How To Convert Array To Hashmap In Java

There are numerous instances where it may be necessary to transform an array to a hashmap when dealing with Java. It is simple to access values by key using a hashmap, a sort of data structure that stores information in key-value pairs.

When you need to rapidly seek up values based on where they are in the array or when you need to link additional information to the array’s elements, converting an array to a hashmap can be helpful.

In this blog post, we’ll investigate multiple techniques of turning an array to a hashmap in Java, including utilising a for loop, Java 8 Streams, and Apache Commons Lang library.

Why is there a need to convert an array to hashmap in java?

There are several situations where you may need to convert an array to a hashmap in Java, including:

  • Fast lookups: Hashmaps offer O(1) lookup time, allowing for rapid retrieval of a value from a key. It might be quicker to convert an array to a hashmap with integer keys and utilise the keys to get values if you regularly need to seek up values based on where they are in the array.
  • Additional data: The elements of an array may occasionally require the addition of new data. For instance, assume you have a list of strings representing names and you wish to correlate each name with an age-related integer. You can store the names as keys and the ages as values by turning the array to a hashmap.
  • Easier manipulation: Data manipulation as a hashmap may in some situations be simpler than data manipulation as an array. Use a hashmap rather than an array, for instance, if you need to remove or add entries from a collection based on their position.

In general, when you need to quickly look up data based on keys, link new data to old data, or handle data in a different way than an array permits, transforming an array to a hashmap can be a beneficial strategy.

Different Methods to convert array to hashmap in java:

  • Using a for loop
  • Using Java 8 Streams
  • Using Apache Commons Lang

Detailed Explanation of Each Approach:

1. Using a for loop:

First method used to convert an array to a hashmap is to use a for loop to iterate over the array and add each element to the hashmap with a key of your choice. Here’s an example:


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] array = {"apple", "banana", "orange"};
        Map<Integer, String> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
            hashMap.put(i, array[i]);


{0=apple, 1=banana, 2=orange}

Code Explanation:

  1. The code creates an array of strings with three members.
  2. A fresh, empty HashMap object is created.
  3. With the indices serving as keys and the array items serving as values, iterating over the array’s elements adds them to the hash map.
  4. The HashMap object’s contents are printed to the console.

2. Using Java 8 Streams:

The Collectors.toMap method can be use to change an array into a hashmap using Java 8 streams. Here’s an example:


import java.util.Map;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Define an array of strings
        String[] array = {"apple", "banana", "orange"};

        // Create a new HashMap object to store the elements of the array along with their indices
        Map<String, Integer> hashMap = IntStream.range(0, array.length)
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(i -> array[i], i -> i));

        // Print the contents of the HashMap to the console


{banana=1, orange=2, apple=0}

Code Explanation:

  1. The code first imports the necessary classes for the code to work, including Map, Collectors, and IntStream.
  2. It then defines a new class called Main.
  3. Inside the Main class, the code defines the main method, which is the entry point of the program. This method contains the main logic of the program.
  4. A string array is defined in the main method, containing three elements: apple, banana, and orange.
  5. To store the elements of the array along with their indices, a new HashMap object called hashMap is created.
  6. The HashMap object is created using the IntStream and Collectors APIs. The IntStream.range method creates a stream of integers ranging from 0 to the length of the array. The boxed method then converts the int values to Integer objects. Finally, the collect method collects the elements of the stream into a HashMap object, with the values of the array as the keys and their indices as the values.
  7. After the HashMap object is created, the code prints its contents to the console using the System.out.println method. The output shows that the hashMap object contains three key-value pairs, with keys “apple”, “banana”, and “orange” corresponding to their respective indices.

3. Using Apache Commons Lang:

If you’re using the Apache Commons Lang library, you can use the ArrayUtils.toMap method to convert an array to a hashmap.

Here’s an example:


import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import java.util.Map;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Define an array of strings
        String[] array = {"apple", "banana", "orange"};

        // Create a new HashMap object to store the elements of the array along with their indices
        Map<Integer, String> hashMap = ArrayUtils.toMap(array);

        // Print the contents of the HashMap to the console


{0=apple, 1=banana, 2=orange}

Code Explanation:

  1. Necessary classes are first imported in the code including ArrayUtils and Map.
  2. A string array is defined in the main method, containing three elements: apple, banana, and orange.
  3. To store the elements of the array along with their indices, a new HashMap object called hashMap is created.
  4. For converting an array into a HashMap object with the array elements as values and their indices as keys, a Hashmap object is created using the ArrayUtils.toMap method.
  5. The output shows that the hashMap object contains three key-value pairs, with keys 0, 1, and 2 corresponding to their respective array values apple, banana, and orange.

Discussed above are some of the examples in which different methods are used to convert an array to HashMap in java. According to any specific requirement of a problem there can be other methods too for solving similar problems.

Best out of all three methods:

Here are some reasons why using Java 8 Streams with the Collectors.toMap method to convert an array to a hashmap is a good option:

  • Concise and expressive syntax: Streams provide a concise and expressive syntax for processing collections of data, making your code more readable and easier to understand, especially for complex operations.
  • Efficient processing: Streams use internal iteration, which can improve performance by allowing for parallel processing of data.
  • Flexibility: The Collectors.toMap method allows you to specify custom logic for handling duplicate keys, as well as custom map implementations.
  • Type safety: Using generics and lambda expressions with streams ensures that your code is type-safe, reducing the risk of runtime errors.
  • Wide availability: Java 8 Streams and the Collectors.toMap method are widely available in modern Java environments, making this method accessible to most developers.

Overall, using Java 8 Streams with the Collectors.toMap method provides a convenient and efficient way to convert an array to a hashmap in Java.

Sample Problems:

Problem 1:

You have a collection of objects, each with its own identifier. Based on an object’s identifier, you must swiftly look it up. How would you use a for loop to transform an array into a hashmap?


  1. We define a class called ObjectWithId with an int field id, a String field name, and any other fields and methods as needed.
  2. We create an array of ObjectWithId objects called objects.
  3. We create a new hashmap called objectMap, which maps integer keys to ObjectWithId objects.
  4. We iterate over each object in the objects array using a for loop.
  5. For each object, we add an entry to the objectMap hashmap with the object’s id field as the key and the object itself as the value.
  6. After the loop completes, the objectMap hashmap will contain all the objects from the objects array, indexed by their id fields.


class ObjectWithId {
    int id;
    String name;
    // Other fields and methods as needed

ObjectWithId[] objects = { new ObjectWithId(1, "Object 1"), 
                           new ObjectWithId(2, "Object 2"), 
                           new ObjectWithId(3, "Object 3") };

Map<Integer, ObjectWithId> objectMap = new HashMap<Integer, ObjectWithId>();
for (ObjectWithId obj : objects) {
    objectMap.put(, obj);


Suppose we want to look up the ObjectWithId object with id equal to 2.

ObjectWithId obj = objectMap.get(2);

This will output Object 2, since that is the name field of the ObjectWithId object with id equal to 2.

Problem 2:

WAP for mapping names in a string array to an integer representing their age correspondingly and using Java 8 streams with collectors.toMap to convert the array to HashMap.


  1. We define an array of strings called names representing names.
  2. We define an array of integers called ages representing ages.
  3. We create a new hashmap called nameAgeMap, which maps string keys (names) to integer values (ages).
  4. We use the IntStream.range method to generate a stream of integers from 0 to names.length – 1. This provides us with a stream of indices that we can use to map the names to their corresponding ages.
  5. We convert the IntStream to a Stream<Integer> using the boxed method. This allows us to use the toMap method provided by the Collectors class.
  6. We call the Collectors.toMap method to convert the stream of indices to a hashmap, where each name is associated with its corresponding age. We use the names[i] as the key and ages[i] as the value for each entry.
  7. After the stream is collected, the nameAgeMap hashmap will contain all the names from the names array, associated with their corresponding ages from the ages array.


import java.util.Map;

public class ArrayToHashMapExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] names = { "Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David" };
        int[] ages = { 25, 30, 35, 40 };

        Map<String, Integer> nameAgeMap = IntStream.range(0, names.length)
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(i -> names[i], i -> ages[i]));

        System.out.println(nameAgeMap.get("Charlie")); // Output: 35



Suppose we want to look up the age of the person named “Charlie”.

int age = nameAgeMap.get("Charlie");

This will output 35, since that is the age associated with the name “Charlie”.


In conclusion, Java’s array to hashmap conversion function is a practical method for quickly mapping a set of values to their associated keys. A for loop can be used to run through the array and manually add key-value pairs to the hashmap, or Java 8 Streams and the Collectors.toMap method can be used to generate the hashmap in a more readable and concise manner.

Both approaches have their merits and cons, and the choice of method depends on criteria like performance, readability, and personal preference.

By understanding the numerous techniques for converting an array to a hashmap in Java, developers may choose the approach that best meets their needs and produce strong and efficient code.