How To Convert Binary To Decimal In Python

In programming, binary and decimal numbers are two of the most commonly used number systems. Whereas double may be a base-2 number framework with as it were two possible values (0 and 1), decimal could be a base-10 number framework with 10 conceivable values (0 to 9).

Changing the binary to decimal may be a common practice in programming, especially when working with binary data. This article explains how to convert binary to decimal in Python and provide different methods to do so.

Why Is There A Need for Converting From Binary To Decimal In Python

  • Converting binary to decimal is a common task in programming.
  • When working with binary data, it’s important to understand how to convert binary to decimal.
  • The title provides a clear understanding of what the whole article is about.

Approaches on how to convert a binary number to decimal in python

Numerous approaches on how to change binary to decimal in python are possible. There are some approaches listed and discussed below.

  • Approach -1: Using int() Function
  • Approach -2: Using int() Function with Base Parameter
  • Approach -3: Using the While Loop
  • Approach -4: Using the For Loop

Approach -1: Using int() Function

How to convert from binary to decimal in Python? The int() function in Python can convert a string or number into an integer. We can use this function to convert a binary number into a decimal number, by passing the binary number like a string argument to the int() function.


Step 1: Take the binary number as input

Step 2: Pass the binary number as a string argument to the int() function

Step 3: The int() function will convert the binary number into a decimal number


binary_num = '1010'
decimal_num = int(binary_num, 2)



Code Explanation:

  • First, the binary number ‘1010’ is assigned to the variable binary_num.
  • Then, the int() function is used with binary_num as a string argument and a base parameter of 2, which indicates that the input number is in binary form.
  • The int() function returns the decimal equivalent of the binary number, which is assigned to the variable decimal_num.
  • Finally, the value of decimal_num is printed.

Approach-2: Using int() Function with Base Parameter

How to convert binary into decimal in python? We can use the int() function with the base parameter to convert a binary number into a decimal number in Python as well. The base parameter specifies the base of the input number. In the case of binary numbers, the base is 2.


Step 1: Take the binary number as input

Step 2: Pass the binary number and the base parameter to the int() function

Step 3: The int() function will convert the binary number into a decimal number


binary_num = 1010
decimal_num = int(str(binary_num), 2)



Code Explanation:

  • First, the binary number 1010 is assigned to the variable binary_num.
  • Then, the str() function is used to convert binary_num into a string, which is passed along with a base parameter of 2 to the int() function.
  • The int() function returns the decimal equivalent of the binary number, which is assigned to the variable decimal_num.
  • Finally, the value of decimal_num is printed.

Approach-3: Using the While Loop

We can also use a while loop to convert a binary number into a decimal number in Python. In this approach, we start with the least significant bit of the binary number and multiply it with 2 raised to the power of the bit position. We then add this product to a variable called decimal_num. We continue this process for all the bits in the binary number.


Step 1: Take the binary number as input

Step 2: Initialize the decimal_num variable to 0

Step 3: Initialize the bit_pos variable to 0

Step 4: While the binary number is not 0, do the following:

            a. Extract the least significant bit of the binary number

            b. Multiply the least significant bit with 2 raised to the power of the bit_pos variable

            c. Add the product to the decimal_num variable

            d. Right shift the binary number by 1 bit

            e. Increment the bit_pos variable by 1

Step 5: Print the value of decimal_num


binary_num = 1010
decimal_num = 0
bit_pos = 0

while binary_num > 0:
    decimal_num += (binary_num % 10) * (2 ** bit_pos)
    binary_num //= 10
    bit_pos += 1



Code Explanation:

  • First, the binary number 1010 is assigned to the variable binary_num.
  • The decimal_num variable is initialized to 0 and the bit_pos variable to 0.
  • In the while loop, we check if the binary_num is greater than 0.
  • If it is, we extract the least significant bit of the binary number using the modulo operator (%).
  • We multiply this bit with 2 raised to the power of the bit_pos variable and add the product to the decimal_num variable.
  • We then right-shift the binary number by 1-bit using integer division (//) and increment the bit_pos variable by 1.
  • We continue this process until the binary number becomes 0.
  • Finally, the value of decimal_num is printed.

Approach-4: Using the For Loop

We can also use a for loop to convert a binary number into a decimal number in Python. In this approach, we convert the binary number into a string and loop through each and every character of the string. We start with the most significant bit of the binary number and multiply it with 2 raised to the power of the bit position. We then add this product to a variable called decimal_num.


Step 1: Take the binary number as input

Step 2: Convert the binary number into a string

Step 3: Initialize the decimal_num variable to 0

Step 4: Loop through each character of the string in reverse order

             a. If the character is ‘1’, multiply it with 2 raised to the power of the bit position

             b. Add the product to the decimal_num variable

             c. Increment the bit position by 1

Step 5: Print the value of decimal_num


binary_num = 1010
binary_str = str(binary_num)
decimal_num = 0
bit_pos = 0

for bit in reversed(binary_str):
    if bit == '1':
        decimal_num += 2 ** bit_pos
    bit_pos += 1



Code Explanation:

  • First, the binary number 1010 is assigned to the variable binary_num.
  • Then, the str() function is used to convert binary_num into a string, which is assigned to the variable binary_str.
  • The decimal_num variable is initialized to 0 and the bit_pos variable to 0.
  • In the for loop, we use the reversed() function to loop through each and every character of the whole string in reverse order.
  • For each character, we check whether it is ‘1’.
  • If it is, we multiply it with 2 raised to the power of the bit position and add the product to the decimal_num variable.
  • We then increment the bit_pos variable by 1.
  • We continue this process until we have looped through all the characters in the string.
  • Finally, the value of decimal_num is printed.

Best Approach: Using int() function

After evaluating all available approaches for converting binary to decimal numbers in Python, we can confirm that using the built-in function int() is the best approach due to the following reasons:

  • Efficiency: The int() function is optimized and built-in, making it a fast and efficient way to convert a binary number to a decimal number.
  • Simplicity: This approach is very simple and easy to understand. It does not require any loops or complex mathematical operations, making it an ideal solution for beginners who are just starting to learn Python.
  • Versatility: The int() function can handle various bases, including binary (base 2), decimal (base 10), hexadecimal (base 16), and octal (base 8). This makes it a versatile tool for converting numbers between different bases.

Therefore, we recommend using the int() function to convert a binary number to decimal in Python.

Sample Problems On How To Change Binary To Decimal In Python

Sample Problem 1

Scenario: You are working on a project that involves processing binary data received from a remote sensor. The sensor sends binary data in the form of a string, and you need to convert this binary data to decimal for further processing. However, the binary data may be malformed or incomplete, which can result in errors during the conversion process. You should write a Python function that can convert the binary data to decimal data using the int() method and handle any errors that may occur during the process.

Solution Steps:

  1. Take the binary number as input
  2. Use the int() function to convert the binary number to decimal
  3. You need a function to handle errors that may occur
  4. Print the value of the decimal number


def bin_to_deci(binary_string):
        decimal_number = int(binary_string, 2)
        return decimal_number
    except ValueError:
        return "Invalid binary string. Please enter a valid binary number."

# Example Usage
binary_data = '1011010'
decimal_data = bin_to_deci(binary_data)
print("Decimal equivalent of binary data is:", decimal_data)

binary_data = '101b010'
decimal_data = bin_to_deci(binary_data)


Decimal equivalent of binary data is: 90
Invalid binary string. Please enter a valid binary number.

Code Explanation:

  • The code defines a function binary_to_decimal that takes a binary string as input and returns its decimal equivalent using the int() method.
  • The function handles any errors that may occur during the conversion process by using a try-except block.
  • If a ValueError is raised during the conversion process, the function returns an error message.
  • In the first example usage, the binary string ‘1011010’ is passed to the function, which converts it to decimal using the int() method.
  • The resulting decimal value is then returned by the function and stored in the variable decimal_data.
  • The function’s output is printed to the console, which shows that the decimal equivalent of the binary data is 90.
  • In the second example usage, the binary string ‘101b010’ is passed to the function, resulting in a ValueError during the conversion process.
  • The except block catches the error and returns an appropriate error message.

Sample Problem 2

Scenario: You are working on a Python project that requires you to convert a list of binary numbers to decimal numbers. However, the binary numbers are stored as strings in the list, and you need to use the int() method with the base parameter to convert them to decimal.

Solution Steps:

  1. Create a list of binary numbers as strings.
  2. Use a for loop to iterate through each binary number in the list.
  3. Use the int() method with the base parameter set to 2 to convert the binary number to decimal.
  4. Append the decimal number to a new list.
  5. Print the list of decimal numbers.


binary_list = ['1010', '1101', '1110', '1001']
decimal_list = []

for binary in binary_list:
decimal = int(binary, 2)



[10, 13, 14, 9]

Code Explanation:

  • Define a list of binary numbers as strings and an empty list for decimal numbers
  • Use a for loop to iterate through each binary number in the binary list
  • Use the int() method with the base parameter set to 2 to convert binary to decimal and store it in a variable called decimal
  • Append the decimal number to the decimal list using the append() method
  • Print the list of decimal numbers using the print() function

Sample Problem 3

Scenario: You are working on a project that involves reading and processing multiple binary values from a file. You need to convert each binary value to its decimal equivalent and print it to the console.

Solution Steps:

  1. Open the binary file in read mode.
  2. Read the binary value from the file.
  3. Convert the binary value to a decimal value using a while loop.
  4. Print the decimal value to the console.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until all binary values have been processed.


with open('binary_data.bin', 'rb') as file:
# Read the binary data from the file in chunks of 4 bytes
while True:
binary_data =
# Break the loop if no more data is left in the file
if not binary_data:
decimal_value = 0
# Convert the binary data to decimal using a while loop
for i in range(0, len(binary_data)):
decimal_value += binary_data[i] * pow(256, i)
# Print the decimal value to the console



Code Explanation:

  • First, we open the binary file in read mode using the with statement to ensure proper closing of the file after reading.
  • Next, we use a while loop to read the binary data from the file in chunks of 4 bytes.
  • We break out of the loop if there is no more data left in the file.
  • For each chunk of binary data, we initialize a decimal value to 0 and use a for loop to iterate over the bytes in the chunk.
  • We use the pow() function to calculate the decimal equivalent of each byte and add it to the decimal value.
  • Finally, we print the decimal value to the console for each chunk of binary data.

Sample Problem 4

Scenario: You are a data analyst working for a financial institution, and you have been given a dataset containing the daily trading volume of a particular stock. The trading volume is in binary format, and you need to convert it to decimal format to perform further analysis.


  1. Create an empty list to store the binary digits.
  2. Loop through the binary number string and append each binary digit to the list.
  3. Reverse the list to get the binary digits in the correct order.
  4. Initialize a variable ‘decimal_num’ to 0.
  5. Loop through the list of binary digits, and for each digit:
    • Multiply it by 2 to the power of its position in the list.
    • Add the result to ‘decimal_num’.
  1. Print the decimal number.


binary_num = '1101010111'
binary_digits = []
for digit in binary_num:

decimal_num = 0
for i in range(len(binary_digits)):
decimal_num += binary_digits[i] * (2 ** i)




Code Explanation:

  • Loop through the binary number string ‘1101010111’.
  • Append each binary digit to a list called ‘binary_digits’.
  • Reverse the list to get the binary digits in the correct order.
  • Initialize a variable ‘decimal_num’ to 0.
  • Loop through the list of binary digits.
  • For each digit, calculate its decimal equivalent by multiplying it by 2 to the power of its position in the list, and add the result to ‘decimal_num’.
  • Print the decimal number, which is 1423.


In this article, we have discussed several methods on how to convert binary to decimal in Python. We have covered the int function, the numpy library, the binary conversion formula, and a for loop. We have provided sample problems and solutions to demonstrate the use of these methods.

We have also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each method and identified the best method for different scenarios. With this knowledge, you should be able to choose the appropriate method for your specific needs and understand how to convert binary to decimal in Python with ease.