How To Convert Integer To Object In Python

Python is the versatile programming language, offers a built in data type called an integer that deals with whole numbers. But what if you need to convert that integer into a more flexible and generic data type called an object. Sometimes, it may be necessary to convert an integer to an object in Python.

In this blog , we will explore different approaches of converting integers to objects in Python, uncovering step by step instructions and we will see some sample problems too. So, Get ready to unlock the power of object conversion in Python like never before.

Why is converting integer to object in python needed?

There are some reasons why is converting a integer to object in python is needed:

  1. Function parameter requirements: Some functions in Python may require objects as parameters instead of primitive data types like integers. By converting an integer to an object, you can meet the function parameter requirements and ensure that the integer is properly processed by the function.
  2. Library or module compatibility: Some Python libraries or modules may expect objects as input or require specific object types for their operations. By converting an integer to an object, you can ensure compatibility with such libraries or modules and use them seamlessly in your code.
  3. Type casting: Converting an integer to an object can be used as a way to explicitly change the type of the integer, allowing for type casting operations in Python, which can be useful in certain data manipulation or computation scenarios.

How To Convert Integer To Object In Python

Here are six different approaches to convert integer to Object in python with detailed solution steps, code, and output for each approach:

  1. Using the int() function with the class constructor.
  2. Using the built-in object() function.
  3. Using a custom class that inherits from the int class.
  4. Using the str() function and the eval() function.
  5. Using the from_bytes() method.
  6. Using the pickle module.

Let’s dive in more with examples to each approach.

Approach 1: Using the int() function with the class constructor

We can use the int() function with the class constructor to create an object from an integer.


  1. Simple and easy to use.
  2. Does not require creating a new class or importing any external modules.
  3. Creates a new object with the same value as the integer.


  1. Does not add any additional functionality or behavior to the object.
  2. The resulting object is essentially the same as the original integer.
  3. Limited use cases.


# Step 1: Create an integer value
int_val = 42

# Step 2: Use int() function with the class constructor to create an object
obj = int(int_val)

# Step 3: Assign the object to a variable for later use


<class 'int'>

Code Explanation:

  1. Create an integer value.
  2. Use the int() function with the class constructor to convert the integer to an object.
  3. Assign the object to a variable for later use.

Approach 2: Using the built-in object() function

This function is the built in object() function, which allows for the creation of objects with unique attributes and properties.


  1. Allows for adding additional attributes or metadata to the object.
  2. Can be useful in situations where we need to store additional information with the integer.
  3. Does not require creating a new class or importing any external modules.


  1. The resulting object still has limited functionality and behavior.
  2. Requires creating an attribute to store the integer value.
  3. Not a common approach for integer to object conversion.


# Step 1: Create an integer value
int_val = 42

# Step 2: Create a custom class that inherits from the object class
class IntObject(object):

# Step 3: Assign the integer value to an attribute of the custom class
obj = IntObject()
obj.integer_value = int_val

# Step 4: Assign the object to a variable for later use


<class '__main__.IntObject'>

Code Explanation:

  1. Create an integer value.
  2. Create a new object using the object() function.
  3. Assign the integer value to an attribute of the object.
  4. Assign the object to a variable for later use.

Approach 3: Using a custom class that inherits from the int class:

We can create custom classes that inherit from existing classes, such as the int class. This opens up a world of opportunities to add unique functionality or behavior to objects, making them truly tailored to specific needs.


  1. Allows for adding custom functionality or behavior to the object.
  2. Can be useful in situations where we need to extend the functionality of the integer.
  3. Provides greater flexibility and control over the resulting object.


  1. Requires creating a new class and implementing the desired functionality.
  2. Can be more complex and time-consuming than other approaches.
  3. May not be necessary for simple use cases.


# Step 1: Create a custom class that inherits from the int class
class MyInt(int):
    def my_function(self):
        print("Hello, World!")

# Step 2: Implement any desired functionality or behavior in the new class
# In this case, we have added a custom method called my_function()

# Step 3: Create an object from the new class using the integer value
int_val = 42
obj = MyInt(int_val)

# Step 4: Assign the object to a variable for later use


<class '__main__.MyInt'>
Hello, World!

Code Explanation:

  1. Create a custom class that inherits from the int class.
  2. Implement any desired functionality or behavior in the new class.
  3. Create an object from the new class using the integer value.
  4. Assign the object to a variable for later use.

Approach 4: Using the str() function and the eval() function

For converting an integer to a string in Python with the str() function. But wait, there’s more! We can take it up a notch and use the eval() function to dynamically evaluate the string and create an object.


  1. Simple and easy to use.
  2. Can be used for more complex objects by creating a string representation of the object.
  3. Provides flexibility in the creation of the object.


  1. Requires converting the integer to a string.
  2. The resulting object may not have the same behavior or functionality as the original integer.
  3. Potential security concerns with the use of eval() function.


# Step 1: Create an integer value
int_val = 42

# Step 2: Convert the integer to a string using the str() function
str_val = str(int_val)

# Step 3: Use the eval() function to evaluate the string and create an object
obj = eval(str_val)

# Step 4: Assign the object to a variable for later use


<class 'int'>

Code Explanation:

  1. Create an integer value.
  2. Convert the integer to a string using the str() function.
  3. Use the eval() function to evaluate the string and create an object.
  4. Assign the object to a variable for later use.

Approach 5: Using the from_bytes() method

This powerful method allows us to encode an integer as bytes and then use those bytes to create a new object.


  1. Allows for creating objects with more complex data types.
  2. Provides greater control over the byte encoding of the integer.
  3. The resulting object is the same as the original integer.


  1. Requires encoding the integer as bytes.
  2. May not be necessary for simple use cases.
  3. Can be more complex than other approaches.


# Step 1: Create an integer value
int_val = 42

# Step 2: Encode the integer as bytes using the from_bytes() method
bytes_val = int_val.to_bytes((int_val.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big')

# Step 3: Use the int.from_bytes() method to decode the bytes and create an object
obj = int.from_bytes(bytes_val, 'big')

# Step 4: Assign the object to a variable for later use


<class 'int'>

Code Explanation:

  1. Create an integer value.
  2. Encode the integer as bytes using the from_bytes() method.
  3. Use the int.from_bytes() method to decode the bytes and create an object.
  4. Assign the object to a variable for later use.

Approach 6: Using the pickle module

We can use the pickle module to serialize and deserialize objects, including integers.


  1. Can be used for more complex objects.
  2. Allows for storing and retrieving objects in a file or database.
  3. Provides greater flexibility in the creation and manipulation of objects.


  1. Requires importing and using the pickle module.
  2. Potential security concerns with the use of pickle, as it can execute arbitrary code.
  3. The resulting object may not have the same behavior or functionality as the original integer.


# Step 1: Import the pickle module
import pickle

# Step 2: Create an integer value
int_val = 42

# Step 3: Serialize the integer object using the pickle.dumps() method
pickle_obj = pickle.dumps(int_val)

# Step 4: Deserialize the pickle object using the pickle.loads() method
obj = pickle.loads(pickle_obj)

# Step 5: Assign the object to a variable for later use


<class 'int'>

Code Explanation:

  1. Import the pickle module.
  2. Create an integer value.
  3. Serialize the integer object using the pickle.dumps() method.
  4. Deserialize the pickle object using the pickle.loads() method.
  5. Assign the object to a variable for later use.

Best Approach to Convert Integer to Object in Python

The best approach to convert an integer to an object in Python is using the int() function with the class constructor. Some qualities of this approach are:

  1. Flexibility: The int() function can be used with any custom class constructor, allowing for flexibility in the type of object created.
  1. Efficiency: This approach is very efficient, since it doesn’t require any additional function calls or complex operations.
  1. Precision: The int() function with the class constructor ensures accurate conversion of the integer to a decimal without loss of precision.

Sample Problems to convert a Integer to Object in python

Sample Problem 1:       

Scenario: A data analyst wants to store some numerical values in an object so that they can perform additional calculations and analysis.


  1. Create a custom class that inherits from the int class.
  2. Add any additional methods or properties that are required for analysis.
  3. Use the int() function to create an instance of the custom class, passing in the numerical value as a parameter.


# Step 1: Define the custom class
class MyInteger(int):
    def square(self):
        return self ** 2

# Step 2: Create an instance of the custom class using the MyInteger constructor
my_num = MyInteger(42)

# Step 3: Call the square method on the custom integer object



Sample Problem 2:

Scenario: An engineer needs to create an object to represent a physical device, and they want to include a unique ID number for each device.


  1. Use the built-in object() function to create an empty object.
  2. Assign the ID number to an attribute of the object.


# Step 1: Create the unique ID number
id_num = 12345

# Step 2: Create a custom class and define the id attribute in its __init__() method
class Device:
    def __init__(self, id_num): = id_num

# Step 3: Create an object of the custom class and assign the ID number to its id attribute
my_device = Device(id_num)

# Step 4: Use the object with the ID attribute



Sample Problem 3:

Scenario: A social media manager wants to create a custom hashtag object that can store a hashtag name and the number of times it has been used.


  1. Create a custom class that inherits from the int class.
  2. Add additional properties to the class to store the hashtag name and usage count.
  3. Use the custom class to store hashtag data.


# Step 1: Define the custom class
class HashtagCount:
    def __init__(self, count, hashtag_name):
        self.count = count
        self.hashtag_name = hashtag_name

# Step 2: Create an instance of the custom class
my_hashtag = HashtagCount(1000, "#Python")

# Step 3: Use the custom class instance to store and access data


<class '__main__.MyInt'>
Hello, World!

Sample Problem 4:

Scenario: A manager wants to store a complex formula as an object so that they can easily evaluate it with different values.


  1. Convert the formula to a string using the str() function.
  2. Use the eval() function to create an object that represents the formula.


# Step 1: Create an integer value
int_val = 42

# Step 2: Convert the integer to a string using the str() function
str_val = str(int_val)

# Step 3: Use the eval() function to evaluate the string and create an object
obj = eval(str_val)

# Step 4: Assign the object to a variable for later use


<class 'int'>

Sample Problem 5:

Scenario: A factory wants to store the production count for each day in an object, but they need to convert the integer value to an object so they can store additional information along with the count.


  1. Create an integer value representing the production count.
  2. Convert the integer to bytes using the to_bytes() method.
  3. Create a new object using the from_bytes() method and pass in the bytes value.
  4. Assign any additional information as attributes of the object.


# Step 1: Define the ProductionData class
class ProductionData:
    def __init__(self, date, location, production_count): = date
        self.location = location
        self.production_count = production_count

# Step 2: Create an integer value
production_count = 1000

# Step 3: Convert the integer to bytes
bytes_value = production_count.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')

# Step 4: Create an instance of the ProductionData class
obj = ProductionData('2022-04-09', 'Factory A', bytes_value)

# Step 5: Print the object type and attributes
print(int.from_bytes(obj.production_count, byteorder='big'))  


<class '__main__.ProductionData'>
Factory A

Sample Problem 6:

Scenario: A data analyst wants to store integer values along with additional information in a file, but they need to convert the integer values to objects so they can be stored in a pickle file.

Solution Steps:

  1. Create an integer value representing the data.
  2. Create an object using a custom class that inherits from the int class.
  3. Add any additional information as attributes of the object.
  4. Use the pickle module to dump the object to a file.


import pickle

# Step 1: Create an integer value
data = 42

# Step 2: Create a custom class that inherits from int
class CustomInt(int):
    def __new__(cls, value, date=None):
        return super().__new__(cls, value)

    def __init__(self, value, date=None): = date

    def __reduce__(self):
        return (CustomInt, (int(self),

# Step 3: Create an object of custom class and assign additional info
obj = CustomInt(data, '2022-04-09')

# Step 4: Serialize the object to a string
obj_str = pickle.dumps(obj)

# Step 5: Deserialize the object from the string and print the attributes
loaded_obj = pickle.loads(obj_str)


<class '__main__.CustomInt'>


In this blog, we have explored six different approaches to convert an integer to an object in python. The best approach comes from the int () function class constructor which is precise, efficient, flexible and easy to use.

There are some other approaches like the built-in object() function, a custom class that inherits from the int class, the str() function and eval() function, the from_bytes() method, and the pickle module.

For each approach, the article provided detailed solution steps, code, and output examples. By understanding these different approaches, Python developers can choose the most appropriate one for their specific use case.