How To Convert Int To Double In Java

In Java, converting an integer to a double involves changing the data type of the integer variable to a double variable. This process is known as casting.

We are casting `myInt` to a double by enclosing it in parentheses and preceding it with the keyword `double. The resulting double value is assigned to the myDouble variable.

If you want to perform operations that require decimal precision, such as division, it is important to convert integers to doubles or other decimal types before performing the operation to avoid losing precision.

Why Converting Int to Double in Java is needed

There are several reasons why converting an `int` to a `double` in Java is needed:

  • To perform arithmetic operations involving decimal numbers: When you perform an arithmetic operation involving an `int`’ and a`double`, the result will be a `double`. If you perform an operation with two `int` numbers, the result will be an `int`, which can lead to unexpected results.
  • To represent numbers with decimal places: An `int` data type can only represent whole numbers. If you need to represent numbers with decimal places, you will need to use a `double’ or ‘float` data type.
  • To represent very large or very small numbers: An `int` data type is a 32-bit signed integer, which means it can represent values from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. If you need to represent larger or smaller numbers, you will need to use a `long`, `float`, Or `double data type.
  • To prevent integer division: When you perform an integer division, the result will be an `int`, which means any decimal places will be truncated. If you want to perform a division and keep the decimal places, you will need to convert at least one of the operands to a double` Or `float`.

Methods for Converting Int to Double In Java

1. Using Type casting:

We can convert an int to a double by using a cast operator, which is denoted by a pair of parentheses enclosing the target type.


int num = 10;
double decimalNum = (double) num;

2. Using the `Double.valueOf()` method:

We can also use the `Double.valueOf() method to convert an `int` to a `double. This method returns a `Double` object that represents the specified `int` value as a `double`.


int num = 10;
double decimalNum = Double.valueOf(num);

3. Using the “Double. parseDouble()” method:

Another approach is to use the “Double. parseDouble()” method, which parses the string argument as a “double”. We can convert an “int” to a “double” by first converting it to a string, and then parsing the string using ~ Double. parseDouble()”.


int num = 10;
double decimalNum = Double. parseDouble(String.valueOf(num));

 Lets see code, explanation and output for each approach for Converting Int to Double in Java:

Approach 1: Converting Int to Double In Java Using Type casting

This is an example code snippet in Java to convert an `int` to a `double` using type casting:


public class IntToDoubleExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int numInt = 42;
double numDouble = (double) numInt;
System.out.println("Integer value: " + numInt);
System.out.println("Double value (casting): " + numDouble);


Integer value: 42
Double value (casting): 42.0


  1. This code defines a class called `IntToDoubleExample` with a `main` method that demonstrates how to use type casting to convert an `int` to a `double`.
  2. We create an `int` variable called `numInt` with a value of 42, and then use type casting to convert it to a `double` and assign the result to a `double` variable called `numDouble`.
  3. The `numInt` value of 42 is successfully converted to a `double` value of 42.0 using type casting.
  4. The resulting `double` value has the same numerical value as the original `int`, but with a decimal point added to indicate that it is a floating-point value.

Approach 2: Converting Int to Double In Java Using `Double.valueOf()` method

Here is an example Java code that demonstrates how to convert an integer to a double using the `Double.valueOf()` method:


public class Convert IntToDouble {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int intValue = 10; // Declare and initialize an integer variable
double doubleValue = Double.valueOf(intValue); // Convert int to double
System.out.println("Integer value: " + intValue); // Print the original int System.out.println("Double value: " + doubleValue); // Print the converted


Integer value: 10
Double value: 10.0

 Explanation of Code:

  1. We first declare an integer variable named `intValue` and initialize it to the value `10`.
  2. We then use the `Double.valueOf()` method to convert `intValue` to a double and assign the result to a new `doubleValue` variable.
  3. The`System.out.println()` method is used to print the original integer value and the converted double value to the console.

Approach 3: Converting Int to Double In Java Using ` Double.parseDouble()’ method

It is the Java code that demonstrates how to convert an integer to a double using the `Double.parseDouble()` method:


public class Convert IntToDouble {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int intValue = 10; // Declare and initialize an integer variable
double doubleValue = Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(intValue)); // Conveting int to double
System.out.println("Integer value: + intValue); // Print the original int System.out.println("Double value: " + doubleValue); // Print the converted double


Integer value: 10
Double value: 10.0

 Explanation of the code:

  1. We first declare an integer variable named `intValue` and initialize it to the value `10`.
  2. We use the `String.valueOf()` method to convert the integer value to a string.
  3. We then use the `Double.parseDouble()` method to convert the string to a double and assign the result to a new `doubleValue` variable.
  4. The `System.out.println()` method is used to print the original integer value and the converted double value to the console.

Best Approach for Converting Int to Double In Java

  1. The `Double.parseDouble()` method is considered one of the best methods for converting an integer to a double in Java. Here are some reasons why:
  2. Precision: The `Double.parseDouble()` method returns a `double` value with maximum precision. The `double` type in Java is a 64-bit floating-point number that provides a higher range of values with more precision compared to the `float type.
  3. Convenience: The `Double.parseDouble()` method is a built-in method in the Java library, so it can be used without any additional setup or dependencies. It also accepts a string as input, so it can be used to convert other numeric types to a `double` as well.
  4. Error Handling: The `Double.parseDouble()` method automatically handles errors that may occur during the conversion process, such as invalid input or overflow. It throws a `NumberFormatException` if the input is not a valid number or exceeds the range of a `double`.
  5. Compatibility: The `Double.parseDouble()` method is compatible with other Java methods and libraries that expect a `double` value, such as mathematical calculations or input/output operations.
  6. Efficiency: The `Double.parseDouble()` method is fast and efficient. It doesn’t require any additional memory allocation or extra processing compared to other methods.

Sample Problems for Converting Int to Double In Java

Sample Problem 1

Write the code for converting Int to Double by Using Type casting where Int Value = ‘15’


  • We use type casting to convert the integer value to a double by enclosing it in parentheses and preceding it with `(double)`.
  • We assign the result of the type casting to a new `doubleValue` variable.
  • The `System.out.println()` method is used to print the original integer value and the converted double value to the console.
public class Convert IntToDouble {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int intValue = 15; // Declare and initialize an integer variable
double doubleValue = (double) intValue; // Convert int to double
System.out.println("Integer value: " + intValue); // Print the original int System.out.println("Double value: " + doubleValue); // Print the converted double


Integer value: 15
Double value: 15.0

Sample Problem 2

Write the code for converting Int to Double by ` Double.parseDouble()’ method where Int Value = ‘56’


  • We create a class named `IntToDouble` with a `main()` method.
  • We declare an integer variable named `intValue` and initialize it with the value of 56. We use the `String.valueOf()` method to convert the `int` value to a `String` type. We pass the resulting `String` value to the `Double.parseDouble()` method to parse it as a `double` value.
  • The resulting `double` value is stored in the `doubleValue` variable.
  • We use the `System.out.println()` method to print the `intValue` and `doubleValue` variables to the console.
public class IntToDouble {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int intValue = 56; // Declare and initialize an integer variable
double doubleValue = Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(intValue));  // Convert int to double
System.out.println("The int value is: " + intValue);  // Print the original int System
System.out.println("The double value is: " + doubleValue); // Print the converted double


The int value is: 56
The double value is: 56.0

 Sample Problem 3

Write the code for converting Int to Double by `Double.valueOf()` method where Int Value = ‘154’


  •  We create a class named `IntToDouble` with a `main()` method.
  •  We declare an integer variable named `intValue` and initialize it with the value of 154. We pass the `intValue` variable to the `Double.valueOf()` method to convert it to a `Double` object.
  • The resulting `Double` object is auto-unboxed to a `double` value, which is stored in the `doubleValue` variable.
  •  We use the `System.out.println()` method to print the `intValue` and `doubleValue` variables to the console.


public class IntToDouble {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int intValue = 154; // Declare and initialize an integer variable
double doubleValue = Double.valueOf(intValue); // Convert int to double
System.out.println("The int value is: " + intValue); // Print the original int System
System.out.println("The double value is: + doubleValue); // Print the converted double


The int value is: 154
The double value is: 154.0


In Java, converting an `int` to a `double` means changing the data type of an integer value to a floating-point value. The `int` data type represents a 32-bit signed integer, while the `double` data type represents a 64-bit double-precision floating-point number.

When you convert an `int` to a `double`, the integer value is simply converted to its floating-point equivalent. The resulting `double` value will have a decimal point and fractional part, even if the original `int` value did not.

Converting an `int` to a `double` can be useful when you need to perform arithmetic operations that require floating-point numbers, such as division or square roots. It can also be necessary when working with certain Java libraries or APIs that expect floating-point numbers as input. In summary, converting an `int` to a `double` is a way to represent an integer value as a floating-point value in Java.