• binary to octal in c
    Rakesh Verma
    In the computer, we can express numbers using a number system, which is a method or a system of writing. It is a type of mathematical notation used to logically express numbers from a specified set using digits or other symbols. We can uniquely represent each number thanks to the
  • convert lowercase to uppercase in python
    Vikas Panwar
    Python is a widely recognized  programming language. This language proves to be exceptionally efficacious for a range of programming tasks such as data analysis, web development, and automation. A typical yet essential programming task entails the transformation of string case, whether it be from lowercase to uppercase or vice versa.
  • json to list in java
    Vikas Panwar
    The realm of software development often requires the metamorphosis of data from one form to another. One routine yet imperative task is the conversion of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data into a list configuration in the Java programming language. JSON, a streamlined data interchange format, is facile to peruse and
  • list to json object in java
    Vikas Panwar
    In the current epoch of software development, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has burgeoned as the most widespread data exchange format owing to its lithe, uncomplicated, and human-readable syntax. Additionally, Java has established a firm footing in software development, and it offers built-in libraries that underpin JSON serialization and deserialization. Notably,
  • list to object in java
    Balaraj Gulabal
    Converting a list to an object entails converting a set of values into an instance of a certain object type. This method may be used to encapsulate related data and functionality, making it easier to manage and control. The programming language and object-oriented paradigm employed may influence the specific implementation.
  • Manjeet Dayal
    Converting a map to a string in Java is a common task that developers often have to work on within their projects. This includes converting map key-value pairs to string format so that it is easily readable and transferrable.  This conversion can be accomplished using different methods, each having its
  • string to number in java
    Navneet Yadav
    In java string is a sequence of characters where a number is a numeric value, Conversion of a string to a number means that we need to take a string that represents a numeric value and convert it to its relative or corresponding numeric type in Java. For example,” suppose
  • string to jsonarray in java
    Neathra Saravanan
    JSON is a text-based data format for exchanging data over the internet. Converting a String representation of JSON data into a ‘JSONArray’ object is one of the common challenges.A JSONArray is a collection of JSON objects, which contain its own set of key-value pairs. Example [{"fruit":"apple ","cost":90},{"fruit":" orange","cost":70}] It is
  • sort string array in java
    Balaraj Gulabal
    String sorting in Java is a typical job in many computer languages. String sorting is the process of putting a group of strings in a certain order, such as alphabetical or lexicographic order. In Java, you may sort strings using the built-in sort() method from the Arrays class or the
  • json to map in java
    Manjeet Dayal
    In the Java programming language, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a widely used format for exchanging data between systems. It provides an easy way to represent complex data structures in a simple and human-readable format. Converting JSON to a Map is a common requirement when working with JSON data in