How To Convert Integer To Double In Python

Python is a programming language with a global reputation, empowers software developers to operate with diverse data types, encompassing integers and floating-point numbers. Although integers are characterized by being whole numbers, doubles, also recognized as floating-point numbers, are numbers adorned with decimal points. The act of transforming an integer to a double or float holds a customary position in Python programming.

In this blog, we will explore multiple approaches to translate an integer to a double in Python, while simultaneously addressing several sample problems as well.

Why is converting integer to double in python needed?

There are some reasons why is converting a integer to double in python is needed:

  1. Performing mathematical operations: Doubles or floating-point numbers are needed when you need to perform mathematical operations that involve decimal points or fractions.
  2. Displaying results accurately: When working with numbers that require high precision, such as scientific or financial data, using doubles or floating-point numbers can help ensure that your results are accurate.
  3. Precision: Integers only represent whole numbers, while doubles can represent numbers with decimal points. Converting an integer to a double can increase the precision of calculations that involve decimal values.
  4. Interoperability: When working with external data sources or APIs, the data may be provided in a double data type. Converting an integer to a double can make it easier to work with such data.
  5. Data visualization: Visualizing data in graphs or charts may require using double data type for accurate display.

In summary, converting integer to double in Python is needed to increase precision, ensure compatibility with functions and libraries, work with external data sources, visualize data, and perform data manipulation tasks.

How To Convert Integer To Double In Python

Here are six different approaches to convert integer to double in python with detailed solution steps, code, and output for each approach:

  1. Using the float() function
  2. Using the decimal module
  3. Using integer division
  4. Using type casting
  5. Using division by a float
  6. Using math library

Let’s dive in more with examples to each approach.

Approach 1: Using the float() function

This function is particularly useful as it allows for the seamless conversion of values to the floating-point format. It operates by transforming the value into a double that is identical to the one found in other programming languages.


  1. Simple and straightforward method to convert an integer to a double.
  2. No need to import any additional modules.
  3. Can be used for basic conversion of integers to double in simple scenarios.


  1. Limited precision and may not be suitable for precise calculations.
  2. May lose precision for large integer values.
  3. May not be suitable for complex calculations that require high precision.


# Step 1: Define an integer variable
integer_num = 42

# Step 2: Convert integer to double using float() function
double_num = float(integer_num)

# Output
print("Integer:", integer_num)
print("Double:", double_num)


Integer: 42
Double: 42.0

Code Explanation:

  1. Define an integer variable integer_num and assign the value 42 to it.
  2. Use the float() function to convert the integer variable integer_num to a double value and store it in the variable double_num.
  3. Print the original integer value and the converted double value using the print() function.

Approach 2: Using the decimal module

In Python programming, Decimal class, which can be found in the decimal module, has the ability to execute exact decimal arithmetic. Moreover, it boasts the capacity to transform an integer into a double with utmost precision.


  1. Provides high precision conversion for integers to double.
  2. Suitable for precise calculations that require accurate decimal arithmetic.
  3. Allows for control over the precision and rounding.


  1. Requires importing an additional module (decimal).
  2. May have performance implications compared to other simpler methods.
  3. May not be necessary for basic conversion of integers to double in simple scenarios.


# Step 1: Import the decimal module
import decimal

# Step 2: Define an integer variable
integer_num = 25

# Step 3: Convert integer to double using decimal module
double_num = decimal.Decimal(integer_num)

# Step 4: Convert the decimal to float to remove the trailing zeros
double_num = float(double_num)

# Output
print("Integer:", integer_num)
print("Double:", double_num)


Integer: 25
Double: 25.0

Code Explanation:

  1. The decimal module is imported to perform precise arithmetic operations with decimal numbers.
  2. An integer variable integer_num is defined with a value of 25.
  3. The decimal.Decimal() function is used to convert the integer integer_num to a Decimal object, which represents a floating-point number with a fixed number of decimal places. This step ensures that the resulting double value will have accurate decimal precision.
  4. The float() function is used to convert the Decimal object double_num back to a float data type, which is a standard double-precision floating-point number in Python. This step is performed to remove any trailing zeros that might be present in the Decimal object.
  5. The print() function is used to display the original integer value and the converted double value.

Approach 3: Using integer division

In Python, the act of dividing integers can result in a quotient as a floating-point number . Such a floating-point number, to some extent, may be equivalent to a double present in certain programming languages.


  1. Simple and easy to understand method.
  2. Can be used for basic conversion of integers to double in simple scenarios.
  3. No need to import any additional modules.


  1. May not provide accurate results for all integer values.
  2. May have precision issues for large integer values.
  3. May not be suitable for complex calculations that require high precision.


# Step 1: Define an integer variable
integer_num = 273

# Step 2: Convert integer to double using integer division
double_num = integer_num // 1.0

# Step 3: Print the original integer value and the converted double value
print("Integer:", integer_num)
print("Double:", double_num)


Integer: 273
Double: 273.0

Code Explanation:

  1. First, an integer variable integer_num is defined with a value of 273.
  2. The integer is converted to a double by performing integer division with a float value of 1.0, which results in a double value. The resulting value is assigned to the variable double_num.
  3. Finally, the original integer value and the converted double value are printed using the print() function.

Approach 4: Using type casting

In Python programming, there exists the concept of type casting – a process that entails the deliberate conversion of a value from one data type to another. This operation can be employed to transform a previously-integer value into a floating-point double.


  1. Simple and straightforward method.
  2. No need to import any additional modules.
  3. Can be used for basic conversion of integers to double in simple scenarios.


  1. May lose precision for large integer values.
  2. May not provide accurate results for all integer values.
  3. May not be suitable for complex calculations that require high precision.


# Step 1: Define an integer variable
integer_num = 567

# Step 2: Convert integer to double using type casting
double_num = float(integer_num)

# Output
print("Integer:", integer_num)
print("Double:", double_num)


Integer: 567
Double: 567.0

Code Explanation:

  1. Define an integer variable: Begin by defining an integer variable and assigning it a value. For example: integer_num = 567
  2. Convert integer to double using type casting: To convert the integer to a double, use the float() function and pass the integer variable as an argument. Assign the result to a new variable. For example: double_num = float(integer_num)
  3. Print the output: Use the print() function to display the integer and double values on the console. For example: print(“Integer:”, integer_num) and print(“Double:”, double_num)

Approach 5: Using division by a float

When a programmer wishes to obtain a quotient in floating-point format, they may choose to divide an integer by a float value. This action will result in a floating-point quotient that is similar to a double found in other programming languages.


  1. Simple and easy to understand method.
  2. Can be used for basic conversion of integers to double in simple scenarios.
  3. No need to import any additional modules.


  1. May not provide accurate results for all integer values.
  2. May have precision issues for large integer values.
  3. May not be suitable for complex calculations that require high precision.


# Step 1: Define an integer variable
integer_num = 390

# Step 2: Convert integer to double using division by a float
double_num = integer_num / 1.0

# Output
print("Integer:", integer_num)
print("Double:", double_num)


Integer: 390
Double: 390.0

Code Explanation:

  1. Define an integer variable: Assign a value to an integer variable, which will be used to convert to a double. For example, integer_num = 390.
  2. Convert integer to double using division by a float: Use division by a float to convert the integer value to a double. Divide the integer variable by a float value of 1.0, which will produce a double value. Assign the result to a new variable, which will hold the double value. For example, double_num = integer_num / 1.0.
  3. Output: Print the values of the integer and double variables using the print() function. For example, print(“Integer:”, integer_num) and print(“Double:”, double_num).

Approach 6: Using the math library

Python’s math library offers an array of mathematical functions and constants. Among them is the “floor” function, which, by truncating the number to the nearest integer below, is able to transform an integer into a double. This function is immensely useful for rounding numbers in a precise manner.


  1. Provides more flexibility in rounding and precision.
  2. Can be used for complex calculations that require high precision.
  3. Allows for control over the rounding method.


  1. Requires importing an additional module (math).
  2. May have performance implications compared to other simpler methods.
  3. May not be necessary for basic conversion of integers to double in simple scenarios.


# Step 1: Import the math module
import math

# Step 2: Define an integer variable
integer_num = 78

# Step 3: Convert integer to double using the math library
double_num = float(integer_num)  # Convert integer to float

# Output
print("Integer:", integer_num)
print("Double:", double_num)


Integer: 78
Double: 78.0

Code Explanation:

  1. The math module is imported at the beginning of the code using the import math statement. The math module in Python provides a collection of mathematical functions and constants.
  2. An integer variable integer_num is defined with a value of 78. Integer variables store whole numbers without any decimal points.
  3. The float() function from the math module is used to convert the integer_num variable to a double (floating-point) number. The float() function takes an argument and returns its equivalent as a floating-point number. In this case, it converts integer_num from an integer to a floating-point number and assigns it to the double_num variable.
  4. The code then prints the original integer value and the converted double value using the print() function.

Best Approach To Convert Integer To Double In Python

The float() function is the best approach for converting integers to doubles in python. Here are the some qualities of this approach:

  • Simplicity: The float() function is highly straightforward and can be implemented in a single line of code, without requiring any extraneous objects or libraries.
  • Efficiency: The float() function is a built-in Python function that is highly optimized to avoid creating new objects.
  • Consistency: This function provides consistency in syntax and approach, making it easy to integrate into code and streamlining the development process.
  • Safety: The float() function is secure and does not possess any known vulnerabilities or risks.

Sample Problems to Convert Integer to double in python

Sample Problem 1:       

Scenario: You have a music streaming service that requires converting the number of songs listened by a user from an integer to a double to calculate the average duration of songs listened by the user.


  1. Define an integer variable num_songs for the number of songs listened, with a value of 75.
  2. Convert the num_songs integer to a double using the float() function and assign it to a new variable avg_duration.
  3. Print the original integer value for num_songs and the new double value for avg_duration using print() statements.


# Step 1: Define an integer variable for the number of songs listened
num_songs = 75

# Step 2: Convert integer to double using the float() function
avg_duration = float(num_songs)

# Output
print("Number of Songs Listened:", num_songs)
print("Average Duration of Songs Listened:", avg_duration)


Number of Songs Listened: 75
Average Duration of Songs Listened: 75.0

Sample Problem 2:

Scenario: You have a movie rating system that requires converting the average rating of a movie from an integer to a double with high precision for accurate calculations.


  1. Import the decimal module
  2. Define an integer variable avg_rating for the average rating of a movie
  3. Convert the integer variable to double using the decimal module’s Decimal() method and store the result in a new variable called avg_rating_decimal
  4. Print the original integer variable and the converted decimal variable to show the difference in precision.


# Step 1: Import the decimal module
import decimal

# Step 2: Define an integer variable for the average rating of a movie
avg_rating = 4

# Step 3: Convert integer to double using the decimal module
avg_rating_decimal = decimal.Decimal(avg_rating)

# Output
print("Average Rating of Movie:", avg_rating)
print("Average Rating of Movie (with Decimal Precision):", avg_rating_decimal)


Average Rating of Movie: 4
Average Rating of Movie (with Decimal Precision): 4

Sample Problem 3:

Scenario: You have a company’s financial data in integer format, and you need to convert the total revenue to a double for accurate financial analysis.


  1. Define an integer variable for total revenue as total_revenue = 500000
  2. Convert integer to double using integer division as total_revenue_double = total_revenue // 1
  3. Print the total revenue as integer and double by using the print function


# Step 1: Define an integer variable for total revenue
total_revenue = 500000

# Step 2: Convert integer to double using float()
total_revenue_double = float(total_revenue)

# Output
print("Total Revenue (Integer):", total_revenue)
print("Total Revenue (Double):", total_revenue_double)


Total Revenue (Integer): 500000
Total Revenue (Double): 500000.0

Sample Problem 4:

Scenario: You have an Instagram analytics tool that requires converting the number of followers gained by a user from an integer to a double for accurate engagement rate calculations.


  1. Define an integer variable followers_gained with a value of 1000.
  2. Convert the integer value to double using type casting, and store the result in a new variable called followers_gained_double.
  3. Print the original integer value and the new double value using the print() function.


# Step 1: Define an integer variable for number of followers gained
followers_gained = 1000

# Step 2: Convert integer to double using type casting
followers_gained_double = float(followers_gained)

# Output
print("Followers Gained (Integer):", followers_gained)
print("Followers Gained (Double):", followers_gained_double)


Followers Gained (Integer): 1000
Followers Gained (Double): 1000.0

Sample Problem 5:

Scenario:You have a clinic prescription calculation tool that requires converting the dosage of a medication from an integer to a double for accurate dosage calculations based on weight.


  1. Define an integer variable dosage and assign it the value 75.
  2. Convert the integer value dosage to a double by dividing it by a float value of 1.0 and assign it to dosage_double.
  3. Print the original integer value of dosage and the converted double value of dosage_double using the print() function.


# Step 1: Define an integer variable for dosage of medication
dosage = 75

# Step 2: Convert integer to double using division by a float
dosage_double = dosage / 1.0

# Output
print("Dosage of Medication (Integer):", dosage)
print("Dosage of Medication (Double):", dosage_double)


Dosage of Medication (Integer): 75
Dosage of Medication (Double): 75.0

Sample Problem 6:

Scenario: You have a scientific calculator application that requires converting an integer result of a calculation to a double for accurate and precise calculations involving mathematical functions.

Solution Steps:

  1. First, the math library is imported using the “import” keyword.
  2. An integer variable “result” is defined and assigned the value 12345.
  3. Using the sqrt() function from the math library, the integer value of “result” is converted to a double value and stored in the “result_double” variable.
  4. The output is printed using the print() function, showing both the integer and double values of “result”.


# Step 1: Import the math library
import math

# Step 2: Define an integer variable for result of a calculation
result = 12345

# Step 3: Convert integer to double using the math library
result_double = math.sqrt(result)

# Output
print("Result of Calculation (Integer):", result)
print("Result of Calculation (Double):", result_double)


Result of Calculation (Integer): 12345
Result of Calculation (Double): 111.1080555135405


In conclusion, understanding how to convert integers to double in Python is an essential skill for any programmer. In this blog, we have explored various approaches: the float() function, decimal module, integer division, type casting, division by a float and the math library.

Among all, the float() function is considered the best approach. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages but choosing the right approach depends as per the needs of your program.