How To Convert Factor To Character In R

In R, factors are a data type used for representing categorical variables, where each possible category is called a level. Factors can be very useful for performing statistical analysis and creating data visualizations.

However, sometimes you may need to convert factors to characters, for example, when you want to merge data frames or perform other operations where character strings are required.

To convert a factor to a character in R, you can use the as.character() function. This function takes a factor as an argument and returns a character vector with the same length as the input factor, where each element of the vector is the character representation of the corresponding level of the factor.

Why do we need to convert factor to character in R

There are several reasons why you may need to convert a factor to a character in R:

  • Merging data frames: If you have two data frames with factors that have different levels, you may not be able to merge them until you convert the factors to characters. This is because R will treat factors with different levels as different variables, even if they have the same labels.
  • String operations: If you want to perform string operations on a factor variable, such as extracting substrings or changing the case of the text, you will need to convert it to a character first.
  • Plotting: Some plotting functions in R require character variables, and may not work with factors.
  • Modeling: Some statistical models in R may require input variables to be in character format, and may not accept factors as input.
  • Data exploration: When exploring data, it can be useful to convert factors to characters to get a better sense of the labels used in the dataset.

How to convert factor to character in R

There are different approaches to convert a factor to a character in R. Here are some common methods:

  • Using the as.character() function
  • Using the as.factor() function
  • Using the levels() function
  • Using the plyr package


Approach 1: Using the as.character() function

In this R program, we demonstrate how to convert a character vector to a factor using the as.factor() function. Factors are useful data structures in R for representing categorical variables, where each unique category is assigned a level.

Sample Code:

# Create a character vector
my_char <- c("A", "B", "C", "A", "B")

# Convert the character vector to a factor
my_factor <- as.factor(my_char)

# Print the original vector and the factor
cat("Original character vector:\n")
cat("Converted factor:\n")


Original character vector:
[1] "A" "B" "C" "A" "B"
Converted factor:
[1] A B C A B
Levels: A B C

Code Explanation:

  • We first create a character vector my_char with five elements, each representing a category (“A”, “B”, or “C”).
  • We then use the as.factor() function to convert the character vector to a factor. This creates a new object my_factor that has the same values as the original vector, but with the added attribute of levels.
  • Finally, we print both the original vector and the factor to the console using the print() function, with a short description of each using the cat() function.
  • The output shows the original character vector, followed by the converted factor. The factor has three levels (A, B, C) and each element of the factor corresponds to a level of the original character vector.

Approach 2: Using the as.factor() function

In the R program, we will show how to convert a character vector to a factor using the as.factor() function. Factors are useful data structures in R for representing categorical variables, where each unique category is assigned a level. This program will help you to understand the conversion process and will be useful in data preprocessing.

Sample Code:

# Creating a character vector
my_char <- c("cat", "dog", "cat", "dog", "horse", "horse")

# Converting the character vector to a factor
my_factor <- as.factor(my_char)

# Printing the original vector and the factor
cat("Original character vector:\n")
cat("Converted factor:\n")

# Printing the levels of the factor
cat("Levels of the factor:\n")


Original character vector:
[1] "cat"   "dog"   "cat"   "dog"   "horse" "horse"
Converted factor:
[1] cat   dog   cat   dog   horse horse
Levels: cat dog horse
Levels of the factor:
[1] "cat"   "dog"   "horse"

Code Explanation:

  • We begin by creating a character vector my_char with six elements, each representing an animal (“cat”, “dog”, or “horse”).
  • We then use the as.factor() function to convert the character vector to a factor. This creates a new object my_factor that has the same values as the original vector, but with the added attribute of levels.
  • Finally, we print both the original vector and the factor to the console using the print() function, with a short description of each using the cat() function.
  • The output shows the original character vector, followed by the converted factor. The factor has three levels (cat, dog, horse) and each element of the factor corresponds to a level of the original character vector.
  • We also print the levels of the factor using the levels() function. This confirms that the factor has the correct levels, and can be useful for further processing.

Approach 3: Using the levels() function

In the R program, we will show how to convert a character vector to a factor using the levels() function. Factors are useful data structures in R for representing categorical variables, where each unique category is assigned a level. The levels() function is particularly useful when we want to specify the levels of the factor ourselves, rather than relying on the default levels.

Sample Code:

# Creating a character vector
my_char <- c("cat", "dog", "cat", "dog", "horse", "horse")

# Creating a vector of levels
my_levels <- c("cat", "dog", "horse")

# Converting the character vector to a factor with the specified levels
my_factor <- factor(my_char, levels = my_levels)

# Printing the original vector and the factor
cat("Original character vector:\n")
cat("Converted factor:\n")

# Printing the levels of the factor
cat("Levels of the factor:\n")


Original character vector:
[1] "cat"   "dog"   "cat"   "dog"   "horse" "horse"
Converted factor:
[1] cat   dog   cat   dog   horse horse
Levels: cat dog horse
Levels of the factor:
[1] "cat"   "dog"   "horse"

Code Explanation:

  • We begin by creating a character vector my_char with six elements, each representing an animal (“cat”, “dog”, or “horse”).
  • We then create a vector of levels my_levels with the same three categories as in my_char. This specifies the levels we want the factor to have, rather than relying on the default levels.
  • We use the factor() function to convert the character vector to a factor, and specify the levels using the levels parameter. This creates a new object my_factor that has the same values as the original vector, but with the specified levels.
  • Finally, we print both the original vector and the factor to the console using the print() function, with a short description of each using the cat() function.
  • The output shows the original character vector, followed by the converted factor. The factor has three levels (cat, dog, horse) and each element of the factor corresponds to a level of the original character vector.
  • We also print the levels of the factor using the levels() function. This confirms that the factor has the correct levels, and can be useful for further processing.

Approach 4: Using the plyr package

The plyr package is a powerful library for data manipulation in R. One of its functions is revalue(), which can be used to convert values in a vector to new values. In this program, we will use the revalue() function to convert a character vector to a factor.

Sample Code:

# Installing and loading the plyr package

# Creating a character vector
my_char <- c("cat", "dog", "cat", "dog", "horse", "horse")

# Converting the character vector to a factor
my_factor <- revalue(my_char, c("cat"="1", "dog"="2", "horse"="3"))

# Printing the original vector and the factor
cat("Original character vector:\n")
cat("Converted factor:\n")

# Printing the levels of the factor
cat("Levels of the factor:\n")


Original character vector:
[1] "cat"   "dog"   "cat"   "dog"   "horse" "horse"
Converted factor:
[1] 1 2 1 2 3 3
Levels: 1 2 3
Levels of the factor:
[1] "1" "2" "3"

Code Explanation:

  • We begin by installing and loading the plyr package using the install.packages() and library() functions.
  • We create a character vector my_char with six elements, each representing an animal (“cat”, “dog”, or “horse”).
  • We use the revalue() function from the plyr package to convert the character vector to a factor. This function takes two arguments: the vector to be converted, and a vector of new values to replace the old ones. Here, we replace “cat” with “1”, “dog” with “2”, and “horse” with “3”.
  • The result is a new factor my_factor that has the same values as the original vector, but with the new values specified in revalue().
  • We print both the original vector and the factor to the console using the print() function, with a short description of each using the cat() function.
  • The output shows the original character vector, followed by the converted factor. The factor has three levels (1, 2, 3) that correspond to the new values specified in revalue(). Each element of the factor corresponds to a level of the original character vector.
  • We also print the levels of the factor using the levels() function. This confirms that the factor has the correct levels, and can be useful for further processing.

Best Approach

Using the as.character() function is often considered the best approach for converting factors to characters in R for several reasons:

  • Simplicity: The as.character() function is a built-in function in R, which means that it does not require installing any additional packages or libraries. It is also straightforward to use and easy to understand.
  • Efficiency: The as.character() function is typically faster than other methods for converting factors to characters. This is because it is a simple conversion and does not require any additional processing.
  • Flexibility: The as.character() function can be used to convert factors to characters regardless of how the factors were created. It works equally well with factors created using the factor() function or those imported from other sources.
  • Compatibility: Many functions in R, such as substr(), paste(), and gsub(), require character vectors as inputs. By using as.character() to convert factors to characters, we can ensure that our data is compatible with these functions.

Sample Questions

Sample Problem 1:

Create a factor vector my_factor with the values “Yes”, “No”, and “Maybe”. Convert my_factor to a character vector using as.character() and assign it to a new variable called my_character. Print my_character to the console.


  • We first create a factor vector my_factor with three levels – “Yes”, “No”, and “Maybe” using the factor() function.
  • We then use the as.character() function to convert my_factor to a character vector and assign it to a new variable called my_character.
  • Finally, we print the resulting character vector to the console using the print() function.
  • The output shows that my_character now contains the same values as my_factor, but as a character vector.

Solution Code:

# Create a factor vector
my_factor <- factor(c("Yes", "No", "Maybe"))

# Convert factor to character vector
my_character <- as.character(my_factor)

# Print the resulting character vector


[1] "Yes"   "No"    "Maybe"

Sample Problem 2:

Load the mtcars dataset and convert the cyl column from a factor to a character using as.character(). Assign the result to a new variable called cyl_character. Print the first six rows of cyl_character to the console.


  • We load the mtcars dataset using the data() function.
  • We then use the as.character() function to convert the cyl column of mtcars from a factor to a character vector and assign it to a new variable called cyl_character.
  • Finally, we use the head() function to print the first six rows of cyl_character to the console.
  • The output shows that cyl_character now contains the values of the cyl column as a character vector, with each value representing the number of cylinders in the corresponding car.

Solution Code:

# Load the mtcars dataset

# Convert cyl column from factor to character
cyl_character <- as.character(mtcars$cyl)

# Print the first six rows of cyl_character


[1] "6" "6" "4" "6" "8" "6"

Sample Problem 3:

Create a factor vector my_factor with the values “red”, “green”, “blue”, and “green”. Use the levels() function to create a character vector with the unique values of my_factor and assign it to a new variable called my_character. Print my_character to the console.


  • We create a factor vector my_factor with four levels – “red”, “green”, “blue”, and “green”.
  • We use the levels() function to extract the unique values of my_factor and store them in a character vector.
  • We then convert the resulting factor vector to a character vector using the as.character() function and assign it to a new variable called my_character.
  • Finally, we print the resulting character vector to the console using the print() function.
  • The output shows that my_character now contains the unique values of my_factor in alphabetical order as a character vector.

Solution Code:

# Create a factor vector with repeated values
my_factor <- factor(c("red", "green", "blue", "green"))

# Extract unique values with levels() and convert to character
my_character <- as.character(levels(my_factor))

# Print the resulting character vector


[1] "blue"  "green" "red"  

Sample Problem 4:

Load the iris dataset and convert the Species column from a factor to a character using as.character(). Use the table() function to display the frequency of each unique value in the Species column before and after the conversion.


  • We load the iris dataset using the datasets package.
  • We load the plyr package for the conversion of Species column.
  • We use the table() function to display the frequency of each unique value in the Species column before conversion. The output shows that there are 50 observations for each of the three species in the dataset.
  • We convert the Species column from factor to character using the as.character() function and assign the result back to the Species column of the iris dataset.
  • We use the table() function again to display the frequency of each unique value in the Species column after conversion. The output shows that the frequency of each unique value is still the same, indicating that the conversion was successful.
  • The output also shows that the plyr package was not used in this conversion, as it is not necessary when using the as.character() function.

Solution Code:

# Load the iris dataset

# Load the plyr package

# Display frequency of each unique value in Species before conversion

# Convert Species column from factor to character
iris$Species <- as.character(iris$Species)

# Display frequency of each unique value in Species after conversion


Before conversion:
        setosa versicolor  virginica 
          50         50         50 

After conversion:
    setosa versicolor  virginica 
       50         50         50 


In conclusion, converting factors to characters is a common task in data analysis using R, and there are multiple approaches to achieving this conversion. The most straightforward and efficient approach is using the as.character() function, which directly converts a factor to a character vector.

The levels() function and the plyr package can also be used for this purpose, but they require additional steps and can be slower in performance.

Regardless of the approach used, it is important to understand the type and structure of the data being manipulated, as converting between different data types can impact the accuracy and validity of the analysis.