How To Convert Decimal To Binary In Python

Python is a powerful programming language with a vast range of applications, including data analysis, machine learning, web development, and scientific computing. One of the fundamental concepts in programming is number systems, and decimal and binary are two of the most commonly used ones.

Decimal is the base-10 number system that uses ten digits (0-9), while binary is the base-2 number system that uses only two digits (0 and 1).

In Python, converting decimal numbers to binary is a straightforward process that can be achieved using built-in functions and methods. Converting a decimal number to binary involves dividing the decimal number by 2 repeatedly and keeping track of the remainders.

The remainders will form the binary number when written in reverse order.

Why is converting Decimal To Binary In Python needed?

Converting decimal to binary allows us to represent decimal numbers in the binary form, which is essential for various tasks such as:

  1. Data representation: When working with computer systems, data is often represented in binary form, and converting decimal to binary is necessary to interpret and understand this data.
  2. Encoding and transmission: Data transmission in computer systems often involves binary data, and encoding this data into binary is necessary for efficient transmission.
  3. Bit manipulation: In computer science and engineering, binary numbers are used in various bit manipulation operations, such as bitwise AND, OR, XOR, and shifting. Converting decimal to binary is necessary for performing these operations.
  4. Debugging: Converting decimal to binary can also be useful when debugging programs that work with binary data.

Python provides efficient and convenient methods for converting decimal to binary, such as the bin() function.

How to convert a Decimal To Binary In Python

Here are five different approaches to convert   decimal to binary in Python with detailed solution steps, code, and output for each approach:

  1. Using the bin()function
  2. Using the format() method
  3. Using the bit_length() method
  4. Using a while loop
  5. Using recursion
  6. Using bitwise operations

Let’s dive in more with examples to each approach.

Approach 1:Using the bin() function

The bin() function is used to convert an integer to its binary representation. The output is a string that begins with “0b” followed by the binary representation of the integer.


  • Simple and easy to use.
  • Built-in function in Python.
  • Outputs the binary representation of an integer as a string.


  • The output is a string and needs to be converted back to an integer if binary arithmetic is required.


inum = 10    # Example integer
bin_num = bin(num)    # Convert integer to binary



Code Explanation:

  1. We define an integer num with a value of 10.
  2. We use the bin() function to convert num to its binary representation and assign it to the variable bin_num.
  3. We print the value of bin_num, which is the binary representation of num as a string.

Approach 2:Using the format() method:

The format() method can be used to convert an integer to its binary representation. The format specifier for binary representation is b.


  • Can be used to format a string with binary representation of an integer.
  • Allows for more control over formatting than the bin() function.


  • Requires more knowledge of string formatting than the bin() function.


num = 10    # Example integer
bin_num = "{0:b}".format(num)    # Convert integer to binary



Code Explanation:

  1. We define an integer num with a value of 10.
  2. We use the format() method to convert num to its binary representation with the b format specifier.
  3. We assign the formatted string to the variable bin_num.
  4. We print the value of bin_num, which is the binary representation of num as a string.

Approach 3: Using the bit_length() method

The bit_length() method is used to determine the number of bits required to represent an integer.


  • Can be used to determine the number of bits required to represent an integer.
  • Does not require conversion to binary representation


  • Does not output the binary representation of an integer.


num = 10    # Example integer
bits = num.bit_length()    # Determine the number of bits required



Code Explanation:

  1. We define an integer num with a value of 10.
  2. We use the bit_length() method to determine the number of bits required to represent num.
  3. We assign the result to the variable bits.
  4. We print the value of bits, which is the number of bits required to represent num..

Approach 4: Using a while loop

Using a while loop to convert an integer to its binary representation involves repeatedly dividing the integer by 2 and recording the remainder until the quotient becomes 0.


  • Can be used to convert an integer to its binary representation without using built-in functions or methods.
  • Can be more intuitive than other methods for beginners.


  • Can be less efficient than other methods for very large integers.
  • Requires more code and complexity than the built-in functions or methods


num = 10    # Example integer
bin_num = ""

while num > 0:
    bin_num = str(num % 2) + bin_num
    num //= 2




Code Explanation:

  1. We define an integer num with a value of 10.
  2. We initialize an empty string bin_num to hold the binary representation of num.
  3. We use a while loop that continues until num becomes 0.
  4. For each iteration of the loop, we calculate the remainder of ‘num’ divided by 2, which represents the binary digit.
  5. We concatenate the binary digit to the left of the bin_num string using the string concatenation operator +.
  6. We update the value of num by performing integer division with 2, which shifts all the bits of num to the right by one position.
  7. We repeat the loop until ‘num’ becomes 0.
  8. We print the value of bin_num, which is the binary representation of num as a string.

Approach 5: Using recursion:

Recursion can be used to convert an integer to its binary representation by repeatedly dividing the integer by 2 and recording the remainder.


  • Can be used to convert an integer to its binary representation without using built-in functions or methods.
  • Can be more efficient than a while loop for very large integers.


  • Requires more code and complexity than the built-in functions or methods.
  • Can cause stack overflow errors for very large integers.


def dec_to_bin(num):
    if num > 1:
        dec_to_bin(num // 2)
    print(num % 2, end='')




Code Explanation:

  1. We define a function dec_to_bin() that takes an integer num as an argument.
  2. The function checks if num is greater than 1, and if so, calls itself with num divided by 2.
  3. The function then prints the remainder of num divided by 2, which represents the binary digit.
  4. We call the dec_to_bin() function with an argument of 10, which prints the binary representation of 10.

Approach 6: Using bitwise operations

Bitwise operations can be used to convert an integer to its binary representation by shifting its bits and performing bitwise AND operations.


  • Can be used to convert an integer to its binary representation without using built-in functions or methods.
  • Can be more efficient than other methods for large integers


  • Requires more knowledge of bitwise operations than other methods.
  • Can be less intuitive than other methods.


 num = 10    # Example integer
bin_num = ""

for i in range(num.bit_length() - 1, -1, -1):
    if num & (1 << i):
        bin_num += "1"
        bin_num += "0"




 Code explanation:

  1. We define an integer num with a value of 10.
  2. We initialize an empty string bin_num to hold the binary representation of num.
  3. We loop over the range of bits in num in reverse order, from the most significant bit to the least significant bit.
  4. For each bit, we perform a bitwise AND operation with a bit mask that has a 1 in the current bit position.
  5. If the result of the bitwise AND operation is non-zero, we add a “1” to bin_num, otherwise we add a “0”.
  6. We print the value of bin_num, which is the binary representation of num as a string.

Best Approach to convert Decimal number to Binary in Python:

The bin() approach is widely used for converting decimal to binary in Python. It is a straightforward method that allows you to convert a decimal number to binary in Python.

Here are some of the qualities that make it the best approach:

  1. Simplicity: The bin() function is very easy to use and requires only one line of code to convert a decimal number to binary.
  2. Efficiency: Since bin() is an in-built Python function, it’s highly optimized for performance and is likely to be faster than a custom implementation.
  3. Built-in error handling: The bin() function will raise a TypeError if you pass it a non-integer value, which can help you catch and fix input errors early on.
  4. Flexibility: The bin() function can also be used to convert numbers in other formats, such as hexadecimal or octal, by passing them as arguments with the appropriate prefixes (0x for hex and 0o for octal).

Overall, the bin() function is the most common approach to convert decimal to binary in python. Its simplicity, flexibility, efficiency, and widespread support make it a preferred choice for many developers.

Sample Problems to convert Decimal Number to Binary in Python:

Sample Problem 1:

Suppose you work in a financial institution that deals with a lot of financial transactions. You need to keep track of the transaction IDs in binary format for faster processing.


  1. Take the decimal input from the user.
  2. Use the bin() function to convert the decimal to binary format.
  3. Print the binary equivalent.


# Taking the decimal input from the user
decimal = int(input("Enter a decimal number: "))

# Converting decimal to binary using the bin() function
binary = bin(decimal)

# Printing the binary equivalent
print(f"The binary equivalent of {decimal} is {binary}")


Enter a decimal number: 27
The binary equivalent of 27 is 0b11011

Sample Problem 2:

Suppose you work in a manufacturing company that uses a lot of robots to automate the production process. You need to keep track of the robot IDs in binary format for easier identification.


  1. Take the decimal input from the user
  2. Use the format() method to convert the decimal to binary format
  3. Print the binary equivalent


# Taking the decimal input from the user
decimal = int(input("Enter a decimal number: "))

# Converting decimal to binary using the format() method
binary = "{0:b}".format(decimal)

# Printing the binary equivalent
print(f"The binary equivalent of {decimal} is {binary}")


Enter a decimal number: 123
The binary equivalent of 123 is 1111011

Sample Problem 3:

Suppose you work in an IT company that develops software for cybersecurity purposes. You need to keep track of the length of the encryption keys used in your software.


  1. Take the decimal input from the user
  2. Use the bit_length() method to calculate the number of bits required to represent the decimal in binary format
  3. Print the number of bits required.


# Taking the decimal input from the user
decimal = int(input("Enter a decimal number: "))

# Calculating the number of bits required to represent the decimal in binary format
bits = decimal.bit_length()

# Printing the number of bits required
print(f"{decimal} requires {bits} bits in binary format")


Enter a decimal number: 255
255 requires 8 bits in binary format

Sample Problem 4:

Suppose you work in a finance company that deals with a lot of currency conversions. You need to keep track of the exchange rates in binary format for accurate calculations.


  1. Take the decimal input from the user
  2. Create an empty list to store the binary digits
  3. Use a while loop to continuously divide the decimal number by 2 and keep track of the remainders
  4. Reverse the list of binary digits and convert it to a string
  5. Print the binary equivalent.


# Taking the decimal input from the user
decimal = int(input("Enter a decimal number: "))

# Creating an empty list to store the binary digits
binary_list = []

# Converting decimal to binary using a while loop
while decimal > 0:
    remainder = decimal % 2
    decimal = decimal // 2

# Reversing the list of binary digits and converting it to a string
binary = "".join(str(digit) for digit in binary_list[::-1])

# Printing the binary equivalent
print(f"The binary equivalent of {decimal} is {binary}")


Enter a decimal number: 42
The binary equivalent of 42 is 101010

 Sample Problem 5:

Suppose you work in a data analysis company that deals with a lot of large datasets. You need to keep track of the memory usage in binary format for efficient memory management.


  1. Define a recursive function to convert decimal to binary
  2. Take the decimal input from the user
  3. Call the recursive function with the decimal input
  4. Print the binary equivalent.


# Define a recursive function to convert decimal to binary
def decimal_to_binary(decimal):
    if decimal == 0:
        return ""
        return decimal_to_binary(decimal // 2) + str(decimal % 2)

# Taking the decimal input from the user
decimal = int(input("Enter a decimal number: "))

# Calling the recursive function to convert decimal to binary
binary = decimal_to_binary(decimal)

# Printing the binary equivalent
print(f"The binary equivalent of {decimal} is {binary}")


Enter a decimal number: 47
The binary equivalent of 47 is 101111

Sample Problem 6:

Suppose you work in a telecommunications company that deals with a lot of data transmission. You need to keep track of the data transfer rates in binary format for faster processing.


  1.  Take the decimal input from the user.
  2. Create an empty list to store the binary digits.
  3. Use bitwise operations to convert the decimal to binary format and append the remainders to the list.
  4. Convert the list of binary digits to a string and print the binary equivalent.


# Taking the decimal input from the user
decimal = int(input("Enter a decimal number: "))

# Creating an empty list to store the binary digits
binary_list = []

# Converting decimal to binary using bitwise operations
while decimal != 0:
    remainder = decimal % 2
    decimal >>= 1  # equivalent to decimal //= 2

# Converting the list of binary digits to a string and printing the binary equivalent
binary = "".join(str(digit) for digit in binary_list[::-1])
print(f"The binary equivalent of {decimal} is {binary}")


Enter a decimal number: 321
The binary equivalent of 321 is 101000001


In conclusion, converting decimal to binary in Python is a fundamental task that is necessary for many different applications in computer science and engineering. With the built-in methods and functions available in Python, the process of converting decimal to binary can be accomplished easily and efficiently.

The bin() function is the simplest and most convenient method to use for this task, but other methods such as format(), bit_length(), while loop, recursion, and bitwise operations are also available for those who prefer more custom solutions.

Understanding how to convert decimal to binary in Python is an essential skill for anyone interested in working with computer systems, data analysis, machine learning, and scientific computing.