of selection and use of vocabularies however some properties that should have used a controlled vocabulary do not or formatting rules for the content standard are ignored or not applied correctly.


No Marks

No controlled vocabulary used or no explanation of why it was chosen or how applied.


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Encoded Records
Project includes the required amount of metadata records

to >2.0

Full Marks

3 or more encoded metadata records in json or xml

to >0.0

Partial Marks

Less than 3 encoded records or serious problems noted - such as invalid xml or json


No Marks

No encoded metadata records submitted.


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Taxonomy Design and Diagram

to >2.0

Full Marks

Full faceted taxonomy that organizes resources and supports search and browse, excellent taxonomy diagram and identification of taxonomy levels, categories and facets.

to >0.0

Partial Marks

Good start. However, your taxonomy diagram needed more layers/ no facets mentioned which would help to refine search supported by the taxonomy/ diagram is confusing and hard to follow


No Marks

No taxonomy presented.


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Demo System with Interactions
Demo/Wireframe demonstrating interactions.

to >3.0

Full Marks

Excellent Demo. Demo is interactive or clearly provides sufficient evidence through screenshots/images to indicate how interactions would take place. [Example: search, sort, filter, rate, comment, popular, etc]

to >0.0

Partial Marks

Good demo. Demo provides a good description of how the system would work but could be enhanced with additional screenshots or explanations.


No Marks

No demo/wireframe provided.


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Final Summary Report Page
Report describing the system (including this page and first page, as well as others in document should be 800 words).
If you worked alone, there should be an individual 400 page report comparing your system to another system.

to >3.0

Full Marks

Excellent report which describes the process of designing your system and implementing the demo system.

to >0.0

Partial Marks

Good report which describes the process of designing your system, however more detail would be invaluable.


No Marks

Report Missing


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Appropriate style used (APA, MLA). Name of authors listed and references included. Grammar and Spelling appropriate.


Full Marks

Format follows standard style guidelines, author names and references supplied. Correct grammar and spelling used. Excellent writing and communication of concepts.


Partial Marks

Some issues with style, grammar, or spelling.


No Marks

Answer is hard to understand due to writing style. The Writing Center ( can provide assistance with writing.


Answered 2 days After Oct 14, 2024


Shubham answered on Oct 15 2024
3 Votes
CSCI318    |    GROUP 18    |    FINAL
Project Title
Fly Fast : Airplane ticket booking system
Group    Members    and contributions
Disha Joshi (7554588)    25%
Aren Dunn (7484343 )    25%
Cody Edwards (7502710)    25%
Tsungi Kimberly Makore (7444324)    25%
The following report describes the development of Fly Fast, a microservice airplane ticket booking system. The system is created to perform seamless management of flights, passengers, payments and more through independent services. These services interest through APIs, creating various components that allow the application to provide extensive functionalities for all users.
This report contains the introduction to pure application, containing
ief information on our objectives, functionalities and business context. Additionally, detailed discussion into the requirements and domain model is explored in this report to ensure a complete understanding into the model. And essentially, the report will demonstrate the design, architecture, implementation and deployment of the application. This paper aims to provide knowledge and insights into the entire project lifetime vividly highlighting the development journey, the challenges faced by us and the solutions to it through using technologies like Spring boot and Apache Kafka and ending with contents of the application’s development.
Link to the GitHub: https:
Table of Contents
Abstract    0
Table of Contents    2
Introduction    3
Project Objectives    3
Main Functionalities    3
Requirements and Domain Model    4
Use Cases    4
UML Domain Model    7
Design and Architecture    8
Architectural Diagram    8
Layered Architecture of Each Service    8
Design Patterns for Domain Classes    9
Data Ownership Specification    9
Implementation and Deployment    10
Implementation Framework    10
Alignment of Architecture Layers    10
Sample REST Requests and Class Attributes    11
Create Passengers    11
Update Passengers    12
Read Passengers    12
Create Flights    13
Update Flights    13
Read Flights    14
Create Payments    14
Update Payments    15
Read Payments    15
Process Payments    16
Stream Processing in Apache Kafka    16
Application Setup and Execution    16
References    17
Fly Fast is a microservice application that strives to provide functionalities of an airplane booking system. The program allows for users to create and manage various aspects of flight bookings, flight information, passenger information and more. The architecture of the program allows for seamless interaction with the data encapsulated in our system, providing a flexible and responsive interface. The application will mainly target the travelers, airline and the agents.
Project Objectives
The main objective for this application is to provide an interface that allows for the user to:
· Create passenger profiles, flight bookings and payments.
· Manage these entities through updates and modifications.
· Delete these records when needed due to refunds or cancellations.
Additionally, the system aims to maintain ease of use, security and efficiency across the entire space.
Main Functionalities
Our system strives to provide three functionalities that meet the project objectives:
1. Passenger Management: create passenger detail, update these details, delete profiles and connect the passenger with the payment system and flight bookings.
2. Flight bookings: book flights, manage these bookings, cancel them if needed and link all other classes to the booking (Jeon, Ali and Lee, 2019).
3. Payment Processing: create payment transactions, with the ability to process and refund these payments securely.
These functionalities align precisely with our previously stated objectives. As previously discussed, the objectives of creating, managing and deleting various classes have been met from these functionalities.
Non-Functional Requirements
Requirements and Domain Model
Use Cases
    Create Booking
    The User selects a flight, inserts the co
elating passenger information and the co
ect payment details.
    Flight, Payment and Passenger details exist.
    Success State
    Booking is created and saved.
    Fail State
    Booking is not created, due to Flight, Payment or Passenger details not valid
    Manage Booking
    The creator of the booking can adjust any fields within the booking.
    Booking Creato
    Booking exists.
    Success State
    Booking is modified and saved.
    Fail State
    Booking doesn’t exist or fields are invalid.
    View Booking
    The creator of the booking can view the booking details.
    Booking Creato
    Booking exists.
    Success State
    Booking information is entered co
ectly and booking is shown.
    Fail State
    Booking is not shown due to invalid search or invalid booking.
    Process Payment
    System can use the payment information inserted by the Booking Creator to pay any booking fees.
    System and Booking Creato
    Booking and Payment information exists.
    Success State
    Booking payment is successfully made.
    Fail State
    Booking payment failed due to invalid payment details.
    Manage Payment
    The Booking Creator can modify their payment information.
    Booking Creato
    Booking exists.
    Success State
    Booking Creator successfully modifies and saves the new payment.
    Fail State
    Invalid payment information and the payment isn’t saved.
    View Payment
    The creator of the booking can view the payment details.
    Booking Creato
    Booking exists and payment details exist.
    Success State
    Booking information is entered co
ectly and payment info is shown.
    Fail State
    Payment is not shown due to invalid search or invalid booking.
    Create Passenge
    The User inserts the co
ect passenger information and the co
ect co
esponding booking details.
    Flight details exist.
    Success State
    Passenger profile is created and saved.
    Fail State
    Passenger is not created, due to Flight or Passenger details not valid.
    Manage Passenge
    The Booking Creator can modify their passenger information.
    Booking Creato
    Passenger Profile exists.
    Success State
    Booking Creator successfully modifies and saves the new profile.
    Fail State
    Invalid passenger information and the passenger isn’t saved.
    View Passenge
    The creator of the booking can view the passenger details.
    Booking Creato
    Passenger exists.
    Success State
    Booking information is entered co
ectly and Passenger info is shown.
    Fail State
    Passenger is not shown due to invalid search or invalid booking.
    Refund Payment
    The System Admin can refund payment of flight due to cancellations or other reasoning.
    System Admin, Booking Creato
    Booking exists and payments have been previously made.
    Success State
    Successful refund.
    Fail State
    Invalid details given, refund failed.
    Remove Booking
    The System Admin can remove the booking upon request from the Booking Creator.
    System Admin, Booking Creato
    Booking exists.
    Success State
    Successful removal.
    Fail State
    Invalid details given, removal failed.
    Remove Passenge
    The Booking Creator. can remove the Passenger details.
    Booking Creato
    Passenger exists.
    Success State
    Successful removal.
    Fail State
    Invalid details given, removal failed.
UML Domain Model
Note * The main classes that has been implemented are Passenger, Payment, FlightBooking, PlaneTicket and Flight
Design and Architecture
Architectural Diagram
Layered Architecture of Each Service
Our application has the following services that all interact and control various pieces of data in the system:
· Booking Service
· Flight Service
· Passenger Service
· Payment Service
Within these services are various layers, allowing each layer to operate successfully, these include:
· Client...

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