How To Convert Character To Factor In R

In R, character and factor are two important data types. Character data type is used to represent text values, while a factor is used to represent categorical data. When working with categorical data, it is often beneficial to convert character data to factor data type to take advantage of the properties of factors.

To convert character data to factor data type in R, you can use the factor() function. The factor() function takes a vector of character data and converts it into a factor with unique levels corresponding to the unique values in the original vector. The resulting factor will have an ordered or unordered set of levels depending on the input arguments to the function.

Converting character data to factor data type is an essential step in preparing data for statistical analysis or data visualization, especially when dealing with categorical data. Factors can improve the efficiency and accuracy of statistical analyses, as well as provide more informative data visualizations.

Why do we need to convert character to factor in R

Here are some reasons why we need to convert character to factor in R:

  • Categorical variables: In many cases, text values represent categorical variables. Converting character data to factor data type makes it easier to perform analyses and visualizations on categorical variables.
  • Efficiency: R’s algorithms and functions are optimized to work with factor data type, which can lead to more efficient and faster computations.
  • Visualization: Factors are often used in visualizations to group and display data in a more meaningful way. Converting character data to factor data type allows us to take advantage of this feature.
  • Modeling: Many modeling techniques in R require that categorical variables be represented as factors. Converting character data to factor data type allows us to use these techniques more easily.
  • Consistency: Converting character data to factor data type can help ensure that all categorical variables are represented in a consistent way throughout our analysis, which can reduce errors and make our analysis more robust.

How to Convert Character to Factor in R

Here are some approaches for converting character to factor in R:

  • Using the factor() function
  • Using the as.factor() function
  • Using the relevel() function
  • Using the forcats package


Approach 1: Using the factor() function

The factor() function is used in R to convert a character vector to a factor. This function takes a character vector as an argument and returns a factor object with the same length as the input vector.

Sample Code:

# Create a character vector
colors <- c("red", "blue", "green", "red", "green", "yellow")

# Convert the character vector to a factor
colors_factor <- factor(colors)

# Print the factor object


[1] red    blue   green  red    green  yellow
Levels: blue green red yellow

Code Explanation:

  • We first create a character vector of colors containing a list of colors.
  • Then we convert this vector to a factor using the factor() function and store the result in colors_factor.
  •  Finally, we print the factor object to the console.
  • The original character vector contains duplicates of the values “red” and “green”, but they only appear once in the levels of the factor. This is because factors only store the unique values in the vector, and each value is assigned to a level.

Approach 2: Using the as.factor() function

The as.factor() function is another function in R that can be used to convert character vectors to factor objects. This function works similarly to the factor() function, but the input is a character vector rather than a variable name.

Sample Code:

# create a character vector
animals <- c("dog", "cat", "horse", "cat", "dog", "zebra")

# convert the character vector to a factor using as.factor()
animals_factor <- as.factor(animals)

# print the factor object


[1] dog   cat   horse cat   dog   zebra
Levels: cat dog horse zebra

Code Explanation:

  • We first create a character vector animals containing a list of animals.
  • We then use the as.factor() function to convert this vector to a factor and store the result in animals_factor.
  • Finally, we print the factor object to the console.
  • The output shows the levels of the factor in alphabetical order, which are “cat”, “dog”, “horse”, and “zebra”. The original character vector contains duplicates of the values “dog” and “cat”, but they only appear once in the levels of the factor. This is because factors only store the unique values in the vector, and each value is assigned to a level.

Approach 3: Using the relevel() function

The relevel() function in R is used to change the reference level of a factor. This function allows us to specify which level we want to make the reference level, making it easier to interpret and analyze the data.

The forcats package provides several other functions for working with factors, including functions for reordering factor levels, changing factor labels, and converting data between factor and character formats. These functions can be useful for handling categorical data in data analysis and modeling.

Sample Code:

# create a factor with three levels
f <- factor(c("A", "B", "C", "B", "A", "C"))

# use relevel() to change the reference level to "C"
f_new <- relevel(f, ref = "C")

# print the new factor object


[1] A B C B A C
Levels: C A B

Code Explanation:

  • We first create a factor f with three levels, “A”, “B”, and “C”.
  • We then use the relevel() function to change the reference level of f to “C”. The ref parameter specifies the new reference level.
  • Finally, we store the new factor object in f_new and print it to the console.
  • The output shows the new factor object with the reference level “C” as the first level. The levels are now in alphabetical order, with “C” as the first level, followed by “A” and “B”. This makes it easier to interpret and analyze the data, especially in situations where one level is of particular interest.

Approach 4: Using the forcats package

The forcats package is an extension package in R that provides additional tools for working with factors. It includes functions for reordering factor levels, changing factor labels, and converting data between factor and character formats.

The package is particularly useful for handling categorical data and is widely used in data analysis and modeling.

Sample Code:

# install and load the forcats package

# create a character vector
animals <- c("dog", "cat", "horse", "cat", "dog", "zebra")

# convert the character vector to a factor using fct_inorder()
animals_factor <- fct_inorder(animals)

# print the factor object


[1] dog   cat   horse cat   dog   zebra
Levels: dog cat horse zebra

Code Explanation:

  • The first install and load the forcats package using the install.packages() and library() functions.
  • We then create a character vector animal containing a list of animals.
  • We use the fct_inorder() function from the forcats package to convert the character vector to a factor. This function preserves the order of the original character vector as the order of the factor levels.
  • Finally, we print the factor object to the console.

Best Approaches

Using the factor() function is the best method to convert a character vector to a factor in R for the following reasons:

  • Simplicity: The factor() function is a built-in function in R, making it readily available for use without requiring additional installation of packages. It is also very easy to use and requires only one line of code to convert a character vector to a factor.
  • Control over factor levels: The factor() function allows you to specify the levels of the factor explicitly. This is important because it helps ensure that the factor levels are correctly defined, especially when dealing with large datasets with many levels.
  • Flexibility: The factor() function provides several optional arguments that allow you to customize the behavior of the function. For example, you can use the ordered argument to create an ordered factor, or the exclude argument to exclude certain levels from the factor.
  • Consistency: Using the factor() function ensures consistency in the type of data being used. Factors are specifically designed to represent categorical data, and using factors instead of characters ensures that the data type is consistent throughout the analysis. This helps avoid errors and makes it easier to perform statistical analysis.

Sample Questions

Question 1: Write a program in R to convert the following character vector into a factor with ordered levels: c(“low”, “high”, “medium”, “low”, “low”, “high”)


  • First, we define the character vector char_vector that we want to convert to a factor.
  • We use the factor() function to convert the character vector to a factor. We pass the following arguments to the function:
  1. The char_vector argument, which is the character vector we want to convert.
  2. The ordered argument is set to TRUE, which creates an ordered factor.
  3. The levels argument is set to c(“low”, “medium”, “high”), which defines the order of the factor levels.
  • We assign the output of the factor() function to a new variable factor_vector.
  • Finally, we print the factor_vector to the console to see the output.

Sample Code:

# Define the character vector
char_vector <- c("low", "high", "medium", "low", "low", "high")

# Convert the character vector to a factor with ordered levels
factor_vector <- factor(char_vector, ordered = TRUE, levels = c("low", "medium", "high"))

# Print the factor vector


[1] low    high   medium low    low    high  
Levels: low < medium < high

Question 2: Write a program in R to convert a data frame column with the name “gender” from characters to a factor with the levels “male” and “female”.


  • First, we define a data frame data with a column named “gender”. The “gender” column is a character vector with values “male” and “female”.
  • We use the as.factor() function to convert the “gender” column to a factor.
  • We use the levels() function to assign the levels “male” and “female” to the factor.
  • We print the updated data frame to the console to see the output.

Solution Code:

# Define the data frame
data <- data.frame(gender = c("male", "female", "male", "female", "male"))

# Convert the "gender" column to a factor with levels "male" and "female"
data$gender <- as.factor(data$gender)
levels(data$gender) <- c("male", "female")

# Print the updated data frame


[1]  gender
1   male
2 female
3   male
4 female
5   male

Question 3: Write a program in R to convert a data frame column with the name “income” from characters to a factor with the levels “low”, “medium”, and “high”, where “low” corresponds to values less than or equal to 50,000, “medium” corresponds to values between 50,000 and 100,000, and “high” corresponds to values greater than 100,000.


  • First, we define a data frame data with a column named “income”. The “income” column is a character vector with values that represent income in dollars.
  • We use the as.numeric() function to convert the “income” column to a numeric vector.
  • We use the cut() function to convert the numeric “income” vector to a factor with levels “low”, “medium”, and “high”. The cut() function takes the following arguments:
  1. The x argument is the numeric vector we want to convert to a factor.
  2. The breaks argument is a numeric vector that specifies the breakpoints between the factor levels. In this case, we use c(0, 50000, 100000, Inf) to specify that values less than or equal to 50,000 should be “low”, values between 50,000 and 100,000 should be “medium”, and values greater than 100,000 should be “high”.
  3. The labels argument is a character vector that specifies the factor levels. In this case, we use c(“low”, “medium”, “high”).
  • We use the as.factor() function to convert the “income” column to a factor.
  • We use the relevel() function to relevel the “income” column so that “low” is the reference level. The relevel() function takes the following arguments:
  • The first argument is the factor we want to relevel.
  • The ref argument specifies the level we want to use as the reference level. In this case, we use “low”.
  • We print the updated data frame to the console to see the output.

Solution Code:

# Define the data frame
data <- data.frame(income = c("75000", "25000", "125000", "60000", "45000"))

# Convert the "income" column to numeric
data$income <- as.numeric(data$income)

# Convert the "income" column to a factor with levels "low", "medium", and "high"
data$income <- cut(data$income, c(0, 50000, 100000, Inf), labels = c("low", "medium", "high"))
data$income <- as.factor(data$income)

# Relevel the "income" column to have "low" as the reference level
data$income <- relevel(data$income, ref = "low")

# Print the updated data frame


[1] income
1 medium
2    low
3   high
4 medium
5    low
Levels: low medium high

Question 4: Write a program in R to convert a character vector into a factor and reorder the factor levels in alphabetical order. The character vector is c(“apple”, “banana”, “cherry”, “banana”, “apple”, “date”, “cherry”).


  • The forcats package is loaded with the library(forcats) function call.
  • A character vector fruit is created with the c() function call.
  • The factor() function is used to convert the character vector fruits to a factor. The resulting factor levels are not in any particular order.
  • The fct_inorder() function from the forcats package is used to reorder the factor levels alphabetically.
  • The new factor vector fruits_factor is printed using the print() function.
  • The original character vector fruits are also printed for comparison.

Solution Code:

# load the forcats package

# create a character vector
fruits <- c("apple", "banana", "cherry", "banana", "apple", "date", "cherry")

# convert the character vector to a factor and reorder the factor levels alphabetically
fruits_factor <- fct_inorder(factor(fruits))

# print the original character vector and the new factor vector
cat("Original character vector:\n")
cat("\nNew factor vector:\n")


New factor vector:
[1] apple  banana cherry banana apple  date   cherry
Levels: apple banana cherry date


Converting character vectors to factors is an important task in data analysis and R provides several functions and packages to achieve this. The factor() function is the simplest and most commonly used method for converting character vectors to factors. It assigns levels to the factor in the order they appear in the input vector.

The as.factor() function is another built-in function that can be used for this purpose. The relevel() function can be used to change the order of the levels of a factor. Finally, the forcats package provides several functions to work with factors including the fct_inorder() function which is used to reorder the levels of a factor in alphabetical order.