How To Convert String To Char In Python

Converting string to char is a common task in Python programming, and it is useful in various scenarios. Strings are immutable in python, It means we cannot modify it directly.

When working with strings in Python, This could be necessary for certain operations or when working with specific libraries.

So We have to use various approaches which we will discuss in this article. There exist a lot of  methodologies in python for converting strings into character, each has its unique features and drawbacks.

Why is there a need to convert String to Char?

Here are a few reasons that generate the need to change str to char in python.

  • To distillate a character from a string
  • To perform an operation on a specific character of a string
  • To modify a particular character of a string
  • To access individual characters of the string.
  • To pass individual characters as arguments to functions.

In this article, we will explore different approaches to converting a string to a character in Python.

How to change string to char in python

There are several ways to convert str into char in Python. While choosing the correct approach, some important factors such as performance, error handling  and code readability should be  considered. Choosing the best approach is based on the specific needs for the change .

These are six different approaches to convert string to char in Python with detailed explanation about the method, code, and output for each approach.

Here is the different approach:

  1. Using the indexing
  2. Using the list() function
  3. Using the map() function
  4. Using the unpacking operator
  5. Using the ord() function
  6. Using the bytearray() function

Approach 1: Using the Indexing method

This method involves accessing individual characters in a string using its index and converting it into a char. We can use string[index] to get the character at the specified index.

Here is an example of Using the Indexing method to convert a string value to a char:


str = "English comics"
char_lst = [str[i] for i in range(len(str))]


['E', 'n', 'g', 'l', 'i', 's', 'h', ' ', 'c', 'o', 'm', 'i', 'c', 's']


  • We access each character in the string using its index.
  • We create a list of characters obtained from the string.
  • The output is a list of characters

Approach 2: Using the list() function method

The method using the list() function is used to convert the string into a list of single characters. In simpler terms, we can say that this approach breaks a string down into its component parts, which allows you to extract one particular part as needed.

Here is an example of Using the list() function to convert a string value into a char:


str = "Hii, I am Harsh"
char_lst = list(str)
print('This is the char list \n',char_lst)
print('First char is ----> ',char_lst[0])


This is the char list 
 ['H', 'i', 'i', ',', ' ', 'I', ' ', 'a', 'm', ' ', 'H', 'a', 'r', 's', 'h']
First char is ---->  H


  • We have converted the string into a list of characters using the list() method.
  • Each and every character in the list is already a char, so no need for additional conversion is required.
  • The output is a list of characters.

Approach 3: Using the map() function

The “map()” function is an in-built Python function that takes a function and an iterable as arguments and applies it to the function in which each element is iterable. It returns a new iterable containing the results.

Here is an example of the map() function method to convert a string value into a char:


st = "A new method"
char_lst = list(map(str, st))
print('The output is\n',char_lst)


The output is
 ['A', ' ', 'n', 'e', 'w', ' ', 'm', 'e', 't', 'h', 'o', 'd']


  • We have defined a string variable named ‘string’ and assigned it the value “A new method”.
  • Here we used map() function to convert each character of the string into a list of characters.
  • We have extracted the character of the list and assigned it to the ‘char_lst’ variable.
  • The output displays the character of the string, which is a list.

Approach 4:  Using the ord() and char() function

The ‘ord()’ function is an in-built python function that takes a string of length 1 and returns an integer which represents the Unicode code point of the character. It means , it returns a numerical value that represents the character in the Unicode standard.

Here is an example of ord() and char() to convert a string value into a char:


str = "Why you strated"
char=[chr(ord(c)) for c in str]
print('Using ord and chr\n',char)


Using ord and chr
['w', 'h', 'y', ' ', 'y', 'o', 'u', ' ', 's', 't', 'r', 'a', 't', 'e', 'd']


  • We assign the string “Why you started” to a variable string.
  • We convert each character in the string to its ASCII code using the ord() function.
  • We then convert the ASCII code to a char using the chr() function.
  • The output is a list of characters.

Approach 5: Using the bytearray() function

In python bytearray() function is used to create a mutable sequence of bytes. It takes two optional parameters: source and encoding. If the source parameter is present, it initializes the array with the bytes in the source string. If an encoding parameter is present there then the source parameter is assumed to be a string and It is converted to bytes using the specified encoding. It creates a bytearray object from a string and then converts each byte to a char.

An example of a bytearray function() to convert a string value into a char:


str = "Hello World"
char_lst = [chr(b) for b in bytearray(str,"utf-8")]


['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd']


  • We created a bytearray object from the string using the bytearray() function.
  • We convert each byte in the bytearray to a char using the chr() function.
  • The output is a list of characters.

Approach 6: Using the unpacking operator

The unpacking operator (*) , It is also known as an asterisk operator which can be used to convert a string to a character in Python. It unpacks the string into individual characters from various data types such as list, tuple and dictionary, which can be assigned to a variable.

Here is an example of an Unpacking operator to convert a string value to a char:


str = "Hello"
first_char, *rest = str
print('first_char is :',first_char,'\n rest char is :',*rest)


first_char is : H 
rest char is : e l l o


  • We have defined a string variable named ‘str’ and assigned it the value “Hello”.
  • We have used the unpacking operator to extract the first character of the string and assigned it to the ‘char’ variable.
  • The output displays the string’s first character, ‘H’.

Best Approach of How to Convert string to char in Python

The Six approaches of how to change from string to char in python have their advantages and disadvantages, and the best approach will depend on the specific use case and requirements. However, The best method to convert a string to char in Python is using the indexing method.

Here are the reasons why Using the indexing approach is the best:

  1. Simplicity: This approach is straightforward and easy to understand for beginners.
  2. Versatility: This method can be used to extract any character at any position from a string.
  3. Efficiency: This approach is faster than other methods such as using the list() constructor.
  4. Memory Efficient: This method does not create a new object rather It uses only a single memory location.
  5. Widely Used: This approach is widely used and recommended by the Python community.

Overall, the indexing method is the best approach for converting a string to a character in Python due to its simplicity, versatility, efficiency, memory efficiency, and widespread usage.

Q: Give an example of using the list method to change a string to char in Python?


s = "HII, Harsh!"
char_lst = list(s.lower())


['h', 'i', 'i', ',', ' ', 'h’, 'a', 'r', 's', 'h', '!']


  • The string ‘s’ is converted to lowercase using the lower() function,
  • The list() function is used to convert the string to a list of characters.
  • The resulting list of lowercase characters is sorted in the variable char_lst.
  • The print() function is used to display the contents of the char_lst variable.

Sample problem for How to Convert string to char in Python for each of the approaches:

Using the indexing operator:

Sample Problem 1:

Suppose Rohit wants to extract the first letter of his friend’s name from a list of friends’ names. How will he get the first letter of his friend’s name?


  • The code creates a string variable s with the value “Ravi Kumar”.
  • The [] indexing operator is used to access the first character in the string (index 0).


s = "Ravi Kumar"
print(‘First letter is — ’,s[0]) 


First letter is –  R

Using the list() function:

Sample Problem 2:

Suppose A teacher wants to take attendance for a class using a program. He wants to convert the student names into lists, which are currently stored as strings so that he can easily manipulate them later. Additionally, he wants to print the second character of each student’s name as a way of confirming their attendance.


  • The student names are currently stored as strings.
  • The program needs to convert the string names to lists so that they can be easily manipulated later. Additionally, the program needs to print the second character of each student’s name as a way of confirming their attendance.
  • The program uses a for loop to iterate over each student’s name.
  • For each student, the program converts the string name to a list using the list() function.
  • The program then extracts the second character of the list using indexing.
  • Finally, the program prints out a message indicating that the student is present and the second character of their name.


students = ["Rishi", "Ananya", "Sweta"]

for student in students:
    lst = list(student)
    second_char = lst[1]
    print(f"{student} is present. Second character: {second_char}")


Rishi is present. Second character: i
Ananya is present. Second character: n
Sweta is present. Second character: w

Using the map() function:

Sample Problem 3:

In a research study collecting survey responses from participants. Researchers want to anonymity the responses by converting the participants’ names, which are stored as strings, to lists of uppercase characters. He also wants to print the first letter of each participant’s name to confirm that their response has been recorded.


  • The participant’s name is sorted as string value “Hello World”.
  • The program uses a for loop to iterate over each participant’s name.
  • For each participant, the program uses the map() function to apply the str.upper function to each character in the name, converting it to uppercase.
  • The program then converts the resulting iterable to a list using the list() function.
  • Finally, the program extracts the first character of the list using indexing and prints a message indicating that the participant responded.


participants = ["Joshep", "Ayush", "Boby"]

for participant in participants:
    lst = list(map(str.upper, participant))
    first_char = lst[0]
    print(f"Participant {first_char} responded.")


Participant J responded.
Participant A responded.
Participant B responded.

Using the unpacking operator:

Sample Problem 4:

John is building a password manager application that generates passwords for users based on their personal information. As part of the application, he wants to use the first two characters of the user’s name and birth year as input to a password generation function. He can use Python to extract the first two characters of the user’s name and birth year, and then pass them as separate arguments to the password generation function.


  • The string variable name is assigned the value “Prince” and birth_year is assigned the value “2001”.
  • The function generate_pass() is defined to take four arguments, a, b, c, and d, which returns a string that concatenates these arguments with the string “xyz45”..
  • The * operator is used to unpack the first two characters of the name and birth_year strings and pass them as separate arguments to the generate_pass() function.
  • The password variable is assigned the return value of the generate_pass() function.
  • The print() function is used to output the value of the password variable.
  • The output of the program is the string “Pr20xyz45”, which is the first two characters of the name concatenated with the first two characters of birth_year, followed by the string “xyz45”.


name = "Prince"
birth_year = "2001"

def generate_pass(a,b,c,d):
    return f"{a}{b}{c}{d}xyz45"




Using the ord() function:

Sample Problem 5:

Rakesh is working on a language translation tool and he needs to determine the Unicode code point of the first character of a string which is in order to correctly convert it into a different language that uses a different character set.


  • A string variable str is defined with the value “Hello, world!”.
  • The ord() function is used to convert the first character of the string to its corresponding Unicode code point.
  • The print() function is used to output the Unicode code point.
  • The output of the program is “The Unicode code point of the first character is: 72”, which is followed by the actual Unicode code point value.


str = "Hello, world!"
unicode_code = ord(str[0])

print("The Unicode point of the first character is:", unicode_code)


The Unicode point of the first character is: 72

Using the bytearray() function:

Sample Problem 6:

Rakesh is working on a network application that sends and receives binary data. The application requires the use of byte arrays to store and manipulate the binary data. The developer needs to convert a string to a byte array and extract the first byte of the byte array to use it in a network packet.


  • A string variable str is defined with the value “Hello, world!”.
  • Bytearray() function is used to convert the string to a bytearray. The second argument of the function specifies the encoding to use when converting the string to bytes, in this case, ‘utf-8’.
  • first byte of the bytearray is stored in the variable first_byt.
  • The print() function is used to output a message that displays the first byte of the byte array.
  • The output of the program is “72”,the actual value of the first byte.


str = "Hello, world!"
byt_array = bytearray(str, 'utf-8')
first_byt = byt_array[0]




In this article, We have discussed six different ways on how to convert from string to char in python. We have gone through the using the list() function, map() function, unpacking operator, the ord() function, and the bytearray() function.

Every approach has its own advantages and disadvantages  and the best approach depends on the specific use case and requirements.We also discussed best practices for choosing the most appropriate method, such as considering performance, code readability, and error handling. We provided a sample problem for each approach and showed how to solve it by using Python code.

By understanding different approaches, you can choose the most appropriate one.

We recommend using the indexing approach for converting string to char in python due to its efficiency and ease of use.