How To Convert String To JSON In Python

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a widely used data exchange format that is used in web services, APIs, and other applications. It is a lightweight format that is easy for both humans as well as computers to read and understand. While using python, the question “How to convert string to JSON in python”  has many answers. Python provides several modules for working with and manipulating JSON data, such as json, simplejson, and ast. These modules offer various functions that allow you to convert JSON data to Python objects and vice versa.

Why is there a need to convert string to JSON in python?

  1. Simplifies Data Manipulation: JSON is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy to read and parse by both humans and machines.Converting string to JSON in Python allows for more efficient manipulation of the data.This simplifies the process of working with complex data structures and makes it simpler to extract and use the required data or information.
  2. Integration with Web Services and APIs: JSON is commonly used in web services, APIs, and other applications.Converting string to JSON in Python enables developers to work with this format and integrate with these services more effectively.Python provides built-in modules, such as json, simplejson, and ast, which allow conversion  between string and JSON data, making it quite easy to work with external APIs that use JSON data formats.

Three methods for converting string to JSON in python:

1. Using Python’s built-in json module: Python’s built-in json module provides functions for encoding and decoding the JSON data. The json.loads() function can be used to convert a string to a JSON object. This method is easy to use and provides a secure way of working with JSON data.

2. Using the simplejson module: The simplejson module is an external library that provides a faster and more memory-efficient alternative to the built-in json module. The simplejson.loads() function can be used to convert a string to a JSON object. This method is useful when dealing with large  amount of JSON data sets as it can handle them more efficiently than the built-in json  module.

3. Using the ast module: This is another  answer to our question “How to convert a string to JSON in python” The ast.literal_eval() function can be used to safely evaluate a string containing a JSON object. This method is useful when the JSON data is simple and does not contain any complex structures.

A thorough explanation of each strategy:

1. Using Python’s built-in json module:

The built-in json module in Python provides functions for encoding and decoding JSON data. The json.loads() function can be used to convert a string to a JSON object.  The following is an example of the same:

import json

# Defining a JSON string
json_string = '{"name": "Hema", "age": 30, "city": "New Delhi"}'

# Using the json.loads() function to convert the JSON string to a Python         
# object
json_obj = json.loads(json_string)

# Access the elements of the Python object using dictionary syntax
print(json_obj["name"]) # Output: Hema
print(json_obj["age"]) # Output: 30
print(json_obj["city"]) # Output: New Delhi


New Delhi


1. The json module is imported , which provides functions for encoding and decoding JSON data.

2. A JSON string is defined using single quotes, which contains three key-value pairs: “name”, “age”, and “city”.

3. The json.loads() function is utilized to convert the JSON string into a Python object, and the resultant object is stored in the json_obj variable.

4. The Python object’s elements can be accessed using the dictionary syntax. The keys in the JSON object are mapped to the dictionary keys in the Python object, and by using this syntax, the values of “name”, “age”, and “city” keys are accessed.

5. The print() function is used to display the values of the “name”, “age”, and “city” keys to the console.

2. Using the simplejson module:

The second method of converting a string to JSON in Python involves using the simplejson module, which is an external library that provides a faster and memory-efficient alternative to the built-in json module. The simplejson.loads() function can be used to convert a string to a JSON object. The following is an example of  the same:

import simplejson as json

# Defining a JSON string
json_string = '{"name": "Hema", "age": 25, "city": "Pune"}'

# Using the simplejson.loads() function to convert the JSON string to a Python object
json_obj = json.loads(json_string)

# Access the elements of the Python object using dictionary syntax
print(json_obj["name"])  # Output: Hema
print(json_obj["age"])   # Output: 25
print(json_obj["city"])  # Output: Pune




1. The simplejson module is imported.

2. The simplejson.loads() function is used to convert a string to a JSON object in Python.

3. In this code, we define a JSON string and pass it as an argument to the simplejson.loads() function to convert it into a Python object.

4. We can access the elements of the Python object using dictionary syntax.

5. The values of the “name”, “age”, and “city” keys are printed using the print() function.

6. Finally, the output displays the values of the “name”, “age”, and “city” keys.

3. Using the ast module:

The ast module is a built-in module in Python that can be used to parse JSON strings. The ast.literal_eval() function within the module is a safe way to evaluate a string containing a JSON object, especially when the data is simple and does not have any complex structures. This method is useful when dealing with small JSON data sets. The following is an example of the same:

import ast

# Defining a JSON string
json_string = '{"name": "Hema", "age": 35, "city": "Mumbai"}'

# Using ast.literal_eval() function to convert the JSON string to a Python object
json_obj = ast.literal_eval(json_string)

# Access the elements of the Python object using dictionary syntax
print(json_obj["name"])  # Output: Hema
print(json_obj["age"])   # Output: 35
print(json_obj["city"])  # Output: Mumbai




1. The ast module is imported.

2. A JSON string is defined.

3. The ast.literal_eval() function is used to safely evaluate the JSON string and convert it to a Python object.

4. The resulting Python object is assigned to the variable json_obj.

5. The elements of the Python object are accessed using dictionary syntax.

6. The output shows the values of the “name”, “age”, and “city” keys in the JSON string.

 Best of the three methods

The json module in Python is mostly considered the best method for converting a string to JSON because of the following reasons:

1. The json module is a built-in module in Python, so we don’t need to install any additional libraries to use it. This makes it easy to use and accessible for everyone.

2. The json module is very efficient and can handle large amounts of data without any performance issues . This is because it is written in C, which is a  fast and  highly efficient programming language.

3. The json module provides error handling if the JSON data is invalid. If the JSON string is not valid, the json.loads() method will raise a ValueError exception, which makes it easy to catch and handle the error and hence, debugging is made easier.

4. The json module is supported on all major platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This means that we can use it regardless of the operating system present in out systems.

5. The JSON format is widely used and standardized, which means that the json module can be used to work with JSON data from different sources.

Sample Problems for converting string to JSON in python:

Sample Problem 1:

There is a string containing JSON data that represents a list of numbers. Use the json module in Python to convert the string to a list object, and then print the sum of all the numbers in the list.


  1. Import the json module so that we can work with JSON data in Python.
  2. Define a JSON string json_str that represents a list of numbers.
  3. Convert the JSON string to a Python list object json_list using the json.loads() method provided by the json module.
  4. Calculate the sum of all the numbers in the list using the built-in sum() function in Python.
  5. Store the total sum in the variable total_sum.
  6. Print the value of total_sum to the console. This displays the sum of all the numbers in the original list.


import json

# JSON string that represents a list of numbers
json_str = '[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]'

# Convert the JSON string to a Python list object
json_list = json.loads(json_str)

# Calculate the sum of all the numbers in the list
total_sum = sum(json_list)

# Print the total sum of the numbers in the list



Sample Problem 2:

Given a JSON string containing a list of key-value pairs representing students and their roll numbers. You need to use the simplejson module in Python to convert the JSON string to a list object and then print the roll number of the student named “Dave” in the list.


  1. Import the simplejson module so that we can work with JSON data in Python.
  2. Define a JSON string json_str that represents a list of key-value pairs for students and their roll numbers.
  3. Convert the JSON string to a Python list object json_list using the json.loads() method provided by the simplejson module.
  4. Initialize a variable dave_roll_number to None to indicate that we have not yet found the roll number of the student named Dave.
  5. Iterate over the list of students in json_list and check if the name of the student is “Dave”. If so, extract their roll number and store it in the dave_roll_number variable. Also break out of the loop since we have found the roll number of the student named Dave.
  6. Print the dave_roll_number variable to the console, which contains the roll number of the student named Dave in the original list.


import simplejson as json

# Define a JSON string that represents a list of key-value pairs for students #and their roll numbers
json_str = '{"students": [{"name": "Alice", "roll_number": "1234"}, {"name": "Bob", "roll_number": "2345"}, {"name": "Dave", "roll_number": "3456"}, {"name": "Eve", "roll_number": "4567"}]}'

# Convert the JSON string to a Python list object using the `simplejson` #module
json_list = json.loads(json_str)

# Initialize a variable to store the roll number of the student named Dave
dave_roll_number = None

# Iterate over the list of students and extract the roll number for the student #named Dave
for student in json_list['students']:
    if student['name'] == 'Dave':
        dave_roll_number = student['roll_number']

# Print the roll number of the student named Dave to the console



Sample Problem 3:

Given a JSON string that represents a list of students and their marks. Write a Python program to convert the given JSON string into a list object using the ast module. Then, find the name of the student having the highest marks in the list and print it.


  1. Define the given JSON string as a Python string variable json_string.
  2. Import the ast module to use the literal_eval() function to convert the JSON string into a list object.
  3. Use the literal_eval() function to convert the JSON string into a list object and store it in student_list.
  4. Create an empty dictionary name_marks_dict to store the names and their corresponding marks.
  5. Iterate through each item in student_list using a for loop and extract the name and marks of the student using the keys name and marks.
  6. Store the name and marks in the name_marks_dict.
  7. Find the maximum marks in the dictionary using the max() function and store it in a variable max_marks.
  8. Use dictionary comprehension to extract the name of the student having the highest marks from the dictionary name_marks_dict.
  9. Print the name of the student having the highest marks.


# Defining the given JSON string as a Python string variable
json_string = '{"students": [{"name": "A", "marks": 80}, {"name": "B", "marks": 90}, {"name": "C", "marks": 70}]}'

# Importing the ast module to convert the string into a list object using the #literal_eval() function
import ast

# Using the literal_eval() function to convert the JSON string into a list object
student_list = ast.literal_eval(json_string)['students']

# Creating an empty dictionary to store the names and their corresponding #marks
name_marks_dict = {}

# Iterating through each item in the list and extracting the name and marks of #the student
for student in student_list:
    name = student['name']
    marks = student['marks']
    name_marks_dict[name] = marks

# Finding the maximum marks in the dictionary using the max() function and #storing it in a variable
max_marks = max(name_marks_dict.values())

# Extracting the name of the student having the highest marks from the #dictionary using dictionary comprehension
top_student = [name for name, marks in name_marks_dict.items() if marks == max_marks][0]

# Displaying the name of the student having the highest marks
print(f"The student having the highest marks is: {top_student}")


The student having the highest marks is: B


In conclusion, converting strings to JSON in Python is a crucial aspect of data handling and manipulation. In this blog , we have found the answer to the question “How to convert a string to JSON in python”.

We discussed three different ways to achieve this: using the built-in JSON library, the ast.literal_eval method, and the Simple JSON module. While all three methods are effective, the Simple JSON module method stands out as the most efficient and user-friendly approach, particularly for larger datasets.

By using this method, we can quickly and accurately convert strings to JSON, making it easier to work with and analyze data in Python.