How To Convert String To Double In C#

It is common to come across a situation where numerical data is stored as a string in C# programming, as strings are flexible and can hold different types of data, including numerical data.

However, for doing mathematical operations, it is necessary to store it as a numeric data type, such as double. Therefore, it is essential to convert a string to a double.

The conversion of strings to double in C# is also important for error handling and data validation. Improper data conversion may lead to errors such as InvalidCastException or FormatException. These mistakes can cause the program to crash or produce inaccurate results. Proper data conversion must be carried out in order to prevent these problems.

Why Do We Need To Convert String To Double In C#

Converting String to double is necessary for several reasons.

Mathematical Calculations: Calculations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are the main purposes for converting strings to doubles in C#.

User Input: Users frequently submit data in the form of strings. For example, a user may enter their marks or percentage as a string.

Data Storage: String-based data is frequently stored in databases and files. It is necessary to transform the data to a double before using it in calculations.

Error Handling: InvalidCastException or FormatException issues might result from improper data conversion.

Data Validation: For data validation, converting a string to a double is also essential.  It may be impossible to modify the input to a double if it is not in the proper format.

Approaches On How To Convert String To Double In C#:

There are several ways to convert string to double in C#

1.  Using Double.TryParse() method

  1. Using Double.Parse() method
  2. Using Convert.ToDouble() Method

A Thorough Explanation Of Each Strategy About How To Convert String To Double In C#

1. Using Double.TryParse() method

This C# function aims to convert a number’s string representation into its corresponding double-precision floating-point number. The string to be converted and an out parameter that will store the converted value is the two inputs for the Double.TryParse() function.

Sample Code:

using System;

class Program
	static void Main(string[] args)

    	string str = "78";
    	double doubleNumber;

    	Double.TryParse(str, out doubleNumber);
            Console.WriteLine("After converting the string value to double: " + doubleNumber);


After converting the string value to double: 78

Code Explanation:

  1. Declare a string variable to hold the input string to be converted.
  2. Create a double variable and declare it to contain the input string’s converted value.
  3. Use the Double.TryParse() method and pass the input string as the first parameter and the double variable as the second.
  4. The converted value will be saved in the double variable.

2. Using Double.Parse() method

In C#, a string representation of a number is converted into its equivalent decimal number using the Double.Parse() function. This method tries to parse the provided string and returns the decimal value that corresponds to the number that was successfully processed.

Sample Code:

using System;

class Program
	static void Main(string[] args)
    	string str = "100.02";
    	// Convert the given string to a double using Double.Parse()
    	double doubleNumber = Double.Parse(str);
    	Console.WriteLine("The converted double value is: " + doubleNumber);


The converted double value is: 100.02

Code Explanation:

  1. Create a string variable called str and set its value to “100.02”.
  2. To convert the string value in str to a double, use the Double.Parse() function.
  3. The  converted value is saved in doubleNumber if the conversion is successful.
  4. Print the doubleNumber converted value to the console.

3. Using Convert.ToDouble() Method

In C#, the Convert.ToDouble() method is used to convert a provided number’s string representation to the double number that corresponds to it. This method returns the corresponding double value from a number’s string representation as an argument. The procedure throws an exception if the conversion is not possible.

Sample Code:

using System;

class Program
	static void Main(string[] args)
        	string str1 = "100.02";
        	string str2 = "50";
        	double doubleNumber1 = Convert.ToDouble(str1);
        	double doubleNumber2 = Convert.ToDouble(str2);
        	Console.WriteLine("The converted double values are: " + doubleNumber1 + " and " + doubleNumber2);
    	catch (FormatException ex)
        	Console.WriteLine("Input string is not in correct format: " + ex.Message);


The converted double values are: 100.02 and 50

Code Explanation:

  1. We begin by importing the System namespace, which contains the Convert class that we’ll need to convert strings to doubles.
  2. Two string variables are defined with values.
  3. The results are then stored in the “doubleNumber1” and “doubleNumber2” variables, respectively, after each string variable has been converted to its equal double number using the Convert.ToDouble() method.
  4. The try-catch block is used to handle any exceptions that may occur during the conversion process.
  5. Finally, we use the Console.WriteLine() function to output the converted double values along with the variable values.

Best Of The Three Methods

For numerous reasons, the TryParse method is regarded as the finest C# method to turn a String to a double number.

Exception Handling: Instead of throwing an exception, the TryParse function handles errors by providing a boolean result indicating whether or not the conversion was successful.

Performance: The TryParse method is quicker than the other conversion techniques since it has been performance optimized. This is crucial when working with huge datasets or converting data often.

Allows for more robust input validation:  The TryParse method can be integrated with other input validation approaches to increase input validation’s robustness.

Sample Problems For Converting String To Double In C#:

Sample Problem 1:

You are developing a financial application that must process a lot of user-inputted monetary values. The values will be entered as strings and must be changed to doubles before being used in calculations. However, the values may have commas as thousands of separators and periods as decimal separators, and the program must be able to handle these different formats.


  1. The program prompts the user for a monetary value and then reads it as a string.
  2. The input string is then trimmed to remove any leading or following whitespace.
  3. The program attempts to parse the input string as a double using Double.TryParse() method. The program prints the entered value as a double if the parsing is successful.
  4. If the initial parsing fails, the program tries to parse the input string with commas replaced by periods and vice versa.
  5. The program outputs the input value as a double if any of the alternate parse attempts are successful.
  6. An “Invalid input” warning is printed by the program if none of the parsing attempts are successful.


using System;

class Program
	static void Main(string[] args)
    	Console.WriteLine("Enter a monetary value:");

    	string input = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

    	double amount;

    	if (Double.TryParse(input, out amount))
        	Console.WriteLine("The entered value is: " + amount);
        	// try parsing with different separators
        	if (Double.TryParse(input.Replace(",", "."), out amount))
            	Console.WriteLine("The entered value is: " + amount);
        	else if (Double.TryParse(input.Replace(".", ","), out amount))
            	Console.WriteLine("The entered value is: " + amount);
            	Console.WriteLine("Invalid input.");


Enter a monetary value:1,3333.80
The entered value is: 13333.8

Sample Problem 2:

You’re developing a grocery shop app that allows customers to enter prices for various items. Prices are entered as strings and must be changed to doubles before being calculated. Write a C# program that demonstrates how to convert string into double using Double.Parse() method.


  1. Prompt the user to input the price of an item.
  2. Use the String.Replace() method to remove non-numeric characters.
  3. Convert the cleaned-up input string as a double.
  4. If the input string cannot be parsed as a double, catch the FormatException and output an error message to the console.
  5. If the input string is successfully parsed as a double, output the price to the console using Console.WriteLine() method.


using System;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Enter the price of an item:");
        string input = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

        // Clean up input string
        input = input.Replace("$", "").Replace(",", "").Replace(" ", "");

            double price = Double.Parse(input);
            Console.WriteLine("The price of the item is $" + price);
        catch (FormatException)
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter a valid price.");


Enter the price of an item:
$ 567
The price of the item is $567

Sample Problem 3:

You’re developing a weather app that lets users enter temperatures in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. The temperature can be entered by the user as a text, and the application must convert it to a double value expressing the temperature in Celsius using the Convert.ToDouble() method. The unit of measurement can be specified by attaching “C” or “F” to the input string.


  1. Prompt  the user to enter the temperature as a string using Console.ReadLine().
  2. Remove any whitespace from the input using the String.Trim() method.
  3. Determine whether the input ends with “C” or “F” using String.EndsWith().
  4. If the input ends in “C,” use the formula (C * 9/5) + 32 to convert the temperature to Fahrenheit.
  5. If the input ends in “F,” use the formula (F – 32) * 5/9 to convert the temperature to Celsius.
  6. Output the converted temperature using Console.WriteLine().
  7. If the input does not conclude with “C” or “F,” print an error message.


using System;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Enter the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit:");
        string input = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

        // Check if input ends with C (Celsius) or F (Fahrenheit)
        if (input.EndsWith("C"))
            // Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
            double celsius = Convert.ToDouble(input.Substring(0, input.Length - 1));
            double fahrenheit = (celsius * 9 / 5) + 32;
            Console.WriteLine("The temperature is " + fahrenheit + " degrees Fahrenheit.");
        else if (input.EndsWith("F"))
            // Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
            double fahrenheit = Convert.ToDouble(input.Substring(0, input.Length - 1));
            double celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9;
            Console.WriteLine("The temperature is " + celsius + " degrees Celsius.");
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter a temperature followed by 'C' or 'F'.");


Enter the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit:
The temperature is 37.4 degrees Fahrenheit.


In general, converting a string to a double is required when doing mathematical operations involving decimal values. Also, many APIs and frameworks require numerical input in the form of a double.

We have discussed three methods for converting strings to double. Among them, the  Double.TryParse method is considered the best method due to its ability to handle invalid input and prevent runtime errors.

However, other two methods can be effective in certain use cases. Understanding the methods properly helps to find the method that is apt for the particular use case.