How To Convert String To Array In Javascript

The ability to convert a string to an array in JavaScript is a handy feature that can be incredibly useful for data manipulation. Strings are incredibly useful for storing and manipulating pieces of data, and by learning how to convert string to array in javascript, you unlock an entirely new set of possibilities for manipulating that data.

In this article, we’ll explore the different ways of converting a string to an array in JavaScript. We’ll look at methods like the split() method, the spread syntax, and more.

We’ll also discuss potential pitfalls and the considerations you should make when implementing the right solution for your project.

Need for Converting String To Array In JavaScript

Converting a string to an array can be useful in various scenarios, such as:

  • Manipulating character: When you want to manipulate each character or word in a string separately
  • Splitting strings: When you want to split a string into multiple parts based on a delimiter
  • Array operations: When you want to perform operations on an array, such as sorting or filtering.

Different Approaches on how to convert string into array in javascript

There are multiple approaches on how to convert a string to an array in javascript. These include:

  1. Using the split() method
  2. Using the spread operator
  3. Using the Array.from() method

Approach 1: Using the split() method

The split() method is a built-in method of the string object that splits a string into an array of substrings based on a specified separator.


const str = "apple,banana,orange"; //input
const arr = str.split(",");
console.log(arr); // print: ["apple", "banana", "orange"]


["apple", "banana", "orange"]


  • Declare a string variable str with the value “apple,banana,orange”.
  • Call the split() method on the str variable with the separator “,”.
  • The split() method returns an array of substrings, which is stored in the arr variable.
  • Print the arr variable to the console.

Approach 2: Using the spread operator

This method is similar to the first one, but it uses the spread operator to spread the resulting array into a new array.


const str = "apple,banana,orange";     //input
const arr = [...str.split(",")];
console.log(arr); // print: ["apple", "banana", "orange"]


["apple", "banana", "orange"]


  • Declare a string variable str with the value “apple,banana,orange”.
  • Call the split() method on the str variable with the separator “,”.
  • The split() method returns an array of substrings, which is spread into a new array using the spread operator.
  • The new array is stored in the arr variable.
  • Print the arr variable to the console.

Approach 3: Using the Array.from() method

This method creates a new array from an iterable object, such as a string. Here’s how it works:

const str = "apple,banana,orange";    //input
const arr = Array.from(str.split(","));
console.log(arr); // print: ["apple", "banana", "orange"]


["apple", "banana", "orange"]


  • Declare a string variable str with the value “apple,banana,orange”.
  • Call the split() method on the str variable with the separator “,”.
  • The split() method returns an array of substrings, which is passed as an argument to the Array.from() method.
  • The Array.from() method creates a new array from the iterable object, which is stored in the arr variable.
  • Print the arr variable to the console.

Best Approach for “how to change string to array in javascript”

The best approach on how to change string to array in JavaScript is the .split() method, and it has the following advantages over the other approaches:

  • Efficient: The .split() method is also very efficient in terms of time and memory, as it is a native method and does not require any additional overhead.
  • Versatile: The .split() method is very versatile and can be used to split a string into an array based on a wide range of delimiters, including regular expressions.
  • Easy to use: The .split() method is very easy to use and requires only one line of code to achieve the conversion.

Sample Problem 1:  Using the split() method

You work for a retail store and you are tasked with updating the inventory system. The data for each product is currently stored as a string in a CSV file. You need to convert the product data from strings to arrays so that it can be processed more easily.

Input: “1234, Widget, 19.99, 50\n5678, Thingamabob, 9.99, 100\n”


  • The code declares a constant variable named productData and assigns it a string value consisting of two lines of text, each representing information about a product.
  • The code then uses the split() method on the productData string to create an array of substrings by splitting it at each occurrence of the newline character (\n).
  • The resulting array contains two elements, each representing a line of text from the original productData string.
  • The code then uses the map() method on the resulting array to create a new array called productsArray.
  • The map() method is called with a callback function that takes a single parameter, product, which represents each element in the original array (productData).
  • For each product element, the callback function uses the split() method again to create an array of substrings by splitting the product string at each occurrence of a comma followed by a space (, ).
  • The resulting array contains four elements for each product, representing its ID, name, price, and quantity.
  • The map() method returns an array of these arrays, with each inner array representing a product’s information.
  • Finally, the code uses console.log() to print the productsArray array to the console.
vconst productData = "1234, Widget, 19.99, 50\n5678, Thingamabob, 9.99, 100\n"  // input
// using the map() method on the resulting array to create a new array called productsArray.
const productsArray = productData.split('\n').map(product => product.split(', '))


[  ["1234", "Widget", "19.99", "50"],
  ["5678", "Thingamabob", "9.99", "100"]

Sample Problem 2: Using the spread operator

A supermarket needs to convert a comma-separated list of items into an array, so that it can easily manipulate the individual items and perform operations like sorting or filtering. Dennis has to come up with a code solution on how to parse string to array in javascript. Help Dennis write a javascript code to convert string to array using the spread operator.

Input String: “apple, banana, orange, pear”


  • The code declares a constant variable named items and assigns it a string value consisting of a comma-separated list of four fruit items.
  • The code then uses the split() method on the items string to create an array of substrings by splitting it at each occurrence of a comma (,).
  • The resulting array contains four elements, each representing an individual fruit item from the original items string.
  • The code then uses the spread operator (…) to create a new array called itemsArray.
  • The spread operator expands the items array into individual elements, which are then collected into the itemsArray array.
  • This is equivalent to using the Array.from() method or the spread operator without the square brackets.
  • Finally, the code uses console.log() to print the itemsArray array to the console, which displays each fruit item as a separate element in the array.
const items = "apple, banana, orange, pear";   // input
const itemsArray= [...items.split(",")];  //use the spread operator (...) to create a new array


["apple", "banana", "orange", "pear"] 

Sample Problem 3: Using the Array.from() method

A web application needs to process user input that consists of a string of comma-separated values, and convert it into an array that can be used for further processing. The application wants to use the Array.from() method for this conversion.
Write a code in javascript to convert the string to array.

Input:  “Nike, Louis Vuitton, GUCCI, Adidas”


  • The code declares a constant variable named userInput and assigns it a string value consisting of a comma-separated list of four fruit items.
  • The code uses the split() method on the userInput string to create an array of substrings by splitting it at each occurrence of a comma (,).
  • The resulting array contains four elements, each representing an individual fruit item from the original userInput string.
  • The code then uses the Array.from() method to create a new array called brandArray.
  • The Array.from() method creates a new array from an iterable object or an array-like object, in this case the result of split() method on userInput.
  • Finally, the code uses console.log() to print the brandArray array to the console, which displays each fruit item as a separate element in the array.
// User input: a comma-separated string
const userInput = "Nike, Louis Vuitton, GUCCI, Adidas ";
// Convert the string to an array using the Array.from() method
const brandArray = Array.from(userInput.split(','));
// Output the resulting array to the console


["Nike”,”Louis Vuitton”, “GUCCI”, “Adidas"]

Conclusion on how to change array to string in java

In conclusion, converting a string to an array is a common task in JavaScript useful for data manipulation, and there are several ways to accomplish it. So, how to make string to array in javascript ? The most straightforward method is to use the split() method, which splits a string into an array based on a specified separator.

The split() method works well for simple use cases, but it has limitations when dealing with complex strings or separators. When choosing a method to convert a string to an array, it’s important to consider the specific requirements of the task and the characteristics of the input string.

With a good understanding of the available options, developers can select the most appropriate method and write efficient, reliable code that meets their needs.