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Assessment Objective: This assignment explores the cross-cultural challenges managers face in achieving goals. The essay should provide a concise statement on the topic and recommendations to overcome the challenges backed by recent and relevant research.
Assessment Title/Type: Assessment Two – Cross-cultural challenges for managers in achieving organizational goals (Essay - Individual)
Instructions to Students: The report must cover all aspects of the cross-cultural management challenges they have learned in class. Additionally, the report should contain suggestions on how to tackle the challenges. The report should provide the following information.
Structure: An essay is written to compile information that has come from analysing an issue, problem, or data. It will inform and provide recommendations in relation to the issue/problem/ data. In this essay, you will highlight the cross-cultural challenges and provide recommendations of how to tackle the challenges.
Remember to use appropriate evidence, data, and real-life examples to support your arguments throughout the essay. Additionally, maintain a consistent and coherent writing style, and ensure that your essay flows logically from one section to another.
Word Count: XXXXXXXXXXwords (not including reference list or title page)
An example structure you can use for your essay is:
Cover Page/Title Page: Give a title to your essay, student name, and number.
Table of Contents: Include page numbers be mindful of formatting.
1. Introduction: The introduction of an essay serves as a roadmap. It should provide background information, introduce the main thesis or argument, and engage the reader's interest. In this section, you can
iefly discuss the significance of cross-cultural challenges for managers in the context of achieving organizational goals. End the introduction with a strong thesis statement outlining the main points you will address in the essay's body.
2. Body Paragraphs: Link your body paragraph with your Introduction and define cross-cultural challenges and how they relate to management and organizational goals. In the body paragraphs, you elaborate on the points mentioned in your thesis statement. Each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of cross-cultural challenges for managers in achieving organizational goals. Ensure each paragraph follows a logical order and provides evidence or examples to support your arguments.
3. Counterarguments (Optional): In this section, you can acknowledge potential counterarguments or opposing views to your thesis. Address these counterarguments and explain why your perspective on cross-cultural challenges remains valid.
4. Recommendations: Provide recommendations on how to overcome challenges and achieve the organization's goals.
5. Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the key points discussed in the body paragraphs and conclusively restate your thesis. Emphasize the importance of recognizing and addressing cross-cultural challenges for managers to achieve organizational goals. End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.
6. Reference List: List your references in APA referencing style.
Assessment Criteria
Introduction (15%)
Response (25%)
Organisation of the Essay (30%)
In-text Citation (5%)
Recommendation And Conclusion (10%)
Language (10%)
Note: My college installed AI-detecting software so can you please make sure the assignment is not written with the help of AI software. Thank you.
Answered 2 days After Nov 23, 2023


Ajay answered on Nov 25 2023
27 Votes

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