How To Convert Double To String In Java

Converting a double value to a String in Java is a very common and important operation when working with numerical data. This allows programmers to manipulate numbers as strings for various things, such as printing, manipulation, and comparison.

The question ” How to convert double to string in java ” has many answers. There are several ways to convert a Double to a String in Java, including using the String class,the Double class, the StringBuilder class, and the DecimalFormat class.

Each method gives a different amount of accuracy, control over formatting, and performance.

Why is there a need to convert double to string in java?

We might need to convert a double in Java to a string for a number of reasons:

  1. Manipulating of strings: The processing of numerical data as strings is made simpler by converting a Double to a String. This can be used to format numbers, concatenate numbers with other strings, or pass numerical data to functions.
  2. Comparison: It may be very useful to convert Doubles to Strings in order to perform comparison operations. A programmer can guarantee reliable comparison results by transforming both values to Strings and checking their string representations.
  3. Formatting: Printing a Double as a String gives you more control over the output’s format and accuracy. This can be helpful for creating formatted documents.

Four Methods for converting double to string in Java:

  1. Using the String.valueOf() method: It is the simplest way to convert a Double to a String. It returns the string representation of the given  Double value.
  2. Using the Double.toString() method: This method returns a string representation of the Double. It uses the standard scientific notation for small or large numbers.
  3. Using the StringBuilder class: This method helps to get greater control over the formatting of the output string. Programmers can use the append() method to add a Double to a StringBuilder, which can be converted to a String later.
  4. Using the DecimalFormat class: This method is useful for formatting the string with a specific number of decimal places. The DecimalFormat class allows us to specify a pattern/format for the output string, including the number of decimal places, separators, and symbols.

A thorough explanation of each strategy:

1. String.valueOf() method to convert double to string in java:

The first method for converting a Double to a String in Java is using the String.valueOf() method.It simply returns the string representation of the Double.


public class Main{

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Declare a Double 
    Double d = 123.456;

    try {
      //Converting  double to string
      String str = String.valueOf(d);

      //Print the original double value
      System.out.println("Double value: " + d);

      //Print the converted string
      System.out.println("Converted String: " + str);

    } catch (Exception e) {

      //Display error message if the conversion was not successful
      System.out.println("Error converting Double to String: " + 






Double value: 123.456
Converted String: 123.456


  1. A Double value d is declared and initialised to 123.456.
  2. The conversion from Double to String using String.valueOf(d) is enclosed in a try-catch block.
  3. If the conversion is successful, the original Double value and the converted  String are printed as output.
  4. If an exception is raised during the conversion, an error message is printed.

2. Double.toString() method to convert double to string in java:

The Double.toString() method is a built-in method in Java that converts a Double value to a String representation. This method takes the Double value as an argument and returns its string representation, which can then be used for further processing or output. The toString() method is a standard method provided by the Double class and is part of the Java standard library.

Here’s an example:

public class Main{

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Declare a Double value
    Double d = 746.456;

    try {

      // Convert the Double value to a String using the toString() method
      String str = d.toString();

      // Print the original Double value
      System.out.println("Double value: " + d);

      // Print the converted String
      System.out.println("Converted String: " + str);

    } catch (Exception e) {

      // Print an error message if an exception occurs during the conversion
      System.out.println("Error converting Double to String: " + e.getMessage());



Double value: 746.456
Converted String: 746.456


  1. A Double value d is declared and initialised to 746.456.
  2. The d.toString() method is used to convert the Double value to a String, and the result is stored in a String variable str.
  3. The conversion from Double to String using d.toString() is put inside  a try-catch block.
  4. If the conversion is successful, the original Double value and the converted String are printed to the console.
  5. If an exception occurs during the conversion, an error message is printed.

3. Convert double to string in java using the StringBuilder class:

Converting a Double to a String using the StringBuilder class in Java involves creating a StringBuilder object and appending the Double value to it. The resulting StringBuilder object can then be converted to a String using its toString() method.

Here’s an example:

public class Main{

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Declare a Double value
    Double d = 321.456;
 try {

      // Create a StringBuilder object
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

      // Append the Double value to the StringBuilder

      // Convert the StringBuilder to a String using the toString() method
      String str = sb.toString();

      // Print the original Double value
      System.out.println("Double value: " + d);

      // Print the converted String
      System.out.println("Converted String: " + str);

    } catch (Exception e) {

      // Print an error message if an exception occurs during the conversion
      System.out.println("Error converting Double to String: " + e.getMessage());



Double value: 321.456
Converted String: 321.456


  1. Double value d is declared and initialised to 321.456.
  2. A new StringBuilder object is created with the help of the new keyword.
  3. The Double value is appended to the StringBuilder using the append() method.
  4. The StringBuilder is converted to a String using the toString() method, and the result is stored in a String variable str.
  5. The conversion from Double to String using StringBuilder is put inside a try-catch block.
  6. If the conversion is successful, the original Double value and the converted String are printed
  7. If an exception occurs during the conversion, an error message is printed.

4. Use the DecimalFormat class to convert double to string in java:

Converting a Double to a String using the DecimalFormat class in Java involves creating a DecimalFormat object with a specific pattern and using its format method to format the Double value into a String. The formatted String can then be directly used as a String representation of the original Double value.

Here’s an example:

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class Main{
public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Declare a Double value
    Double d = 293.456;

    try {

      // Create a DecimalFormat object with a specific pattern
      DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.###");

      // Format the Double value using the format() method of the DecimalFormat object
      String str = df.format(d);
 // Print the original Double value
      System.out.println("Double value: " + d);

      // Print the converted String
      System.out.println("Converted String: " + str);

    } catch (Exception e) {

      // Print an error message if an exception occurs during the conversion
      System.out.println("Error converting Double to String: " + e.getMessage());





Double value: 293.456
Converted String: 293.456


  1. Double value d is declared and initialised to 293.456.
  2. A new DecimalFormat object is created with the help of the new keyword and a pattern of “#.###”, which tells the format for the Double value.
  3. The Double value is formatted using the format() method, and the result is stored in a String variable str.
  4. The conversion from Double to String using DecimalFormat is put inside a try-catch block.
  5. If the conversion is successful, the original Double value and the converted String are printed.
  6. If an exception occurs during the conversion, an error message is printed.

Best of the four methods:

Using the DecimalFormat class is considered the best method. Here are a few reasons why using the DecimalFormat class might be considered the best method for converting a double to a string :

Precision control: It allows to specify a custom format pattern, which gives precise control over the number of decimal places and the way in which the number is rounded.

Flexibility: The class can be used to format numbers in a wide range of styles, including currency and also scientific notation.

Acceptance: The DecimalFormat class is widely used in financial and scientific applications, making it a highly accepted method for conversion.

Sample Problems for converting double to string in java:

1. String.valueOf() method Sample Problem:

Problem: write a program that will display the least significant digit of a double value , where the double value  will be user input which will be converted to string using the String.valueOf() method in java.


import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main{
     public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
        // Prompt the user to enter a double value
        System.out.print("Enter a double value: ");
        double nd = scanner.nextDouble();
        // Convert the double to a String and get the last character (i.e. the least significant digit)
        String nStr = String.valueOf(nd);
        char lastChar = nStr.charAt(nStr.length() - 1);
        // Display the least significant digit to the user
        System.out.println("The least significant digit of " + nd + " is " + lastChar + ".");


Enter a double value: 1234.567
The least significant digit of 1234.567 is 7.

2. Sample Problem for Double.toString() method:

Problem: write a program that will display the  two least significant digit of a double value  , where the double value will be user input which will be converted to string using the  Double.toString() method in java.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main{

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

        // Prompt the user to enter a double value
        System.out.print("Enter a double value: ");
        double nd = scanner.nextDouble();

        // Convert the double to a String and get the last two characters (i.e. the two least significant digits)
        String nStr = Double.toString(nd);
        String leastTwoDigits = nStr.substring(nStr.length() - 2);

        // Display the two least significant digits to the user
        System.out.println("The two least significant digits of " + nd + " are " + leastTwoDigits + ".");


Enter a double value: 1234.567
The two least significant digits of 1234.567 are 67.

3. Sample Problem for StringBuilder class:

Problem: write a program that will display the frequency of digit ‘3’ in a double value  , where the double value will be user input which will be converted to string using the  StringBuilder class in java.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main{

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

        // Prompt the user to enter a double value
        System.out.print("Enter a double value: ");
        double nd = scanner.nextDouble();

        // Convert the double to a string using StringBuilder
        StringBuilder nStr = new StringBuilder(Double.toString(nd));

        // Count the frequency of the digit '3'
        int f = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < nStr.length(); i++) {
            if (nStr.charAt(i) == '3') {

        // Display the frequency of the digit '3' to the user
        System.out.println("The frequency of the digit '3' in " + nd + " is " + f + ".");


Enter a double value: 123.4567
The frequency of the digit '3' in 123.4567 is 1.

4. Sample problem using DecimalFormat class:

Problem: write a program that will display only the decimal part of a double value , where the double value will be user input which will be converted to string using the  DecimalFormat class in java.


import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class DecimalPart {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

        // Prompt the user to enter a double value
        System.out.print("Enter a double value: ");
        double nd = scanner.nextDouble();

        // Create a DecimalFormat object to format the decimal part of the double value
        DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.####");

        // Format the decimal part of the double value using the DecimalFormat object
        String decimalPart = decimalFormat.format(nd % 1);

        // Display the decimal part of the double value to the user
        System.out.println("The decimal part of " + nd + " is " + decimalPart + ".");


Enter a double value: 12.3456
The decimal part of 12.3456 is 0.3456.


In conclusion, the four main methods discussed in this blog include using the toString(), String.valueOf(), the StringBuilder class, and the DecimalFormat class.

Each method has its \pros and cons, and the best method to be chosen will depend on the requirements of the use case.

If the greatest level of control over the format of the resulting string is required , then the DecimalFormat class is considered the best option.