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Instructions: Submit two files for this assignment: One MS Word file containing the required composition and one MS Excel file containing the data set selected and downloaded by the student....

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Network Upgrade Plan
Network Upgrade Plan
ISM 640 – Computer Networking and Telecommunication Design
Instructor Submission date
    Network Upgrade Plan
Version 1.0
Document History
    Summary of Changes
    Revised by
    Initial Draft
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
1.1 Executive Summary
Summarize the project parameters including a short description of each of the following sections: Requirements, Milestones, Budget, and Risks. There is a sample of an Executive Summary on the Writing Center website.
1.2 Requirements
Evaluate the cu
ent telecommunication and network capabilities of the existing company and propose solutions for their outdated technology issues. The individual requirements must include the scope of hardware solutions, software solutions, network protocols, security options, and encryption levels. Provide a rationale for each of the choices made.
Create a network diagram of the proposed solution using applied standard principles of design.
This document is the definitive description of how the solution will work and will be used in the deployment of the proposed solution. Each time a change is made, the change date, new version number, and high-level description should be captured in the “Document History” section at the beginning of this document.
1.3 Milestones
Create a high-level table of milestones involved in the implementation of the upgrade including a sequence of realistic completion dates and expected accomplishments.
    Planned Date
1.4 Budget
Create a budget that provides a realistic estimate of the cost of the upgrade plan. Utilize the table below for commonly needed hardware/software, then research general prices online. You may customize this table as you see fit, and follow it with a description and explanation of your choices, as well as references for cost estimates.
    Wireless Access Point
    Server OS
    Man Hours
1.5 Risks
Any project will be accompanied with a multitude of potential risks. In this section, please identify and explain a minimum of three potential risks related to your network upgrade plan as well as the co
esponding opportunities that would mitigate these risks.


Network Upgrade Plan
For this assignment, you will apply telecommunication and network technical knowledge in the creation of a network upgrade plan. To create this plan you will assess your leadership role as the IT Project Manager in the design and implementation phases of this network upgrade project.
For this project, you will assume the role of one of the Senior IT Project Managers for Mont Saint Michelle Consulting Company (MSMCC) working in the IT professional services arm of the company. Your firm has been hired by an existing company to assist them in upgrading their cu
ent network. The existing company has three office locations: New York, NY, Denver, CO, and Palo Alto, CA. Each location consists of a two-story building that includes local wired and wireless access to about 50 employees. The cu
ent wireless setup is insufficient in terms of protocols, security, and encryption levels. All three sites are connected via a wide area network (WAN) to help ca
y data, voice, and video. The throughput on this cu
ent environment is T1. The firm is looking at MSMCC for your expert skills in this type of network upgrade and wants the best value solutions in order to make the most financially responsible and sustainable decision. As the senior IT project manager on this project, you need to work with your team to come up with a network upgrade plan to solve their outdated technology issues.
You must use the ISM640 Network Upgrade Plan Template Download ISM640 Network Upgrade Plan Templatein the creation of your assignment. For each section of the template, include the content required as listed below.
Document History
The information in this section will be pre-populated in the template. The only required content will be your name and date.
Executive Summary
Summarize the project parameters including a short description of each of the following sections: Requirements, Milestones, Budget, and Risks. (There is a sample of an Executive SummaryLinks to an external site. on the Writing Center website.)
Evaluate the cu
ent telecommunication and network capabilities of the existing company and propose solutions for their outdated technology issues. The individual requirements must include the scope of hardware solutions, software solutions, network protocols, security options, and encryption levels. Provide a rationale for each of the choices made using information from a minimum of two scholarly or professional sources in addition to the course text to support your statements.
Create a network diagram of the proposed solution using applied standard principles of design.
Create a high-level table of milestones involved in the implementation of the upgrade including a sequence of realistic completion dates and expected accomplishments.
Budget Create a budget that provides a realistic estimate of the cost of the upgrade plan. Utilize the table in the template, as well as conduct online research for estimated costs.
Explain a minimum of three potential risks related to your network upgrade plan as well as the co
esponding opportunities that would mitigate these risks.
The Network Upgrade Plan
· Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing CenterLinks to an external site..
· Must include a separate title page with the following:
· Title of pape
· Student’s name
· Course name and numbe
· Instructor’s name
· Date submitted
· Must use at least two scholarly or professional sources, in addition to the course text.
· Must document all sources in APA style 
Network Upgrade Plan

For this assignment, you will apply telecommunication and network
technical knowledge in the creation of a network upgrade plan. To
create this plan you will assess your leadership role as the IT Project
Manager in the design and implementation phases of t
his network
upgrade project.

For this project, you will assume the role of one of the Senior IT Project
Managers for Mont Saint Michelle Consulting Company (MSMCC)
working in the IT professional services arm of the company. Your firm
has been hired by an existing company to assist the
m in upgrading their
ent network. The existing company has three office locations: New
York, NY, Denver, CO, and Palo Alto, CA. Each location consists of a two
story building that includes local wired and wireless access to about 50
employees. The cu
ent wireless setup is insufficient in terms of
protocols, security, and encryption levels. All three sites are connected
via a wide area network (WAN) to help ca
y data, voice, and video. The
throughput on this cu
ent environment is T1. The firm is looki
ng at
MSMCC for your expert skills in this type of network upgrade and wants
the best value solutions in order to make the most financially
esponsible and sustainable decision. As the senior IT project manager
on this project, you need to work with your t
eam to come up with a
network upgrade plan to solve their outdated technology issues.

You must use the

ISM640 Network Upgrade Plan Template

ISM640 Network Upgrade Plan Template
in the creation of your
assignment. For each section of the template, include the content
equired as listed below.

Document History

Network Upgrade Plan
For this assignment, you will apply telecommunication and network
technical knowledge in the creation of a network upgrade plan. To
create this plan you will assess your leadership role as the IT Project
Manager in the design and implementation phases of this network
upgrade project.
For this project, you will assume the role of one of the Senior IT Project
Managers for Mont Saint Michelle Consulting Company (MSMCC)
working in the IT professional services arm of the company. Your firm
has been hired by an existing company to assist them in upgrading their
ent network. The existing company has three office locations: New
York, NY, Denver, CO, and Palo Alto, CA. Each location consists of a two-
story building that includes local wired and wireless access to about 50
employees. The cu
ent wireless setup is insufficient in terms of
protocols, security, and encryption levels. All three sites are connected
via a wide area network (WAN) to help ca
y data, voice, and video. The
throughput on this cu
ent environment is T1. The firm is looking at
MSMCC for your expert skills in this type of network upgrade and wants
the best value solutions in order to make the most financially
esponsible and sustainable decision. As the senior IT project manager
on this project, you need to work with your team to come up with a
network upgrade plan to solve their outdated technology issues.
You must use the ISM640 Network Upgrade Plan Template Download
ISM640 Network Upgrade Plan Templatein the creation of your
assignment. For each section of the template, include the content
equired as listed below.
Document History


Sample Executive Summary: Sunco
I.M. Student
The University of Arizona Global Campus
BUS 123: Principles in Business
Professor Tough
May 15, 2050

*This sample was adapted by the UAGC Writing Center from an original paper by a student. Used by permission.
An executive summary is a concise summary of a business report. It restates the purpose of the report, it highlights
the major points of the report, and it describes any results, conclusions, or recommendations from the report.

An executive summary should be aimed at an audience that is interested in and wants to learn more about the
purpose of the main business report.

An executive summary should…
• Be presented as a document that can stand on its own
• Be one to three pages, depending on the length of the report
Note: For academic purposes, a title page is attached to the executive
summary. In the professional world, however, this is not required.

Sample Executive Summary: Sunco
Through partnering with utility companies and other energy regulators, Sunco can make
enewable energy a dependable option for our customers. The opportunity, recommendation,
timeline, and cost are provided in this report.
In the absence of a national “smart” grid, which would increase “pricing transparency,
as well as enable a host of consumer-producer interactive transactions” (Contreras, 2012, p.
645), we here at Sunco, as producers of renewable energy, have run into the problem of getting
our services to the customers who demand them. Similarly, our consumers who generate
enewable energy on-site from solar panels and wind tu
ines have also run into the problem of
permits, regulations, and service charges that vary from state to state and utility to utility (Ryor,
2014). Cu
ently, the main challenge is convincing local utilities of the economic viability of
enewable energy, and since the energy supplied is undifferentiated, the general customer base
is unaware that other options exist.
Since we, as a company, lack the necessary knowledge and authority to enable our
services to be accessed and expedited in a way that would make them economically feasible in
the existing system, we seek to engage in a partnership with utilities and regulators around the
country to grant our clients exclusive, contractual “renewable energy options.” These options
will standardize and simplify contracting processes and fees for our “behind-the-grid”
In the introduction, the writer quickly (a) states the
purpose of the report and (b) highlights the major
points within the executive summary and the full
usiness report.

Section headings are used to show the
different parts of the report.

Describe any results, conclusions, or
ecommendations from the report.

customers and require utilities to offer renewable energy alternatives to our “on-the-grid”
customers. Of course, the on-the-grid renewable energy the utilities offer their customers will
e supplied by Sunco.
In return for these waivers, we will offer to finance energy efficiency renovations for
their customers’ (our customers’) homes, which would include weatherizing and sealing, the
installation of smart appliances and meters, and use the energy savings generated from these
improvements to repay the loan and give the remaining 50% of the savings to the utility and
customer to split. So, our customers will not only get the renewable energy they want and the
savings at the
Answered 2 days After May 08, 2024


Bhaumik answered on May 09 2024
9 Votes
Dataset selected: https:
Dataset Description: This dataset contains information about electric vehicles (EVs) in the state of Washington, USA. The dataset includes various fields detailing the characteristics and demographics of the electric vehicle population. Here is an overview of the fields included in the dataset:
1. VIN (1-10): A portion of the vehicle's Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), which uniquely identifies each car.
2. County: The county in which the vehicle is registered or located.
3. City: The city in which the vehicle is registered or located.
4. State: The state where the vehicle is registered, which in this case is Washington (WA).
5. Postal Code: The postal code in which the vehicle is registered or located.
6. Model Year: The year of manufacture of the vehicle.
7. Make: The manufacturer of the vehicle, such as Tesla, Audi, Nissan, etc.
8. Model: Identify the vehicle's specific model.
9. Type of Electric Vehicle: BEV or PHEV.
10. Is the car eligible for Clean Alternative Fuel car (CAFV) incentives? Eligibility is determined by battery range.
11. Electric Range: The maximum distance a vehicle can travel with a single charge (in miles).
12. Base MSRP refers to the vehicle's manufacturer's suggested retail price.
13. Legislative District: The area where the car is registered.
14. Vehicle ID: Department of Licencing ID for the vehicle.
15. Vehicle Location: Provide geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) for the vehicle.
16. Electric Utility: The utility that services the vehicle's registered location.
17. 2020 Census Tract: The area where the car is registered.
This dataset provides information on the electric vehicle (EV) population data in the state of Washington, including several attributes such as VIN (vehicle identification number), county, city, state, postal code, model year, make, model, electric vehicle type (e.g., BEV for battery electric vehicle or PHEV for plug-in hy
id electric vehicle), CAFV (Clean Alternative Fuel Vehicle) eligibility status, electric range, base MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail price), legislative.
Overview & potential applications of this dataset:
1. Geographic Analysis: The data provides geographical information to analyse EV distribution across counties, cities, and neighbourhoods (census tracts) in Washington.
2. Model and Make Analysis: The dataset covers various EV models and manufacturers. This can be used to assess the popularity and adoption rates of various types of EVs.
3. Utility Provider Analysis: Eloquent which electric utilities assist precise areas and their EV penetration might help recognize probable infrastructure developments and enhancements in EV charging infrastructure.
4. CAFV Eligibility: Eloquent which vehicles be eligible for clean alternative fuel vehicle programmes can help evaluate their environmental impact.
5. Legislative District Analysis: Using legislative district data, scrutinize EV distribution and acceptance outlines athwart political regions.
· Policy Development: Understanding EV uptake across areas can inform targeted incentives and infrastructure investment.
· Market Research: This data can help auto manufacturers and dealerships understand market trends and customize offers to match demand.
· Environmental Impact: Researchers can assess the environmental benefits of EV adoption across regions.
An outline of how I, as a data mining consultant would analyse data collection & its probable applications inside your workplace:
1. Data Exploration and Cleaning: To instigate, I will execute a tentative data analysis to well comprehend the data set's structure, distribution, and possessions. This comprises detecting any missing numbers, incongruities, or outliers in the dataset. After I twig the data, I'll sterile it up by forwarding missing numbers, amending i
egularities, & regulating it as apposite.
2. Data Understanding and Segmentation :Resulting, I'll do a descriptive analysis to determine the foremost inclinations & outlines in the electric vehicle (EV) population data. This offers summaries of car models, types, & other significant info. To determine clusters or trends in the data, I will split it into classes such as car type, manufacturer, & location.
3. Predictive Modeling: I will generate predictive models that can plan imminent inclinations in electric vehicle agreements. This could include...

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