How To Convert Integer To Bytes In Python

Python is an immensely potent programming language that extends a spectrum of incorporated functions to execute an extensive range of operations on data.Thankfully, Python presents an uncomplicated approach to achieve this transformation by utilizing built-in functions.

Converting integers to bytes is useful for tasks such as encoding data for transmission over a network or writing binary data to a file. One common task that Python developers often encounter is converting integers to bytes.

In this blog , we will see different methods of converting integers to bytes in Python, along with some approaches and with some sample problems as well, which will demonstrate their usage.

Why is converting Integer to bytes in python needed?

The process of converting integers to bytes in Python is a highly frequent operation that programmers are compelled to perform for various reasons:

  • Networking: One of the most widely acknowledged reasons is networking, where data transmission over a network is an imperative aspect of the operation. When transmitting data over a network, it becomes a prerequisite to convert the data into bytes to ensure its seamless transmission and reception, thereby necessitating the conversion process.
  • File I/O:Another instance where conversion into bytes is pivotal is during file I/O. When persisting data to a file, the data needs to be in bytes format to ensure that it is stored appropriately and can be retrieved accurately. Failure to convert the data into bytes can result in erroneous data storage and retrieval, which can be highly undesirable.
  • Cryptography:Cryptography is another field where data conversion into bytes becomes a prerequisite. The process of encrypting and decrypting algorithms necessitates the conversion of data into bytes to ensure that it can be effectively processed. Failure to convert the data into bytes can result in suboptimal encryption and decryption, which can compromise data security.
  • Data compression:  data compression algorithms necessitate the conversion of data into bytes to ensure their effectiveness. Data compression algorithms work on the basis of compressing and decompressing data, which necessitates the data to be in bytes format to enable its compression and decompression in an efficient and effective manner.

How To Convert Integer To Bytes In Python

There are six different approaches to convert integer to bytes in python:

  1. Using the built-in to_bytes() method
  2. Using the struct.pack() method
  3. Using the bytearray() method
  4. Using the bytes() method
  5. Using bit manipulation
  6. Using the bytearray.fromhex() method

Let’s dive in more with examples to each approach.

Approach 1:Using the built-in to_bytes() method

In the realm of Python, there exists a built-in method – the to_bytes() method – that beholds the power to convert an integer to bytes. This method’s almighty force does not come without its requirement of two arguments: the byte count and the byte order, denoted as either little-endian or big-endian. It is in this manner that the resulting object of bytes can be transformed into a bytearray object, granting mutability to this otherwise immutable object.


  • The method is simple and efficient.
  • The resulting byte object can be easily converted to other mutable or immutable objects like bytearray or bytes.


  • The to_bytes() method requires the number of bytes to use as an argument, which can be cumbersome if the number of bytes required is unknown.
  • The to_bytes() method requires the byte order as an argument, which may not be intuitive for all users.


# Assign an integer value to a variable
num = 255

# Call the to_bytes() method on the integer value and pass the number of bytes to use and byte order as arguments
# In this case, we want to use 2 bytes and the big-endian byte order
byte_array = num.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')

# Print the resulting byte array



Code Explanation:

  1. We first assign the integer value 255 to the variable num.
  2. We then call the to_bytes() method on the num variable and pass the number of bytes to use (2) and the byte order (big-endian) as arguments.
  3. The resulting bytes object is assigned to the byte_array variable.
  4. Finally, we print the byte_array variable, which outputs the byte array in a binary format. The output \x00\xff represents two bytes, with the first byte being 00 and the second byte being ff

Approach 2:Using the struct.pack() method

The struct.pack() method is a built-in Python method that converts an integer to bytes. This method takes a format string and the integer value as arguments. The format string specifies the byte order and size of the bytes to be created. For example, ‘H’ specifies a 2-byte unsigned integer in big-endian byte order.


  1. The struct.pack() method is simple and easy to use.
  2. The format string can be customized to create byte arrays of different sizes and byte orders.


  1. The struct.pack() method may not be suitable for complex data structures.
  2. The format string can be difficult to remember and may require some experimentation to get the desired output.
  3. The struct.pack() method may not be as efficient as other methods for large data sets.


import struct

# Convert integer to bytes using the struct.pack() method
num = 255
byte_array = struct.pack('H', num)

# Print the byte array



Code Explanation:

  1. The import struct statement imports the struct module, which provides the pack() method.
  2. The num variable is set to the integer value 255.
  3. The byte_array variable is set to the result of calling struct.pack() with the format string ‘H’ and the num variable as arguments. This creates a 2-byte unsigned integer in big-endian byte order.
  4. The print() statement prints the byte array to the console.

Approach 3: Using the bytearray() method

The built-in Python method known as bytearray() serves to create a mutable byte array object. With this method, one can seamlessly convert an integer into bytes within Python’s framework. By passing the integer value as an argument to the to_bytes() method, one can deftly generate the bytes in question, subsequently able to convert them into a bytearray object with ease.


  1. The bytearray() method creates a mutable byte array object, which means you can modify the byte values if needed.
  2. This approach is simple and easy to implement.
  3. The resulting bytearray object can be used in a variety of Python operations, including file I/O and network transmission.


  1. This approach creates an intermediate bytes object, which adds some overhead.
  2. The resulting bytearray object may have a larger memory footprint than other approaches.
  3. The bytearray() method may not be the most efficient approach for large integers.


# Convert an integer to bytes using the bytearray() method
num = 255
byte_array = bytearray(num.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big'))

# Print the byte array and its type


<class 'bytearray'>

Code Explanation:

  1. We start by defining the integer value we want to convert, in this case, num = 255.
  2. We then use the to_bytes() method to convert the integer to a bytes object. The byteorder argument specifies the byte order (little-endian or big-endian) to use, and the 2 argument specifies the number of bytes to use (in this case, 2 bytes).
  3. We then pass the resulting bytes object to the bytearray() method to create a mutable byte array object.
  4. Finally, we print the resulting byte array and its type using the print() function.
  5. The output shows the resulting byte array (bytearray(b’\x00\xff’)) and its type (<class ‘bytearray’>).

Approach 4: Using the bytes() method

In the world of Python, one can find a built-in method known as the bytes() method, which serves the noble purpose of fabricating an immutable byte object through the transmission of certain input arguments. It is noteworthy that this method finds utility in converting integers into bytes by means of imparting the integer value along with the byte order as arguments.


  1. This approach creates an immutable byte object, which can be useful in situations where you want to ensure that the data cannot be modified.
  2. The bytes() method is a simple and straightforward approach to convert an integer to bytes.


  1. The bytes() method creates an immutable byte object, which means that you cannot modify the byte array once it has been created.
  2. This method requires you to specify the byte order, which may be confusing if you are not familiar with the different byte orders.
  3. This method may not be as efficient as the other approaches,if you are working with large integers.


# Define the integer value
num = 255

# Convert the integer to bytes using the bytes() method
byte_array = bytes(num.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big'))

# Print the byte array



Code Explanation:

  1. First, we define an integer value (num) that we want to convert to bytes.
  2. We then use the to_bytes() method to convert the integer to bytes. This method takes two arguments: the number of bytes to use and the byte order (little-endian or big-endian).
  3. Finally, we pass the result of the to_bytes() method to the bytes() method, which creates an immutable byte object from the byte array.
  4. We print the resulting byte array to the console. The output shows that the byte array contains the values \x00 and \xff, which represent the integer value 255 in big-endian byte order.

Approach 5: Using bit manipulation

This approach is predicated on the successful utilization of bit manipulation for the express purpose of converting an integer into bytes. It involves the systematic shifting of the bits of the integer in question to the rightward direction, which yields the highly coveted most significant byte, and then use bitwise AND to extract the least significant byte.


  1. It does not require any external libraries or built-in functions.
  2. It can be more efficient than some of the other approaches, especially for large integers.


  1. This approach may not be as flexible as some of the other approaches, as it always produces a two-byte array.
  2. It can be less readable than some of the other approaches, especially for those unfamiliar with bit manipulation.
  3. It may not be suitable for all use cases, especially those that require different byte orders.


# Define the integer to convert
num = 255

# Shift the bits of the integer to the right to extract the most significant byte,
# Pack the two bytes into a bytearray.
byte_array = bytearray([(num >> 8) & 0xff, num & 0xff])

# Print the resulting bytearray



Code Explanation:

  1. Define the integer to convert.
  2. Shift the bits of the integer to the right by 8 to extract the most significant byte.
  3. Use bitwise AND with 0xff to extract the least significant byte.
  4. Create a bytearray from the resulting two bytes.
  5. Print the resulting bytearray.

Approach 6: Using the bytearray.fromhex() method

Python, a high-level programming language, offers a method to convert an integer into a byte string by leveraging the bytecode wonder of the bytearray.fromhex() method. This method is primed to take a hexadecimal string as its input and provides a byte array object as its output.

However, to achieve this byte conversion from an integer, one must first take the initial step of converting the integer into a hexadecimal string  then pass the string to the bytearray.fromhex() method.


  1. It is a built-in method in Python, so you don’t need to install any third-party library.
  2. It is relatively fast and efficient.


  1. The output of this approach is in hexadecimal format, which might not be what you need in some cases.
  2. This method only works for non-negative integers.
  3. If you have a large number of integers to convert, this method might not be the most efficient approach.


# Example code to convert an integer to bytes using the bytearray.fromhex() method

# Convert integer to hexadecimal string
hex_str = hex(255)

# Remove the "0x" prefix from the string
hex_str = hex_str[2:]

# Add a leading zero if the string has an odd length
if len(hex_str) % 2 != 0:
    hex_str = "0" + hex_str

# Convert the hexadecimal string to bytes
byte_array = bytearray.fromhex(hex_str)

# Print the output



Code explanation:

  1. First, we convert the integer to a hexadecimal string using the built-in hex() function.
  2. We remove the “0x” prefix from the hexadecimal string using slicing.
  3. If the length of the string is odd, we add a leading zero to make it even.
  4. Finally, we pass the hexadecimal string to the bytearray.fromhex() method to get the byte array. The output is a bytearray object, which we can print to verify the conversion.

Best Approach For How To Convert Integer To Bytes In Python

The process of converting a integers to bytes in Python is a commonly performed operation, and leveraging the encode() method can provide an expedient and dependable approach to this task:

  • Versatile output: Furthermore, the output produced by the to_bytes() method is highly versatile in nature. Thanks to its inherent mutability, it can be effortlessly converted to other objects like bytearray or bytes, thus making it highly adaptable and flexible.
  • Memory-efficient: In addition to its other features, the to_bytes() method is also highly memory-efficient. This is because the output produced by the method is immutable, thereby rendering it highly memory-efficient as compared to a bytearray object.
  • Handles large integers: The method’s ability to handle large integers is another highly commendable feature. As long as the number of bytes to be used is sufficient to represent the integer in binary format, the method can effortlessly handle large integers.
  • Handles negative integers: The to_bytes() method is also capable of handling negative integers. This is achieved by utilizing the two’s complement representation in binary format, thereby making it highly effective and reliable.

Sample Problems For How To Convert Integer To Bytes In Python

Sample Problem 1:

Scenario: Suppose you are working on a project that involves sending and receiving data between two computers using sockets. You need to convert an integer to bytes before sending it over the network.

Solution Steps:

  1. In this scenario, we have an integer num with a value of 123456789.
  2. We calculate the number of bytes required to represent num using the bit_length() method.
  3. We then use the to_bytes() method to convert the integer to bytes, specifying the byte length and byte order (‘big’ for most significant byte first).
  4. The resulting byte_data is a bytes object containing the binary representation of num.
  5. The output shows the byte string representation of num.


# Sample code for converting integer to bytes using to_bytes() method
num = 123456789
byte_length = (num.bit_length() + 7) // 8  # Calculate byte length based on number of bits
byte_data = num.to_bytes(byte_length, byteorder='big')  # Convert integer to bytes




Sample Problem 2:

Scenario: Suppose you are working on a data analysis project where you need to pack multiple values into a binary format for efficient storage and transmission. How can you do it using the struct.pack() method?

Solution steps:

  1. In this scenario, we have an integer num with a value of 123456789.
  2. We use the struct.pack() method to pack num into a bytes object, specifying the format ‘>i’ for a big-endian signed integer.
  3. The resulting byte_data is a bytes object containing the binary representation of num.
  4. The output shows the byte string representation of num.


# Sample code for converting integer to bytes using struct.pack() method
import struct

num = 123456789
byte_data = struct.pack('>i', num)  # Convert integer to bytes using big-endian format




Sample Problem 3:

Scenario: You are building a program that requires you to send an integer value as bytes over a network connection. The integer represents the number of items in a shopping cart that a customer has purchased. How can you convert the integer to bytes using the bytearray() method in Python?

Solution steps:

  1. Create an integer variable to store the number of items.
  2. Initialize the number of items.
  3. Use the bytearray() method to convert the integer to bytes.
  4. Print the resulting byte array.


# Step 1: Create an integer variable to store the number of items
num_items = 5

# Step 2: Use the bytearray() method to convert the integer to bytes
byte_array = bytearray(num_items.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big'))

# Step 3: Print the resulting byte array
print("Byte array:", byte_array)


Byte array: bytearray(b'\x00\x05')

Sample Problem 4:

Scenario: A software developer is working on a project that requires sending integer values as bytes over a network. The integers can be negative or positive and may have varying byte lengths.

Solution Steps:

  1. Define the integer value to convert to bytes.
  2. Convert the integer value to bytes using the bytes() method.
  3. Print the output.


# Define the integer value to convert to bytes
number = -1234

# Convert the integer value to bytes using the bytes() method
byte_data = number.to_bytes((number.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder='big', signed=True)

# Print the output



Sample Problem 5:

Scenario: You are working on a project that involves manipulating bits at a low level, such as a hardware driver or firmware development. You need to convert an integer to bytes by extracting its individual bits.

Solution Steps:

  1. In this scenario, we have an integer num with a value of 123456789.
  2. We calculate the number of bytes required to represent num using the bit_length() method.
  3. We create a bytearray with the same number of bytes as num.
  4. We use a for loop to extract each byte from the integer by shifting the bits to the right and masking them with 0xFF (which is equivalent to 0b11111111 in binary).
  5. The resulting byte_data is a bytearray object containing the binary representation of num.
  6. The output shows the bytearray representation of num.


# Sample code for converting integer to bytes using bit manipulation
num = 123456789
byte_length = (num.bit_length() + 7) // 8  # Calculate byte length based on number of bits
byte_data = bytearray([0] * byte_length)  # Create a bytearray to hold the byte data

for i in range(byte_length):
    byte_data[i] = (num >> (8 * (byte_length - i - 1))) & 0xFF  # Extract each byte from the integer




Sample Problem 6:

Scenario: Suppose you are working on a client-server network application in Python where you need to send an integer value over the network. However, the network protocol requires that the integer value should be sent as bytes. In this case, you can use the bytearray.fromhex() method to convert the integer to bytes.

Solution Steps:

  1. Define the integer value to be sent as integer_value = 123456.
  2. Convert the integer to bytes using the to_bytes() method. This method takes two arguments – the number of bytes needed to represent the integer and the byte order.
  3. To calculate the number of bytes needed, we use (integer_value.bit_length() + 7) // 8. This calculates the minimum number of bytes required to represent the integer.
  4. The second argument ‘big’ indicates that the most significant byte should come first in the byte array. If you want the least significant byte first, you can use ‘little’.
  5. Assign the resulting bytes value to the variable bytes_value.
  6. Finally, print the bytes value using print(bytes_value).


# Define the integer value to be sent
integer_value = 123456

# Convert the integer to bytes using the 'to_bytes()' method
bytes_value = integer_value.to_bytes((integer_value.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big')

# Print the bytes value




After thorough analysis of the methods available in Python to convert an integer to bytes, it becomes apparent that each approach boasts its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages.

The built-in to_bytes() method has its simplicity and efficiency; it not only provides ample flexibility in terms of specifying both the byte order and the number of bytes necessary to represent the integer.