How To Convert String To Float In Javascript

JavaScript is a versatile programming language that finds wide applications in web development. This becomes necessary when you have stored numeric data as a string and need to perform mathematical operations.

Thankfully, JavaScript provides built-in functions that can effortlessly transform strings into floats, thereby enabling accurate manipulation of numeric data.

Why is there a need for converting String to float in javascript

Here are a few reasons why the conversion of String to float is needed in Javascript.

  1. Data type compatibility: JavaScript treats strings and floats as different data types. It is crucial to verify that the data type of operands is appropriate while performing arithmetic or mathematical operations.
  2. User input: When receiving input from users through form fields or other user interfaces, the input is often received as a string, even if the input is meant to represent a numeric value.
  3. Data manipulation: When working with data in JavaScript, it is important to manipulate numeric values that are stored as strings.

Different Approaches to convert String to float in javascript

Here are some of the different approaches that how to convert String to float in javascript:

  1. Using parseFloat() method
  2. Using Number() method
  3. Using Unary plus (+) operator method

Different methods in detail:

Method 1: Using parseFloat() method

The parseFloat() method is used for converting a string to float number. It takes a string as an argument and returns a float value.

// Input string to be converted to float
const stringNumber = "3.14";

// Convert the string to a float using parseFloat()
const floatNumber = parseFloat(stringNumber);

// Output the converted float
console.log("String Number: " + stringNumber);
console.log("Float Number: " + floatNumber);


String Number: 3.14
Float Number: 3.14


  1. First, we create a string variable called “stringNumber” and assign “3.14”. To carry out the conversion process, we make use of the built-in JavaScript function called parseFloat().
  2. This function takes in the “stringNumber” variable and returns the corresponding float value. It’s a straightforward and handy way to perform string-to-float conversions in JavaScript.
  3. We store the converted float in a new variable called floatNumber.
  4. Finally, we use console.log() to output the original string value and the converted float value to the console for display.

Method 2: Using Number() method

The Number() function in JavaScript can also be used for converting a string to a float number. It takes string as an argument and returns a numeric value.

// Input string
const inputString = "3.14159";

// Convert string to float using Number() method
const floatValue = Number(inputString);

// Check if the conversion was successful
if (isNaN(floatValue)) {
  console.error("Error: Invalid input. Cannot convert string to float.");
} else {
  console.log(`Input string: ${inputString}`);
  console.log(`Float value: ${floatValue}`);


Input string: 3.14159
Float value: 3.14159


  1. We start by declaring a constant variable inputString that holds the string we want to convert to a float, that is “3.14159”.
  2. We then use the Number() method. The Number() method takes a string as input and returns a numeric value.
  3. Next, we check if the conversion was successful by using the isNaN() function, which stands for “is Not a Number”. If isNaN(floatValue) returns true, it means that the floatValue is not a valid number, and we print an error message to the console.
  4. Otherwise, if the conversion was successful, we print the input string and the float value to the console using console.log().

Method 3: Using Unary plus (+) operator method

The unary plus operator in JavaScript can also be used to convert a string to a float. When used before a string, it attempts to convert the string to a number.

const stringNumber = "3.14"; // string representation of a number
const floatNumber = +stringNumber; // using unary plus operator to convert string to float

console.log("Original string: " + stringNumber);
console.log("Converted float: " + floatNumber);


Original string: 3.14
Converted float: 3.14


  1. We have a string variable stringNumber that contains the string representation of a number “3.14”.
  2. We use the unary plus operator (+) before the stringNumber variable to convert it to a float. The unary plus operator converts the string to a number representation in JavaScript.
  3. The converted float is stored in the floatNumber variable.
  4. We use console.log() to print the original string and the converted float to the console.

Best Approach to change String to float in javascript

In JavaScript, the best approach for converting a string to a float is parseFloat() function.

  1. Native JavaScript Function: parseFloat() is a built-in function in JavaScript, making it readily available and widely supported in all modern web browsers without requiring any external libraries or dependencies.
  2. Accurate Conversion: parseFloat() accurately converts string representations of floating-point numbers to their corresponding float values, handling decimal points, positive/negative signs, and exponential notation correctly.
  3. Error Handling: parseFloat() has built-in error handling. If the input string is not a valid representation of a floating-point number, it returns NaN (Not a Number) instead of throwing an error.

Sample Problem on String to float Conversion in javascript

Sample Problem 1:

Suppose you are taking input from the user and in that, the user adds their marks in decimal and now you need to convert String to float for further processing.


  1. We use the prompt function to take input from the user. The input is received as a string.
  2. We store the user input in a variable called userInput.
  3. We use the parseFloat method to convert the userInput from a string to a floating-point number. The parseFloat method parses the string and returns the floating-point number in decimal format.
  4. We store the converted float value in a variable called marks.
  5. We use the isNaN function to check if the marks value is NaN (Not a Number), which indicates that the conversion was unsuccessful because the userInput was not a valid decimal number.
  6. If the marks value is NaN, we print an error message using console.log to inform the user that the input was invalid.
  7. If the marks value is a valid float, we print the converted float value using console.log to display the marks entered by the user in decimal format.

Solution Code:

// Taking user input as a string
const userInput = prompt("Enter your marks as a decimal:");

// Converting user input from string to float
const marks = parseFloat(userInput);

// Checking if the conversion was successful
if (isNaN(marks)) {
  console.log("Invalid input. Please enter a valid decimal number.");
} else {
  console.log("Your marks as a float:", marks);


Enter your marks as a decimal: 95.5
Your marks as a float: 95.5Your age in binary is: 100011

Sample Problem 2:

Suppose you are calculating a percentage from 900 out of 1500 and the result comes in decimals but you need to convert it from String to float so, write full code in javascript.


  1. First, we initialize two variables numerator and denominator with the values 800 and 1600 respectively.
  2. Next, we calculate the percentage by dividing the numerator by the denominator and multiplying it by 100. The result is stored in the percentage variable.
  3. To convert the percentage to binary, we use the unsigned right shift (>>>) bitwise operator. This operator shifts the bits of a number to the right and pads the left side with zeros. By shifting the percentage variable by 0 bits, we are essentially using this operator to force the number to be interpreted as an unsigned integer. We then convert the result to a binary string using the toString() method with a base of 2.
  4. Finally, we print out the percentage and binary variables using the console.log() method.
// Input values
const numerator = 400;
const denominator = 1500;

// Calculate percentage
const percentage = (numerator / denominator) * 100;

// Convert percentage to string
const percentageString = percentage.toString();

// Convert percentage string to float using Number() method
const percentageFloat = Number(percentageString);

// Output the result
console.log(`Percentage as String: ${percentageString}`);
console.log(`Percentage as Float: ${percentageFloat}`);


Percentage as String: 26.666666666666668
Percentage as Float: 26.666666666666668

Sample Problem 3:

Suppose you are multiplying 2 numbers 12.2 and 13.5 respectively and you need to convert the result from string to float.


  1. we have two numbers, num1 and num2. Num1 has a value of 12.2, while num2 is valued at 13.5. We want to multiply these two numbers, so we use the * operator.
  2.  The product of num1 and num2 is then stored in a variable called “result”.
  3. The unary plus (+) operator is used on resultString to convert the string back to a float, and the converted float value is stored in the resultFloat variable.
  4. To display the converted result as a float (resultFloat) and the initial result as a string (resultString) on the console, the console.log() function is utilized.
  5. The output of the code will show the original result as a string and the converted result as a float, both having the same value of 164.7, indicating a successful conversion from string to float.
const num1 = 12.2;
const num2 = 13.5;
const result = num1 * num2; // Multiply the two numbers
const resultString = result.toString(); // Convert the result to a string
const resultFloat = +resultString; // Convert the string to a float using unary plus (+) operator
console.log("Result (as string):", resultString); // Output: Result (as string): 164.7
console.log("Result (as float):", resultFloat); // Output: Result (as float): 164.7


Result (as string): 164.7
Result (as float): 164.7


It allows you to manipulate and perform calculations on string representations of numbers as if they were actual numeric values.

JavaScript provides various methods for converting strings to floats, including the parseFloat() function and the unary + operator.