How to Convert long to string in java

Converting a long to a String in Java means that you are changing the data type of the value from a numeric type (long) to a string type (String). This can be useful when you want to represent the numeric value as a string in your program.

Converting a long to a String is also necessary when you need to use methods that accept string parameters, such as printing to the console or writing to a file. In these cases, the long value needs to be converted to a String so that it can be passed as a parameter to the method.

Approaches for converting long to string in java

There are several approaches for converting a long to a String in Java:

1. Using the Long.toString() method: This is the simplest and most common approach. You can call the Long.toString() method and pass the long value as a parameter, which returns the value as a String.

Sample Code:

long num = 123456789;
String str = Long.toString(num);

2. Using concatenation: You can concatenate an empty String with the long value to convert it to a String.

Sample Code:

long num = 123456789;
String str = "" + num;

3. Using String.valueOf(): You can use the String.valueOf() method to convert the long value to a String.

Sample Code:

long num = 123456789;
String str = String.valueOf(num);

Lets dive into each approach in detail:

Approach 1: Using the Long.toString() method

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use the Long.toString() method to convert a long value to a String in Java:

public class LongToStringExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Declare and initialize a long variable
        long num = 123456789;

        // Convert the long value to a String using Long.toString() method
        String str = Long.toString(num);

        // Print the original long value and the converted String value to the console
        System.out.println("The long value is: " + num);
        System.out.println("The string value is: " + str);

Explanation of code:

  • We first declare a long variable named num and initialize it with the value 123456789.
  • We then call the Long.toString() method and pass the num variable as a parameter to convert it to a String.
  • The resulting String is stored in a variable named str.
  • We then print the original long value and the converted String value to the console using the System.out.println() method.


The long value is: 123456789
The string value is: 123456789

Approach 2: Using concatenation

Here’s an example of code that demonstrates the use of concatenation method to convert a long value to a String in Java:

public class LongToString {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // declare and initialize a long integer
        long num = 123456789L;

        // convert long integer to string using concatenation
        String str = "" + num;

        // print the resulting string

Explanation of code:

  • We declare a class called LongToString.
  • Within the class, we declare a main method, which is the entry point of the program.
  • Within the main method, we declare a long integer num and initialize it with the value 123456789L.
  • We create a new string “” (an empty string) and concatenate it with num. This causes num to be converted to a string and concatenated with the empty string.
  • The resulting string is assigned to the variable str.
  • We print the resulting string using System.out.println().
  • The program terminates.



Approach 3: Using String.valueOf()

public class LongToString {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // declare and initialize a long integer
        long num = 123456789L;

        // convert long integer to string using String.valueOf() method
        String str = String.valueOf(num);

        // print the resulting string

Here’s an example of code that demonstrates the use of String.valueOf() method to convert a long value to a String in Java:

Explanation of code:

  • We declare a class called LongToString.
  • Within the class, we declare a main method, which is the entry point of the program.
  • Within the main method, we declare a long integer num and initialize it with the value 123456789L.
  • We use the String.valueOf() method to convert the long integer num to a string. The resulting string is assigned to the variable str.
  • We print the resulting string using System.out.println().
  • The program terminates.



Best Approach for converting long to string in java

The Long.toString() method is considered the best approach for converting a long to a String in Java for several reasons:

  • It is more explicit and self-documenting than other approaches such as concatenation with an empty string or using String.valueOf(). The method clearly indicates that a long value is being converted to a String.
  • It is more efficient than concatenation with an empty string because it avoids creating an extra object (the empty string).
  • It provides more flexibility than other approaches because it allows you to specify the radix (base) of the resulting string. For example, you can use Long.toString(num, 16) to convert the long value num to a hexadecimal string.
  • It is a static method of the Long class, which means you can call it without creating an instance of the class.
  • It is a standard method in the Java API, which means it is widely recognized and understood by other Java developers.

Overall, Long.toString() is a simple, efficient, and flexible method for converting a long to a String in Java, and is the recommended approach for most use cases.

Sample Problems for converting long to string

Sample Question 1

Write the code for converting long to string with the use of Long.toString() method with long value = “789456123”

public class LongToStringExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // initialize a long integer
        long num = 789456123L;
        // convert long integer to string
        String str = Long.toString(num);
        // print the resulting string
        System.out.println("The string value of " + num + " is " + str);


The string value of 789456123 is 789456123

Sample Question 2

Write the code for converting long to string with the use of concatenation method with long value = “852741963”

public class LongToStringExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // initialize a long integer
        long num = 852741963L;
        // convert long integer to string using concatenation
        String str = "" + num;
        // print the resulting string
        System.out.println("The string value of " + num + " is " + str);


The string value of 852741963 is 852741963

Sample Question 3

Write the code for converting long to string with the use of String.valueOf() method with long value = “23654789”

public class LongToStringExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // initialize a long integer
        long num = 23654789L;
        // convert long integer to string using String.valueOf()
        String str = String.valueOf(num);
        // print the resulting string
        System.out.println("The string value of " + num + " is " + str);


The string value of 23654789 is 23654789


Converting a long value to a String means transforming a numeric value represented as a long data type into a sequence of characters that can be interpreted as a String.

The Long.toString() method is considered the best approach for converting a long value to a String because it is a straightforward and simple way to convert a long to a String. It takes only one argument, the long value to be converted, and returns a String representation of the value.

The Long.toString() method allows you to specify the radix (base) of the resulting string, which means that you can convert the long value to a string in a variety of formats, such as binary, octal, or hexadecimal.