How To Convert Map To Json Object In Java

The process of converting a Java Map data structure to a JSON object format is known as Java Map to JSON Object Conversion. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a simple data exchange format that is simple for machines to parse and generate as well as for humans to read and write.

A JSON library like Jackson, GSON, or JSON.simple can be used in Java to carry out this conversion. These libraries include classes and methods for transforming Java objects, such as maps, into JSON objects.

A Map must be serialized in order to become a JSON object, which entails converting the Map into a string that corresponds to the JSON object. To transport or save the JSON object, utilize the serialized string.

Each entry in the Map will have a key-value pair in the JSON object that is produced. The key will be a string representation of the Map key, and the value will be a JSON value created by converting the corresponding Map value.

When it require to convert map into json in java

We need to convert a Map to a JSON object in Java for a number of reasons:

  1. Data Interchange: JSON is a format that is frequently used for data exchange between apps. We may quickly transmit data between multiple systems or apps by transforming a Map to a JSON object.
  1. Web Services: JSON is a popular data format for transmitting data across web services. We can simply consume or make JSON data in our Java web apps by converting a Map to a JSON object.
  1. User Interface: JavaScript can be used to quickly parse and manipulate JSON objects in current web browsers. We can easily transfer data from our Java backend to the client-side JavaScript for display or manipulation by converting a Map to a JSON object.
  1. Storage: JSON objects can be easily stored in NoSQL databases like MongoDB or in file systems. By converting a Map to a JSON object, we can easily store data in these databases or file systems.

Methods for converting map to json object in java

In Java, there are numerous ways to convert a Map to a JSON object, including:

  1. Using the ObjectMapper class from the Jackson library: The Jackson library provides the ObjectMapper class , which makes it simple to convert Java objects to JSON and vice versa.
  2. Using the Gson class from the Gson library: Google offers the Gson library, which can be used for JSON serialization and deserialization.
  3. Using the JSONObject class from the org.json library: A JSONObject class is offered by the org.json package and can be used to convert a Map into a JSON object.

These approaches are popular and provide various degrees of capability and flexibility for Java’s translation of Map to JSON.

Approach 1. How to convert map to json object in java Using the Jackson library’s ObjectMapper class

Using ObjectMapper class from a Jackson library, you may transform a Java Map to  JSON object by doing the following:

  1. Include the Jackson library into your plan. We can either use a build tool like Maven or Gradle to add the dependency, or we can download the library from the Jackson website.
  2. The Jackson classes we require should be imported into our Java code:
  3. In our Java code, create a Map object:

For the Map object to be transformed into a JSON object, should use the ObjectMapper class:

Sample Code:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class MapToJsonExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // Create a sample Map
       Map<String, String> myMap = new HashMap<>();
       myMap.put("name", "John");
       myMap.put("age", "30");

       // Convert the Map to JSON object
       ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
       String jsonString = null;
       try {
           jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(myMap);
       } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {

       // Print the JSON object



Explanation of Code :

  1. First, a HashMap named “myMap” is created and initialized with two key-value pairs.
  2. Next, an instance of ObjectMapper class from the Jackson library is created. This class provides functionality for reading and writing JSON data.
  3. A String variable named “jsonString” is declared and initialized as null.
  4. A try-catch block is used to catch the JsonProcessingException that may be thrown by the writeValueAsString method of the ObjectMapper class.
  5. Inside the try block, the writeValueAsString method is called on the ObjectMapper instance and passed the “myMap” HashMap as an argument.
  6. The JSON string representation of the “myMap” HashMap is returned by the writeValueAsString method and assigned to the “jsonString” variable.
  7. The JSON string is printed to the console using the System.out.println method.
  8. If an exception is thrown, it is caught in the catch block and the stack trace is printed to the console using the e.printStackTrace() method.


Approach 2. conversion of map to json object in java Using the Gson library’s Gson class:

The Gson class from the Gson library which can be used to convert a map to a JSON object in Java by following steps :

  1. Include the relevant dependency in your build file to add Gson library to our project.
  2. Start Java file by importing the required classes:
  3. Make a Map object that we want to turn into a JSON object from.
  4. Instance creation for the Gson class:
  5. To transform Map object into a JSON object, use the Gson class’s toJson() method:

Sample Code:

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class MapToJsonExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Map<String, Object> myMap = new HashMap<>();
       myMap.put("name", "John");
       myMap.put("age", 30);
       myMap.put("married", true);
       Gson gson = new Gson();
       String json = gson.toJson(myMap);



Explanation of Code :

  1. The code snippet demonstrates how to convert a Map to a JSON string using the Gson library in Java.
  2. A sample Map is created with some key-value pairs.
  3. An instance of the Gson class is created to perform the conversion.
  4. The toJson() method of the Gson class is called with the Map as the parameter to convert it to a JSON string.
  5. The resulting JSON string is printed to the console.

Approach 3: Map to a JSONObject using the org.json library’s JSONObject

To convert a Map to a JSONObject using org.json library’s JSONObject class in Java, we can follow these steps :

  1. Import the necessary packages:
  2. Instance creation for the JSONObject class:
  3. To add each key-value pair from the Map, using the put() function of the JSONObject instance:
  4. The final JSONObject can either be used for additional processing or returned as required.

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates – how to convert a Map to a JSONObject using the ‘org.json library’s’ JSONObject class:

Sample Code:

import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class MapToJsonExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // Create a sample map with key-value pairs
       Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
       map.put("name", "John Doe");
       map.put("age", 30);
       map.put("isMarried", true);

       // Create a new JSONObject
       JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();

       // Loop through each entry in the map
       for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
           // Add each key-value pair to the JSONObject
           jsonObject.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

       // Print the JSON string representation of the JSONObject


{"name":"John Doe","age":30,"isMarried":true}

Explanation of Code :

  1. We first import the JSONObject class from the org.json package and the HashMap and Map classes from the java.util package.
  2. We define the MapToJsonExample class.
  3. In the main method, we create a new HashMap called map and add some key-value pairs to it.
  4. We create a new JSONObject called jsonObject.
  5. We loop through each key-value pair in the map and add it to the jsonObject.
  6. We print out the JSON object as a string using the toString() method.

Best Approach for converting map to json object

Gson library’s Gson class is a very popular and widely used library for converting Java object, including maps to JSON format in Java. There are several reasons why Gson library can be considered the best method for converting a map to a JSON object :

  1. Easy and user-friendly API: To convert a map to a JSON object, the Gson library offers a simple and user-friendly API. This conversion only needs a small amount of code, which may be written in a few lines.
  2. Versatile and adaptable: The Gson library gives users a number of choices for modifying the JSON output, including the ability to handle null values and circular references as well as adjust the output format. It is simple to customize the output to meet your unique demands because of this versatility.
  3. High performance: The Gson library is built to be quick and effective, and it is performance-optimized. As a result, it can process massive amounts of data rapidly and effectively without degrading the functionality of your programme as a whole.
  4. Huge user and developer community, as well as a wealth of support resources: The Gson library has a sizable and vibrant user and development community. This includes the active creation and upkeep of the library itself, as well as forums, documentation, and other online resources.

Overall, the Gson class from the Gson package is a dependable, quick , & versatile choice for converting the map to JSON object in Java, which make it an ideal approach for this purpose.

Sample Problem For Converting number to string in java using Gson library’s:

Sample Problem 1.

You are building a web application that allows users to create and share custom maps with each other. You need to convert a Map object containing the map data to a JSON string so that it can be sent to the client-side code for display on a map.


  1. In this code, we first create a Map object to represent the map data. We add some key-value pairs to the map to represent the map’s title, latitude, and longitude.
  2. We then create an instance of the Gson class and use its toJson() method to convert the Map object to a JSON string.
  3. Finally, we output the resulting JSON string to the console for debugging purposes.

We should be aware that this code assumes the Map object only contains simple data types (e.g. strings, numbers, booleans). We might need to develop We own serializers and deserializers if the Map object contains nested maps, lists, or custom objects in order to handle those situations.



public class MapApplication {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // Create a Map object containing the map data
       Map<String, Object> mapData = new HashMap<>();
       mapData.put("title", "My Custom Map");
       mapData.put("latitude", 37.7749);
       mapData.put("longitude", -122.4194);

       // Convert the Map object to a JSON string using Gson
       Gson gson = new Gson();
       String json = gson.toJson(mapData);

       // Output the JSON string to the console
       System.out.println("JSON: " + json);



JSON: {"title":"My Custom Map","latitude":37.7749,"longitude":-122.4194}

Sample Problem 2:

You are working on a Java application that needs to store user preferences in a configuration file. You want to store the preferences as a JSON string so that they can be easily read and written by the application.


  1. In this code, we create a PreferencesManager class that is responsible for managing user preferences. The preferences are stored in a Map<String, Object> object.
  2. To save the preferences to a configuration file, we create an instance of the Gson class and use its toJson() method to convert the Map object to a JSON string. We then write the JSON string to a file using a FileWriter object.
  3. To load preferences from the file, we could use the Gson library’s fromJson() method to convert the JSON string back to a Map object. However, for simplicity, this code simply returns a new HashMap if no preferences file is found.

Note that code assumes that the user’s preferences are all simple data types (e.g strings, numbers, booleans). If the preferences contain nested maps or lists, or custom objects, you may need to create custom serializers or deserializers to handle these cases.


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class PreferencesManager {

   private Map<String, Object> preferences;

   public PreferencesManager() {
       this.preferences = loadPreferences();

   public void savePreferences() {
       Gson gson = new Gson();
       String json = gson.toJson(preferences);

       try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("preferences.json")) {
       } catch (IOException e) {

   public void setPreference(String key, Object value) {
       preferences.put(key, value);

   public Object getPreference(String key) {
       return preferences.get(key);

   private Map<String, Object> loadPreferences() {
       // Load preferences from file if available, otherwise create new map
       return new HashMap<>();



Color preference: blue
Font size preference: 14

Sample Problem 3:

You are working on a Java application that needs to send data to a REST API in the form of a JSON string. You have a Java object representing the data that needs to be converted to JSON.

Solution: To convert a Java object to a JSON string using the Gson library’s Gson class, we can follow these steps:

  1. Create an instance of the Gson class.
  2. Call the toJson method on the Gson instance while providing the argument as the Java object we want to convert.
  3. The generated JSON string should be saved in a variable.



public class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // Create a Java object representing the data
       MyDataObject myDataObject = new MyDataObject();

       // Create an instance of the Gson class
       Gson gson = new Gson();

       // Convert the Java object to a JSON string
       String json = gson.toJson(myDataObject);

       // Output the resulting JSON string to the console



Code Explanation:

  1. The DataSender class is responsible for sending data to a REST API.
  2. The sendData() method takes a MyDataObject object as a parameter. This object represents the data that needs to be sent to the API.
  3. To convert the MyDataObject object to a JSON string, we create an instance of the Gson class and use its toJson() method to convert the object to a JSON string.
  4. We then send the JSON string to the REST API using whatever mechanism is appropriate for your application (e.g. HTTP POST request).
  5. The MyDataObject class needs to be properly annotated with the @SerializedName annotation (if necessary) to specify the JSON field names.
  6. If the MyDataObject class contains nested objects or arrays, or custom serialization/deserialization logic is required, custom serializers or deserializers may need to be created using the Gson library.


We had discussed the using of libraries like Jackson, Gson, and org.json to transform a map into a JSON object in Java. Also we learned about  the justifications for this conversion, such as data serialization, API connectivity, and storage.

Overall, Gson library’s Gson class is often considered the best method for converting a map to a JSON object in Java due to its simplicity, flexibility, and performance. However, the choice of library depends on the specific requirements of the project, and other libraries such as Jackson and org.json can also be used effectively for this purpose.

The conversion process, regardless of the library used, entails constructing an object of the relevant library’s JSON class and providing the map object to its method in order to produce the JSON output. This JSON output can then be utilized for numerous purposes such as transferring it over the network, storing it in a file, or presenting it to the user interface.