How To Convert String to Double in Python

As a Python programmer or data analyst, you may find yourself in situations where it becomes imperative to engage in mathematical operations or data analysis. Often, the strings you’re dealing with would have to be converted to floating-point numbers, or doubles, before you can perform your calculations. This task is as common as it is ubiquitous in programming and data science.

In this blog, we shall explore five distinct approaches to convert a string to a double in Python, with each methodology designed to tackle different sets of problems. We will delve into each approach in granular detail and provide copious examples of how each technique can be applied. Through this exhaustive and comprehensive exploration, we aim to provide you with a well-rounded understanding of the art and science of converting a string to a double in Python.

Why is converting a string to double in python is needed?

In the realm of Python, a string is an ordered sequence of characters, whereas a double is a floating-point number. Although seemingly disparate, there are instances where it becomes essential to transmute a string into a double in Python. Herein lie a few reasons why one may need to do so:

  1. Mathematical operations: Suppose you intend to execute mathematical operations on a number presently held as a string. In that case, you will need to convert it into a double. Why? Because Python is incapable of carrying out mathematical operations on strings. The laws of mathematics require numbers to remain as numeric entities.
  1. User input: While fabricating a program that accepts user input, it’s probable that you will need to transform the user’s input from a string into a double before you can perform mathematical operations on it. Such operations would be meaningless on a string, for strings are simply sequences of characters with no inherent mathematical value.
  1. Data manipulation: It is yet another compelling cause that calls for a string-to-double conversion. While handling data in Python, one frequently comes across numeric data that’s kept in string format. In such cases, if one intends to manipulate this data using mathematical operations, it is imperative to convert it to a double. Strings can be manipulated in a myriad of ways, but performing mathematical operations on them is not one of them.

All in all, converting a string into a double in Python is an absolute necessity when it comes to performing mathematical operations or manipulating data that’s kept in string format. Converting from one data type to another may seem like a trivial task, but it is a fundamental operation that underpins many of the programming feats that we accomplish every day.

How to convert string to double in Python

Here are five different approaches to convert string to double in Python with detailed solution steps, code, and output for each approach:

  1. Using the float() function
  2. Using the ast.literal_eval() function
  3. Using the numpy.float64() function
  4. Using the decimal.Decimal() function
  5. Using the pandas.to_numeric() function

Let’s dive in more with examples to each approach.

Approach 1: Using the float() function

If you are working with numerical data in Python, you may need to convert strings that represent numeric values to double-precision floating-point numbers in order to perform mathematical operations on the data.

The float() function in Python can be used to convert a string to a floating-point number.

Pros & Cons:

  • Simple and easy to use
  • Built-in function, no need to install any external library
  • Fast execution speed
  • Limited precision compared to other approaches
  • May not handle some edge cases correctly


# Step 1
string_input = input("Enter a string: ")

# Step 2
float_output = float(string_input)

# Step 3
print("Output:", float_output)


Enter a string: 3.14
Output: 3.14

Explanation of Code:

  1. Take the input as a string from the user.
  2. Use the float() function to convert the string to a floating-point number.
  3. Print the floating-point number.

Approach 2: Using the ast.literal_eval() function

The ast.literal_eval() function can also be used to convert a string to a double in Python. This function can evaluate a string as a Python expression, which can include floating-point numbers.

Pros & Cons:

  • Can handle a wide range of Python expressions, not just floating-point numbers
  • Safe to use with untrusted input, as it only evaluates literal expressions
  • Requires the string to be a valid Python expression, which may not always be the case
  • May be slower than other approaches for large datasets


# Step 1
import ast

# Step 2
string_input = input("Enter a string: ")

# Step 3
float_output = ast.literal_eval(string_input)

# Step 4
print("Output:", float_output)


Enter a string: 3.14
Output: 3.14

Explanation of Code:

  1. Import the ast module.
  2. Take the input as a string from the user.
  3. Use the ast.literal_eval() function to evaluate the string as a Python expression and convert it to a floating-point number.
  4. Print the floating-point number.

Approach 3: Using the numpy.float64() function

If you are working with numerical data in Python, you may already have the numpy library installed. The numpy.float64() function can be used to convert a string to a double in Python.

Pros & Cons:

  • Provides high precision and accuracy
  • Fast execution speed
  • Requires the numpy library, which may not be installed by default
  • Limited to numerical data


# Step 1
import numpy as np

# Step 2
string_input = input("Enter a string: ")

# Step 3
float_output = np.float64(string_input)

# Step 4
print("Output:", float_output)


Enter a string: 3.14
Output: 3.14

Explanation of Code:

  1. Import the numpy module.
  2. Take the input as a string from the user.
  3. Use the numpy.float64() function to convert the string to a floating-point number.
  4. Print the floating-point number.

Approach 4: Using the decimal.Decimal() function

The decimal module in Python provides support for fast and correctly-rounded decimal floating-point arithmetic. The decimal.Decimal() function can be used to convert a string to a double in Python.

Pros & Cons:

  • Provides high precision and accuracy
  • Supports a wide range of arithmetic operations
  • Handles rounding and decimal places correctly
  • Requires the decimal module, which may not be installed by default
  • Slower execution speed compared to other approaches

Here is an example to demonstrate the working:


# Step 1
import decimal

# Step 2
string_input = input("Enter a string: ")

# Step 3
decimal_output = decimal.Decimal(string_input)

# Step 4
print("Output:", float(decimal_output))


Enter a string: 3.14
Output: 3.14

Explanation of Code:

  1. Import the decimal module.
  2. Take the input as a string from the user.
  3. Use the decimal.Decimal() function to convert the string to a decimal.
  4. Print the decimal as a floating-point number.

Approach 5: Using the pandas.to_numeric() function

If you are working with dataframes in Python, you may already have the pandas library installed. The pandas.to_numeric() function can be used to convert a string to a double in Python.

Pros & Cons:

  • Built-in function in the pandas library, which is widely used for data manipulation
  • Can handle a wide range of input formats, including missing values and special characters
  • Can handle both integer and floating-point numbers
  • May require additional parameters to handle specific input formats
  • Slower execution speed compared to other approaches for large datasets


# Step 1
import pandas as pd

# Step 2
string_input = input("Enter a string: ")

# Step 3
float_output = pd.to_numeric(string_input, downcast='float')

# Step 4
print("Output:", float_output)


Enter a string: 3.14
Output: 3.14

Explanation of Code:

  1. Import the pandas module.
  2. Take the input as a string from the user.
  3. Use the pandas.to_numeric() function to convert the string to a floating-point number.
  4. Print the floating-point number.

Best Approach to convert string to double in Python:

The optimal methodology for converting a string to a float or numeric value is dependent upon the specific use case and requirements at hand. Yet, if one must select a singular approach that exudes flexibility and widespread adoption, then “Using the float() function” approach is unequivocally the top choice.

Allow me to expound upon the various traits of the float() function that render it as the finest approach for converting a string to a floating-point number in Python:

  1. Built-in Function: The float() function is a native, built-in function in Python, that can be executed without any external library or dependency.
  2. Simple to Use: The float() function, due to its innate simplicity, is easy to use, and a single line of code is all that is necessary to convert a string to a floating-point number.
  3. Handles standard floating-point formats: The float() function is versatile and can manage most of the standard floating-point formats, such as “1.23”, “-1.23”, “1.23e-4”, and so forth.
  4. Fast performance: The float() function’s expeditious and efficient processing capabilities allow it to rapidly handle large volumes of data with ease.
  5. Widely used:The float() function is an extensively employed approach for converting a string to a floating-point number in Python, and is endorsed in nearly all cases that don’t require high precision.

Summing it all up, the float() function represents a facile, swift, and reliable approach for converting a string to a floating-point number in Python.

Sample Problems to convert string to double in Python:

Sample Problem 1:

Write a Python program that prompts the user to enter a string that represents a floating-point number, converts the string to a float using the float() function, and then prints the float value.


  1. Prompt the user to enter a string representing a floating-point number using the input() function.
  2. Use the float() function to convert the string to a float.
  3. Print the float value using the print() function.


# Prompt the user to enter a floating-point number string
string_num = input("Enter a floating-point number: ")

# Convert the string to a float using the float() function
float_num = float(string_num)

# Print the float value
print("The float value is:", float_num)


Enter a floating-point number: 3.14
The float value is: 3.14

Sample Problem 2:

Write a Python program that prompts the user to enter a string that represents a floating-point number, converts the string to a float using the ast.literal_eval() function, and then prints the float value.


  1. Import the ast module.
  2. Prompt the user to enter a string representing a floating-point number using the input() function.
  3. Use the ast.literal_eval() function to convert the string to a float.
  4. Print the float value using the print() function.


# Import the ast module
import ast

# Prompt the user to enter a floating-point number string
string_num = input("Enter a floating-point number: ")

# Convert the string to a float using the ast.literal_eval() function
float_num = ast.literal_eval(string_num)

# Print the float value
print("The float value is:", float_num)


Enter a floating-point number: 3.14
The float value is: 3.14

Sample Problem 3:

Write a Python program that prompts the user to enter a string that represents a floating-point number, converts the string to a float using the numpy.float64() function, and then prints the float value.


  1. Import the numpy module.
  2. Prompt the user to enter a string representing a floating-point number using the input() function.
  3. Use the numpy.float64() function to convert the string to a float.
  4. Print the float value using the print() function.


# Import the numpy module
import numpy as np

# Prompt the user to enter a floating-point number string
string_num = input("Enter a floating-point number: ")

# Convert the string to a float using the numpy.float64() function
float_num = np.float64(string_num)

# Print the float value
print("The float value is:", float_num)


Enter a floating-point number: 3.14
The float value is: 3.14

Sample Problem 4:

Write a Python program that prompts the user to enter a string that represents a floating-point number, converts the string to a float using the decimal.Decimal() function, and then prints the float value.


  1. Import the decimal module.
  2. Prompt the user to enter a string representing a floating-point number using the input() function.
  3. Use the decimal.Decimal() function to convert the string to a float.
  4. Print the float value using the print() function.


# Import the decimal module
import decimal

# Prompt the user to enter a floating-point number string
string_num = input("Enter a floating-point number: ")

# Convert the string to a Decimal object using the Decimal() constructor
decimal_num = decimal.Decimal(string_num)

# Convert the Decimal object to a double using the float() function
double_num = float(decimal_num)

# Print the double value
print("The double value is:", double_num)


Enter a floating-point number: 3.14159265
The double value is: 3.14159265

Sample Problem 5:

Write a Python program that creates a pandas DataFrame with a column of string representations of floating-point numbers, converts the column to a column of doubles using the pandas.to_numeric() function, and then prints the DataFrame.


  1. Import the pandas module.
  2. Create a pandas DataFrame with a column of string representations of floating-point numbers.
  3. Use the pandas.to_numeric() function to convert the column to a column of doubles.
  4. Print the DataFrame using the print() function.


# Import the pandas module
import pandas as pd

# Create a pandas DataFrame with a column of string representations of floating-point numbers
df = pd.DataFrame({'float_string': ['3.14159', '2.71828', '1.41421']})

# Convert the column to a column of doubles using the to_numeric() function
df['float_double'] = pd.to_numeric(df['float_string'])

# Print the DataFrame


  float_string  float_double
0      3.14159       3.14159
1      2.71828       2.71828
2      1.41421       1.41421


In the pursuit of comprehending various tactics to transmute a string into a double (floating-point number) in Python, we embarked on an exploratory odyssey in this blog.

The float() function is unequivocally the most uncomplicated and frequently employed maneuver that can effortlessly transmute a string into a float.

Intriguingly, the ast.literal_eval() function is a valuable utility for assessing a string as a Python expression and transforming it into a double. Conversely, the numpy.float64() function is a commendable preference if you are dealing with numerical data and have already installed the numpy library.

The decimal.Decimal() function emerges as a relevant option for immaculate decimal arithmetic, whereas the pandas.to_numeric() function exhibits an incredibly convenient mechanism for transmuting a column of a pandas dataframe that comprises string portrayals of floating-point numbers into a column of float64.

It is crucial to comprehend that the choice of the approach hinges on the distinct use case and requisite. Nonetheless, apprehending the various approaches can furnish developers with the prudence to make judicious decisions.