How To Convert String To List In Javascript

In JavaScript, a string can be easily converted into a list using various approaches. Each of the methods works in different situations, so it is important to choose the right one for the desired outcome.

Converting a string to a list is useful in scenarios where you need to manipulate the individual characters or elements of the string.

While choosing the final approach, factors such as performance, readability, and ease of implementation should be kept in mind.

In this tutorial, we will discuss different approaches for “how to convert string to list in javascript”.

Need for Converting String To List In JavaScript

Converting a string to a list might be relevant in the following scenarios:

  • Manipulating characters: When you need to access or manipulate individual characters of a string.
  • Splitting a string: When you need to split a string into multiple parts based on a specific delimiter.
  • Extracting from string: Extracting specific parts of the string by iterating over the elements of a list
  • Regex operations: Performing regex operations on strings more efficiently

Different Approaches on how to convert string to list in javascript

There are multiple approaches to convert a string to a list in JavaScript. These include:

  1. Using the split() method
  2. Using the spread operator
  3. Using the Array.from() method

Approach 1: Using the split() method

The split() method is a useful feature of the string object. It lets you divide a string into an array of smaller substrings by defining a specific separator.


let str = "hello,world"; //input
let list = str.split(",");
console.log(list); // print 


 ["hello", "world"]


  • We first define the input string “hello,world”.
  • We then use the split() method with the separator “,” to split the string into an array.
  • The resulting array “list” contains two elements “hello” and “world”.

Approach 2: Using the spread operator

The spread operator can be used to convert a string to an array by spreading each character of the string into separate array elements.


let str = "hello";  //input 
let list = [...str];
console.log(list);  //print


["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]


  • First define the input string “hello”.
  • Then use the spread operator to spread each character of the string into separate array elements.
  • The resulting array “list” contains five elements “h”, “e”, “l”, “l”, and “o”.

Approach 3: Using the Array.from() method

Let’s assume you have an object with iterable elements and a length property, and you want to create an array out of it. In this case, the Array.from() method can be used. It’s a simple process where you pass the object as an argument, and the method creates a new array that is returned to you. The steps are easy to follow and should give you the desired result.

let str = "hello"; //input
let list = Array.from(str);
console.log(list);  //print


["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]


  • Define the input string “hello”.
  • Then use the Array.from() method to create an array from the string.
  • The resulting array “list” contains five elements “h”, “e”, “l”, “l”, and “o”.

Best Approach for “how to convert string to list in javascript”

For converting a string to a list in JavaScript, the .split() method is considered the best approach and it has several advantages:

  • Easy to use: The .split() method is very easy to use and requires only one line of code for the conversion.
  • Efficiency: The .split() method is very efficient in terms of time and memory usage since it’s a built-in method in JavaScript, and it doesn’t require any additional resources to execute.
  • Versatility: The .split() method is very versatile and can be used to split a string into an array based on a wide range of delimiters including regular expressions.

Sample Problem 1:  Using the split() method

Suppose you are building a search functionality for cities for a website. You receive a string containing the search keywords (cities) entered by the user, separated by commas. You need to convert this string into an array of keywords to perform a search operation.

Write a program in javascript to convert this string to a list of cities so that you can perform operations on each element individually.

Input: “Paris,London,Berlin,Madrid”


  • Declare a variable called cityString and assign a string value to it.
  • The string contains names of cities separated by commas.
  • Declare another variable called cityList.
  • Apply the split() method on the cityString variable to convert the string of cities to a list.
  • The argument passed to the split() method is a comma, which is used as the separator.
  • Assign the resulting list to the cityList variable.
  • Print the cityList variable to the console using the console.log() method.
  • The output will be the list of cities separated by commas.
const cityString = "Paris,London,Berlin,Madrid";   // input
const cityList = cityString.split(","); //  Convert string of cities to list


["Paris", "London", "Berlin", "Madrid"]

Sample Problem 2: Using the spread operator

Suppose you are building a shopping cart for an e-commerce website. You receive a string containing the names of the items that a user has added to their cart, separated by commas. You need to convert this string into an array of items to perform further operations.

Input String: “apple,banana,orange,grape”


  • The spread operator … is used to spread the elements of an iterable object into a new array.
  • The split() method is used to split a string into an array of substrings based on a specified separator.
  • The spread operator is then used to spread the elements of the resulting array into a new array.
let str = "apple,banana,orange,grape";   //input  
let lst = [...str.split(",")];   //using spread operator to spread the elements of the resulting array into a  // new array


["apple", "banana", "orange", "grape"] 

Sample Problem 3: Using the Array.from() method

Suppose you are building a quiz application. You receive a string containing the options for a multiple-choice question having 5 options, separated by semicolons. You need to convert this string into an array of options.

Input:  “1 2 3 4 5”


We can solve this problem using the following approach:

  • The Array.from() method creates a new, shallow-copied array instance from an array-like or iterable object.
  • The split() method is then used to split the string into an array of substrings based on a specified separator
  • The Number function is used as the second argument to Array.from() to convert each element of the resulting array into a number.
let str = "1 2 3 4 5";  //input 
let lst = Array.from(str.split(" "), Number); // using Array.from() to create a new array instance


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Conclusion on how to change array to string in java

In conclusion, converting a string to list is a common task in JavaScript when you need to separate characters or elements of a string by converting it into a list. So, how can we do that? The most straightforward method is to use the split() method, which splits a string into an array based on a specified separator.

The split() method works well for simple use cases, but it has limitations when dealing with complex strings or separators. When choosing a method to convert a string to list, it’s important to consider the specific requirements of the task and the characteristics of the input string.