• lowercase string in javascript
    Priyanshu Priyam
    In order to design interactive and dynamic user interfaces for websites, a lot of programmers employ JavaScript. A string is a data type that is used to represent text rather than integers. It is possible for a string to contain the following things like letters, numbers, symbols, and even spaces.
  • convert set to vector in c++
    Navneet Yadav
    C++ set is a container that stores unique elements in a specific order with O(log n) time complexity for operations. A C++ vector is a dynamic array that adjusts its size as new elements are added or removed, stored in contiguous memory locations. To use a vector, include the <vector>
  • convert string to lowercase in c++
    Navneet Yadav
    In C++, a string is a sequence of characters stored in memory that represents textual data. It is a data type that is a component of the STL and offers a practical way to work with text data. A string is an object that has a variety of member functions
  • convert double to string in c++
    Amisha Sharma
    In C++, a double data type is used to store decimal values. However, sometimes it may be necessary to convert a double value to a string for various purposes like printing, storing or displaying the value. In C++, there are multiple approaches to convert a double to a string. Each
  • convert string to-double-in-c++
    Anushka Gupta
    A string is an object of the std::string class in the C++ programming language. It is a collection of characters. Contrarily, a double data type is used to represent decimal numbers with a wider range of values and more accuracy. In some C++ applications, you might need to convert a
  • convert vector to set in c++
    Shushank Gautam
    Converting a vector to a set in C++ is helpful when you want to get rid of duplicate elements in a group of items. Vectors are arrays that can have many elements of the same type, while sets are containers that only hold unique elements in a particular sequence. To
  • convert string to number in c
    Purva Nagrale
    In programming, there are many instances where you need to convert strings to numbers.Operating systems, embedded devices, and other applications can all be created using the well-liked programming language C. While dealing with user input or data from files, you may often encounter string data that needs to be converted
  • uppercase to lowercase in r
    Balaraj Gulabal
    Uppercase and lowercase in alphabets refer to the different forms of alphabetic characters in which uppercase are capitalized letters and lowercase are the small letters. We need to convert uppercase to lowercase for consistency and standardization in text analysis or data processing tasks, as uppercase and lowercase forms of the
  • numeric to integer in r
    Karthi Mohan
    The fundamental data types in R programming are numbers and integers. Integer data types represent entire integers without a fractional component, whereas numeric data types represent actual numbers. While having similar characteristics, these data types have unique characteristics and functions. In some circumstances, changing numeric data types to integer data
  • string to number in python
    Juita Raut
    Converting from one data type to another data type is known as type conversion. In Python, there are two ways to do the conversion, Implicit and Explicit. In implicit type conversion, it takes place during compilation or runtime. It is also known as automatic type conversion which a Python interpreter