How To Convert Integer To Octal In C

Converting integers to octal in C involves representing a numerical value in the base- 8 numbering system that uses integers 0 through 7. This process is generally used in programming operations, especially in low level programming languages like C.

Octal representations are particularly useful for bitwise operations, as each octal number corresponds to a unique combination of three binary integers.

To convert an integer to octal in C, various ways can be used, depending on the specific conditions of the operation.

Factors to consider when choosing a conversion system include the size of the integer, available memory, and speed conditions.

Why is there a need to convert Integer to Octal in C?

There are several reasons why one might need to convert an integer to octal in C

  • Bitwise operations: Octals are particularly useful in bitwise operations, as each octal number corresponds to a unique combination of three double integers. By converting an integer to octal, it becomes easier to work with double operations and manipulate individual bits of the number.
  • Memory effectiveness: Octals are represented in a further compact format than decimal figures. Converting an integer to octal can result in a significant reduction in the quantum of memory needed to store the number, which can be especially important in memory- constrained surroundings.
  • Readability: Octals are frequently used in low level programming languages like C, where hexadecimal and double figures can be delicate to read and interpret. Converting an integer to octal can make the number easier to read and understand, especially when working with large values.
  • Formatting: Some programming operations bear numerical values to be represented in specific formats, similar as when writing data to a train or communicating with other systems. Converting an integer to octal can give a standardized and fluently recognizable format for the data.

Methods for converting an integer to octal in C

The most widely used methods to convert an integer to octal in C are:

  • sprintf()
  • Bitwise operations
  • Division and remainder
  • Recursive method

A thorough explanation of each strategy

1. Using sprintf()

It’s a standard library function in C that can be used to convert an integer to an octal string. This function allows you to specify the format of the output string, including the number of digits and the addition of leading zeros. It returns the number of characters written to the output string.

This system is simple to use and requires no complex computation operations, making it a popular choice for numerous programming tasks.

Sample Program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int num = 1234;
    char octal[12]; // create a char array to store the octal string

    // use sprintf to convert the integer to an octal string
    sprintf(octal, "%o", num);

    // print the original integer, the octal string, and the length of the octal string
    printf("Integer: %d\nOctal: %s\nLength: %d", num, octal, strlen(octal));
    return 0;


Integer: 1234
Octal: 2322
Length: 4

Code Explanation:

  • We start by including the standard input/output header file stdio.h.
  • We declare an integer variable num and initialize it to a value of 1234.
  • We declare a character array octal with a size of 12 to store the octal string.
  • We use the sprintf function to convert the integer num to an octal string and store it in the octal array. The %o format specifier tells sprintf to convert the integer to an octal representation.
  • We use the printf function to output the original integer, the octal string, and the length of the octal string.
  • We return 0 to indicate successful program execution.

2. Using Bitwise operations

Bitwise operations are a set of operations that manipulate the individual bits in a binary number. In the case of octal conversion, bitwise operations can be used to extract the individual octal digits from an integer by shifting the bits by three places and masking the result with the value 7.

This system can be particularly useful when working with large integers that bear effective and optimized operations.

Sample Program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int num = 1234;
    int octal = 0;
    int i = 0;

    // convert the integer to octal using bitwise operations
    while (num != 0) {
        octal += (num % 8) << (3 * i); // extract the octal digit and shift it by the appropriate number of bits
        num /= 8; // divide the number by 8 to get the next octal digit
        i++; // increment the bit shift amount for the next iteration

    // print the original integer and its octal representation
    printf("Integer: %d\nOctal: %o", num, octal);

    return 0;


Integer: 0
Octal: 2322

Code Explanation:

  • We start by including the standard input/output header file stdio.h.
  • We declare an integer variable num and initialize it to a value of 1234.
  • We declare an integer variable octal and initialize it to 0. This variable will be used to store the octal representation of the integer.
  • We declare an integer variable i and initialize it to 0. This variable will be used to keep track of the number of bits to shift.
  • We use a while loop to convert the integer to octal using bitwise operations. The loop continues as long as num is not equal to 0.
  • Inside the loop, we extract the octal digit from num using the modulo operator and shift it by the appropriate number of bits using the bitwise left shift operator (<<). We add the result to octal.
  • We divide num by 8 to get the next octal digit.
  • We increment i by 1 to shift the next octal digit by the appropriate number of bits.
  • Once the loop is complete, octal contains the octal representation of the integer.
  • We use the printf function to output the original integer and its octal representation using the %o format specifier.
  • We return 0 to indicate successful program execution.

3. Using Division and Remainder

This method involves dividing the integer by 8 and recording the remainder, which is a digit in the octal representation. The process is repeated with the quotient until the quotient is zero.

The octal digits are also concatenated in reversed order to form the final octal representation.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int num = 1234;
    int octal[100];
    int i = 0;

    // convert the integer to octal using division and remainder
    while (num != 0) {
        octal[i] = num % 8; // extract the octal digit
        num /= 8; // divide the number by 8 to get the next octal digit
        i++; // increment the index for the next digit

    // print the original integer and its octal representation
    printf("Integer: %d\nOctal: ", num);
    for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
        printf("%d", octal[j]); // output each octal digit in reverse order

    return 0;


Integer: 0
Octal: 2322

Code Explanation:

  • We start by including the standard input/output header file stdio.h.
  • We declare an integer variable num and initialize it to a value of 1234.
  • We declare an integer array octal with a size of 100. This array will be used to store the octal digits.
  • We declare an integer variable i and initialize it to 0. This variable will be used to keep track of the index of the current octal digit.
  • We use a while loop to convert the integer to octal using division and remainder. The loop continues as long as num is not equal to 0.
  • Inside the loop, we extract the octal digit from num using the modulo operator and store it in the octal array.
  • We divide num by 8 to get the next octal digit.
  • We increment i by 1 to move to the next index in the octal array.
  • Once the loop is complete, the octal array contains the octal representation of the integer in reverse order.
  • We use a for loop to output each octal digit in reverse order.
  • We use the printf function to output the original integer and its octal representation.
  • We return 0 to indicate successful program execution.

4. Recursive approach

The recursive method involves recursively dividing the integer by 8 and subjoining the remainder to the octal representation until the quotient is zero. The octal digits are then reversed to get the final octal representation.

This approach is useful when the size of the integer is unknown or when you need to optimize memory usage. Still, it can be slower than the other styles for lower integers.


#include <stdio.h>

void convertToOctal(int decimalNumber);

int main() {
    int decimalNumber;
    printf("Enter a decimal number: ");
    scanf("%d", &decimalNumber);
    printf("Octal equivalent: ");
    return 0;

void convertToOctal(int decimalNumber) {
    int remainder;
    // Base case: if the decimal number is less than 8, print it as is and return
    if (decimalNumber < 8) {
        printf("%d", decimalNumber);
    // Recursive case: divide the decimal number by 8 and call the function recursively with the quotient
    convertToOctal(decimalNumber / 8);
    // Get the remainder from the division and print it
    remainder = decimalNumber % 8;
    printf("%d", remainder);


Enter a decimal number: 56
Octal equivalent: 70

Code Explanation:

  • We start by including the necessary header files and declaring a function convertToOctal that will take care of the conversion using the recursive approach.
  • In the main function, we ask the user to enter a decimal number to be converted and read it from the standard input using scanf.
  • We then print a prompt and call the convertToOctal function, passing the decimal number as the argument.
  • Inside the convertToOctal function, we declare a variable remainder that will hold the remainder obtained from dividing the decimal number by 8.
  • We start with the base case: if the decimal number is less than 8, we simply print it and return from the function.
  • In the recursive case, we first call the convertToOctal function with the quotient obtained from dividing the decimal number by 8. This will recursively call the function with the quotient until we reach the base case.
  • After the recursive call returns, we calculate the remainder by taking the decimal number modulo 8 and store it in the remainder variable.
  • Finally, we print the remainder using printf to get the octal equivalent of the decimal number.
  • The program then terminates and prints the octal equivalent to the standard output.

Although there are other approaches like lookup table, itoa(), recursion and string manipulation but, these methods may not be as widely used as the first four

Best approach for converting Int to Octal in C

The best approach for converting an integer to octal in C is the sprintf() method, and here are the reasons:

  • Convenience: The sprintf() method is the most convenient approach because it involves a simple function call that automatically converts the decimal integer to an octal string.
  • Readability: This method is easy to read and understand because it requires minimal code, making it a good choice for beginners or programmers who want to write clean and readable code.
  • Maintainability: The sprintf() method is also easy to maintain because it involves a single function call, which means that any changes or modifications can be made quickly and easily.
  • Portability: This method is portable across different platforms and operating systems, making it a reliable choice for cross-platform development.
  • Efficiency: While the sprintf() method may not be the most efficient in terms of execution time, it is still fast enough for most applications and can be optimized if necessary.

Sample Problems

Sample Problem 1

Write a C program to convert the salaries of employees of a firm to their octal equivalents using sprintf() method and store it in a different array.


  • We define a constant MAX_EMPLOYEES to hold the maximum number of employees that can be input. We also declare two arrays: salaries to hold the salaries of the employees, and octal_salaries to hold their octal equivalents.
  • We ask the user to input the number of employees they want to input salaries for using scanf(). We store the value in num_employees.
  • We input the salaries of the employees using a for loop that runs num_employees times. We use scanf() to input the salary of each employee and store it in the salaries array
  • We use another for loop to convert the salaries in the salaries array to their octal equivalents using sprintf() and store them in the octal_salaries array.
  • Finally, we print the octal salaries using another for loop that runs num_employees times. We use printf() to print the octal salary of each employee in the format “Employee <index>: <octal salary>”.

Solution Code:

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX_EMPLOYEES 100

int main() {
    int salaries[MAX_EMPLOYEES];
    char octal_salaries[MAX_EMPLOYEES][10]; // maximum number of octal digits is 10

    int num_employees;
    printf("Enter the number of employees: ");
    scanf("%d", &num_employees);

    // Input the salaries of the employees
    for (int i = 0; i < num_employees; i++) {
        printf("Enter the salary of employee %d: ", i+1);
        scanf("%d", &salaries[i]);

    // Convert the salaries to octal and store them in octal_salaries array using sprintf()
    for (int i = 0; i < num_employees; i++) {
        sprintf(octal_salaries[i], "%o", salaries[i]);

    // Print the octal salaries
    printf("Octal Salaries:\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < num_employees; i++) {
        printf("Employee %d: %s\n", i+1, octal_salaries[i]);

    return 0;


Enter the number of employees: 3
Enter the salary of employee 1: 50000
Enter the salary of employee 2: 10000
Enter the salary of employee 3: 25000
Octal Salaries:
Employee 1: 143360
Employee 2: 23420
Employee 3: 60621

Sample Problem 2

Write a C program to convert 5 memory addresses given as integers to their octal equivalent using bitwise operations, and then print each octal address.


  • An array of 5 memory addresses is initialized in decimal format
  • An array of size 5 to store the octal equivalent of each memory address is also initialized
  • A for loop is used to iterate through each memory address
  • Within the loop, bitwise operations are used to extract each octal digit and store it in the corresponding index of the octal address array
  • Another for loop is used to print out each memory address and its corresponding octal equivalent
  • The program then returns 0 to indicate successful completion.

Solution Code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int addresses[5] = {1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000}; // Initializing an integer array containing 5 memory addresses in decimal format
    int octal_addresses[5]; // Initializing an integer array to store octal equivalent of each memory address
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        octal_addresses[i] = (addresses[i] >> 12) & 7; // Extracting first octal digit using bitwise right shift and bitwise AND operation
        octal_addresses[i] = (octal_addresses[i] << 3) | ((addresses[i] >> 9) & 7); // Extracting second octal digit using bitwise right shift and bitwise AND operation
        octal_addresses[i] = (octal_addresses[i] << 3) | ((addresses[i] >> 6) & 7); // Extracting third octal digit using bitwise right shift and bitwise AND operation
        octal_addresses[i] = (octal_addresses[i] << 3) | ((addresses[i] >> 3) & 7); // Extracting fourth octal digit using bitwise right shift and bitwise AND operation
        octal_addresses[i] = (octal_addresses[i] << 3) | (addresses[i] & 7); // Extracting fifth octal digit using bitwise right shift and bitwise AND operation

    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        printf("Octal equivalent of address %d is %o\n", addresses[i], octal_addresses[i]); // Printing the decimal and octal equivalent of each memory address

    return 0;


Octal equivalent of address 1000 is 1750
Octal equivalent of address 2000 is 3700
Octal equivalent of address 3000 is 5470
Octal equivalent of address 4000 is 7240
Octal equivalent of address 5000 is 10150

Sample Problem 3

Write a C program that converts the maximum power consumption data in decimal format to its octal representation using the division and remainder approach, as required by a digital system that receives data in octal format.


  • Declare a variable max_power_consumption_dec to store the maximum power consumption in decimal format entered by the user.
  • Prompt the user to enter the maximum power consumption in decimal format using printf() and scanf().
  • Declare a variable max_power_consumption_oct to store the maximum power consumption in octal format.
  • Initialize a variable i with value 1 to represent the digit place value of the octal number.
  • Use a while loop to convert the maximum power consumption from decimal to octal using the division and remainder approach. Inside the loop:
  • Calculate the remainder of max_power_consumption_dec when divided by 8 and multiply it by i to get the current digit in octal format.
  • Add the current digit to max_power_consumption_oct.
  • Divide max_power_consumption_dec by 8 to discard the processed digit.
  • Multiply i by 10 to move to the next digit place value.
  • Print the maximum power consumption in octal format using printf().
  • End the program by returning 0.

Sample Code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int max_power_consumption_dec; // Declare a variable to store the maximum power consumption in decimal format
    printf("Enter maximum power consumption in decimal format: ");
    scanf("%d", &max_power_consumption_dec); // Input the maximum power consumption in decimal format from the user

    int max_power_consumption_oct = 0; // Initialize a variable to store the maximum power consumption in octal format
    int i = 1; // Initialize a variable for the digit place value

    // Convert the maximum power consumption from decimal to octal using the division and remainder approach
    while (max_power_consumption_dec != 0) {
        max_power_consumption_oct += (max_power_consumption_dec % 8) * i;
        max_power_consumption_dec /= 8;
        i *= 10;

    printf("Maximum power consumption in octal format is: %o\n", max_power_consumption_oct); // Print the maximum power consumption in octal format

    return 0;


Enter maximum power consumption in decimal format: 2378
Maximum power consumption in octal format is: 10640

Sample Problem 4

Write a C program to encode numeric passwords of PCs of an organization into octal format using recursive approach for integer to octal conversion. After conversion, store the encoded passwords in a file.


  • First, the necessary header files are included in the program.
  • A helper function dec_to_octal() is declared with its return type and parameters.
  • In main() function, the password count is taken as input from the user.
  • An array of integers passwords is declared with the size of the password count entered by the user.
  • The user is prompted to enter the passwords, and the passwords are taken as input and stored in the passwords array.
  • A file named passwords.txt is created and opened in write mode. If the file opening is unsuccessful, an error message is displayed.
  • For each password in the passwords array, the dec_to_octal() function is called to convert the password from decimal to octal.
  • The octal representation of the password is written to the file passwords.txt using the fprintf() function.
  • Once all passwords have been converted and written to the file, the file is closed.
  • The program terminates.

Solution Code:

#include <stdio.h>

// Recursive function to convert an integer to octal format
void intToOctal(int num, FILE* fp) {
    if (num == 0) {
    } else {
        intToOctal(num / 8, fp);
        fprintf(fp, "%d", num % 8); // Write the remainder to the file

int main() {
    int num_passwords; // Declare a variable to store the number of passwords
    printf("Enter the number of passwords to encode: ");
    scanf("%d", &num_passwords); // Input the number of passwords from the user

    int password; // Declare a variable to store the password
    FILE* fp; // Declare a file pointer
    fp = fopen("encoded_passwords.txt", "w"); // Open a file to store the encoded passwords in write mode

    // Loop through each password and encode it to octal format using the recursive function
    for (int i = 0; i < num_passwords; i++) {
        printf("Enter password %d: ", i + 1);
        scanf("%d", &password); // Input the password from the user
        intToOctal(password, fp); // Convert the password to octal using the recursive function and write it to the file
        fprintf(fp, "\n"); // Add a new line character to the file

    fclose(fp); // Close the file

    printf("Passwords have been encoded and stored in 'encoded_passwords.txt' file.\n");

    return 0;


Enter the number of passwords to encode: 3
Enter password #1: 1234
Enter password #2: 98765
Enter password #3: 555
Encoded passwords have been written to the file 'encoded_passwords.txt'.


Converting integers to octal in C is an important operation in programming, especially in low level programming languages like C. Octal representations are useful for bitwise operations, memory effectiveness, readability, and formatting.

By converting an integer to octal, it becomes easier to manipulate individual bits, reduce memory use, improve readability, and regularize data formatting. The most extensively used ways for converting an integer to octal in C are sprintf(), bitwise operations, division and remainder, and the recursive method, which programmers can choose based on specific conditions like available memory and speed.