• Convert-float-to-string-in-C++
    Anushka Gupta
    In computer programming, we frequently require changing one data type to another. We might need to convert a floating-point value to a string in C++ at some time. This may be helpful in a number of circumstances, which includes formatting output or saving data to a file. The several methods
  • uppercase to lowercase in c++
    Navneet Yadav
    The “tolower()” function in C++ is used to convert uppercase characters to lowercase mostly, and works only for ASCII characters. It is commonly used by looping through each character in a string and using the function to change each character to lowercase. The modified characters can be stored in a
  • convert string to integer in javascript
    Priyanshu Priyam
    String and integer are two important data types in JavaScript that are widely used in programming. Strings are character sequences surrounded by quotes (either single or double quotes).You can build more effective and efficient code by being aware of the various JavaScript conversion techniques for strings to integers. A common
  • uppercase to lowercase in python
    Adrija Guha
    Upper case refers to capital letters whereas lower case refers to small hand or cursive writing. The case of the text is very important as it might be used to show tone and emphasis. But not every time we prefer emphasis and not everything is equally important in a piece
  • convert binary to decimal in javascript
    Priyanshu Priyam
    Binary numbers are commonly encountered in the realm of computer programming. A binary number is a number expressed in the base-2 numeral system, which uses only two symbols, typically 0 and 1, to represent any value. To express these decimal numbers, which use the base-10 numeral system, we frequently need
  • string to double in c sharp
    Neathra Saravanan
    It is common to come across a situation where numerical data is stored as a string in C# programming, as strings are flexible and can hold different types of data, including numerical data. However, for doing mathematical operations, it is necessary to store it as a numeric data type, such
  • convert string to float in c++
    Manish Jain
    The string is a primitive data type, mainly used to take the user input or store the data consisting of multiple characters. Strings are one of the most commonly used data types by programmers. But, sometimes they have to be converted into a float as per the requirements of the
  • convert character to integer in java
    Balaraj Gulabal
    A character can be termed as a single letter, digit, or symbol that can be represented by a single byte of data. Characters are commonly used to represent text in a program. While an integer is a whole number without a decimal point which in programming languages can be represented
  • string to lowercase in java
    Balaraj Gulabal
    A string can be defined as a sequence of characters that are used to represent text data. The characters can either be in the form of  letters, numbers, symbols or any other characters that can be typed on a keyboard. Lowercase refers to the letters that are written in small
  • string to integer in c++
    Purva Nagrale
    Different data types are used in programming for various purposes, and sometimes it is necessary to convert one type of data to another. One such conversion that programmers often encounter is converting a string to an integer. Strings are a sequence of characters, whereas integers are whole numbers. This article