How To Convert String To Numeric In R

In R, converting a string to a numeric data type is a common task when working with data. A string is a sequence of characters and numeric data is represented by numbers.

When a string represents a numeric value we have the option to convert it to a numeric data type for performing mathematical operations or statistical analysis.

Why do we need to convert string to numeric in r

There are several reasons for the need to convert an integer to a numeric in R:

  • Mathematical operations: While integers can be used in mathematical operations, sometimes using them with other numeric data types such as floating point numbers will require it to be converted to a numeric.
  • Plotting: Some plotting functions in R may require data to be in a numeric format. Converting integers to numerics can ensure that the data is plotted correctly.
  • Model building: Some statistical models in R may require data to be in a specific format, such as numeric. Converting integers to numerics can ensure that the data is compatible with these models.
  • Data manipulation: Converting integers to numerics can be helpful when performing data manipulations, such as sorting or merging datasets.

Approaches to convert string to numeric in r

To convert string to numeric in r we will be :

  • Using the “as.numeric()” function
  • Using the “as.double()” function
  • Using mathematical operations
  • Using type.convert function

Approach 1: Using the “as.numeric()” function

In R, integers are represented as whole numbers.But when we need it to be converted to other numeric formats like floating point numbers or complex numbers we use as.numeric function in R .

# create an integer vector
my_int <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

# convert the integer vector to a numeric vector using as.numeric()
my_numeric <- as.numeric(my_int)

# print the original integer vector and the converted numeric vector


[1]12345 [1]12345


  • The code creates an integer vector called “my_int” with the numbers 1 through 5.
  • The as.numeric function is then used to convert this integer vector to a numeric vector called “my_numeric”.
  • Finally, both the original integer vector and the converted numeric vector are printed using the print function.
  • The output shows that both vectors contain the same values, but the second one is a numeric vector instead of an integer vector.

Approach 2: Using the “as.double()” function

In R, integers are a specific type of numeric data that is represented by whole numbers. But when we need it to be converted to other numeric formats like double precision floating point numbers we can use as.double function in R.

# create an integer variable
my_int <- c(5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1)

# convert the integer to a double using as.double()
my_double <- as.double(my_int)

# print the original integer and the converted double


1] 5 4 3 2 1
[1] 5 4 3 2 1


  • The code creates an integer variable called “my_int” with the value of 5 to 1.
  • The as.double function used to convert this integer to a double-precision floating point number called “my_double”.
  • Finally, both the original integer and the converted double are printed using the print function.
  • The output shows that both values are the same. But the second one is a double-precision floating point number instead of an integer.

Approach 3: Using mathematical operations

In R, integers are represented as whole numbers. But when we need it to be converted to other numeric formats like floating-point numbers or complex numbers, one way to convert an integer to a numeric is to use a mathematical operation that involves a numeric value.

# create an integer variable
my_int <- 5

# convert the integer to a double using a mathematical operation
my_numeric <- my_int + 0

# print the original integer and the converted numeric


[1] 5
[1] 5


  • The code creates an integer variable called “my_int” with the value of 5.
  • To convert this integer to a numeric, a mathematical operation is performed that involves a numeric value.
  • In this case, the integer is added to 0, which effectively converts it to a double-precision floating point number called “my_numeric”.
  • Finally, both the original integer and the converted numeric are printed using the print function.
  • The output shows that both values are the same, but the second one is a double-precision floating point number instead of an integer.

Approach 4: Using type convert function:

 The type.convert function is a useful R function for converting mixed-type data, including integers, to a consistent data type. In this context, we will explore how to use the type.convert function to convert integers to numeric values.

# create a vector with mixed data types including integers
my_vec <- c("2", 3, "4.5", 6L)

# convert the vector to a numeric vector using type.convert
my_numeric <- type.convert(my_vec, na.strings = "NA")

# print the numeric vector


[1] 2.0 3.0 4.5 6.0


  • The code creates a vector called “my_vec” with mixed data types, including integers as character strings and integers with the L suffix indicating a long integer.
  • The type.convert function is then used to convert the vector to a numeric vector, with the optional na.strings argument used to specify that any missing values should be represented as NA. Finally, the numeric vector is printed using the print function.
  • The output shows that the integers in the original vector have been successfully converted to numeric values.

Best Approaches

Here are some reasons why as.numeric is a commonly used and effective approach to converting integer to numeric in R:

  • It is a built-in function in R and is therefore readily available.
  • It is one of the best functions that can work with a variety of input formats, including vectors, matrices and data frames.
  • It doesn’t change the original data type or structure. This means that it generates a new duplicate of the input data rather than modifying the original data in place.
  • It produces consistent and predictable output, which is important for downstream analysis and modeling.
  • It is fast and efficient. This makes it suitable for working with large datasets or time sensitive applications.
  • It produces output that is compatible with other numeric functions and operations in R, allowing for seamless integration into analysis pipelines.

Sample Question

Question 1: Write a program that prompts the user to enter their GPA as a string and converts it to a numeric data type using the “as.numeric()” function.


  • The entered GPA value is stored as a string in the gpa_str variable.
  • The program uses the as.numeric() function to convert the gpa_str value to a numeric data type.
  • The converted GPA value is stored in the gpa_numeric variable.
  • The function is used to check if the gpa_numeric value is “not a number” (NaN), which would indicate an invalid input.
  • If gpa_numeric is NaN, the program displays an error message using the message() function.
  • If gpa_numeric is not NaN, the program displays the converted GPA value using the message() function.
# Prompt the user to enter their GPA
gpa_str <- 3.4

# Convert the GPA to a numeric data type using as.numeric()
gpa_numeric <- as.numeric(gpa_str)

# Check if the conversion was successful
if ( {
  message("Invalid input. Please enter a numeric value for your GPA.")
} else {
  message("Your GPA as a numeric value is ", gpa_numeric)


Your GPA as a numeric value is 3.4

Question 2: Write a program that asks the user to input the rating of a movie as a string and then converts it to a double data type using the “as.double()” function.


  • The entered rating value is stored as a string in the rating_str variable.
  • The program uses the as.double() function to convert the rating_str value to a double data type.
  • The converted rating value is stored in the rating_double variable.
  • The function is used to check if the rating_double value is “not a number” (NaN), which would indicate an invalid input.
  • If rating_double is NaN, the program displays an error message using the message() function.
  • If rating_double is not NaN, the program displays the converted rating value using the message() function.
# Prompt the user to enter the rating of a movie
rating_str <- readline(prompt = "Enter the rating of the movie: ")

# Convert the rating to a double data type using as.double()
rating_double <- as.double(rating_str)

# Check if the conversion was successful
if ( {
  message("Invalid input. Please enter a numeric value for the movie rating.")
} else {
  message("The movie rating as a double value is ", rating_double)


The movie rating as a double value is 8.5

Question 3:  Write a program that calculates the average of three scores in a game using the mathematical operations that convert string to numeric in R.


  • The entered scores are stored as strings in the score1_str, score2_str, and score3_str variables.
  • The program uses the + 0 mathematical operation function to convert each score_str value to a numeric data type.
  • The converted scores are stored in the score1_numeric, score2_numeric, and score3_numeric variables.
  • The program calculates the average of the scores using mathematical operations (+ and /).
  • The resulting average score is stored in the average_score variable.
  • The program displays the calculated average score using the message() function.
# Prompt the user to enter three scores as strings
score1_str <- 100
score2_str <- 90
score3_str <- 80

# Convert the scores to numeric data types using an mathematical operation, in this case we use + 0
score1_numeric <- score1_str + 0
score2_numeric <- score2_str + 0
score3_numeric <- score3_str + 0

# Printing the data in numeric form

# Calculate the average of the scores 
average_score <- (score1_numeric + score2_numeric + score3_numeric) / 3
# Display the average score
message("The average score is ", average_score)


[1] 100
[1] 90
[1] 80
The average score is 90

Question 4: Write a program that prompts the user to enter the number of copies of a book they want to purchase as a string and converts it to a numeric data type using the “type.convert” function.


  • The entered value is stored as a string in the num_copies_str variable.
  • The program uses the type.convert() function to convert the string to a numeric data type.
  • The resulting numeric value is stored in the num_copies_numeric variable.
  • The = TRUE argument is used to preserve the original character vector when converting to numeric.
  • The program displays the converted numeric value using the message() function.
# Prompt the user to enter the number of book copies as a string
num_copies_str <- 10

# Convert the string to a numeric data type using type.convert()
num_copies_numeric <- type.convert(num_copies_str, = TRUE)

# Display the converted numeric value
message("The number of book copies is ", num_copies_numeric)


The number of book copies is 10


In R, using the “as.numeric()” function to convert an integer to a numeric value can be concluded as the best method. This function takes an integer as an input and gives the same value as a double float number.

But it is important to understand that converting an integer to a numeric may result in precision loss.