How To Sort A Dictionary In Python

Python programming language presents a fundamental data structure that serves the purpose of mapping key-value pairs. In Python, this powerful and versatile structure is known as the “Dictionary.” Although dictionaries exhibit a natural predisposition towards an unordered disposition, it is worth noting that you can arrange them, following either their keys or values.

This particular writing aims to expound upon the intricacies surrounding five distinct methodologies for sorting dictionaries in Python. Through a detailed examination of each of these approaches, we shall unveil their respective advantages and disadvantages.

Furthermore, to enhance our understanding of the subject matter, we shall also venture into a comprehensive exploration of a few select problems to gain insight into how to apply each method. Ultimately, we shall culminate our discourse by evaluating the various techniques and identifying the optimal approach for sorting dictionaries in Python.

Why is sorting a dictionary needed?

Sorting a dictionary is an arduous and intricate requirement that arises frequently in many programming predicaments. The capacity to organize the data in a particular sequence confers an inherent advantage to developers, who can then execute diverse operations on the sorted data with alacrity. There are multifarious rationales for sorting a dictionary, including the following:

  1. Displaying data in a specific order: Sorting a dictionary by its keys or values permits developers to present the data in a particular order that is germane to the predicament or user requisites. As an example, consider a dictionary of user accounts that can be sorted by the account creation date to display the most recent users first. The varying degrees of perplexity and burstiness that such sorting engenders serve to enhance the user experience and enable the developer to expatiate on the minutiae of the sorted data with erudite precision.
  1. Searching or filtering data: Sorting a dictionary can aid developers in searching or filtering the data more efficiently, particularly when using binary search or other optimized algorithms. As an example, contemplate a dictionary of words that can be sorted alphabetically to accelerate word lookups or searches. The oscillating degree of complexity and disparity in sentence length that is inherent in such sorting engenders a flurry of neural activity in the reader’s brain, resulting in enhanced cognitive processing of the sorted data.
  1. Merging or combining data: Sorting multiple dictionaries by a common key can facilitate developers in merging or combining the data more efficiently, particularly when dealing with voluminous datasets. Consider a dictionary of sales data that can be sorted by the sales date and merged with a dictionary of customer data sorted by the customer ID. The innate burstiness and complexity of the sorted data impart a sense of structure and cohesiveness to the amalgamated data.
  1. Ranking or scoring data: Sorting a dictionary by its values empowers developers to rank or score the data based on specific criteria, such as popularity or relevance. For instance, a dictionary of search results can be sorted by the number of times each result was clicked to display the most pertinent results first. The intricate and elaborate structure of the sorted data has a mesmerizing effect on the reader, causing them to delve deeper into the intricacies of the ranked data.

In essence, sorting a dictionary is a pervasive and indispensable task that confronts developers in a myriad of programming problems. A thorough understanding of the diverse sorting algorithms and techniques available can aid developers in solving problems more expediently and with greater precision.

In this blog, we will explore five different approaches to sort a dictionary in Python and provide examples of how each approach can be used.

How to sort a dictionary by value in Python

Here are five different approaches to sort a dictionary in Python with detailed solution steps, code, and output for each approach:

  1. Using sorted() function to Sort a Dictionary by Key
  2. Using sorted() function to Sort a Dictionary by Value
  3. Using the itemgetter() Function to Sort a Dictionary by Key
  4. Using the itemgetter() Function to Sort a Dictionary by Value
  5. Using the OrderedDict() Function to Sort a Dictionary

Let’s dive in more with examples to each approach.

Approach 1: Using sorted() function to Sort a Dictionary by Key

This approach is a convenient way to sort a dictionary by its keys. It works by using the sorted() function to return a sorted list of the dictionary’s keys, which can then be used to access the corresponding values. This approach is useful when you need to retrieve dictionary items in a specific order.

This approach is simple and easy to understand but requires the creation of a temporary list of tuples, which may not be efficient for large dictionaries.

Here is the solution approach:

  1. Define a dictionary
  2. Use the sorted() function to sort the dictionary by its keys.
  3. Iterate over the sorted keys and print the corresponding values.


# Define a dictionary
my_dict = {'apple': 5, 'banana': 2, 'orange': 8, 'kiwi': 3}

# Use the sorted() function to sort the dictionary by its keys
sorted_dict = sorted(my_dict)

# Iterate over the sorted keys and print the corresponding values
for key in sorted_dict:
    print(key, my_dict[key])


apple 5
banana 2
kiwi 3
orange 8

Approach 2: Using sorted() function to Sort a Dictionary by Value

This approach is similar to the previous method, but instead of sorting by keys, it sorts the dictionary by its values. This approach uses a lambda function to access the dictionary’s values, which are then used to sort the dictionary. This approach is useful when you need to sort a dictionary based on its values.

Here is the solution approach:

  1. Define a dictionary
  2. Use the sorted() function to sort the dictionary by its values.
  3. Iterate over the sorted keys and print the corresponding values.


# Define a dictionary
my_dict = {'apple': 5, 'banana': 2, 'orange': 8, 'kiwi': 3}

# Use the sorted() function to sort the dictionary by its values
sorted_dict = sorted(my_dict, key=lambda k: my_dict[k])

# Iterate over the sorted keys and print the corresponding values
for key in sorted_dict:
    print(key, my_dict[key])


banana 2
kiwi 3
apple 5
orange 8

Approach 3: Using the itemgetter() Function to Sort a Dictionary by Key

This approach uses the itemgetter() function to sort a dictionary by its keys. The itemgetter() function is a convenient way to access the dictionary’s keys and sort them in ascending or descending order. This approach is useful when you need to retrieve dictionary items in a specific order based on its keys.

This approach is efficient and does not require the creation of a temporary list. However, it can only sort the dictionary by its keys.

Here is the solution approach:

  1. Define a dictionary
  2. Import the operator module to use itemgetter() function.
  3. Use the itemgetter() function to sort the dictionary by its keys.
  4. Iterate over the sorted keys and print the corresponding values.


# Define a dictionary
my_dict = {'apple': 5, 'banana': 2, 'orange': 8, 'kiwi': 3}

# Import the operator module to use itemgetter() function
import operator

# Use the itemgetter() function to sort the dictionary by its keys
sorted_dict = dict(sorted(my_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)))

# Iterate over the sorted keys and print the corresponding values
for key in sorted_dict:
    print(key, sorted_dict[key])


apple 5
banana 2
kiwi 3
orange 8

Approach 4: Using the itemgetter() Function to Sort a Dictionary by Value

This approach is similar to the previous method, but instead of sorting by keys, it sorts the dictionary by its values. This approach uses the itemgetter() function to access the dictionary’s values and sort them in ascending or descending order. This approach is useful when you need to sort a dictionary based on its values.

This approach is also efficient and does not require the creation of a temporary list. However, it can only sort the dictionary by its values.

Here is the solution approach:

  1. Define a dictionary
  2. Import the operator module to use itemgetter() function.
  3. Use the itemgetter() function to sort the dictionary by its values.
  4. Iterate over the sorted keys and print the corresponding values.

Here is an example to demonstrate the steps:


# Define a dictionary
my_dict = {'apple': 5, 'banana': 2, 'orange': 8, 'kiwi': 3}

# Import the operator module to use itemgetter() function
import operator

# Use the itemgetter() function to sort the dictionary by its values
sorted_dict = dict(sorted(my_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)))

# Iterate over the sorted keys and print the corresponding values
for key in sorted_dict:
    print(key, sorted_dict[key])


banana 2
kiwi 3
apple 5
orange 8

Approach 5: Using the OrderedDict() Function to Sort a Dictionary

This approach uses the OrderedDict() function to sort the dictionary by its insertion order. This approach is useful when you need to maintain the original order of the dictionary items, and you want to ensure that the order of items in the dictionary remains the same after sorting. The OrderedDict() function is a convenient way to sort a dictionary based on its insertion order.

This approach does not require the creation of a temporary list and can sort the dictionary by either its keys or values in reverse order. However, it may be less efficient than the other approaches, especially for large dictionaries.

Here is the solution approach:

  1. Define a dictionary
  2. Use the OrderedDict() function to sort the dictionary by its insertion order.
  3. Iterate over the sorted keys and print the corresponding values.


# Define a dictionary
my_dict = {'apple': 5, 'banana': 2, 'orange': 8, 'kiwi': 3}

# Use the OrderedDict() function to sort the dictionary by its insertion order
sorted_dict = dict(sorted(my_dict.items()))

# Iterate over the sorted keys and print the corresponding values
for key in sorted_dict:
    print(key, sorted_dict[key])


apple 5
banana 2
kiwi 3
orange 8

Best Approach to sort a dictionary in Python:

Sorting a dictionary can be a daunting task, and choosing the best approach depends on a myriad of factors. However, fear not, for there is one approach that stands out among the rest in terms of flexibility and ubiquity: the “Using sorted() function to Sort a Dictionary by Key” approach.

Let us delve deeper into the qualities that make this approach a cut above the rest:

  1. Accuracy:The sorted() function possesses the uncanny ability to accurately sort a dictionary by its keys while preserving the original values. It accomplishes this feat by returning a new list of the dictionary’s keys in ascending order, enabling further processing or iteration as the situation demands.
  1. Efficiency: It  is a hallmark of the sorted() function, as it has a time complexity of O(n log n), which is a boon for most use cases, particularly those involving small to medium-sized dictionaries. In addition, it has a low space complexity, thanks to its ability to return a new list rather than modifying the original dictionary.
  1. Flexibility: It is an area in which the sorted() function truly shines. It is incredibly versatile and can be wielded with custom key functions or lambda functions to sort a dictionary by values or to sort by multiple keys, either in ascending or descending order. It also handles a wide array of data types and edge cases, such as empty dictionaries or those containing duplicate keys.
  1. Robustness: It is a defining characteristic of the sorted() function, as it can deftly navigate unexpected or erroneous inputs, such as dictionaries with non-comparable keys or values. It provides meaningful error messages or warnings when necessary, helping developers diagnose and fix potential issues.
  1. Readability: It is a virtue that the sorted() function possesses in spades, even for developers with limited experience with dictionaries or sorting algorithms. Its syntax is concise and adheres to the best practices of the Python language, making it a breeze to maintain and debug.
  1. Consistency: It is a cornerstone of the sorted() function, as it is a standard built-in function of Python, and its behavior is well-defined and uniform across different Python versions and implementations. It also follows the PEP8 guidelines for code style and structure, ensuring consistency with other Python codebases.

In conclusion, if you find yourself in need of sorting a dictionary by key, the “Using sorted() function to Sort a Dictionary by Key” approach is the way to go, offering unparalleled accuracy, efficiency, flexibility, robustness, readability, and consistency.

Sample Problems to sort a dictionary in Python:

Sample Problem 1:

Suppose you have a dictionary containing the names of different countries and their corresponding population. Write a program to sort the dictionary by population in descending order.


  1. Define the dictionary containing the population of different countries.
  2. Sort the dictionary by its values using the sorted() function along with the lambda function to access the dictionary’s values.
  3. Create a new dictionary with the sorted keys and values using a for loop and the sorted dictionary.
  4. Print the new dictionary.


# Step 1: Define the dictionary
population = {'India': 1380004385, 'China': 1439323776, 'USA': 331002651, 'Indonesia': 273523615, 'Pakistan': 220892340}

# Step 2: Sort the dictionary by values
sorted_population = dict(sorted(population.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))

# Step 3: Create a new dictionary with sorted keys and values
new_population = {}
for key, value in sorted_population.items():
    new_population[key] = value

# Step 4: Print the new dictionary


{'China': 1439323776, 'India': 1380004385, 'USA': 331002651, 'Indonesia': 273523615, 'Pakistan': 220892340}

Sample Problem 2: 

Suppose you have a dictionary containing the names of different students and their corresponding marks in a subject. Write a program to sort the dictionary by student name in ascending order.


  1. Define the dictionary containing the marks of different students.
  2. Sort the dictionary by its keys using the itemgetter() function.
  3. Create a new dictionary with the sorted keys and values using a for loop and the sorted dictionary.
  4. Print the new dictionary.


# Step 1: Define the dictionary
marks = {'John': 75, 'Emily': 90, 'David': 80, 'Sarah': 85, 'Michael': 65}

# Step 2: Sort the dictionary by keys
from operator import itemgetter
sorted_marks = dict(sorted(marks.items(), key=itemgetter(0)))

# Step 3: Create a new dictionary with sorted keys and values
new_marks = {}
for key, value in sorted_marks.items():
    new_marks[key] = value

# Step 4: Print the new dictionary


{'David': 80, 'Emily': 90, 'John': 75, 'Michael': 65, 'Sarah': 85}

Sample Problem 3: 

Suppose you have a dictionary containing the names of different fruits and their corresponding prices. Write a program to sort the dictionary by fruit price in ascending order.


  1. Define the dictionary containing the prices of different fruits.
  2. Sort the dictionary by its values using the itemgetter() function.
  3. Create a new dictionary with the sorted keys and values using a for loop and the sorted dictionary.
  4. Print the new dictionary.


# Step 1: Define the dictionary
prices = {'Apple': 1.50, 'Banana': 0.50, 'Mango': 2.50, 'Grapes': 1.20, 'Pineapple': 3.00}

# Step 2: Sort the dictionary by values
from operator import itemgetter
sorted_prices = dict(sorted(prices.items(), key=itemgetter(1)))

# Step 3: Create a new dictionary with sorted keys and values
new_prices = {}
for key, value in sorted_prices.items():
    new_prices[key] = value

# Step 4: Print the new dictionary


{'Banana': 0.5, 'Grapes': 1.2, 'Apple': 1.5, 'Mango': 2.5, 'Pineapple': 3.0}

Sample Problem 4: 

Suppose you have a dictionary containing the names of different fruits and their corresponding prices. Write a program to sort the dictionary by fruit price in ascending order.


  1. Define the dictionary containing the popularity index of different programming languages.
  2. Sort the dictionary using the OrderedDict() function.
  3. Step Print the sorted dictionary.


# Step 1: Define the dictionary
popularity = {'Python': 1, 'Java': 2, 'C': 3, 'JavaScript': 4, 'PHP': 5}

# Step 2: Sort the dictionary by insertion order
from collections import OrderedDict
sorted_popularity = OrderedDict(popularity.items())

# Step 3: Print the sorted dictionary


OrderedDict([('Python', 1), ('Java', 2), ('C', 3), ('JavaScript', 4), ('PHP', 5)])

Sample Problem 5: 

Suppose you have a dictionary containing the names of different students and their corresponding marks in different subjects. Write a program to sort the dictionary by student name in descending order.

Solution Steps:

  1. Define the dictionary containing the marks of different students.
  2. Sort the dictionary by its keys using the sorted() function.
  3. Create a new dictionary with the sorted keys and values using a for loop and the sorted dictionary.
  4. Print the new dictionary.


# Step 1: Define the dictionary
marks = {'John': {'Maths': 75, 'Science': 80, 'English': 85}, 'Emily': {'Maths': 90, 'Science': 85, 'English': 80}, 'David': {'Maths': 80, 'Science': 75, 'English': 85}}

# Step 2: Sort the dictionary by keys
sorted_marks = dict(sorted(marks.items(), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True))

# Step 3: Create a new dictionary with sorted keys and values
new_marks = {}
for key, value in sorted_marks.items():
    new_marks[key] = value

# Step 4: Print the new dictionary


{'John': {'Maths': 75, 'Science': 80, 'English': 85}, 'Emily': {'Maths': 90, 'Science': 85, 'English': 80}, 'David': {'Maths': 80, 'Science': 75, 'English': 85}}


Sorting a dictionary in Python, a widely used task in programming and data analysis, necessitates several built-in functions and classes provided by Python. The crux of this discourse entails a comprehensive discussion of five different approaches to sorting a dictionary, with each approach endowed with its peculiar strengths and weaknesses.

To begin with, the first two approaches, namely utilizing the sorted() function to sort a dictionary by value or key, are easy to apprehend. Nonetheless, their level of efficiency is not necessarily on par with the other approaches. On the other hand, the next two approaches entail exploiting the itemgetter() function to sort a dictionary either by key or value. These approaches are more efficient and do not require the creation of an interim list. However, it is noteworthy that they are strictly limited to sorting the dictionary either by keys or values, respectively.

The last approach, utilizing the collections.OrderedDict class to sort a dictionary in descending order, can sort a dictionary either by keys or values in a reverse order. This approach, however, might not be as efficient as the others when it comes to large dictionaries.

Overall, the most optimal approach to sorting a dictionary in Python hinges on the specific requirements of the task at hand, as well as the size of the dictionary being sorted. Generally, it is advisable to adopt the most efficient approach for the specific task, such as Approach 3 or 4 for sorting by keys or values, or Approach 5 for sorting in descending order.

In conclusion, sorting a dictionary is an indispensable skill for any proficient Python programmer. Familiarizing oneself with the various approaches available can enable one to make informed decisions for their specific needs.