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Module: Database Essential II
Final Exam
Total marks: 100
Exam Duration: 3 hours
Special Instructions:
• Take a screen shot of the answers that are completed using MS Access and add the screen
shots of the answer under the respective question.
• Two databases (Li
ary and Sales) are provided. Download them to answer the respective
• Write down your name at the top of the answer sheet.
• Missing Name and Late submissions will have penalty of 5 marks each.
• Any sort of copying is strictly prohibited. If copying is detected, then your exam will
e cancelled, and you will get 0 for this exam.
Question 1 (12 marks): Create a new MS Access database called “Books”. Create three tables
Book, Author and Loan using the DDL command “CREATE” in MS Access one by one. The tables
will have following attributes and information:
Table Name Attribute Name Attribute
Book bookId (set as Primary key)
Author authorId (set as Primary key)
Loan authorId
Primary Key: (authorId, bookId, dateDue)
Foreign Key: authorId
Foreign Key: bookId
Now answer the following questions:
1.a) Write down the DDL commands you used to create the above three tables.
1.b) Give screen shot of the relationship diagram from the relationships tool of MS Access after
unning the DDL commands for the above table creation.
1.c) Write down the DDL command to remove all the tables from the “Books” database.
Question 2 (9 marks): Use the Li
ary Database to answer the following. Show your works
using the screen shot from MS Access.
2.a) List the titles of books where the author name ends with “Celko” and the text “data” appears
in the title.
2.b) List titles of books where the title contains the word “medieval”
2.c) List the titles of books where the title contains the words “medicine” and “medieval”.
Question 3 (12 marks): Use the Tables (Book, Loan and Member) from the Li
ary Database
to write down the SQL queries for the following:
3.a) For each loan show the title of the book and the date it was bo
3.b) Produce a list that shows for each loan the book title, the name of the member who
owed the book, and the dates the book was bo
owed and then returned.
3.c) For member id 2, list the person`s name and the titles bo
3.d) Produce a list of book titles and member names for those books that have not been
eturned. (Hint: In this case you must give the criteria for dateReturned as null.)
Question 4 (20 marks): For this question, create a database called “University”. Then create the
following two tables Course and Department. The first few rows of Course and Department are:

Note that these two tables have the deptCode field in common.
- In Department table, deptCode is the primary key and is used to identify a specific department.
- In Course table, the deptCode field is a part of the primary key and indicates the department to
which the course belongs.
Now, write queries to the following question and show your screen shots from MS Access:
4.a) List all courses in Mathematics and English where the credit hours are greater than 1.
4.b) List all 3 and 6 credit hour courses that are not ACS courses.
4.c) List courses where the course description contains the word computer but where the course is
not offered by the Applied Computer Science department.
4.d) Create a query to list the department codes (with no duplicates) of departments that offer 6
credit hour courses.
4.e) For each department list the department code, the largest value for credit hours, and the
number of courses.
Question 5 (6 marks): Consider the two tables A and B below.
Table A Table B

5.a) How many rows are in the result if A and B are joined based on the attribute X?
5.b) How many rows are in the result if A and B are joined based on both attributes X and Y?
Question 6 (8 marks): Consider the following SQL statements for the Sales database, and show
how each statement would appear in Design View. You can confirm your result if you create a
query, switch to SQL View, type the query statement and then switch to Design View. Add your
screen shot as the answer for each question.


Question 7 (9 marks):
7.a) Define the following three terms: Weak Entities, Relationships and Composite Attributes
7.b) Consider your place of work. The Human Resources department in your company needs to
manage information about its employees.
- How many employee entities are there?
- What attributes describe these entities?
7.c) Consider your educational institution.
- What are some of the entity types that would be useful?
- What relationships exist that relate entity types to one another?
- What attributes would be useful to describe entities and relationships?
Question 8 (9 marks):
8.a) A college or university will keep track of several addresses for a student, but each of these
can be named differently: for example, consider that a student has a mailing address and a home
address. Create an ERD for a student entity type with two composite attributes for student
addresses where each comprises several single-valued attributes.
8.b) Consider a li
ary application that needs to keep track of books that have been bo
Suppose there is an entity type Loan that has attributes bookID, memberID, dateBo
owed and
dateDue. Suppose the due date is always 2 weeks after the bo
owed date. Show date due as a
derived attribute (computed from date bo
8.c) Map the following ERD to relations.

Question 9 (15 marks):
9.a) Consider a company that owns and operates parking lots. Draw an ER Diagram with two
entity types Parking Lot and Space and where:
- The address of a parking lot serves to identify the lot.
- Each space within a lot is rented at the same monthly rental charge.
- Each parking space is known by its number within the lot (within a lot these always start at 1).
- Each parking space is rented out to at most one vehicle. The vehicle’s identifier must be
ecorded. The identifier comprises a province code and license plate number.
9.b) Develop an ERD to keep track of information for an educational institution. Assume each
course is taught by one instructor, and an instructor could teach several courses. For each instructor
suppose we have a unique identifier, a first name, a last name, and a gender. Each course belongs
to exactly one department. Within a department courses are identified by a course number.
Departments are identified by a department code.
9.c) Develop an ERD to support the management of credit cards. Each credit card has a unique
number and has a customer associated with it. A customer may have several credit cards. The
customer has a first name, last name, and an address. Each time a customer uses a credit card we
must record the time, the date, the vendor, and the amount of money involved.
Answered 11 days After Sep 02, 2024


Shubham answered on Sep 13 2024
3 Votes
The project will include agile ensures close collaboration between development team and stakeholders. This will help in keeping the project on track and allows for quick adjustments that are requires. It is important for the strict 11-month deadline of project and complexity of integrating IoT and AI technologies. This also requires addressing privacy and security challenges. The flexibility of Agile will help to ensure that the project remains on schedule and in scope. This will also help in meeting unique requirements of Jane and Richard for smart and efficient motel.
Software Development Methodology
In the project, it is recommended to use Agile software development methodology. It focuses on flexibility, collaboration and iterative progress. Agile is suited to the development of smart motel system for Jane and Richard. It is because this allows the team to adapt the evolving requirements and feedback in the project lifecycle (Lukanova and Ilieva, 2019). In Agile, the project is divided in smaller and manageable iterations that is known as sprints. Every sprint focuses on delivering working component of system that can be demonstrated to stakeholders. The iterative approach is important for Jane and Richard as it will help to review and provide feedback on each feature. The feature includes mobile check-in system, AI virtual assistants and IoT integrations that will help in ensuring that final product aligns with the vision.
Budget and Time plan
The project budget is considered as $150,000 and the project will have period from January 15, 2024, to November 15, 2024. The estimated budget allocation includes:
1. Consulting Fee (Team Payment): $80,000
· This amount will be allocated to the student team working on the project.
2. IoT Devices & Hardware: $25,000
· Noise sensors, smoke detectors, motion detectors and smart locks for guest rooms.
3. Software & Licensing: $15,000
· Licensing fees for machine learning models, AI-based virtual assistants and mobile apps.
4. Cloud Infrastructure & Data Storage: $10,000
· This will be used for hosting guest data, managing analytics and integrating with AI and IoT systems.
5. Testing & Maintenance: $7,000
· Hardware and software testing, continuous improvements and updates during the development phase.
6. Security & Privacy: $8,000
· Measures to ensure secure data storage and requires measures with privacy regulations.
7. Miscellaneous: $5,000
· The costs like additional tools and third-party integrations.
Time Plan
The project will be including timeline with milestones set for 11 months:
1. January - March (Phase 1: Research & Planning)
· Team formation and initial meetings with Jane and Richard to understand the requirements.
· Budget finalization and purchasing of necessary hardware and software.
· Preliminary design of the smart motel system including IoT device layout and AI integration planning.
2. April - June (Phase 2: Development)
· Development and initial setup of key systems that includes AI chatbot, virtual assistants and IoT devices.
· Implementation of machine learning algorithms for guest preference analysis and predictive demand forecasting.
3. July - August (Phase 3: Testing & Security Integration)
· Testing of hardware and software components including smart devices and mobile apps.
· This focus on security challenges, data encryption and compliance with privacy regulations.
· It ensures refinement of systems based on feedback from initial trials.
4. September - October (Phase 4: Final Integration & Training)
· Full integration of AI, IoT and cloud systems for ensuring compatibility and performance.
· Training staff of Jane and Richard on the way to use smart motel technology and platforms.
5. November (Phase 5: Handover & Launch Preparation)
· Final testing, debugging and handover of the completed project to Jane and Richard.
· This includes providing assistance with soft launch of motel.
IOT Technology and challenges
The Internet of Things is the network of interconnected devices that can collect, exchange and act on data through the internet. In the case of motel of Jane and Richard, IoT devices like noise sensors, smoke detectors, motion detectors and smart locks will automate guest experiences and improve operational efficiency. The smart lock can enable keyless entry and motion detectors that can enhance energy management. In integrating IoT into hospitality systems raises significant challenges in relation to data ethics, privacy and security.
Data Ethics
In IoT, the collection of guest data becomes easier and more extensive including personal information like room preferences, device usage and movement patterns. Ethical concerns rise while deciding that data should be collected, the way data can be used and the way to access the data (Naqvi et al. 2023). In monitoring guest activities for security, the system is requiring to avoid infringing on privacy rights. It is important to establish transparent data usage policies. This will ensure that guests are informed about the data that is being collected.
The massive amount of data that is generated by IoT devices can include privacy challenges. Devices like smart cameras and sensors are required to collect information and there is the risk of unintended surveillance. This can lead to guests to feel that privacy is compromised. In mitigation of the risks, data anonymization techniques can be used to ensure that personal information is not linked to individuals. This will ensure privacy policies that should comply with data protection laws like Australian Privacy Act and General Data Protection Regulation.
IoT devices are vulnerable to cyberattacks because of weak encryption and...

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