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Conduct a comparative analysis of different evaluation metrics for a classification problem. Use a dataset and demonstrate the application of at least three metrics. Submit your code AND a separate...

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Assessment 3: 3A and 3B Assessment type: Group project - Presentation and Report (2,000 words) Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is that students will learn about different topics relevant to data analytics by carrying out research and also by listening to presentations made by their peers. This assessment contributes to learning outcomes b, c and d Value: Total 60% (Presentation 25%, Report 35%) Due Date: Weeks 11 – 12 Assessment topic: Students to select a data source and suggest a topic of analysis for that data source. Tutors to approve the topic before students proceed with further data preparation and analytics Students will work in groups (minimum 3 and maximum 4 students in each group). The first step will be to identify a data set from one of the publicly available data sets and present the summary of some of target models in Descriptive and Predictive Analytic layers to the tutor for approval. Once approved by their tutor, they will further define the research questions and prepare the data using consolidation and reduction if needed. Next, they will select one of the analytical tools (e.g. Excel, Tableau, Rapid Miner) and apply analytical methods for generating novel findings and draw insights from this data set. These outcomes need to be presented using visualisation models and also need to be explained in a detailed report. Students will present their findings as a group during tutorial sessions in week 11 for a duration of 10-15 mins per group. Tutors will provide feedback on their findings and students will then need to update their findings to reflect this feedback in their group report. Submission of a group report will be due in Week 10. This will be 2,000 words report excluding references and executive summary
Answered 2 days After Sep 22, 2024


Bhaumik answered on Sep 25 2024
3 Votes
A Comparative Analysis of Evaluation Metrics for Classification Models
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Classification problems are common in many domains, including spam detection and medical diagnosis. Assessing classification models is essential to comprehending how well they perform in practical settings. This analysis contrasts three essential assessment metrics for a classification model: F1-Score, Accuracy, Precision/Recall, and ROC AUC. A Logistic Regression model is trained and tested using the Breast Cancer dataset, and we compared the efficacy of each metric.
· Data Modeling
The target variable indicates whether the tumor is malignant or benign. The Breast Cancer Dataset from Scikit-learn has 30 features that reflect different aspects of cancerous tumors. 30% of the data were reserved for testing and 70% were used to train the popular binary classification model, logistic regression.
· Evaluation Metrics
1. Accuracy: The proportion of actual results—true positives and true negatives—among all the instances that were looked at. Although it is simple to understand, when there is an imbalance in the classes, it may be deceptive (Taha & Hanbury, 2015).
2. Precision and Recall: The percentage of true positives among all positive forecasts is known as...

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