How To Convert Integer To Byte In Java

Java is a programming language that has gained immense popularity and wide usage. It offers a plethora of features that enable developers to manipulate data types efficiently. One such feature is the ability to convert integers to bytes.

This conversion is a common task in Java and is often necessary when working with data that requires storage or transmission in a compressed format, like when dealing with binary data or interfacing with external devices.

Why is there a need to convert integer to byte in java

Here are the reasons:

  • Memory Management: Bytes are the smallest unit of memory in Java, occupying only 8 bits or 1 byte of memory. On the other hand, integers typically require 32 bits or 4 bytes of memory.
  • Binary Operations: Many applications deal with binary data, such as reading or writing binary files, working with network protocols, or performing bitwise operations.
  • Endianness: Java uses a specific endianness, which is the order in which bytes are stored in memory. However, some systems or protocols may use a different endianness.

Different Approaches to convert int to byte in java

  1. Using Bitwise Operators
  2. Using Type Casting
  3. Using ByteBuffer

Different methods to convert int to byte in java

1. Using Bitwise Operators Method

This approach uses bitwise AND operation to extract the least significant 8 bits (1 byte) from the integer value. The bitwise AND operation with the mask 0xFF (11111111 in binary) ensures that only the lower 8 bits are retained, while the higher bits are set to 0. The resulting byte is then returned.

public class IntegerToByteConverter {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int num = 256; // Integer value to be converted to byte
        byte result = convertIntToByte(num);
        System.out.println("Integer value: " + num);
        System.out.println("Byte value: " + result);

    public static byte convertIntToByte(int num) {
        // Use bitwise AND operation to get the least significant 8 bits
        byte result = (byte) (num & 0xFF);
        return result;


Integer value: 256
Byte value: 0


  1. The bitwise AND operation (&) is used to perform a bitwise AND operation on each bit of the integer (num) with the binary value 0xFF (which is equivalent to 11111111 in binary).
  2. This bitwise AND operation effectively extracts the least significant 8 bits from the integer, as it masks out all the other bits.
  3. The result is then cast to a byte data type to obtain the byte representation of the integer.

2. Using Type Casting Method:

This approach directly casts the integer value to a byte using type casting. Type casting is a way to explicitly convert a value from one data type to another. However, it may result in data loss if the integer value exceeds the byte range (-128 to 127), as the higher bits will be truncated.

public class IntegerToByteConversion {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int num = 255; // Input integer value
        byte b = (byte) num; // Type casting int to byte
        System.out.println("Input Integer: " + num);
        System.out.println("Output Byte: " + b);


Input Integer: 255
Output Byte: -1


  1. We declare an integer variable num and assign it a value of 255, which is the maximum value that can be represented by a byte in Java.
  2. We declare a byte variable b and use type casting (byte) to convert the integer value of num to a byte value. Note that type casting is necessary because byte is a smaller data type compared to int, and we need to explicitly tell Java to perform the conversion.
  3. We use System.out.println() to print the input integer value and the output byte value to the console.

Using ByteBuffer method

ByteBuffer provides methods to allocate a buffer of a specific size, put an integer value into the buffer, and then retrieve the byte array representation of the buffer. This approach ensures that all 4 bytes of the integer value are converted to a byte array, even if some of the bytes contain leading zeros.

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

public class IntegerToByteArrayExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int num = 123456789; // Integer to be converted to byte array
        System.out.println("Input Integer: " + num);
        // Using ByteBuffer to convert integer to byte array
        ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.BYTES);
        byte[] byteArray = buffer.array();
        // Printing the byte array
        System.out.print("Byte Array: ");
        for (byte b : byteArray) {
            System.out.print(b + " ");


Input Integer: 123456789
Byte Array: 7 91 205 21


  1. We create a ByteBuffer object by calling the allocate() method and passing the size of an integer (in bytes) using the Integer.BYTES constant.
  2. We then use the putInt() method of the ByteBuffer class to put the integer value into the buffer.
  3. Finally, we call the array() method on the ByteBuffer object to get the resulting byte array.
  4. We print the byte array using a for-each loop, which prints each byte as an integer value.

Note that bytes in Java are signed, so they may be printed as negative numbers, but they are still represented as 8 bits in the byte array.

Best Approach to change integer to byte in java

The best approach for converting an integer to a byte in Java is to use bitwise operations.

  • Efficiency: Bitwise operations are typically faster than other methods of converting an integer to a byte. This is because the operations are performed at the bit level.
  • Precision: This is useful for converting an integer to a byte because it allows you to extract the exact bits you need and discard the rest.
  • Compactness: Using bitwise operations allows you to perform the conversion in a small amount of code.

Sample Problem about changing integer to byte in java

Sample Problem 1:

Suppose you are making an assignment where users enter their roll number. The roll number is stored into integer and you want to change it into byte so that no one can understand.


  1. We use the Scanner class to get user input for the roll number.
  2. We store the roll number as an int variable.
  3. We use a bitwise AND (&) operation with 0xFF to mask the lower 8 bits of the int value, effectively converting it into a byte value. This is because a byte in Java is 8 bits, and the bitwise AND operation with 0xFF ensures that only the lowest 8 bits are retained.
  4. We cast the result of the bitwise AND operation to a byte type to store it as a byte variable.
  5. Finally, we print the obfuscated roll number as the output.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class RollNumberObfuscator {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("Enter your roll number: ");
        int rollNumber = scanner.nextInt();
        byte obfuscatedRollNumber = (byte) (rollNumber & 0xFF); // Using bitwise AND to mask the lower 8 bits 
System.out.println("Obfuscated roll number: " + obfuscatedRollNumber);


Enter your roll number: 12345
Obfuscated roll number: 57

Sample Problem 2:

Suppose you are adding 2 numbers and these two numbers are in integers. After getting the result you need to convert it from integer to byte so that your result is secure.


  1. We start by defining two integer variables num1 and num2 and assigning them the values 280 and 260 respectively.
  2. We then add the two numbers using the + operator and store the result in the variable sum.
  3. Since the question asks us to convert the result to a byte, we use type casting to convert the sum variable from an int to a byte. We do this by enclosing the variable in parentheses and preceding it with the byte keyword, like so: (byte) sum.
  4. Finally, we print out the result using the System.out.println() method, along with some text to explain what the output represents.
public class main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int num1 = 280;
        int num2 = 260;
        int sum = num1 + num2;
        byte c = (byte) sum; // typecasting to byte

        System.out.println("The sum of " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " is: " + sum);
  System.out.println("byte value” + c);


The sum of 280 and 260 is: 540
byte value 28

Sample Problem 3:

Suppose you are calculating the percentage of your marks 300 out of 600 but you want to hide your result from your family, so you decide to convert the result into bytes.


  1. In this code, we first calculate the percentage by dividing the marks obtained by the total marks and multiplying by 100. Then we use the ByteBuffer method to convert the percentage to a byte array.
  2. The ByteBuffer class provides methods to read and write primitive types as bytes. In this case, we use the putDouble() method to convert the percentage value to a byte array.
  3. The allocate() method is used to allocate a byte buffer of 8 bytes, as a double takes up 8 bytes in memory. We then call the array() method to get the byte array representation of the double value.
  4. Finally, we print out the first element of the byte array as a result, which is the byte representation of the percentage value.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

public class PercentageToByte {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int marks = 300;
        int total = 600;
        double percentage = (double) marks / total * 100;
        System.out.println("Percentage: " + percentage);

        byte[] byteResult = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putDouble(percentage).array();
        System.out.println("Byte Result: " + byteResult[0]);


Percentage: 50.0
Byte Result: 64


To sum it up, if you want to convert an integer to a byte in Java, it’s not a complex task and you can go about it in different ways.

One way that programmers usually prefer is by making use of the ByteBuffer class. It’s an easy and efficient method to switch between integer and byte formats.

Another method is using the bitwise operators to shift and mask the bits of the integer to extract the bytes.