How To Convert Double To Int In Java

In Java, data types are used to define the type of data that can be stored in a variable or returned from a method. Two common data types used in Java are double and int. The double data type is used to store decimal values, while the int data type is used to store whole numbers.

Type casting is the process of converting a value of one data type to another data type. In Java, you can use the cast operator to perform type casting. When converting a double value to an integer value, the decimal part of the double value is truncated, and only the integer part is retained.

Why converting Double To Int In Java is needed

Conversion of Double to Int in Java is required because:

  • Data type mismatch: Sometimes, the data type of the variable used in a program may be incompatible with the requirements of the task.
  • Rounding off: When converting a `Double to an `Int`, the decimal part of the number is lost. This means that the number is rounded down to the nearest integer. This can be useful in situations where only the whole number part of a value is required.
  • Memory conservation: The `Double` data type takes up more memory than an `Int`. This means that if a program has a large number of `Double` variables, it may be more memory efficient to convert them to `Ints` if they are not required in their original format.
  • Method parameter requirements: Sometimes, a method may require an `Int` parameter, and passing a `Double` may cause an error. In such cases, conversion is necessary to make the method call compatible with the requirements.
  • Array indexing: Arrays in Java are indexed using integers. If you need to use a “Double value to index an array, you need to convert it to an `Int` first.
  • Type safety: Using the correct data type for a variable can improve the safety and reliability of a program. Converting a `Double` to an `Int` can help to ensure that the value is used correctly and consistently throughout the program.

Methods for Converting Double To Int In Java

There are a few methods available in Java to convert a double value to an integer value. Here are some of the commonly used methods:

1. Method 1: Type casting

This is the simplest and most commonly used method to convert a double value to an integer value.

double doubleValue = 10.5;
int intValue = (int) doubleValue;

2. Method 2: Math.round() method

The Math.round() method can be used to round a double value to the nearest integer value. To convert a double value to an integer value using this method, you can first round the double value using the Math.round() method and then cast it to an int value.

double doubleValue = 10.5;
int intValue = (int) Math.round(doubleValue);

3. Method 3: Double.intValue() method

The Double class provides an intValue() method that can be used to convert a Double object to an int value. To convert a double value to an int value using this method, you can create a Double object with the double value and then call the intValue() method on it.

double doubleValue = 10.5;
int intValue = new Double(doubleValue).intValue();

Let’s us have a look at each approach for converting Double To Int In Java:

Approach 1: Converting Double to Int in Java using Type casting

This is an example code snippet for converting a double to an int using type casting in Java:


public class DoubleToIntExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Define a double value
        double doubleValue = 10.5;

        // Convert the double value to an int value using type casting
        int intValue = (int) doubleValue;

        // Print the double and int values
        System.out.println("Double value: " + doubleValue);
        System.out.println("Int value: " + intValue);


Double value: 10.5
Int value: 10


  • We first define a double value of 10.5 using the variable name doubleValue.
  • We then convert the double value to an integer value using type casting. We use the (int) cast operator to indicate that the double value should be converted to an int value.
  • The resulting int value is stored in the variable intValue.
  • We print the double and int values using the System.out.println() method.

Approach 2: Converting Double to Int in Java using Math.round() method

This is an example code for converting a double to an int using the Math.round() method in Java:


public class DoubleToIntExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Define a double value
        double doubleValue = 15.3;

        // Convert the double value to an int value using the Math.round() method and type casting
        int intValue = (int) Math.round(doubleValue);

        // Print the double and int values
        System.out.println("Double value: " + doubleValue);
        System.out.println("Int value: " + intValue);


Double value: 10.5
Int value: 10


  • We first define a double value of 15.3 using the variable name doubleValue.
  • We then convert the double value to an integer value using the Math.round() method. The Math.round() method rounds the double value to the nearest integer value and returns a long value.
  • We then use type casting to convert the long value to an int value.
  • The resulting int value is stored in the variable intValue.
  • We print the double and int values using the System.out.println() method.

Approach 3: Converting Double to Int in Java using Double.intValue() method

It is the code snippet for converting a double to an int using the Double.intValue() method in Java:


public class DoubleToIntExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Define a double value
        double doubleValue = 19.5;

        // Convert the double value to an int value using the Double.intValue() method
        int intValue = new Double(doubleValue).intValue();

        // Print the double and int values
        System.out.println("Double value: " + doubleValue);
        System.out.println("Int value: " + intValue);


Double value: 19.5
Int value: 19


  • We first define a double value of 19.5 using the variable name doubleValue.
  • We then create a new Double object with the double value using the new Double(doubleValue) syntax.
  • We then call the intValue() method on the Double object to convert it to an integer value.
  • The resulting int value is stored in the variable intValue.
  • We print the double and int values using the System.out.println() method.

Best Approach for Converting Double To Int In Java

The Math.round() method is often considered the best approach for converting a double to an int in Java. Here are some reasons:

  • Accurate rounding: The Math.round() method provides accurate rounding of the double value to the nearest integer. It uses the “round half to even” rule, which means that if the fraction part of the double value is exactly 0.5, it rounds to the nearest even integer. This ensures that the rounding is fair and unbiased.
  • Convenience: The Math.round() method is a built-in Java method, which means that you don’t have to write any additional code to use it. This makes it a convenient and simple solution for converting a double to an int.
  • Clearer intent: Using the Math.round() method makes it clear that you are trying to round the double value to the nearest integer. This can make your code more readable and easier to understand for other developers.
  • Consistent behavior: The Math.round() method is a well-defined and standardized method, which means that it will behave consistently across different platforms and Java versions. This can help ensure that your code behaves as expected, regardless of where it is run.

Sample Problems for Converting Double To Int In Java

Sample Problem 1

Write the code for converting double to int in Java using Type casting method where the Double value = ‘28.2’


  • We first define a double value of 28.2 using the variable name doubleValue.
  • We then use type casting to convert the double value to a long value. Type casting is done by putting the target type in parentheses before the value to be cast. In this case, we are converting a double to a long.
  • The resulting long value is stored in the variable longValue.
  • We print the double and long values using the System.out.println() method.
public class DoubleToIntExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Define a double value
        double doubleValue = 28.2;

        // Convert the double value to an int value using type casting
        int intValue = (int) doubleValue;

        // Print the double and int values
        System.out.println("Double value: " + doubleValue);
        System.out.println("Int value: " + intValue);


Double value: 28.2
Long value: 28

Sample Problem 2

Write the code for converting double to int in Java using Math.round() method where the Double value = ‘18.6’


  • We first define a double value of 18.6 using the variable name doubleValue.
  • We use the Math.round() method to round the double value to the nearest integer and return it as a long value.
  • We use type casting to convert the resulting long value to an int value. Type casting is done by putting the target type in parentheses before the value to be cast. In this case, we are converting a long to an int.
  • The resulting int value is stored in the variable intValue.
  • We print the double and int values using the System.out.println() method.
public class DoubleToIntExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Define a double value
        double doubleValue = 18.6;

        // Convert the double value to an int value using Math.round() method
        int intValue = (int) Math.round(doubleValue);

        // Print the double and int values
        System.out.println("Double value: " + doubleValue);
        System.out.println("Int value: " + intValue);


Double value: 18.6
Int value: 19

Sample Problem 3

Write the code for converting double to int in Java using Double.intValue() method where the Double value = ‘128.2’


  • We first define a double value of 128.2 using the variable name doubleValue.
  • We use the Double.valueOf() method to convert the double value to a Double object. We then call the intValue() method on the Double object to return the integer value of the Double object.
  • The resulting int value is stored in the variable intValue.
  • We print the double and int values using the System.out.println() method.
public class DoubleToIntExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Define a double value
        double doubleValue = 128.2;

        // Convert the double value to an int value using Double.intValue() method
        int intValue = Double.valueOf(doubleValue).intValue();

        // Print the double and int values
        System.out.println("Double value: " + doubleValue);
        System.out.println("Int value: " + intValue);


Double value: 128.2
Int value: 128


Converting double to int in Java is the process of converting a decimal value of type double to a whole number value of type int. There are several ways to convert a double to an int in Java, including type casting, using the Math.round() method, and using the Double.intValue() method.

In Java, the double data type represents a double-precision floating-point number, which can hold values with a fractional component. On the other hand, the int data type represents a whole number without a fractional component. Converting a double value to an int value is typically done when we want to discard the fractional component of a decimal value and obtain a whole number value.