How To Convert C Code to Python

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that may be used for a variety of tasks, such as creating websites, analyzing data, developing computer programs for science, creating video games, and more. It became one of the most widely used programming languages in use today when Guido van Possum originally released it in 1991.

Python has a number of important features, including:

  • Python is used in web development to create online applications, web services, and APIs utilizing well-liked frameworks like Django and Flask.
  • Data manipulation, analysis, and visualization are all facilitated by Python’s strong libraries, such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Scikit-learn.

Why Is There A Need To Convert C Code to Python

Programming languages C and Python differ from one another in terms of syntax and semantics. There are several causes for wanting to convert C code to Python code, including the following:

  • Portability: Python code may be readily translated to other systems without the need for recompilation, in contrast to C code, which must be recompiled for each target platform.
  • Readability: As compared to C code, Python code is typically simpler to read and comprehend. Python is easy to read and understand because of its simplified syntax and usage of whitespace indentation to identify code chunks.
  • Productivity: Python is a high-level language with functions and data structures that are already built-in, making it simpler to develop code rapidly and effectively.
  • Integration: Python includes a sizable library and modules that are simple to integrate with other technologies and computer languages. The integration of Python-based tools and technologies can be facilitated by converting C code to Python code.

Approaches to Convert C Code to Python

Numerous approaches may be used to convert C code to python. There are some approaches listed and discussed below. 

  • Approach-1: Using Manual Translation
  • Approach-2: Using a Code Converter
  • Approach-3: Using a Wrapper Library
  • Approach-4: Using an Interface Generator

Lets dive in details for each approach.

Approach-1: Using Manual Translation

This entails manually converting each line of the C code to Python code. To achieve this, you will need to be familiar with both programming languages.


Step-1: Read the C code to learn how it works and what it’s for.

Step-2:  Determine which header files or libraries are being utilized in the C code, then import those Python libraries.

Step-3: Create any relevant Python variables and use the proper data types (e.g. int, float, string).     

Step-4: Examine the C code for any loops, conditional statements, or other control structures and convert them to their corresponding Python syntax.

Step-5: To obtain the same outcomes as any C-specific functions used in the C code, employ Python-specific functions or methods.

Step-6:  Use the Python print() method in any updated print statements.

Step-7: Execute the Python code to make sure the results match those of the original C code.

Step-7 Test the Python code with various inputs to ensure it works correctly for a range of inputs.

To demonstrates this approach, a program is created which code is given below:

C Code:

// C program to compute factorial of given number
#include <stdio.h>
int calculateFactorial(int x) {
int result = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= x; i++) {
result *= i;
return result;
int main() {
int num = 5;
printf("Factorial of %d is %d\n", num, calculateFactorial(num));
return 0;


Factorial of 5 is 120

Python Code

# Python Code equivalent to C code for computing factorial of given number
def calculate_factorial(x):
	result = 1
	for i in range(1, x+1):
    	result = result* i
	return result 
num = 5
print("Factorial of", num, "is", calculate_factorial(num))


Factorial of 5 is 120

Code Explanation:

  1. Here every line of the C program is  translated into Python and redone.
  2. A loop that iterates from 1 to n has been made using Python’s range() function.
  3. The print() method in Python has also been used in place of the printf() function.

Approach-2: Using A Code Converter

With the help of  code converter approach , we  can convert C code into python using following way:

Choose a code converter: Choose a code converter from the many tools that are available to convert C code to Python code automatically.

Install any necessary dependencies: A few code converters might need you to set up specific dependencies on your system. For instance, installing the Clang compiler is necessary in order to use the C-to-Python Converter. Before using the code converter, make sure you have installed all necessary dependencies.

Convert the C code: Converting C code to Python code is possible after installing the code converter and any necessary dependencies. This usually entails launching a command-line programme that accepts a C source code file as input and outputs a Python code file in response.

Test the Python code: Check the Python code to make sure it generates the same results as the original C version.

An algorithm for this approach is represented in the following steps.


Step-1: Choose a code conversion tool from the many options available, including C-to-Python, cffi, PyPy, etc. Choose a tool that meets your needs and specifications.

Step-2: After you’ve decided on a tool, install and configure it in accordance with the documentation and guidelines supplied by the program’s makers.

Step-3:Conversion-ready C code preparation: Make sure your C code is error-free and that it adheres to the proper syntax and style.

Step-4: Use the code converter tool to translate C programs into Python programs. A Python script that is identical to the original C code will be automatically generated by the tool.

Step-5: Python code review and testing: Check the produced Python code to make sure it is correct and error-free. By using a test suite or sample input data, you may check the Python code’s functionality.

Step-6: The Python code should be debugged and optimized as necessary to increase performance and effectiveness.

Step-7: The Python code should be deployed to your target environment, such as a web server or application server, after you are pleased with it.

Step-8: Monitoring and maintaining the Python code: Keep track of the Python code’s performance and upkeep requirements over time, and update and enhance it as appropriate.

C Code:

// C program to demonstrates addition of two integer numbers
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int first_num = 5, second_num = 10, total;
total = first_num + second_num;
printf("Sum of %d and %d is %d\n", first_num, second_num, total);
return 0;


Sum of 5 and 10 is 15

Python Code:

# Python program equivalent to C code that demonstrates addition of two integer numbers
c2py sum.c -o
first_num = 5
second_num = 10
total = first_num + second_num
print("Sum of {} and {} is {}".format(first_num, second_num, total))


Sum of 5 and 10 is 15

Code Explanation:

  •  Installing the C to Python Converter after downloading it: The C-to-Python Converter may be downloaded from its GitHub page at Install the converter on your machine by following the instructions.
  • Write the C code: The following C program demonstrates how to compute the sum of two numbers:
  • Convert the Python code from C: Go to the directory containing the C file by opening a terminal or command prompt and entering the path there. To convert the C codePython, use the following command:
  • c2py sum.c -o
  • This will generate a Python file named “” in the same directory.
  • Test the Python code

Approach-3: Using A Wrapper Library

These steps may be used to translate C code to Python code using a wrapper library:

  • Choose a wrapper library: You may call C code from Python by using one of the many wrapper libraries that are available. Ctypes is one well-known library that offers a method for calling C functions from Python by loading the C code as a shared library.
  • Create the C code: Create the C code that Python will call. A shared library (.so file on Linux/Unix,.dll on Windows) should be created from this code.
  • Create the Python wrapper code: Create Python code that uses the ctypes library to invoke the C functions. The shared library should be loaded by this code, which should also specify the data types and function signatures needed to invoke the C functions.
  • A Python code test: Check the Python wrapper code to make sure it appropriately calls the C functions and generates the desired results. This approach is defined in the following algorithm.


Step-1: Find a wrapper library that can translate C functions into a Python interface. Ctypes, cffi, and SWIG are a few well-liked wrapper libraries.

Step-2: Install the requirements as well as the wrapper library.

Step-3: Create the Python code necessary to use the wrapper library to load the C library.

Step-4: Use the wrapper library to define the Python counterpart of the C function signature.

Step-5: With the wrapper library, a Python program can call the C method.

Step-6: Handle any Python and C data type and memory management discrepancies.

Step-7: Make sure the Python code generates the same results as the original C code by testing it.

Step-8: Whenever required, re factor and improve the Python code.

C Code:

// C program to demonstrates addition of two integer numbers
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int addition(int num1, int num2) {
return num1 + num2;
int main() {
int first_num = 5, second_num = 10, result;
result = addition(first_num, second_num);
printf("Sum of %d and %d is %d\n", first_num, second_num, result);
return 0;


Sum of 5 and 10 is 15

Python Code:

# Python program equivalent to C code that demonstrates addition of two integer numbers
from ctypes import cdll
# Load the C library
mylib = cdll.LoadLibrary('./')
# Define the function signature
addition = mylib.addition
addition.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int]
addition.restype = ctypes.c_int
# Call the function
first_num = 5
second_num = 10
result = addition(first_num, second_num)
print("Sum of {} and {} is {}".format(first_num, second_num, result))


Sum of 5 and 10 is 15

Code Explanation:

1.	Create a shared library from the C code: Create a shared library out of the C code (a.dll file for Windows, file for Linux/Unix). An example command to create a shared library using C on Linux/Unix is shown below: gcc -shared -o sum.c
2.	 The creation of the "" shared library file in the same directory.
3.	 Put the Python wrapper code here: Here is an example of Python code that calls the sum() function from C code using ctypes:
4.	The shared library is initially loaded into memory by this code using the ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary() method. 
5.	The argtypes and restype properties, which inform ctypes of the method's argument types and return type, are then used to build the function signature for the sum() function. 
6.	Lastly, it uses ctypes to invoke the sum() method, printing the outcome.

Approach-4: Using An Interface Generator

To use an interface generator to convert C code to Python code, perform these steps:
● Choose an interface generator: You may build Python code from C code using a variety of interface generators. SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator), a well-liked generator, can automatically produce Python wrappers for C programs.
● Write the C code: Write the C code for which a Python interface is to be produced.
● Create a SWIG interface file: Create a SWIG interface file outlining the Python-accessible functions and data types. This file needs to include instructions for SWIG on how to create Python wrappers for the C code.
This approach is defined in the following algorithm.


Step-1:Use an interface generator to validate the C code that has to be translated to Python code. Step-2: Choose a suitable interface generator that enables C code to Python code translation.

Step-3: By using the interface generator and following the instructions it provides, you may convert C code to Python code.

Step-4: Run the produced Python code to ensure its accuracy, then compare the results to the original C code.

Step-5: Modify the Python code as necessary if there are any mistakes or problems.

C Code:

// C program to demonstrates addition of two integer numbers
#include <stdio.h>
int addition(int num1, int num2) {
return num1 + num2;
int main() {
int first_num = 5, second_num = 10, result;
result = addition(first_num, second_num);
printf("Sum of %d and %d is %d\n", first_num, second_num, result);
return 0;
Interface File
%module example
	#include "example.h"
int addition(first_num, second_num);
swig -python example.i


Sum of 5 and 10 is 15

Python Code:

# Python program equivalent to C code that demonstrates addition of two integer numbers
import example
result = example.addition(5, 10)
print("Sum of 5 and 10 is", result)


Sum of 5 and 10 is 15

Code Explanation:

  • First find  the C function that has to be transformed.
  • Put the following information in the interface file example.i.
  • The name of the Python module that is to be produced is specified by the %module directive. The header file for the C function is contained in the % block.
  • Create the wrapper code using SWIG:
  • The wrapper code will be produced in a file with the name example wrap.c.
  • Create the Python code that calls the C function using the wrapper code:
  • Using the parameters 5 and 10, this imports the example module created by SWIG and runs the sum() method. The outcome is displayed on the console.

Best Approach- Using A Wrapper Library

The ideal method for converting C code to Python code is to utilize a wrapper library since it lets you use the existing C code without having to start from scratch in Python. The C code can be replaced with a Python wrapper that offers a Python interface to the underlying C code.

  • Reusability: Reusing existing C code in your Python application is one of the main benefits of using a wrapper library.
  • Performance: Because C code runs more quickly than Python code, using C functions from Python can make your program run more quickly.
  • Flexibility: While utilizing the low-level speed and performance of C for computationally heavy tasks, you may utilize Python for high-level scripting and data processing.

Sample problems related to convert C Code to Python

Sample Problem-1: Using Approach-1

Problem Definition:Problem Statement : Convert C program of Prime number to python  program using manual translation .

Solution: An algorithm for this problem is represented in the following steps.


Step-1: Create a function called “is prime” that returns an integer “num” as an argument. True if “num” is a prime number; False if not.

Step-2:  Ask the user to input a number, then save it in the “num” variable.

Step-3: Using “num” as the input, call the “is prime” function, and the output should be saved in the variable “prime.”

Step-4: By determining if “prime” is True or False and adding the necessary string message, you can print the outcome using the “print” function.

To demonstrates this approach, a program is created which code is given below:

C Code:

// C program to demonstrate to find prime numbers.
#include <stdio.h>
int is_prime(int num) {
        	 if (num <= 1) {
 	   	   return 0;
	    	int i = 2;
	    	while (i*i <= num) {
   	 	 if (num % i == 0) {
        	return 0;
        	   return 1;
int main() {
        	  int num;
	    	printf("Enter a number: ");
        	 scanf("%d", &num);
        	 if (is_prime(num)) {
 	   	   printf("%d is a prime number.\n", num);
        	  } else {
  	  	  printf("%d is not a prime number.\n", num);
        	 return 0;


Enter a number: 56
56 is not a prime number.

Python Code:

# Python program equivalent to C program that demonstrates finding prime numbers.
import math
def is_prime(num):
    if num <= 1:
        return False
    i = 2
    while i*i <= num:
        if num % i == 0:
        	return False
        i += 1   
    return True
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
if is_prime(num):
    print(num, "is a prime number.")
    print(num, "is not a prime number.")


Enter a number: 56
56 is not a prime number.

Code Explanation:

  • The offered C code determines whether or not a given integer is a prime number before printing a message stating the outcome.
  •  Instead of using C syntax, the corresponding Python code does the same task.
  •  It includes the function “is prime,” which determines if a given integer is a prime and provides a boolean result.
  • It asks the user for input, uses that input to invoke the “is prime” function, then prints the outcome.
  • The syntax for declaring functions and loops is slightly different in the Python code, which substitutes “input” for “scanf,” “print” for “printf,” and other words.

Sample Problem-2: Using Approach-2

Problem Definition:  Convert C program of multiplication of two floating numbers to python  program using Code Converter .

Solution: An algorithm for this approach is represented in the following steps.


Step-1: Install and setup the code conversion tool of your choice, such as C-to-Python, cffi, or PyPy.

Step-2: Use the tool to have Python code generated automatically that is an exact copy of the original C code.

Step-3: Check the Python code’s precision and functioning.

Step-4: For improved speed, debug and optimize the Python code as necessary.

Step-5:  Install the Python code in the target environment, such as a web server or an application server.

C Code:

// C program to demonstrate multiplication of two floating numbers.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
	double num1, num2, product;
	printf("Enter two numbers: ");
	scanf("%lf %lf", &num1, &num2); 
	// Calculating product
	product = num1 * num2;
	// %.2lf displays number up to 2 decimal point
	printf("Product = %.2lf", product);
	return 0;


Enter first number: 4.5
Enter second number: 6.7
Product = 30.15

Python Code:

// Python  program equivalent to C code that demonstrates multiplication of two floating numbers.
num1 = float(input("Enter first number: "))
num2 = float(input("Enter second number: "))
# Calculating product
product = num1 * num2
# Displaying result up to 2 decimal points
print(f"Product = {product:.2f}")


Enter first number: 4.5
Enter second number: 6.7
Product = 30.15

Code Explanation:

  • The C-to-Python Converter may be downloaded from its GitHub website.
  • Locate the directory containing the C file by opening a terminal or command prompt.
  •  To create the Python code, use the “c2py” command together with the name of the C file and the desired output file name.
  • To confirm that the resulting Python code is functional, examine and test it.
  •  Perform any required Python code alterations or optimizations.
  • Install the Python code in the desired environment, then keep track of how it performs over time.

Sample Problem-3:Using Approach-3

Problem Definition:Convert C program of Compute Quotient and Remainder to python program using Code Converter . Therefore create an algorithm and  C program to demonstrate  Compute Quotient and Remainder.

Solution: An algorithm for this problem is represented in the following steps.


  • Step-1: Track down a library wrapper that can convert C functions into Python interfaces. Popular
  • Step-2: Wrapper libraries include Ctypes, cffi, and SWIG.Install both the wrapper library and the prerequisites.
  • Step-3: Write the Python code required to load the C library using the wrapper library.
  • Step-4: To define the Python equivalent of the C function signature, use the wrapper library.
  • Step-5: A Python application can use the wrapper library to invoke a C function.
  • Step-6: Test the Python code to ensure that it produces the same outcomes as the original C version.
  • Step-7: Refractor and enhance the Python code as necessary.

C Code:

// C program to demonstrates conversion of C Code to Python using approach-3
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
int main() {
int num1, num2, quotient, remainder;
printf(&quot;Enter dividend: &quot;);
scanf(&quot;%d&quot;, &amp;num1);
printf(&quot;Enter divisor: &quot;);
scanf(&quot;%d&quot;, &amp;num2);
// Computes quotient
quotient = num1 / num2;
// Computes remainder
remainder = num1 % num2;
printf(&quot;Quotient = %d\n&quot;, quotient);
printf(&quot;Remainder = %d&quot;, remainder);
return 0;


Enter dividend: 45
Enter divisor: 5
Quotient = 9
Remainder = 0

Python Code:

# Python program to demonstrates Compute Quotient and Remainder using approach-3
import ctypes
# Load the shared library
lib = ctypes.CDLL(&#39;;)
# Define the function signature
quotient_remainder = lib.quotient_remainder
quotient_remainder.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int),
quotient_remainder.restype = None

# Get user input
dividend = int(input(&quot;Enter dividend: &quot;))
divisor = int(input(&quot;Enter divisor: &quot;))
# Call the function
q = ctypes.c_int()
r = ctypes.c_int()
quotient_remainder(dividend, divisor, ctypes.byref(q), ctypes.byref(r))
# Print the results
print(&quot;Quotient =&quot;, q.value)
print(&quot;Remainder =&quot;, r.value)
remainder = num1 % num2;
printf(&quot;Quotient = %d\n&quot;, quotient);
printf(&quot;Remainder = %d&quot;, remainder);
return 0;


Enter dividend: 45
Enter divisor: 5
Quotient = 9
Remainder = 0

Code Explanation:

  • The shared library &quot;quotient,&quot; which includes the C code for calculating
  • the quotient and remainder of two numbers, is loaded by this code using the ctypes
  • library.
  • The Python function argtypes and restype characteristics are used to create the
  • function signature of the C function. The function returns nothing and requires two
  • integers and two pointers to integers as parameters.
  • The quotient remainder function, which was previously defined, is used to provide the
  • dividend and divisor values to the C code once the user is requested to do so.
  • Two numbers, which are kept in the memory locations indicated to by the two pointer parameters, are returned as the computations output. With the ctypes.byref() method, they may be accessed in Python.

Sample Problem-4:Using Approach-4

Problem Definition: Convert C program of calculate power using recursion to python program

using Interface Generator . Therefore create an algorithm and  C program to demonstrate  power using recursion.

Solution: An algorithm for this problem is represented in the following steps.


  • Step-1: To validate the C code that has to be converted to Python code, utilize an interface generator.
  • Step-2: Choose an appropriate interface generator that supports translating C code to Python code.
  • Step-3: Convert C code to Python code by utilizing the interface generator and following the guidance it offers.
  • Step-4: Verify the correctness of the generated Python code by running it, then compare the outcomes to the original C code.
  • Step-5: If there are any errors or issues, modify the Python code as appropriate..

C Code:

// C program to demonstrates calculate power using recursion  using approach-3
#include <stdio.h>;
int power(int num1, int num2);
int main()
int base, exponent, result;
printf(“Enter base number: “);
scanf(“%d”;, &base);
printf(“Enter exponent number(positive integer):”);
scanf(“%d”, exponent);
result = power(base, exponent);
printf(“%d%d” = %d;, base, exponent, result);
return 0;
int power(int base, int exponent) {
if (exponent != 0)
return (base * power(base, exponent - 1));
return 1;


Enter base number:2
Enter exponent number(positive integer):2
2 2 = 4

Python Code:

# Python program to demonstrates calculate power using recursion using approach-3
ctypesgen power.c -o power.h
fctypesgen power.c -o power.h
import ctypes
# Load the shared library
lib = ctypes.CDLL(&#39;;)
# Define the function signature
power = lib.power
power.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int]
power.restype = ctypes.c_int
# Get user input
base = int(input(&quot;Enter base number: &quot;))
exponent = int(input(&quot;Enter exponent number (positive integer): &quot;))
# Call the function
result = power(base, exponent)
# Print the result
print(f&quot;{base}^{exponent} = {result}&quot;)


Enter base number:2
Enter exponent number(positive integer):2
2 2 = 4

Code Explanation:

  • First, ctypes are used to load the shared library containing the C code. CDLL().
  • Next, power.argtypes and power.restype are used to define the C function signature
  • The base and exponent values are then required to be entered by the user.
  • Using power(base, exponent) is the name of the C function, and the result is kept in the result variable.


Many advantages might result from switching from C to Python, including platform freedom, streamlined code, quick prototyping, and availability of potent scientific computing libraries. Python’s clear and expressive syntax also facilitates reading and writing code, boosting output and cutting down on development times. Here, several approaches for converting a C code to python were presented with an algorithm, program, output and its explanation. A wrapper library approach is considered as the best approach because it offers reliability and flexibility.