How To Convert Text To Lowercase In Javascript

In order to design interactive and dynamic user interfaces for websites, a lot of programmers employ JavaScript. Text is a group of words or letters that the reader can comprehend. It is possible for a text to contain the following things like string, numbers, symbols, and even spaces. To be recognised as a string, it must be contained in quote marks.

In this blog, we will see how to lowercase a string in javascript.

Why Is There A Need to convert text to lowercase in javascript

To lowercase text in javascript is required for a variety of reasons. Among the primary reasons are:

  • Normalization: By converting text to lowercase, you can standardize user input, ensuring that all text is consistent and easier to process.
  • Comparison: You might occasionally need to compare two strings without taking into account the case. By converting both strings to lowercase, you can ensure that the comparison is fair and accurate.
  • Sorting: It’s crucial to change all of the strings to the same case before alphabetically sorting an array of strings. Otherwise, the sorting might not work as expected.
  • Parsing: In some cases, you might be working with data that’s provided in all caps or mixed cases. Making the text lowercase will make it simpler to process and retrieve pertinent data.
  • Formatting: Text conversion to lowercase might be a useful approach to ensure uniformity across many inputs and outputs if you’re developing a website or application that needs consistent formatting.

Approaches to convert text in lowercase javascript

Using the toLowerCase() method

The simplest approach to lowercase text in JavaScript is to use the built-in toLowerCase() method. This method converts all uppercase characters in a string.


let text = "I LoVe PyTHON";
let lowercaseText = text.toLowerCase();


i love python

Explanation of code:-

  • The toLowerCase() method is called on the text variable, which contains the original text string in all caps.
  • The method returns a new string with all characters in lowercase, which is assigned to the lowerCaseText variable.
  • The new string is logged to the console, showing that the conversion was successful.

Sample Problem about text to lowercase conversion in javascript

Problem statement:- Rintoo is building a web application that has a feature to allow users to search for other users by their name. However, he wants to make the search case-insensitive so that users can find other users regardless of the capitalization of their name.


// Sample user data
const users = [
  { name: 'John Doe', age: 32 },
  { name: 'Jane Smith', age: 28 },
  { name: 'Bob Johnson', age: 40 },

// Search query
const query = prompt('Enter search query:');

// Filter users by name
const filteredUsers = users.filter(user =>



Enter search query:JoHN dOE


[ { name: 'John Doe', age: 32 } ]


  • We define an array of user objects, users, with each object containing a name and an age property.
  • prompt() is used to take input from this function, displays a dialog box to the user with the message ‘Enter search query:’, and waits for the user to enter a string value. The string value entered by the user is assigned to the query variable.
  • We use the filter() method to create a new array, filteredUsers, that contains only the user objects whose name property includes the search query. The filter() method’s callback function must return true or false to indicate if the current element should be included in the filtered array.
  • The callback function contrasts the lowercase iteration of the search query with the lowercase iteration of the name attribute of each user object. The function returns true if the name property contains the search query; otherwise, it returns false.
  • We log the filteredUsers array to the console, which displays an array of user objects that match the search query.
  • As a result, this code accepts a user-inputted search query, searches the users array for user objects with names that match the search query (case-insensitively), and provides an array of those user objects.
  •  Finally, the code logs the filtered array to the console.


Since JavaScript is case sensitive, it is essential to convert strings to lowercase to ensure correct string manipulation and case-insensitive comparisons. toLowerCase() is a built-in function in JavaScript that converts a string to lowercase, and it returns a new string with all letters in lowercase. It is an easy and efficient approach to convert strings to lowercase in JavaScript.