How To Convert String To Map In Java

In Java, converting a string to a map refers to the process of creating a map data structure from a string that contains key-value pairs. A map is a collection of key-value pairs, where each key maps to a corresponding value.

To convert a string to a map, we need to split the string into its key-value pairs, and then add each pair to a map. One common way to split the string is by using a delimiter such as a comma (,) or semicolon (;). Once we have the key-value pairs, we can create a new map object, iterate over the pairs, and add each pair to the map using the put() method.

Converting a string to a map can be useful when working with data that is in a key-value format, such as query parameters in a URL or configuration settings stored in a file. By converting the string to a map, we can easily access and manipulate the values associated with each key.

Why conversion of String to map in Java is important

Converting a String to a Map in Java can be useful in a number of scenarios. Here are some common reasons for doing so:

  1. Parsing Query Parameters: When parsing the query parameters from a URL, the parameters are usually in a key-value pair format. Converting the string of parameters to a map makes it easier to access and work with the values associated with each key.
  2. Reading Configuration Settings: Configuration files often contain key-value pairs that define various settings for an application. Converting the string representation of these settings to a map makes it easier to read and modify them programmatically.
  3. Parsing CSV Files: CSV (Comma Separated Values) files store data in a key-value pair format, with each row representing a record and each column representing a field. Converting each row of a CSV file to a map allows for easier manipulation and analysis of the data.
  4. Parsing JSON or XML Data: JSON and XML data structures are often hierarchical and contain key-value pairs at various levels. Converting the JSON or XML data to a map makes it easier to extract and manipulate the values at each level.

Converting a String to a Map in Java can simplify the processing of data that is in a key-value pair format and make it easier to work.

Approaches to convert string to map in java

  1. Using String.split() and a loop
  2. Using Java 8 Streams
  3. Using Apache Commons Lang
  4. Using StringTokenizer
  5. Using Gson

Approach 1: Using String.split()and a loop method

This approach splits the string on the delimiter and iterates over the resulting array to extract the key-value pairs and store them in a map.

Using String.split()and a loop method in Java, we can convert a string to a map by:

  1. Splitting the string into an array using a delimiter with the split() method.
  2. Looping through the array and adding each key-value pair to a new HashMap object.
  3. Returning the HashMap object with the converted key-value pairs.


// Input string containing key-value pairs separated by commas
String input = "key1=value1,key2=value2,key3=value3";

// Split the input string into an array of key-value pairs using comma as the delimiter
String[] pairs = input.split(",");

// Create an empty map to store the key-value pairs
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();

// Iterate over the array of key-value pairs
for (String pair : pairs) {
   // Split each key-value pair into an array of key and value using equals sign as the delimiter
   String[] keyValue = pair.split("=");

   // Add the key-value pair to the map
   map.put(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]);
// Print the resulting map


{key3=value3, key2=value2, key1=value1}


  • The input string contains key-value pairs separated by commas.
  • The code splits the input string into an array of key-value pairs using comma as the delimiter.
  • The code creates an empty map to store the key-value pairs.
  • The code iterates over the array of key-value pairs.
  • For each key-value pair, the code splits it into an array of key and value using equals sign as the delimiter.
  • The code adds the key-value pair to the map.
  • The resulting map contains the key-value pairs from the input string, with the keys as the left side of the equals sign and the values as the right side of the equals sign.
  • The code prints the resulting map to the console.

Approach 2: Using Java 8 streams method

This approach uses Java 8 Streams to split the string, map the key-value pairs, and collect them into a map.

Using Java 8 streams method, we can convert a string to a map by:

  1. Splitting the string into an array using a delimiter with the split() method.
  2. Using the stream() method on the array to create a stream of elements.
  3. Mapping each element to a key-value pair using the map() method.
  4. Collecting the key-value pairs into a map using the collect() method and Collectors.toMap().


// Input string containing key-value pairs separated by commas
String input = "key1=value1,key2=value2,key3=value3";

// Split the input string into an array of key-value pairs using comma as the delimiter,
// then map each key-value pair to an array of key and value using equals sign as the delimiter,
// and finally collect the resulting array of key-value pairs into a map
Map<String, String> map =","))
       .map(pair -> pair.split("="))
       .collect(Collectors.toMap(keyValue -> keyValue[0], keyValue -> keyValue[1]));

// Print the resulting map


{key3=value3, key2=value2, key1=value1}


  • The input string contains key-value pairs separated by commas.
  • The code splits the input string into an array of key-value pairs using comma as the delimiter.
  • The code uses to create a stream of key-value pairs from the array.
  • The code maps each key-value pair to an array of key and value using equals sign as the delimiter.
  • The code uses Collectors.toMap to collect the resulting array of key-value pairs into a map.
  • The resulting map contains the key-value pairs from the input string, with the keys as the left side of the equals sign and the values as the right side of the equals sign.
  • The code prints the resulting map to the console.

Approach 3: Using Apache Commons Lang method

This approach uses the StringUtils class from the Apache Commons Lang library to split the string and convert it into a map.

Using Apache Commons Lang library, we can convert a string to a map by:

  1. Using the StringUtils.split() method to split the string into an array of strings based on a delimiter.
  2. Using the ArrayUtils.toObject() method to convert the array of strings to an array of objects.
  3. Using the ArrayUtils.subarray() method to split the array of objects into key-value pairs.
  4. Using the MapUtils.toMap() method to create a map from the key-value pairs.


// Input string containing key-value pairs separated by commas
String input = "key1=value1,key2=value2,key3=value3";

// Create a stream of key-value pairs from the input string, where each pair is split into an array of key and value using equals sign as the delimiter,
// then collect the resulting array of key-value pairs into a map
Map<String, String> map = Stream.of(input.split(","))
       .map(pair -> StringUtils.split(pair, "="))
       .collect(Collectors.toMap(keyValue -> keyValue[0], keyValue -> keyValue[1]));

// Print the resulting map


{key3=value3, key2=value2, key1=value1}

Explanation :

  • The input string contains key-value pairs separated by commas.
  • The code uses Stream.of to create a stream of key-value pairs from the input string.
  • The code maps each key-value pair to an array of key and value using equals sign as the delimiter with the help of StringUtils.split method.
  • The code uses Collectors.toMap to collect the resulting array of key-value pairs into a map.
  • The resulting map contains the key-value pairs from the input string, with the keys as the left side of the equals sign and the values as the right side of the equals sign.
  • The code prints the resulting map to the console.

Approach 4: Using String Tokenizer method

This approach uses the StringTokenizer class to split the string and extract the key-value pairs.

Using String Tokenizer method, we can convert a string to a map by:

  1. Creating a new StringTokenizer object with the input string and delimiter.
  2. Looping through the tokens using the hasMoreTokens() and nextToken() methods.
  3. Splitting each token into a key-value pair.
  4. Adding the key-value pair to a new HashMap object.
  5. Returning the HashMap object with the converted key-value pairs.


// Input string containing key-value pairs separated by commas
String input = "key1=value1,key2=value2,key3=value3";

// Create an empty HashMap to store the key-value pairs
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();

// Create a StringTokenizer to parse the input string using commas and equals signs as delimiters
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(input, ",=");

// Loop through the tokens until there are no more left
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
   // The next token is the key
   String key = st.nextToken();
   // The next token after the key is the value
   String value = st.nextToken();
   // Add the key-value pair to the map
   map.put(key, value);

// Print the resulting map


{key3=value3, key2=value2, key1=value1}

Explanation :

  • The input string contains key-value pairs separated by commas.
  • The code creates an empty HashMap to store the key-value pairs.
  • The code creates a StringTokenizer object to tokenize the input string using commas and equals signs as delimiters.
  • The code loops through the tokens until there are no more left.
  • For each pair of tokens (which represents a key-value pair), the first token is the key and the second token is the value.
  • The code adds the key-value pair to the map using the put method.
  • The resulting map contains the key-value pairs from the input string.
  • The code prints the resulting map to the console.

Approach 5: Using Gson method

This approach uses the Gson library to convert the string to a map. Gson is a popular library for working with JSON data in Java, and it can also be used to parse key-value data in a string format.

Using Gson library, we can convert a string to a map by:

  1. Creating a new Gson object.
  2. Using the fromJson() method of the Gson object to convert the input string into a Map object.


// Input string containing key-value pairs in JSON format
String input = "{\"key1\":\"value1\",\"key2\":\"value2\",\"key3\":\"value3\"}";

// Create a Type object to specify the type of object to deserialize the JSON into
Type type = new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>(){}.getType();

// Use the Gson library to deserialize the JSON string into a Map object
Map<String, String> map = new Gson().fromJson(input, type);

// Print the resulting map


{key3=value3, key2=value2, key1=value1}

Explanation :

  • The input string contains key-value pairs in JSON format.
  • The code creates a Type object to specify the type of object to deserialize the JSON into (in this case, a Map with String keys and String values).
  • The code uses the Gson library to deserialize the JSON string into a Map object using the fromJson method of the Gson object.
  • The resulting map contains the key-value pairs from the JSON string.
  • The code prints the resulting map to the console.

Best Approach for converting string to map Using Jackson ObjectMapper

Converting a String to a Map in Java using the Jackson ObjectMapper library is considered one of the best approaches due to its simplicity, readability, and maintainability.

Here are the reasons why to use this approach:

  1. Simplicity: The Jackson library provides a simple and easy-to-use API for parsing JSON strings and converting them into Java objects, including Maps. This eliminates the need for complex manual parsing and conversion, making the code easier to read and maintain.
  2. Flexibility: The Jackson library can handle various JSON string formats and automatically parse them into Java objects, including Maps, without requiring any additional configuration or customization.
  3. Performance: The Jackson library is highly optimized for performance and can efficiently parse large JSON strings and convert them into Java objects, including Maps, without causing any significant performance issues.
  4. Exception Handling: The Jackson library provides robust error handling and exception reporting capabilities, which makes it easier to debug and troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the conversion process.
  5. Popular and Well-Supported: The Jackson library is widely used in the Java community and is well-maintained and actively supported by its developers, which means that any issues or bugs are quickly addressed and resolved.

Sample Problem For Converting String to Map:

Sample problem 1

Question: In a hospital management system, the patient’s medical record is stored as a string in a database. However, the hospital staff needs to retrieve and manipulate specific information from the record. How can you convert this string into a map data structure in Java and extract relevant information such as the patient’s name, age, and medical condition?


  • A hospital management system stores patient medical records as a string in a database.
  • Hospital staff need to extract specific information such as the patient’s name, age, and medical condition from the record.
  • This information can be retrieved by converting the string into a map data structure in Java.


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class MedicalRecordParser {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       String medicalRecord = "Name: John Doe\nAge: 45\nCondition: Heart Attack";
       Map<String, String> recordMap = convertToMap(medicalRecord);
       System.out.println(recordMap.get("Name")); // Output: John Doe
       System.out.println(recordMap.get("Age")); // Output: 45
       System.out.println(recordMap.get("Condition")); // Output: Heart Attack

   public static Map<String, String> convertToMap(String medicalRecord) {
       Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
       String[] keyValuePairs = medicalRecord.split("\n");
       for (String pair : keyValuePairs) {
           String[] entry = pair.split(": ");
           map.put(entry[0], entry[1]);
       return map;


John Doe
Heart Attack


The code is a Java program that demonstrates how to convert a string to a map data structure by splitting the string into key-value pairs and inserting them into a map using the HashMap class.

  1. The MedicalRecordParser class contains a main method that defines a string variable medicalRecord that contains a medical record as a string.
  2. The convertToMap method takes the medicalRecord string as input and returns a Map<String, String> data structure where each key is a label in the medical record and its value is the corresponding information.
  3. The split method is used to split the medicalRecord string into an array of key-value pairs separated by newline characters, and the for loop iterates over each pair to split it into an array of key-value strings separated by a colon and space.
  4. The put method is used to insert each key-value pair into the map, where the key is the first element of the entry array and the value is the second element.
  5. The main method calls convertToMap to obtain the map data structure, and then prints out the values associated with specific keys using the get method.
  6. The output of the program is the values associated with the keys “Name”, “Age”, and “Condition” in the medical record, which are “John Doe”, “45”, and “Heart Attack” respectively.

Sample problem 2

Question: A company has a large amount of sales data stored in a CSV file. The data includes the sales amount, date, and product ID for each transaction. The company needs to calculate the total sales amount for each product. How can you read the data from the CSV file and convert it to a map data structure in Java, where the keys are product IDs and the values are the total sales amounts?


  • A company has a large sales dataset stored in a CSV file.
  • The dataset includes sales amount, date, and product ID for each transaction.
  • The company needs to calculate the total sales amount for each product.
  • The data from the CSV file can be converted to a map data structure in Java where the keys are product IDs and the values are the total sales amounts.


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class SalesDataProcessor {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       String salesDataFile = "sales_data.csv";
       Map<String, Double> productSalesMap = new HashMap<>();
       try {
           BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(salesDataFile));
           String line;
           while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
               String[] data = line.split(",");
               String productId = data[2];
               double salesAmount = Double.parseDouble(data[0]);
               if (productSalesMap.containsKey(productId)) {
                   double currentSales = productSalesMap.get(productId);
                   productSalesMap.put(productId, currentSales + salesAmount);
               } else {
                   productSalesMap.put(productId, salesAmount);
       } catch (IOException e) {
           System.err.format("IOException: %s%n", e);

The outputof the program depends on the data in the sales_data.csv file that is being processed. The output will be a map data structure where the keys are product IDs and the values are the total sales amounts for each product.

For example, if the contents of the sales_data.csv file are:






{ProductA=250.0, ProductB=500.0}


  • The Java code reads sales data from a CSV file, calculates the total sales amount for each product, and stores the results in a Map<String, Double> data structure.
  • It uses the BufferedReader class to read the data from the CSV file, and the FileReader class to specify the file to read.
  • The program output is a Map<String, Double> data structure where the keys are product IDs and the values are the total sales amounts for each product.
  • The output shows the total sales amount for each product ID in the input file, which was calculated by adding up the sales amounts for each transaction that corresponded to each product ID.

Sample problem 3

Question:Suppose you are working on a project that requires reading a configuration file in the form of key-value pairs, where each line in the file represents a single key-value pair separated by a delimiter character. You need to convert this file into a Map object so that you can access the configuration values easily in your program.


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class ConfigReader {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       String fileName = "config.txt";
       String delimiter = "=";
       Map<String, String> configMap = readConfigFile(fileName, delimiter);
   public static Map<String, String> readConfigFile(String fileName, String delimiter) {
       Map<String, String> configMap = new HashMap<>();
       try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName))) {
           String line;
           while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
               String[] keyValue = line.split(delimiter);
               configMap.put(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]);
       } catch (IOException e) {
       return configMap;


For example, if config.txt contains the following lines:
Then the output of the program would be a HashMap containing the following entries:
	{, database.port=3306,}


  1. The program reads key-value pairs from a file in the format of “key=value” and stores them in a Map data structure.
  2. The program takes two arguments – the name of the file to be read and the delimiter used in the file.
  3. A BufferedReader is used to read each line of the file.
  4. The delimiter is used to split each line into a key-value pair.
  5. The resulting key-value pair is then added to the Map.
  6. Finally, the Map is printed to the console.


In Java, converting a string to a map involves extracting key-value pairs from a string in various formats, such as CSV or query parameters in a URL, and storing them in a map using the java.util.Map interface and its implementations.

The process involves parsing the string using string manipulation methods like split(), substring(), and indexOf(). Once the key-value pairs are extracted, they are added to an empty map using the put() method. Additional processing may be required based on the string format, such as URL decoding, trimming whitespace, or handling quotes. This conversion can be useful in parsing configuration files, handling HTTP requests and responses, and working with data in a tabular format. It provides a way to store and manipulate data in a structured manner and can greatly simplify data processing tasks in Java programs.