How To Convert String To Lowercase In Python

Python is a high-level programming language that has grown in popularity due to its ease of use, readability, and adaptability. It’s used in everything from web development to scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning. How to convert string to lowercase in python is a common task when working with text data. This is frequently required for data standardization and consistency, as well as to avoid errors caused by case sensitivity.

A string in Python is simply a series of characters that the script interpreted literally. Letters, numbers, and symbols can all be included, and the order and arrangement of these characters can affect how the string is interpreted.

Strings include phrases such as “hello world !” and “K@283gwef7r.” In this blog, we’ll look at various methods for converting strings to lowercase in Python.“

Why Is There A Need convert string to lowercase in Python

When working with text data, converting a string to lowercase is a common task in Python. You may need to perform this operation for a variety of reasons.

  • Standardization:- To begin with, standardization is a common reason for converting strings to lowercase. To ensure consistency and ease of comparison, it is necessary in many applications to standardize the case of all strings to lowercase. This is especially important when using text data to train machine learning models or analyze large datasets.
  • Consistency:- Second, changing strings to lowercase is done for consistency’s sake. It’s crucial to check for consistency in user inputs while working with them. Case sensitivity problems can be avoided and uniform processing is guaranteed by changing all inputs to lowercase.
  • Avoiding Errors:- Avoiding mistakes is a key factor in the lowercase conversion of strings. In some situations, capital characters can result in issues while working with strings. For instance, capital characters can make a comparison of strings for equality failure. By making all strings lowercase, you can prevent these kinds of mistakes. Your code will become more reliable and error-free as a result.

There are several situations in which you might need to know how to change string to lowercase in python. When working with strings, whether for machine learning or the analysis of massive datasets, standardization, consistency, and error avoidance are all crucial factors to take into account.

By comprehending the many justifications for changing strings to lowercase and applying the proper techniques, you can make sure that your code is effective, precise, and dependable. 

Approaches to convert string to lowercase in python

There are three methods by which we will know how to change string to lowercase in python. This is a method list and discussion.

  1. Using the lower() function,
  2. Using the casefold() function and
  3. Using ASCII value with iteration.

Let’s go over each approach in depth.

1. Using the lower() function

The lower() function is the simplest way to convert a string to lowercase in Python. Lower() is a Python built-in function that returns a lowercase version of the string.

Sample Code:

simple_string = "HELLO, WORLD!"

#here we are using the function on simple_string
lowercase_string = simple_string.lower()  



hello, world!

Explanation of code:

  • A simple_string variable string with the value “HELLO, WORLD!” is defined.
  • The lower() function is then applied to the simple_string variable, and the result is stored in a new variable called lowercase_string.
  • Finally, we print lowercase_string values to the console.

When to implement this approach:

  • String comparison: It’s critical to make sure that two strings being compared for equality are in the same case. You may guarantee that the comparison is case-insensitive by using lower() to convert both strings to lowercase.

2.Using the casefold() function

The casefold() function in Python can also be used to convert a string to lowercase. The casefold() function is similar to the lower() function, but it converts characters to lowercase more aggressively and eliminates all case distinctions from a String.

Sample Code:

string1 = "ß"
string2 =”THANKS”

#here we are converting string1 to lower
lowercase_string1 = string1.casefold() 

#here we are converting string2 to lower
lowercase_string2 = string2.casefold() 




Explanation of code:

  • A string variable called string1 is created and given the value “ß”. The lowercase version of this German letter is “ss”.
  • A string variable called string2 is created and given the uppercase value “THANKS”.
  • The string variables are then passed to the casefold() function, and the result is saved in new variables called lowercase_string1 and lowercase_string2 respectively.
  • Finally, we print values to the console using print() function.

When to implement this approach:

  • If you need to convert non-ASCII characters to lowercase, use this method. As you can see the string1 is a German letter and its lowercase version is “ss” and this(“ß”) is not an english alphabet, even though the function is able to convert in the lowercase but the lower() function can not convert this German letter into “ss”.



#here we are using function on string



  • If you require a more aggressive lowercase conversion than the lower() function provides, use this method.

3.Using ASCII value with iteration

Using the ASCII value of each character, we can convert uppercase characters to lowercase.

ASCII is a standard code that gives each English character, symbol, and control code a unique number. In ASCII, uppercase letters have a higher numerical value than lowercase letters. For example, the ASCII value of ‘A’ is 65, whereas the ASCII value of ‘a’ is 97.

Iterate through the string and check each character’s ASCII value to convert it to lowercase using ASCII values. If the ASCII value is between 65 and 90, it is an uppercase character (inclusive). In this case, you can lowercase it by adding 32 to its ASCII value.

Sample Code:

def lower_string(word):
    lower_word = ""
    for char in word:
        ascii_val = ord(char)
        if 65 <= ascii_val <= 90:

            # Convert uppercase to lowercase using ASCII value
            ascii_val += 32

        lower_word += chr(ascii_val)
    return lower_word



Explanation of code:

  • The function uses a ‘for’ loop to iterate over each character in the input word. The ‘ord()’ function returns the ASCII value of the current character, which is saved in the ‘ascii_val’ variable.
  • The current character is an uppercase letter if the ASCII value is between 65 and 90 (inclusive). In this case, the variable ‘ascii_val’ is multiplied by 32 to correspond to the ASCII value of its lowercase counterpart.
  • Finally, the ‘chr()’ function is used to convert the updated ASCII value back into a character, which is then appended to the variable ‘lower word’. The function returns the lowercase version of the input word once all characters have been processed.

When to implement this approach:

  • When you need to implement a custom string manipulation function and the built-in ‘lower()’ or ‘casefold()’ methods are not available or cannot be used, the approach of using ASCII values to convert strings to lowercase is useful.
  • This approach is also useful when optimizing your code for performance and reducing the number of function calls. When working with large datasets or performing text transformations in real-time, the built-in ‘lower()’ or ‘casefold()’ methods can be slower than using ASCII values.

Best approach:- Using the lower() function

Here are some valid points and explanations to support this claim:-

  • Simplicity: The ‘lower()’ function is more straightforward and easier to use than the ‘casefold()’ function and ASCII value with iteration. It is a built-in function in Python, and it is simple to use. As a result, it is an excellent choice for simple text processing tasks.
  • Speed: Because ‘lower()’ is a built-in Python function, it is faster than ‘casefold()’. This is due to the fact that ‘casefold()’ uses more complex Unicode case mapping rules, making it slower in comparison.
  • Case-insensitive comparison: ‘lower()’ is a good choice for comparing two strings for equality in a case-insensitive manner. The ‘casefold()’ function is more aggressive and can change the meaning of some characters, which is not always desirable. Lower(), on the other hand, is a more conservative approach that will not change the meaning of any characters.

Sample Problem how to convert string to lowercase in python

Sample Problem 1:- Using lower() function

Problem statement:- A girl named Samaira is studying in school. She got a task in computer subject i.e. there are some paragraph which contain mix lowercase and uppercase alphabet

. The task is to convert all the words in lowercase to those which are given in the paragraph in Python language.And she doesn’t know how to convert string into lowercase in Python, please help Samaira to finish the task.


  • In this case, we define a string that contains both uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Then the  ‘lower()’ function is used to convert all characters to lowercase. The resulting string is saved in a new variable named ‘lowercase string,’.
  • And at the end it is printed in the console using print() function.

Solution Code:

# Define a string with uppercase and lowercase characters
string = "ThIs Is a PaRagrapH WiTh UpPeRcAsE AnD LoWeRcAsE ChArAcTeRs."

# Use lower() function to convert all characters to lowercase
lowercase_string = string.lower()

# Print the lowercase strings
print("Lowercase string: ", lowercase_string)


Lowercase string: this is a paragraph with uppercase and lowercase characters.

Sample Problem 2:- Using casefold() function

Problem statement:- Anupam just learned Python language and was trying to solve the questions and he was stuck in one of the problems. The problem is that he has to compare two given sentences to see if they are the same or not in a case-insensitive manner. He doesn’t know how to convert strings to lowercase in python. Please help Anupam in understanding this concept.


  • In this case, two strings with different case variations are defined. The ‘casefold()’ function is then used to convert both strings to case-insensitive form.
  • We use the ‘==’ operator to compare the casefolded versions of the two strings, which returns ‘True’ if they are equal and ‘False’ otherwise.
  • In this case, the two strings are case-insensitively equal, so the if block is executed, and the message “The two strings are case-insensitively equal.” is printed to the console.

Sample Code:

# Define two strings with different case variations
string1 = "ThIs Is a WordS"
string2 = "tHiS iS a wORDs"

# Use casefold() function to convert both strings to a case-insensitive form
string1_casefolded = string1.casefold()
string2_casefolded = string2.casefold()

# Check if the two casefolded strings are equal
if string1_casefolded == string2_casefolded:
    print("The two strings are equal in a case-insensitive manner.")
    print("The two strings are not equal in a case-insensitive manner.")


The two strings are equal in a case-insensitive manner.

Sample Problem 3:- Using ASCII value with iteration

Problem statement:- Nitish works in a company and his boss has given a task to test him. The task was to convert all the given string in lowercase without using any in-built function. Please help Nitish to pass the test.


  • Nitish made a function that uses a ‘for’ loop to iterate over each character in the input word. The ‘ord()’ function returns the ASCII value of the current character, which is saved in the ‘ascii_val’ variable.
  • The current character is an uppercase letter if the ASCII value is between 65 and 90 (inclusive). In this case, the variable ‘ascii_val’ is multiplied by 32 to correspond to the ASCII value of its lowercase counterpart.
  • Finally, the ‘chr()’ function is used to convert the updated ASCII value back into a character, which is then appended to the variable ‘lower word’. The function returns the lowercase version of the input word once all characters have been processed.

Solution code:

def lower_string(word):
    lower_word = ""
    for char in word:
        ascii_val = ord(char)
        if 65 <= ascii_val <= 90:

            # Convert uppercase to lowercase using ASCII value
            ascii_val += 32

        lower_word += chr(ascii_val)
    return lower_word


hey! I passed the test.


Finally, we now know how to convert string to lowercase in python when working with text data. It can help to standardize and consistency text data, as well as prevent errors when working with case-sensitive data.

In Python, built-in methods such as ‘lower()’ and ‘casefold()’ can be used to convert strings to lowercase, as well as alternative approaches such as manually converting characters to lowercase using ASCII values.

Consider factors such as performance, language-specific transformations, and edge cases when selecting a method for converting strings to lowercase. When possible, use the built-in methods and only use alternative approaches when necessary and when you have a thorough understanding of the underlying concepts.