How To Convert Character To Integer In JavaScript

JavaScript is a popular programming language utilized by developers to produce dynamic and engaging web applications. A frequently performed task in JavaScript programming involves the conversion of characters to integers. This particular function holds practical value in numerous scenarios, for instance, while handling user input, data processing, or executing mathematical operations.

So, let’s dive in and learn how to convert char to int in javascript.

Why is there a need to change character to integer in javascript

  • Mathematical Operations: JavaScript comes equipped with functions that enable you to execute mathematical operations seamlessly. These functions are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
  • Comparisons: JavaScript uses Unicode values to compare strings. Sometimes, it might be necessary to compare characters using their integer values, particularly when working with ASCII characters or personalized character encoding schemes.
  • Data Manipulation: There are situations where data can be symbolized by characters. This can involve saving the pixel values of an image, encoding binary data, or representing information in a particular format.

Different Approaches to change character to integer in javascript

When using JavaScript, you can represent characters as strings. Sometimes, you might need to change those characters into their numerical equivalents.

  1. Using the charCodeAt() Method
  1. Using the codePointAt() Method:
  1. Using the parseInt() Function:

Different methods to change Characters to integer in javascript

Using the charCodeAt() Method

The method called charCodeAt() is a JavaScript function that comes pre-built and is utilized to retrieve the Unicode value for a character located at a specific index within a string.

const character = 'A';
const integer = character.charCodeAt(0);
console.log(integer); //65




  1. we have a character named ‘A’ and we want to find out its Unicode value. To do this, we use the charCodeAt() method and pass in the index 0. This returns the Unicode value for ‘A’.
  2. The Unicode value of ‘A’ is 65, so the charCodeAt() method returns 65, and it is stored in the variable integer.
  3. Finally, we print the value of integer using console.log(), which will output 65.

Using the codePointAt() Method:

The codePointAt() method is used to retrieve the Unicode code point of a character in a string. It takes an index as an argument and returns the Unicode value of the character at that index.

const character = 'A'; // The character you want to convert
const codePoint = character.codePointAt(0);

 // Using codePointAt() method to get the Unicode code point

console.log(codePoint); // Output: 65 (The Unicode code point of 'A')




  1. Declare a variable character which represents the character you want to convert to an integer. In this example, we’re using the letter ‘A’.
  2. Use the codePointAt() method on the character variable with an index of 0 to get the Unicode code point of the character.
  1. The codePointAt() method returns the Unicode code point of the character at the specified index.
  1. Store the resulting code point in a variable called codePoint.
  1. Finally, use console.log() to print the codePoint variable, which will display the Unicode code point of the character ‘A’, in this case, as 65.

Using parseInt() method

parseInt() is a built-in JavaScript function that is used to convert a string to an integer. It takes one or two arguments: the string that needs to be converted to an integer, and an optional radix or base that specifies the numeric base to use for parsing the string.

const char = 'C'; // The character to convert
const intValue = parseInt(char, 36); // Using parseInt() with radix 36
console.log(intValue); // Output: 12




  1. The parseInt() function in JavaScript can be used to parse a string and convert it into an integer.
  2. The second parameter of parseInt() is the radix or base to be used for the conversion.
  3. By providing 36 as the radix, we can convert uppercase letters A-Z to their corresponding integer values, where ‘A’ is represented as 10, ‘B’ as 11, ‘C’ as 12, and so on.

Best Approach to convert char to int in javascript

One of the best approaches is to use the built-in charCodeAt() method in combination with some basic arithmetic.

  1. The charCodeAt() method is easy to use and requires minimal code to implement. You simply call the method on the character and it returns the Unicode value of the character.
  2. The charCodeAt() method is part of the JavaScript standard, which means it is well-documented and widely used. This makes it a reliable and consistent approach for converting characters to integers.
  3. The charCodeAt() method is based on the Unicode character encoding, which is a standard for representing characters in digital form.

Sample Problems on converting char to int in javascript

Sample Problem 1:

Suppose you have to converts each character of a keyword “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz” into its corresponding integer value using the charCodeAt() method:


  1. The charCodeAt() method is a JavaScript string method that returns an integer representing the Unicode value of the character at a given index in a string.
  2. In this code, we loop through each character in the keyword and use charCodeAt() to get its corresponding integer value, which is then pushed into an array.
  3. The resulting array integerArray contains the integer values of all the characters in the keyword.
// Keyword to be converted
const keyword = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
// Empty array to store integer values
const integerArray = [];
// Loop through each character in the keyword
for (let i = 0; i < keyword.length; i++) {
  // Get char code at current index
  const charCode = keyword.charCodeAt(i);
  // Push char code into the integerArray
// Output the integer array


[97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122]

Sample Problem 2:

Suppose that you are making an input form then write a JavaScript function that takes a character as input from a user and then uses the codePointAt() method to output its value as an integer.


  1. The input will be passed to the codePointAt() method, which will return the Unicode code point value of the character.
  1. the code point value will be displayed in an alert message.
  1. Note that the codePointAt() method takes an index as an argument, which specifies the position of the character in the string.
  1. In this case, we pass 0 as the index, assuming the input is a single character.
// Function to get the code point value of a character
function get() {
  // Prompt the user to enter a character
  const inputChar = prompt("Enter a character:");

  // Check if the input is a single character
  if (inputChar.length !== 1) {
    alert("Please enter a single character!");

  // Get the code point value of the character
  const codePoint = inputChar.codePointAt(0);

  // Output the code point value
  alert(`The code point value of "${inputChar}" is: ${codePoint}`);


//let you enter “g” character

Sample Problem 3:

Suppose you have to make a JavaScript program that reads a character from the user, checks if it is a vowel (a, e, i, o, u), and if so, converts it into its corresponding integer value using the parseInt() method.


  1. We use the prompt() function to display a dialog box to the user and store their input in the inputChar variable.
  2. We then use a regular expression /[aeiouAEIOU]/ to test if inputChar is a vowel. The square brackets [] define a character class, which means any character inside the brackets is considered a match. In this case, it matches the lowercase and uppercase vowels (a, e, i, o, u).
  3. We use the length property of inputChar to check if it is a single character. If it’s not, we display an error message.
  4. If inputChar is a vowel, we use the parseInt() method to convert it into its corresponding integer value. The second argument to parseInt() is the radix or base of the input, which is set to 36 in this case. This allows us to convert both lowercase and uppercase vowels into their corresponding integer values. For example, ‘a’ and ‘A’ will both be converted to 10.
  5. Finally, we display the integer value to the user using console.log().
// Prompt user for input
var inputChar = prompt("Enter a character: ");

// Check if inputChar is a vowel
if (inputChar.length === 1 && /[aeiouAEIOU]/.test(inputChar)) {
  // Convert the inputChar to its corresponding integer value
  var intValue = parseInt(inputChar, 36);

  // Display the integer value to the user
  console.log("The integer value of the vowel " + inputChar + " is: " + intValue);
} else {
  console.log("Input is not a vowel or not a single character.");


97, 101, 105, 111, 117


Converting characters to integers in JavaScript is a useful and necessary operation for various programming tasks. Through built-in JavaScript functions such as parseInt() and charCodeAt(), developers can easily convert characters to their corresponding integer representations.