How To Convert Variable To String In Python

In Python, users may work with several data types. A variable is a crucial component that stores different forms of data and takes part in the manipulation of data. Some cases may arise when there is a need to convert a variable to a string when working with data output and modification.

Python consists of multiple methods for solving problems i.e. how to convert variables to strings in python, which is a common activity. Python incorporates techniques like built-in functions such as str(), string formatting techniques like f-strings, the format() method, and the % operator.

Need to convert a variable to a string in python

In many instances, it is important to convert a variable in Python to a string. The following are a few typical justifications for changing variables to strings:

1. Output: Python requires variables to be in string format when printing them. You should convert a variable’s value to a string before you can read it from a file or display it on the screen.

2. Data manipulation: In some cases, you might need to combine data with other strings to manipulate it. To conduct string concatenation and other string manipulation operations in these circumstances, you must transform the variable to a string.

3. String formatting: Python offers a variety of methods for formatting strings, including f-strings, the format() method, and the % operator. Variables must be in string format in order to use these formatting strategies.

4. Function parameters: Several Python functions have a set format for the parameters, which may be a string. In these circumstances, you must stringify the variable before sending it as an argument.

Understanding the various techniques to convert a variable to a string can help you work efficiently with data manipulation, output, and other tasks in Python.

Methods to convert a variable to a string

1. Using str()

2. Using f-strings

3. Using format()

4. Using % operator

5. Using join()

A thorough explanation of each technique:

1. Using str():

Str() is a Python built-in function that can be used to convert a variable to string. It takes a variable as an argument and returns the string made from the value of the variable.


num = 42
str_num = str(num)
print(str_num, type(str_num))   # "42"


42 <class 'str'>


  1. The code initializes a variable ‘num’ to the value 42.
  2. It then converts the integer ‘num’ to a string using the ‘str’ function and stores the result in ‘str_num’.
  3. The code then prints the value of ‘str_num’ and its type using the ‘print’ function.
  4. The output of the code is “42” (a string) and <class ‘str’> (indicating that the type of ‘str_num’ is string).

2. Using f-strings:

F-strings can be used to embed expressions inside string literals in Python versions 3.6 and higher. A variable can be turned into a string using f-strings by being enclosed in curly braces.


name = "John"
age = 25
string = f"My name is {name} and I am {age} years old"
print(string)   # "My name is John and I am 25 years old"


My name is John and I am 25 years old


  1. name variable is assigned a string value “John”
  2. age variable is assigned an integer value 25
  3. string variable is assigned a formatted string which contains name and age variables within curly braces to indicate the values should be inserted in the string at the location of the curly braces.
  4. The formatted string is printed using the print() function.

3. Using format():

Variable placeholders can be added to a prepared string using the format() method. By giving the format() method the variable as an input, we may utilise this technique to turn a variable into a string.


name = "John"
age = 25
string = "My name is {} and I am {} years old".format(name, age)
print(string)   # "My name is John and I am 25 years old"


My name is John and I am 25 years old


  1. Two variables are created: name with a string value of “John” and age with an integer value of 25.
  2. A string variable is created with placeholders for name and age.
  3. The placeholders are defined using curly braces, with the first one representing the name and the second one representing the age.
  4. The format() method is called on the string, which replaces the placeholders with the values of name and age.
  5. The resulting string is then assigned to the variable string.
  6. The print() function is used to output the value of the string variable to the console.

4. Using % operator:

Strings can be formatted by substituting placeholders with variable values using the % operator. By giving it to the % operator as an argument, we may utilise this operator to change a variable into a string.


name = "John"
age = 25
string = "My name is %s and I am %d years old" % (name, age)
print(string)   # "My name is John and I am 25 years old"


name is John and I am 25 years old


  1. The code first creates a variable called name and sets it to the string value “John”.
  2. It then creates another variable called age and sets it to the integer value 25.
  3. Next, the code creates a string variable called string with two placeholders using %s for the name and %d for the age.
  4. The % operator is then used to replace the placeholders in the string with the values of the name and age variables, respectively.
  5. Finally, the resulting string is printed to the console using the print() function. The output of the program will be “My name is John and I am 25 years old”.

5. Using join():

To combine a list of strings, use the join() method. Using the join() method to concatenate the list after establishing a list with the variable as its sole entry, we can utilise this technique to convert a variable to a string.


num = 42
string = ''.join([str(num)])
print(string)   # "42"




  1. The variable “num” is assigned the value of 42.
  2. The “str()” function is used to convert the integer value of “num” to a string.
  3. A list is created using the square brackets and the string value of “num” is the only element in the list.
  4. The “join()” method is then used on an empty string with the list as its argument to concatenate the elements of the list into a single string.
  5. The resulting string, which is “42”, is then printed to the console using the “print()” function.

Which of the five methods is the best?

The str() function in Python is a built-in function that converts any object to its string representation. It is considered the best method for converting a variable to a string in Python due to several reasons:

1. Simplicity: It offers a simple and straightforward way to convert a variable into a string. It works with all the data types included in python and does not require any complex code.

2. Flexibility: The str() function is very flexible and can handle a wide range of data types, including numbers, booleans, lists, tuples, and dictionaries.

3. Consistency: Regardless of the data format, the str() function offers a reliable way to transform variables to strings. It is simple to use and comprehend as a result.

4. Speed: The str() method is designed to be quick and effective. It is a built-in function that is considerably more performant than other conversion techniques in general.

5. Compatibility: A common Python way for converting variables to strings is the str() function. It is approved and widely used, therefore many Python modules and frameworks are compatible with it.

Sample Problems:

1. Sample Problem Using str():

Problem: Convert all the data types in python to string using str() method.


  1. Define variables of all data types.
  2. Use str() method to convert all variables to string.
  3. Display converted output and its type.


# Integer to string
x = 123
s = str(x)
print(s, type(s))

# Float to string
y = 3.14
s = str(y)
print(s, type(s))

# Boolean to string
z = True
s = str(z)
print(s, type(s))

# List to string
a = [1, 2, 3]
s = str(a)
print(s, type(s))

# Tuple to string
b = (4, 5, 6)
s = str(b)
print(s, type(s))

# Dictionary to string
c = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
s = str(c)
print(s, type(s))


123 <class 'str'>
3.14 <class 'str'>
True <class 'str'>
[1, 2, 3] <class 'str'>
(4, 5, 6) <class 'str'>
{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} <class 'str'>

2. Sample Problem Using f-strings:

Problem: Write a program that takes an integer input from the user and converts it to a string. Then, the program should check whether the string is a palindrome or not.


  1. Ask the user for an integer value and convert it into int and store value inside variable name ‘number’.
  2. A String representation of the value stored inside the number is created using the f-string method.
  3. Then the string is checked for palindrome property.
  4. If string is palindrome then execute if block otherwise execute else block.


number = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
string = f"{number}"
if string == string[::-1]:
    print(f"{string} is a palindrome!")
    print(f"{string} is not a palindrome.")


Enter an integer: 3423424234234
3423424234234 is not a palindrome.

3. Sample Problem Using format():

Problem: Write a program that takes a list of numbers as input and converts each number to a string. The program should then concatenate the strings to form a single string and print it.


  1. Creates a list of integers called numbers.
  2. Uses a list comprehension to convert each integer in the numbers list to a string using the format() function, and stores the resulting strings in a new list called strings.
  3. Initializes an empty string called concatenated_string.
  4. Uses a for loop to iterate over each string in strings, and appends each string to concatenated_string using the += operator, effectively concatenating all the strings together.
  5. Finally, it prints the resulting concatenated_string to the console.


numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
strings = [format(num) for num in numbers]
concatenated_string = ""
for string in strings:
    concatenated_string += string



4. Sample Problem Using join():

Problem: Write a program that takes a tuple of integers as input and converts each integer to its binary representation as a string. The program should then concatenate the binary strings to form a single string and print it.


  1. This code takes a tuple of integers called input_tuple and uses a list comprehension to convert each integer in the tuple to a binary string using the bin() function.
  2. The [2:] is used to slice off the first two characters of each binary string, which are ‘0b’ indicating that the string is a binary representation.
  3. The code then uses the join() method to concatenate all of the binary strings together into a single string called concatenated_string.
  4. Finally, it prints the resulting concatenated_string to the console.


input_tuple = (10, 20, 30, 40)
binary_strings = [bin(num)[2:] for num in input_tuple]
concatenated_string = "".join(binary_strings)




We have covered a variety of approaches to changing a variable in Python into a string in this blog. Using the built-in str() function is the main approach we’ve covered. However, depending on the task at hand, a number of additional techniques are available that can be used for certain objectives.

We also covered the use of f-strings, the format() method, the % operator, and the join() technique.

Overall, understanding the various techniques for converting a variable to a string in Python will help you work quickly with data processing and output jobs. The decision of the method to utilise will rely on the exact requirements of your programme or assignment.