How To Sort A String In Python

Sorting a string alphabetically is a quintessential task that is ubiquitous in the domain of programming, particularly in the realm of data processing and analysis, wherein sorting a litany of words or strings in alphabetical order can facilitate the facile search for specific items, enable the execution of computations, and furnish the data in an organized and perspicuous manner.

Moreover, the act of sorting a string assumes a critical juncture in a plethora of algorithms, including searching and matching algorithms. By way of illustration, sorting a list of strings can efficaciously compare two lists and identify shared elements. The role of sorting can further extend to the domains of data compression and cryptography, wherein the sorting of characters or bits assumes an indispensable and non-negotiable step.

Python, being a preeminent programming language, offers a myriad of approaches to sort a string alphabetically, with each approach featuring its own unique advantages and disadvantages. Possessing the ability to sort a string in Python is an imperative skill for programmers that can streamline data processing, rendering it more efficient and precise.

The purpose of this blog post is to expound on five diverse approaches that Python offers for sorting a string, providing an extensive set of examples that will help you comprehend the manifold ways in which each approach can be implemented.

Why is sorting a string in python is needed?

Sorting a string in Python is an immensely powerful tool, which can be efficaciously harnessed in a plethora of diverse scenarios. Let us delve into some examples that will assist in elucidating the virtuosity of this command.

  1. Alphabetizing strings: One potential application of string sorting is alphabetizing strings. If you happen to have an assemblage of strings that necessitates the imposition of some order, sorting them using Python can be an eminently feasible solution. To illustrate, if you possess a catalog of names, you may desire to sort them alphabetically, thereby facilitating the management of this information.
  2. Checking if two strings are anagrams: string sorting can prove to be of invaluable assistance is in verifying if two strings are anagrams. Anagrams are terms or phrases that can be fashioned by permuting the letters of another word or phrase. If you sort two strings, and they are indistinguishable from each other, they are, indeed, anagrams. String sorting can be an incredibly facile method to detect anagrams in Python.
  3. Finding the longest common substring: String sorting can also be efficaciously employed in identifying the longest common substring between two strings. While assessing two strings, you might aspire to detect the longest string of characters that both of them share. Sorting the strings and performing a character-by-character comparison can be a highly effective approach to accomplish this task. This procedure can facilitate the process of matching patterns or sequences in textual data, thereby contributing to more comprehensive analysis.
  4. Removing duplicates: String sorting can also be harnessed to remove duplicates from a list of strings. When dealing with a catalog of strings that entails several duplicates, sorting the list can aid in the identification and removal of these redundancies. This process can facilitate data cleaning and enhance data quality.

In conclusion, sorting a string in Python is an immensely resourceful tool for manipulating and analyzing textual data. Its versatility, when applied judiciously, can lead to novel insights and discoveries, thereby aiding in more comprehensive analysis.

How to sort a string alphabetically in Python

here are five different approaches to sort a string in Python with detailed solution steps, code, and output for each approach:

  1. Using the sorted() Function: The sorted() function can be used to sort the characters in a string alphabetically.
  1. Using the sort() Method: The sort() method can be used to sort a list of characters in place, which will sort the original string.
  1. Using the join() and sorted() Functions: The join() and sorted() functions can be used together to sort a string alphabetically.
  1. Using the join() and sort() Methods: The join() and sort() methods can also be used together to sort a string alphabetically.
  1. Using the lambda Function and the sorted() Function: The lambda function can be used with the sorted() function to sort a string by a specific key.

Let’s dive in more with examples to each approach.

Approach 1: Using the sorted() Function

  1. Best suited for sorting a string that contains only characters.
  2. Can sort the string in reverse order by setting the reverse parameter to True.

Here is the solution approach:

  1. Convert the string into a list of characters using the list() function.
  2. Use the sorted() function to sort the list of characters.
  3. Convert the sorted list of characters back to a string using the join() function.


# Step 1
string = "python"
char_list = list(string)

# Step 2
sorted_list = sorted(char_list)

# Step 3
sorted_string = "".join(sorted_list)



Approach 2: Using the sort() Method

  1. Best suited for sorting a string that has been converted to a list of characters.
  2. Sorts the list in place, so it modifies the original list.

Here is the solution approach:

  1. Convert the string into a list of characters using the list() function.
  2. Use the sort() method to sort the list of characters in place.
  3. Convert the sorted list of characters back to a string using the join() function.


# Step 1
string = "python"
char_list = list(string)

# Step 2

# Step 3
sorted_string = "".join(char_list)



Approach 3: Using the join() and sorted() Functions

  1. Best suited for sorting a string that contains only characters.
  2. Can be used to sort a string in descending order by using the reverse parameter.

Here is the solution approach:

  1. Use the sorted() function to sort the characters in the string.
  2. Use the join() function to join the sorted characters back into a string.


# Step 1
string = "python"
sorted_chars = sorted(string)

# Step 2
sorted_string = "".join(sorted_chars)



Approach 4: Using the join() and sort() Methods

  1. Best suited for sorting a string that has been converted to a list of characters.
  2. Sorts the list in place, so it modifies the original list.
  1. Convert the string into a list of characters using the list() function.
  2. Use the sort() method to sort the list of characters in place.
  3. Convert the sorted list of characters back to a string using the join() method.

Here is an example to demonstrate the steps:


# Step 1
string = "python"
char_list = list(string)

# Step 2

# Step 3
sorted_string = "".join(char_list)



Approach 5: Using the lambda Function and the sorted() Function

  1. Best suited for sorting a string by a specific key, such as the length of the strings in a list.

Here is the solution approach:

  1. Use the lambda function to define the key for sorting the string.
  2. Use the sorted() function with the lambda function to sort the string.
  3. Convert the sorted list of characters back to a string using the join() function.


# Step 1
string = "python"
sorted_chars = sorted(string, key=lambda x: x.lower())

# Step 2
sorted_string = "".join(sorted_chars)

# Step 3



Best Approach to sort a string in Python:

After undertaking a thorough examination of the use cases of each approach, we can discern that the most appropriate and exemplary method to sort a string in Python is the sorted() function. This particular method, we must emphasize, is the quintessential embodiment of efficiency, reliability, and ease of use, and is especially advantageous for sorting a string alphabetically.

One of the most preeminent features of the sorted() function is its extraordinary ability to manage strings of virtually any length, and is not limited to character strings alone. Furthermore, it can seamlessly sort a string in reverse order by configuring the reverse parameter to True, which exemplifies its adaptability and versatility, making it an all-inclusive approach suitable for a myriad of diverse use cases.

We must acknowledge, however, that it is of paramount importance to observe that the other approaches which we have previously discussed can also be of tremendous utility, particularly in specific use cases, such as when sorting by a particular key or when working with a list of characters that require modification in place. As with any programming task, the most fitting approach is contingent upon the specific use case and the personal preferences of the programmer.

Sample Problems to sort a string alphabetically in Python:

Sample Problem 1:

Sort the characters in the string “hello world” alphabetically.


  1. Define the string to be sorted.
  2. Use the sorted() function to sort the string.
  3. Convert the sorted list of characters back to a string using the join() function.


# Step 1
string = "hello world"

# Step 2
sorted_chars = sorted(string)

# Step 3
sorted_string = "".join(sorted_chars)




Sample Problem 2:

Sort the characters in the string “foobar” alphabetically.


  1. Define the string to be sorted as a list of characters.
  2. Use the sort() method to sort the list in place.
  3. Convert the sorted list of characters back to a string using the join() function.


# Step 1
string = "foobar"
chars = list(string)

# Step 2

# Step 3
sorted_string = "".join(chars)




Sample Problem 3:

Sort the characters in the string “Python is a popular programming language” alphabetically.


  1. Define the string to be sorted.
  2. Use the sorted() function to sort the string.
  3. Convert the sorted list of characters back to a string using the join() function.


# Step 1
string = "Python is a popular programming language"

# Step 2
sorted_chars = sorted(string)

# Step 3
sorted_string = "".join(sorted_chars)




Sample Problem 4:

Sort the characters of a string in reverse order.


  1. Define the string to be sorted as a list of characters.
  2. Use the sort() method with the reverse parameter set to True to sort the list in reverse order.

Convert the sorted list of characters back to a string using the join() method.


# Step 1
string = "hello world"
chars = list(string)

# Step 2

# Step 3
sorted_string = "".join(chars)



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Sample Problem 5:

Sort a string by the length of its words in ascending order.


  1. Define the string to be sorted.
  2. Use the split() method to split the string into a list of words.
  3. Use the lambda function to create a key for sorting based on the length of the words.
  4. Use the sorted() function with the lambda function as the key to sort the list of words in ascending order of length.
  5. Convert the sorted list of words back to a string using the join() method.


# Step 1
string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

# Step 2
words = string.split()

# Step 3
key = lambda word: len(word)

# Step 4
sorted_words = sorted(words, key=key)

# Step 5
sorted_string = " ".join(sorted_words)



The fox the over brown quick jumps lazy dog


In the realm of programming, sorting a string alphabetically is a pervasive task that programmers frequently encounter. Fortunately, Python furnishes a multitude of approaches to achieve this aim. In this particular blog post, we will delve into five divergent approaches that Python provides for sorting strings. These approaches encompass the sorted() function, sort() method, join() and sorted() functions, join() and sort() methods, as well as the lambda function and sorted() function.

Each of these aforementioned approaches proffers its own singular advantages and disadvantages, making it challenging to determine the best approach in any given situation. However, after a thorough evaluation of all the approaches, we have reached the conclusion that the sorted() function is the most efficient, simple, and reliable means of sorting a string alphabetically in Python.

It is crucial to note that sorting a string alphabetically not only pertains to strings but can be expanded to other iterable objects in Python, such as lists and tuples. Acquiring the knowledge of how to sort a string or any other iterable object alphabetically is an indispensable skill for any Python programmer.

In conclusion, we sincerely hope that this blog post has aided you in comprehending the various approaches to sort a string in Python, and has equipped you with the proficiency to select the optimal approach for your specific use case.