How To Convert Jsonarray To List In Java

a JSONArray in Java is a class in the org.json package that represents an ordered sequence of values in JSON format. It provides methods for creating, manipulating, and accessing JSON arrays. It can hold values of any type, including strings, numbers, and booleans.

a List in Java is an interface that defines an ordered collection of elements that can be accessed by position. It provides several methods for adding, removing, and accessing elements, and it is implemented by several classes with different characteristics.

Then we create an empty ArrayList to hold the converted values. when we will be using a for loop to iterate over every element of JSONArray, we might obtain the integer value of each element using the getInt method and then add it to list using the add method. Finally, we print the list to verify that it contains the expected values.

Note that the getInt method assumes that all elements of the JSONArray are integers. If the array contains elements of different types, you’ll need to use the appropriate method to get each element’s value.

Reasons for conversion of JSONArray to list in java

We might need to convert a JSONArray to a List in Java for a number of reasons:

  1. To make the data manipulation process simpler, you can convert a JSONArray to a List and then use add, remove, and contains, which are common Java collection operations.
  2. The conversion of a JSONArray to a List can make it simpler to utilise Java libraries to carry out tasks like sorting, filtering, or mapping because many Java libraries are built to operate with List objects.
  3. It may be necessary to convert a JSONArray to a List in order to transport data between systems if the receiving system only accepts data in the form of a List.
  4. To simplify code: Converting a JSONArray to a List can often simplify code by making it easier to iterate over the data using for-each loops or streams.

Overall, converting a JSONArray to a List can provide greater flexibility and ease of use when working with JSON data in Java.

Methods which can be in conversion of JSONArray to list in java

  1. Using a for loop and ‘get’ method of the JSONArray class for conversion:
  1. Using the ‘toList’ method of the JSONArray class and the Java streams:
  2. By using the ‘Gson library’ to convert JSONArray to list:
  3. Using the ‘Jackson library’:

Approach 1: Using a for loop and the get method of the JSONArray class

Java’s get method of the JSONArray class and a for loop can be used to convert a JSONArray to a List. The get method of the JSONArray class is used in this method to retrieve each member of the array and put it to a new List while iterating through the JSONArray using a for loop. A new List object must be created before iterating through the JSONArray, retrieving each member using the get function, casting it to the necessary type, and adding it to the new List. To prevent type casting issues, the JSONArray should only include data of a consistent type.


import org.json.JSONArray;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class JsonArrayToListExample {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // Step 1: Define a JSONArray
       String jsonStr = "[\"apple\", \"banana\", \"orange\"]";
       JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(jsonStr);

       // Step 2: Create an empty ArrayList to hold the list of fruits
       List<String> fruitsList = new ArrayList<>();

       // Step 3: Iterate through the JSONArray using a for loop
       for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
           // Step 4: Get the current element from the JSONArray and convert it to a string
           String fruit = jsonArray.getString(i);

           // Step 5: Add the current element to the ArrayList

       // Step 6: Print out the contents of the ArrayList


[apple, banana, orange]


  1. Define a JSONArray object with three fruit names: “apple”, “banana”, and “orange”.
  2. Create an empty ArrayList to hold our list of fruits.
  3. Use a for loop to iterate through each element in the JSONArray.
  4. Use the get method inside the loop to retrieve the element at the current index as a string, then use the add method to add it to our ArrayList.
  5. Print out the contents of the ArrayList to confirm that we have successfully converted the JSONArray to a List of strings.

Be aware that while this technique does the job, it is less effective and verbose than utilizing other built-in Java methods for converting a JSONArray to a List.

Approach 2:Using the toList method of the JSONArray class and Java streams

A quick way to do this in Java is to use the toList function of the JSONArray class along with Java streams. This method involves using the toList method of the JSONArray class and the stream API’s map method to convert each element of the array to the desired type and collect them into a new List object. This method is simple and efficient, and it works well for JSONArray data of consistent type.


import org.json.JSONArray;
import java.util.List;

public class JsonArrayToListExample {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // Step 1: Define a JSONArray
       String jsonStr = "[\"apple\", \"banana\", \"orange\"]";
       JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(jsonStr);

       // Step 2: Use the toList method of the JSONArray class to convert the JSONArray to a List
       List<String> fruitsList = jsonArray.toList().stream()

       // Step 3: Print out the contents of the List


[apple, banana, orange]


  1. Create a JSONArray object with the names “apple,” “banana,” and “orange” for three different fruits.
  2. To turn the JSONArray into a List of objects, use the toList function of the JSONArray class.
  3. Use a Java stream to map each element of the list to a string using the toString method.
  4. Collect the resulting stream into a new List of strings using the toList method.
  5. Print out the contents of the List to confirm that we have successfully converted the JSONArray to a List of strings using the toList method and Java streams.

Be aware that this technique converts a JSONArray to a List in Java considerably more quickly and effectively than using a for loop and the get function.

Approach 3: Using the Gson library

A common technique for transforming a JSONArray into a List in Java is to use the Gson package. This procedure comprises establishing a Gson object, deserializing the JSONArray into a Java array using the fromJson method, and then turning the Java array into a List using the Arrays.asList method. This method is easy to use and can handle JSON data of varying types, making it a versatile option for JSON data processing in Java.


import org.json.JSONArray;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.List;

public class JsonArrayToListExample {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // Step 1: Define a JSONArray
       String jsonStr = "[\"apple\", \"banana\", \"orange\"]";
       JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(jsonStr);

       // Step 2: Create a Gson object
       Gson gson = new Gson();

       // Step 3: Define a Type object to represent the type of List you want to create
       Type type = new TypeToken<List<String>>(){}.getType();

       // Step 4: Use the Gson object to convert the JSONArray to a List
       List<String> fruitsList = gson.fromJson(jsonArray.toString(), type);

       // Step 5: Print out the contents of the List


[apple, banana, orange]


  1. A JSONArray object with three fruit names is defined.
  2. A Gson object is created to convert JSON data to Java objects.
  3. A Type object is defined to represent the type of List to create (a List of strings in this case), using the TypeToken class provided by the Gson library.
  4. The fromJson method of the Gson object is used to convert the JSONArray to a List of strings.
  5. The contents of the List are printed out to confirm the conversion was successful.
  6. Using the Gson library can be useful for more complex JSON data structures or cases where you need to convert JSON data to Java objects with more complex types.

Approach 4: Using the Jackson library

Using the Jackson library is another popular method for converting a JSONArray to a List in Java. This method involves creating a Jackson ObjectMapper object, using the readValue method to deserialize the JSONArray into a List of the desired type. The Jackson library offers powerful features and can handle JSON data of varying types, making it a versatile option for JSON data processing in Java.


import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import java.util.List;

public class JsonArrayToListExample {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
       // Step 1: Define a JSONArray
       String jsonStr = "[\"apple\", \"banana\", \"orange\"]";
       JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(jsonStr);

       // Step 2: Create an ObjectMapper object
       ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

       // Step 3: Convert the JSONArray to a List using the readValue method
       List<String> fruitsList = mapper.readValue(jsonArray.toString(), List.class);

       // Step 4: Print out the contents of the List


[apple, banana, orange]


We have three fruit names “apple,” “banana,” and “orange”  which are defined as a JSONArray object at the outset of this example.

Next, we create an ObjectMapper object, which is a class provided by the Jackson library that can convert JSON data to Java objects.

Using the readValue method of the ObjectMapper object, we convert the JSONArray to a List of strings. Keep in mind that the readValue method requires a JSON string as its first argument, therefore we must first use the function toString() { [native code] } method to convert the JSONArray to a string.

Finally, we print out the contents of the List to confirm that we have successfully converted the JSONArray to a List of strings using the Jackson library.

Remember that converting JSON data to Java objects with more sophisticated types or using more elaborate JSON data structures can both benefit from using the Jackson library.

Best approach for converting JSONArray to list

A built-in function called toList in the org.json package’s JSONArray class makes it straightforward to convert a JSONArray to a List.

For the following reasons, Java’s toList function can be considered the best option for converting a JSONArray to a List:

  1. It is simple:A JSONArray can easily become a List by using the toList function. The code becomes simpler and easier to read by removing the need to write additional code or use third-party libraries.
  2. It is efficient: The toList method converts a JSONArray to a List in a single method call. It does not require iterating over the JSONArray or performing any complex operations. As a result, it can be faster and more efficient than other methods that require more steps or external libraries.
  3. It is type-safe: The toList method returns a List of Object type, which can be further cast to a more specific type if needed. This ensures that the converted list is type-safe and prevents errors caused by mismatched data types.
  4. It is compatible with Java streams: The toList method returns a List that can be used with Java streams. This makes it easy to perform stream operations on the converted list, such as filtering, mapping, and sorting.

Overall, the toList method in Java converts a JSONArray to a List conveniently and effectively, and is advised for the majority of use cases. However, depending on the needs of the project, there can be instances where different approaches, like leveraging external libraries or iterating through the JSONArray, are required.

Sample Problems

Sample Problem 1

Suppose we have a JSONArray containing a list of Person objects in JSON format, and we have to convert this JSONArray to a List of Person objects in Java. Also, we must remove anyone under the age of 18, then order those who remain by age in decreasing order.

JSON data:

   "name": "Alice",
   "age": 25
   "name": "Bob",
   "age": 30
   "name": "Charlie",
   "age": 15

Code using toList method:import org.json.*;

public class JsonArrayToListExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws JSONException {
     // JSON data in string format
     String jsonString = "[{\"name\":\"Alice\",\"age\":25},{\"name\":\"Bob\",\"age\":30},{\"name\":\"Charlie\",\"age\":15}]";
     // Convert JSON string to JSONArray
     JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(jsonString);
     // Convert JSONArray to List of Person objects
     List<Person> persons = jsonArray.toList().stream()
       .map(obj -> new Person((JSONObject)obj))
       .filter(person -> person.getAge() >= 18)
     // Print the list of persons
  // Person class
 class Person {
   private String name;
   private int age;
   public Person(JSONObject obj) { = obj.getString("name");
     this.age = obj.getInt("age");
   public String getName() {
     return name;
   public int getAge() {
     return age;
   public String toString() {
     return name + " (" + age + ")";


[Bob (30), Alice (25)]


  • The code starts by defining a JSON string containing the data we want to convert to a List of Person objects.
  • We then create a JSONArray object from the JSON string using the JSONArray constructor.
  • We use the toList method of the JSONArray class to convert the JSONArray to a List of Object type.
  • We then use a stream pipeline to map each object in the List to a Person object, filter out any persons younger than 18 years old, and sort the remaining persons by their age in descending order.
  • Finally, we collect the filtered and sorted Person objects into a new List and print it to the console.

Overall, this sample problem demonstrates how to use the toList method to convert a JSONArray to a List of custom objects in Java, and perform additional filtering and sorting operations on the resulting list.

Sample Problem 2

Suppose we have a JSONArray containing a list of many strings, and we might need to convert it ‘JSONArray’ into the List of String objects in Java. We also have to do some additional processing on the resulting list, such as removal any duplicates and sorting all the elements in ascending order.

JSON data:

["apple", "banana", "cherry", "banana", "date", "apple"]

Code using toList method:

import org.json.*;

public class JsonArrayToStringListExample {
 public static void main(String[] args) throws JSONException {
   // JSON data in string format
   String jsonString = "[\"apple\", \"banana\", \"cherry\", \"banana\", \"date\", \"apple\"]";
   // Convert JSON string to JSONArray
   JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(jsonString);
   // Convert JSONArray to List of String objects
   List<String> strings = jsonArray.toList().stream()
   // Print the list of strings


[apple, banana, cherry, date]


  • The code starts by defining a JSON string containing the data we want to convert to a List of String objects.
  • We then create a JSONArray object from the JSON string using the JSONArray constructor.
  • We use the toList method of the JSONArray class to convert the JSONArray to a List of Object type.
  • We then use a stream pipeline to convert each object in the List to a String object, remove any duplicates using the distinct method, and sort the resulting strings in ascending order using the sorted method.
  • Finally, we collect the resulting String objects into a new List and print it to the console.

Overall, this sample problem demonstrates how to use the toList method to convert a JSONArray to a List of String objects in Java, and perform additional processing on the resulting list such as removing duplicates and sorting elements. 

Sample  Problem 3

Suppose we have a JSONArray containing a list of numbers, and we need to convert this JSONArray to a List of int data type in Java. We also need to perform some additional processing on the resulting list, such as finding the sum of all the elements and printing the elements in reverse order.

JSON data:

[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

Sample code using toList method:
import org.json.*;
import java.util.*;

public class JsonArrayToIntListExample {
 public static void main(String[] args) throws JSONException {
   // JSON data in string format
   String jsonString = "[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]";
   // Convert JSON string to JSONArray
   JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(jsonString);
   // Convert JSONArray to List of int data type
   List<Integer> numbers = jsonArray.toList().stream()
     .map(o -> ((Number) o).intValue())
   // Find the sum of all the elements
   int sum =;
   // Print the sum of all the elements
   System.out.println("Sum of all the elements: " + sum);
   // Print the list of numbers in reverse order
   System.out.println("List of numbers in reverse order: " + numbers);


Sum of all the elements: 150
List of numbers in reverse order: [50, 40, 30, 20, 10]


  • The code starts by defining a JSON string containing the data we want to convert to a List of int data type.
  • We create a JSONArray object from the JSON string using the JSONArray constructor.
  • We use the toList method of the JSONArray class to convert the JSONArray to a List of Object type.
  • We use a stream pipeline to convert each element of the list from Object to int data type using the map method and the intValue method of the Number class.
  • We collect the resulting int values to a List of Integer data type using the collect method of the Stream class.
  • We find the sum of all the elements of the list using the mapToInt method and the sum method of the IntStream class.
  • We print the sum of all the elements using the System.out.println method.
  • We reverse the order of the elements in the list using the reverse method of the Collections class.
  • We print the list of numbers in reverse order using the System.out.println method.


In conclusion, converting a JSONArray to a List in Java is a common task when working with JSON data. The JSONArray class from the org.json package represents an array in JSON format, while the List interface from the java.util package represents an ordered collection of elements. There are several methods available to convert a JSONArray to a List, including the toList method, the Arrays.asList method, and manual iteration. The toList method is the recommended method for its conciseness and efficiency.

We provided several sample problems and solutions that demonstrate how to convert a JSONArray to a List in Java and how to perform additional processing with the resulting list. By using the appropriate method to convert a JSONArray to a List, it becomes easy to work with JSON data in Java applications.