• map to json object
    Navneet Yadav
    The process of converting a Java Map data structure to a JSON object format is known as Java Map to JSON Object Conversion. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a simple data exchange format that is simple for machines to parse and generate as well as for humans to read and
  • sort numbers in python
    Balaraj Gulabal
    In Python, sorting numbers entails putting a set of numeric values in ascending or descending order. Python includes a variety of built-in functions and techniques for sorting numerical lists, including sorted(), list.sort(), and numpy.sort(). Sorting may be tweaked by specifying extra arguments such as reverse=True for descending order and key
  • string to char in c plus plus
    Rakesh Verma
    In C++ programming, a string is a form of data that is used to represent text rather than integers. Letters, numbers, symbols, and even spaces can all be found in a string, which are a collection of characters. The object of the class std::string known as string represents a sequence
  • Convert Number To String In Java
    Navneet Yadav
    In Java programming, the process of converting a number to a string is like what we need to do to change a numerical value, such as an int, double, or long, into a string of characters. While converting a number to a string, such as a numerical value of 10
  • Arraylist To Array In Java
    Amisha Sharma
    Arrays and ArrayLists are data structures used for storing collections of elements in Java. Arrays have a fixed size and lack many of the useful methods and functions found in ArrayLists, while ArrayLists are dynamic and can be expanded or contracted as needed. To take advantage of the ArrayList’s additional
  • string to map in java
    Amisha Sharma
    In Java, converting a string to a map refers to the process of creating a map data structure from a string that contains key-value pairs. A map is a collection of key-value pairs, where each key maps to a corresponding value. To convert a string to a map, we need
  • lowercase to uppercas in c++
    Anushka Gupta
    In computer programming, lower and upper case characters are two types of characters commonly used to depict alphabets and sometimes other symbols and numbers. Lowercase characters are letters that are usually written in a smaller size and are used by programmers to represent variables, function names and other identifiers. Example:
  • convert octal to decimal-in python
    Rakesh Verma
    An octal number is a kind of computer number system which is represented by  0 to 7 numbers whose base is 8. This number system allows only 0 to 7 numbers in its representation due to base 8. It means it does not allow a greater value of 7 in
  • convert octal to decimal in java
    Manish Jain
    Octal and decimal are two different number systems used in programming. Octal is a base-8 number system, which uses only 8 digits (0-7) to represent numbers. Decimal, on the other hand, is a base-10 number system that uses 10 digits (0-9) to represent numbers. When working with code that uses
  • lowercase to uppercase in java
    Manish Jain
    Many times programmers have to convert data given by users to be converted into uppercase to avoid language-related confusion. Some keywords in SQL and other languages are recognized in lowercase. To avoid confusion with keywords, data is taken in uppercase. Hence, to convert lowercase to uppercase in programming, you need