How To Convert Json To String In Python

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a popular data interchange format used for transmitting data between different applications. In Python, the json module provides a simple way of working with JSON data.

Sometimes it is necessary to understand how to convert JSON to string in python format to send or store it in a specific way.

In this blog, we will discuss the different methods to convert JSON to a string in Python along with their examples and determine the best approach among them.

Why is it necessary to convert json to string?

The popular data interchange format JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is used to send data across apps. Python might be used to translate a JSON object to a string for a number of reasons:

  1. Data transmission: For data to be correctly sent when sent over the internet, it must be in a specified format. JSON data must be translated to a string format because it is frequently transmitted as a string.
  2. File Storage: JSON data can be kept in files on disc, while it’s occasionally important to keep it as a string in a particular format.
  3. Data processing: String-formatted input data is required by some Python libraries and modules. Turning JSON data into a string can guarantee compatibility with such modules.
  4. Debugging: A common data interchange format is JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). It can be useful to see the JSON data as a string when debugging code to spot formatting mistakes or other problems.
  5. Interoperability: A wide range of systems and computer languages can use JSON data. Working with JSON data in other languages is made simpler by converting JSON data to a string.

So it is really necessary to understand how to convert json to string in python.

Different methods to convert json to string :

  1. Using json.dumps()
  2. Using str() function
  3. Using json.JSONEncoder().encode() Function

Detailed Explanation:

1.Using json.dumps() convert json to string:

In Python, a JSON object is transformed into a string using the json.dumps() function. It accepts an object as an argument and outputs an object’s string representation.

Sample code:

import json

data = {"name": "John", "age": 30}
json_string = json.dumps(data)


{"name": "John", "age": 30}

Code Explanation:

  1. The JSON module is imported into the Python application in the first line. The tools required to operate with JSON data are provided by this module.
  2. The name and age of a person are represented by two key-value pairs in a Python dictionary object named “data,” which is created in the second line.
  3. The “data” dictionary object is transformed into a JSON-formatted string in the third line using the json.dumps() function.
  4. A new variable named “json string” is given the JSON-formatted string as its value.
  5. The JSON-formatted string is printed to the terminal in the fourth line.

2. Using str() function change json to string:

In Python, an object can be changed into a string using the str() method. A JSON object can also be turned into a string using this method.

Sample code:

import json

data = {"name": "John", "age": 30}
json_string = str(data)


{'name': 'John', 'age': 30}

Code Explanation:

  1. The JSON module is imported into the Python application in the first line. The tools required to operate with JSON data are provided by this module.
  2. The name and age of a person are represented by two key-value pairs in a Python dictionary object named “data,” which is created in the second line.
  3. The “data” dictionary object is transformed into a string representation in the third line using the built-in str() method.
  4. A new variable named “json string” is given the “data” object’s string representation.
  5. The “data” object’s string representation is printed to the console in the fourth line.

3. Change json into string using json.JSONEncoder().encode() Function:

The json.JSONEncoder().encode() function is used to convert a Python object into a JSON string.

Sample code:

import json

data = {"name": "John", "age": 30}
json_string = json.JSONEncoder().encode(data)


{"name": "John", "age": 30}

Code Explanation:

  1. Import the json module.
  2. Create a Python dictionary with some key-value pairs.
  3. Use the JSONEncoder class to encode the dictionary into a JSON formatted string.
  4. Print the JSON formatted string

Best approach to convert json to string in python:

The json.dumps() function in Python is the best method for converting JSON to string. For the following reasons:

  1. The method that is most frequently used for this task is json.dumps(), which was created expressly for the task of converting a JSON object to a string.
  2. It offers options for managing conversion-related issues and formatting the result string.
  3. Compared to other ways, it is simpler and more effective.

Sample Problems:

Problem 1: You have a JSON object that represents a person’s profile, and you need to convert it to a string for storage in a database. Write a Python code snippet that uses the json.dumps() function to convert the JSON object to a string.


  1. Define a Python dictionary person with keys “name”, “age”, “email”, and “hobbies”.
  2. Use the json.dumps() function to convert the Python dictionary to a JSON string.
  3. Assign the resulting JSON string to the variable person_string.
  4. Print the resulting JSON string using the print() function.

Json Object:

    "name": "John Smith",
    "age": 35,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "hobbies": ["reading", "hiking", "baking"]


import json

# Define the JSON object
person = {
    "name": "John Smith",
    "age": 35,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "hobbies": ["reading", "hiking", "baking"]

# Convert the JSON object to a string
person_string = json.dumps(person)

# Print the resulting string


{"name": "John Smith", "age": 35, "email": "[email protected]", "hobbies": ["reading", "hiking", "baking"]}

Problem 2: You have a json object that represents a person’s detail, and by using str() function you need to convert it into a string. Write a code to convert json object to string using str() funcion.


  1. The JSON module is imported into the Python application in the first line. The tools required to operate with JSON data are provided by this module.
  • The name and age of a person are represented by two key-value pairs in a Python dictionary object named “data,” which is created in the second line.
  • The “data” dictionary object is transformed into a string representation in the third line using the built-in str() method.
  • A new variable named “json string” is given the “data” object’s string representation.
  • The “data” object’s string representation is printed to the console in the fourth line.


import json

data = {"First Name": "Himu", "Age": 21}
json_string = str(data)


{'name': 'John', 'age': 30}

Problem 3:You have a Python dictionary that represents a student’s information, and you need to encode it as a JSON string. Write a Python code snippet that uses the json.JSONEncoder().encode() function to encode the dictionary as a JSON string.


  1. First, we import the json module.
  2. We define a Python dictionary student with some sample data.
  3. We use the JSONEncoder() method from the json module to encode the student dictionary as a JSON string, and assign the resulting string to the variable json_string.
  4. Finally, we print the JSON string to the console.


import json

# Define the dictionary
student = {
    "name": "John Smith",
    "age": 21,
    "major": "Computer Science",
    "courses": ["Programming 101", "Data Structures", "Algorithms"]

# Encode the dictionary as a JSON string
json_string = json.JSONEncoder().encode(student)

# Print the resulting JSON string


{"name": "John Smith", "age": 21, "major": "Computer Science", "courses": ["Programming 101", "Data Structures", "Algorithms"]}


Python users frequently need to convert JSON objects to strings. In this article, we covered the several approaches that are available to achieve this, along with samples of each.

Since it is quick and simple to use, Python’s json.dumps() function is the most popular way to convert JSON to a string.

The str() and json.JSONEncoder().encode() functions are also available, but they are not as effective or user-friendly as the json.dumps() procedure.