How To Convert Date To String In Python

Programmers frequently deal with dates since they are crucial to many applications. Depending on the situation, a date in Python can be expressed in a variety of ways.

Dates, for instance, can be displayed in a variety of ways, including YYYY-MM-DD, DD/MM/YYYY, and MM/DD/YYYY. In addition, they can be shown as datetime objects, which have both a date and an hour.

It is crucial to convert dates to strings since it enables us to display and work with dates in a clear and comprehensible manner. This is crucial when working with user interfaces since dates must be presented in a form that is clear to the user. There are various methods in Python for converting a date to a string, each with pros and cons.

In this guide, we will explore the different types of date-to-string conversion in Python, and provide sample code and explanations for each type. These types include the strftime() method, the strptime() method, and the ISO 8601 format.

Need for converting a date to string in python

  1. Displaying dates in a human-readable format: Python usually represents dates as objects with different attributes, such as year, month, day, etc. These items might be difficult for humans to read, though. We can format a date object in a way that is more understood by people by converting it to a string.
  2. Storing dates in a database or file: It is frequently required to keep dates as strings when working with databases or files. This is so that other applications or scripts may simply parse and manipulate dates in string format.
  3. Passing dates as arguments: Sometimes we need to pass dates as arguments to functions or methods. In such cases, it is easier to pass dates in string format, as this eliminates the need to convert them back and forth between different formats.
  4. Comparing dates: When comparing dates, it is often easier to convert them to a common string format, as this allows for easier comparison based on string values.
  5. Internationalization: Being able to format dates in a style that is appropriate for various languages and cultures is crucial when working with dates in a multilingual setting. We can format dates using regional standards and practises by converting dates to strings.
  6. These are just a few reasons why we may need to convert dates to strings in Python. Depending on the context and specific use case, there may be many other reasons as well.

Different methods for converting a date to string in python

  1. Using the strftime() Method
  2. Using the isoformat() Method
  3. Using the str() Function
  4. Using the format() Method

Detailed Explanation:

1. Using the strftime() Method convert date to string:

The strftime() method is used to convert a date object to a string in a specified format. It takes a string argument that specifies the format of the output string.


import datetime

date =

date_string = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")



2023-02-20 13:35:45

Code Explanation:

  1. Import the datetime module
  2. Get the current date and time using the now() method of the datetime module
  3. Convert the date and time to a string with the strftime() method, which formats the date and time according to the given format string (“%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”)
  4. Print the resulting string

2. Change date to string using the isoformat() Method:

The string representing the date object in ISO 8601 format is the result of the isoformat() method. This format is extensively used in databases and APIs and is a standardised format for dates and times. The format of the output string is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.ssssss, where T denotes a time-separator and ssssss stands for microseconds.


import datetime

date =

date_string = date.isoformat()




Code Explanation:

  1. import datetime imports the datetime module, which contains classes and methods for working with dates and times.
  2. date = creates a datetime object representing the current date and time. The now() method is called on the datetime class to create the object.
  3. date_string = date.isoformat() formats the date object as an ISO-formatted string and assigns it to the variable date_string.
  4. print(date_string) prints the ISO-formatted string to the console.

3. Using the str() Function change date into string:

You can turn a date object into a string using the str() function. It gives back a string using the default format that represents the date in a way that is legible by humans. ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ is the standard format.


import datetime

date =

date_string = str(date)



2023-02-20 13:40:39.485174

Code Explanation:

  1. The datetime module is imported.
  2. The method is used to get the current date and time.
  3. The now() method returns a datetime object.
  4. The str() function is used to convert the datetime object to a string.
  5. The resulting string is stored in the variable date_string.
  6. The date_string variable is printed to the console.

4. Using the format() Method convert date into string:

A date object can easily be turned into a string using the format() method. In a manner similar to the strftime() method, it accepts a format string as its input. It does, however, employ a little distinct syntax. It uses curly brackets to denote where the values should be placed rather than format codes with the % symbol. Following that, the format codes are specified between curly braces.


import datetime

date =

date_string = "{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(date)



2023-02-20 13:42:23

Code Explanation:

  1. Import the datetime module
  2. Get the current date and time using the now() function
  3. Format the date and time as a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS using the strftime() function with the :%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S format string
  4. Print the formatted string to the console

Best out of five methods

The strftime() method is often considered the best method for converting a date to a string in Python, and here are a few reasons why:

  1. Customizable Formatting: Strftime() offers a number of formatting options for the output. Using a set of established codes or by developing your own unique format, you can specify the output string’s format.
  2. Localization: The strftime() method supports localization, which means it can output dates in different languages and formats depending on the region.
  3. Platform-Independent: strftime() works on all platforms, which makes it a more reliable choice for date-to-string conversion.
  4. Legacy Compatibility: strftime() has been around since early versions of Python, so it’s a well-established method that is widely used and supported.
  5. Widely Supported: The strftime() method is supported by other programming languages like C and PHP, which makes it easier to use across multiple languages.

Overall, the strftime() method is a powerful and flexible option for converting a date to a string in Python, and it’s the preferred choice for many developers.

Sample Problem:

Problem 1: Write a Python program that takes a date object as input and converts it into a string of the format “MM/DD/YYYY”. The program should prompt the user to enter the date and output the converted string using the strftime() Method.


  1.  Request a date in the form” YYYY- MM- DD” from the  user.
  2. The supplied string is changed into a date object using the strptime() function. 
  3. The date object is  converted into a string with the format” MM/ DD/ YYYY” using the strftime() function. 
  4. Show the results.


import datetime

# prompt the user to enter a date
date_str = input("Enter a date in YYYY-MM-DD format: ")

# convert the string input into a date object
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y-%m-%d')

# convert the date object into a string of the desired format
formatted_date = date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')

# output the formatted date string
print("The formatted date is:", formatted_date)


Enter a date in YYYY-MM-DD format: 2022-02-16
The formatted date is: 02/16/2022

Problem 2: Write a Python function that takes a date object as input and returns a string of the format “Month day, year”. The function should accept the date as a parameter and return the formatted string Using the isoformat() Method


  1. import the date/ time module.
  2. Produce a function called format date that accepts a date object as an argument. 
  3. Use the isoformat function to turn the date object into a string.  Using the fromisoformat  system, change the string back to a datetime object.
  4. Using the strftime  system, format the datetime object as a string in the asked  manner. 
  5. Ask the  user to  give a date in the format YYYY- MM- DD,  also  transfigure their input into a datetime object.  To format the datetime object into a string with the  needed format, call the format date function.  The formatted date string should be  published.


import datetime

def format_date(date):
    date_string = date.isoformat()
    date_object = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(date_string)
    return date_object.strftime("%B %d, %Y")

# Prompt user to enter a date in YYYY-MM-DD format
input_date = input("Enter a date in YYYY-MM-DD format: ")

# Convert string input to date object
date_object = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(input_date)

# Call the function to format the date object as string
formatted_date = format_date(date_object)

# Print the formatted date string


Enter a date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2022-04-08
Formatted date: April 08, 2022

Problem 3: Write a Python program that reads a date from the user as a string in the format “YYYY-MM-DD” and converts it to a date object. The program should then output the date object as a string in the format “Month day, year” Using the str() Function.


  1. Bring the datetime module in.
  2. Take the user’s supplied date string and place it in the date string variable.
  3. The date string is then transformed into a date object (date obj) using the datetime class’ strptime() function.
  4. The date obj is then transformed into a string in the “Month day, year” format (date str) using the date class’ strftime() function.
  5. Show results.


from datetime import datetime

# Read date string from user
date_string = input("Enter a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD: ")

# Convert date string to date object
date_obj = datetime.strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d").date()

# Convert date object to string in "Month day, year" format
date_str = date_obj.strftime("%B %d, %Y")

# Output date string
print("The date is:", date_str)


Enter a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD: 2022-09-15
The date is: September 15, 2022


In conclusion, Python provides several methods for converting dates to strings, each with its own advantages and limitations. The strftime() method offers the most flexibility, allowing for the customization of date and time format strings to suit a wide range of requirements.

The isoformat() method is ideal for generating ISO 8601-compliant date strings, while the str() function is a simple and convenient option for generating a standard string representation of a date object. The format() method provides a flexible way to format dates using placeholders, but requires more careful handling to ensure proper formatting.

Ultimately, the choice of which method to use will depend on the specific use case and requirements. By understanding the different methods available and their respective strengths, Python developers can confidently convert dates to strings in a variety of scenarios.