How To Convert Character To Integer In C++

In C++, a character is a type of data type that represents a single character, for example  a letter, number, or symbol. The character data type in C++ is called char.

A char is a fixed-size data type in C++ language which is usually 1 byte in size. It can contain any one of the 256 ASCII character sets’ alphabetic, numeric, punctuation, and other symbols characters.

Each character in the ASCII set is assigned a unique numerical value, called its ASCII code.

You can declare a char variable in C++ like this:

char c = ‘A’;

In this example, the variable c is declared as a char and is initialized with the character ‘A’. You can also assign the ASCII code of a character directly to a char variable like this:

char c = 65; // Assigns the ASCII code for ‘A’ to the variable c

In this example, the variable c is assigned the ASCII code for the character ‘A’, which is 65.

Why to convert Character into integer in C++

You might need to convert a character into an integer in C++ for a variety of purposes. Here are some frequent use scenarios:

  1. Mathematical calculations: If we are performing mathematical calculations or any comparisons on characters, we might need to convert them to integers. For example, if we might want to add or subtract the ASCII code of any character to or from an integer variable.
  2. Data type conversion: In order to use a character with other data types, you occasionally may need to convert it to an integer. In case we might need to change the character array into some integer array or concatenate a character with an integer.
  3. Input/output operations: When you read input from the user or a file, the data is often read as characters. If you need to perform calculations on this input, you will need to convert the characters to integers first.
  4. Encoding and decoding: Using the ASCII codes for the characters, you might occasionally need to encode or decode them. For instance, while encoding or decoding data using cryptography or encryption, you might need to convert characters to numbers and back again.

Overall, converting characters to integers is a common operation in C++ and is necessary for a wide range of programming tasks.

Method to convert Character into integer in C++

Here are the method names to convert a character into an integer in C++:

  1. By using of int() function
  2. By using of atoi() function
  3. By using the static_cast<int> operator.
  4. By using of stringstream class
  5. By using of stoi() function

Approach 1. Converting character to integer using int() function

The int() function returns the numeric integer equivalent from a given expression. Expression whose numeric integer equivalent is returned.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   char c = 'A'; // Declare a character variable and initialize it with 'A'
   int i = int(c); // Use int() function to convert character 'A' to integer
   cout << "The integer value of " << c << " is " << i << endl; // Print the results
   return 0;


The integer value of A is 65


  1. In this example, we first declare a character variable c and initialize it with the value ‘A’.
  2. We then use the int() function to convert the character ‘A’ to an integer, which we store in a variable i.
  3. Finally, we use cout to print out the results.

Note that the int() function simply returns the ASCII value of the character it is given. So, in this case, the value of i will be the ASCII value of the character ‘A’, which is 65.

Approach 2. Converting character to integer using atoi() function

Atoi in C++ is a predefined function from the cstdlib header file used to convert a string value to an integer value. There are many scenarios where you might need to convert a string with an integer value to an actual integer value, and that’s where the C++ atoi() function comes in.


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   char str[] = "123"; // Declare a character string and initialize it with "123"
   int i = atoi(str); // Use atoi() function to convert the character string "123" to an integer
   cout << "The integer value of " << str << " is " << i << endl; // Print the results
   return 0;


The integer value of 123 is 123


  1. In this example, we first declare a character string str and initialize it with the value “123”.
  2. We then use the atoi() function to convert the character string “123” to an integer, which we store in a variable i.
  3. Finally, we use cout to print out the results.

Note that the atoi() function takes a character string as input and returns the integer value of the string. If the input string is not a valid integer, the atoi() function will return 0.

Approach 3. Converting character to integer using static_cast<int>

The static_cast operator converts variable j to type float . This allows the compiler to generate a division with an answer of type float . All static_cast operators resolve at compile time and do not remove any const or volatile modifiers.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   char c = '5'; // Declare a character variable and initialize it with '5'
   int i = static_cast<int>(c - '0'); // Convert character '5' to integer using static_cast<int>
   cout << "The integer value of " << c << " is " << i << endl; // Print the results
   return 0;


The integer value of 5 is 5


  1. In this example, we first declare a character variable c and initialize it with the value ‘5’.
  2. We then use the static_cast<int> operator to convert the character ‘5’ to an integer by subtracting the ASCII value of ‘0’ (which is 48) and casting the result to an int.
  3. Finally, we store the result in a variable i and use cout to print out the results.

Note that this method only works for converting single-digit characters to integers (i.e., characters in the range ‘0’ to ‘9’).

Approach 4. Converting character to integer using stringstream() class

The StringStream class in C++ is derived from the iostream class. Similar to other stream-based classes, StringStream in C++ allows performing insertion, extraction, and other operations. It is commonly used in parsing inputs and converting strings to numbers, and vice-versa.


#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   char str[] = "123"; // Declare a character string and initialize it with "123"
   int i;
   stringstream(str) >> i; // Use stringstream class to convert the character string "123" to an integer
   cout << "The integer value of " << str << " is " << i << endl; // Print the results
   return 0;


The integer value of 123 is 123


  1. In this example, we first declare a character string str and initialize it with the value “123”.
  2. We then declare an integer variable i and use a stringstream object to convert the character string “123” to an integer, which we store in i.
  3. Finally, we use cout to print out the results.

Note that the stringstream class provides a way to read and write to strings as if they were input and output streams.

In this example, we create a stringstream object by passing the character string str to its constructor. We then use the >> operator to read the integer value from the stringstream object and store it in the integer variable i.

Approach 5. Converting character to integer using stoi(str) method:

What Is stoi() in C++?

In C++, the stoi() function converts a string to an integer value. The function is shorthand for “string to integer,” and C++ programmers use it to parse integers out of strings.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   string str = "123"; // Declare a string and initialize it with "123"
   int i = stoi(str); // Use stoi() function to convert the string "123" to an integer
   cout << "The integer value of " << str << " is " << i << endl; // Print the results
   return 0;


The integer value of 123 is 123


  1. In this example, we first declare a string str and initialize it with the value “123”.
  2. We then use the stoi() function to convert the string “123” to an integer, which we store in a variable i.
  3. Finally, we use cout to print out the results.

Note that the stoi() function takes a string as input and returns the integer value of the string. If the input string is not a valid integer, the stoi() function will throw an exception.

Best Approach to convert character to integer

The static_cast<int> operator is a type of type conversion operator in C++. It can be used to convert any data type to an integer type. In the case of converting a character to an integer, the static_cast<int> operator can be used to convert the ASCII value of the character to an integer.

There are several reasons why static_cast<int> is a good method to convert a character into an integer in C++:

  1. Simplicity: The static_cast<int> operator is a simple and easy-to-understand method for converting a character to an integer. It requires only one line of code and does not rely on external libraries.
  2. Flexibility: The static_cast<int> operator can be used to convert any data type to an integer type, not just characters. This makes it a versatile tool for type conversions in C++.
  3. Efficiency: The static_cast<int> operator is a compile-time conversion, meaning that the conversion is performed by the compiler rather than at runtime. This can result in faster and more efficient code.
  4. Safety: The static_cast<int> operator performs a compile-time check to ensure that the conversion is valid. This helps to prevent errors and ensure the correctness of the resulting code.
  5. Compatibility: The static_cast<int> operator is a standard feature of C++, meaning that it is widely recognized and supported by different compilers and platforms. This makes it a reliable method for converting characters to integers in a variety of environments.

Overall, the static_cast<int> operator is a simple, flexible, efficient, safe, and compatible method for converting characters to integers in C++.

Sample Problems

Sample Problem 1:

Validation of Credit Card Numbers, Many credit card companies use the Luhn algorithm to validate credit card numbers. The algorithm involves doubling every other digit from the rightmost digit and summing the digits of those products. If the sum is a multiple of 10, then the credit card number is valid.

In order to perform this validation, we need to convert each character of the credit card number into an integer.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

bool isValidCreditCardNumber(string creditCardNumber) {
 int sum = 0;
 int length = creditCardNumber.length();

 for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
   char c = creditCardNumber[i];
   int digit = static_cast<int>(c) - 48; // Convert the character to an integer using static_cast<int>
   if (i % 2 == 0) {
     digit *= 2;
     if (digit > 9) {
       digit -= 9;
   sum += digit;

 return (sum % 10 == 0);

int main() {
 string creditCardNumber;
 cout << "Enter your credit card number: ";
 getline(cin, creditCardNumber);
 bool isValid = isValidCreditCardNumber(creditCardNumber);
 if (isValid) {
   cout << "Your credit card number is valid." << endl;
 } else {
   cout << "Your credit card number is invalid." << endl;
 return 0;


Enter your credit card number: 1234567890123452
Your credit card number is valid.

Enter your credit card number: 1234567890123456
Your credit card number is invalid.


  • The isValidCreditCardNumber function takes a string argument creditCardNumber.
  • The function initializes a variable sum to zero and gets the length of the credit card number using the length method.
  • It then loops through each character in the credit card number string, converts it to an integer using static_cast<int>, and performs the Luhn algorithm to validate the credit card number.
  • The Luhn algorithm is a simple checksum formula used to validate a variety of identification numbers, including credit card numbers.
  • If the sum of the digits of the credit card number is divisible by 10, then the credit card number is considered valid and the function returns true.
  • Otherwise, the function returns false.
  • In the main function, we prompt the user to enter their credit card number using getline and store it in the creditCardNumber variable.
  • We then call the isValidCreditCardNumber function and store the result in the isValid variable.
  • Depending on whether the credit card number is valid or not, we output an appropriate message to the console.

Sample Problem 2:

In encryption algorithms, characters are often converted into integers to perform mathematical operations on them.

in the Caesar cipher encryption algorithm, each character in a message is shifted by a fixed number of positions to create the encrypted message


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    // Initialize a character variable with a value
    char ch = 'A';

    // Convert the character to an integer using static_cast<int>
    int int_val = static_cast<int>(ch);

    // Print the integer value
    cout << "Integer Value: " << int_val << endl;

    return 0;


Integer Value: 65


  • In this code snippet, we define the main function that initializes a character variable ch with the value ‘A’.
  • We then use static_cast<int> to convert the character variable ch to an integer value int_val.
  • The ASCII value of the character ‘A’ is 65, so the integer value of ch after the static_cast is 65.
  • We then print the integer value of ch using the cout statement.
  • The output of the program is “Integer Value: 65”, which is the integer value of the character ‘A’ in ASCII.

Sample problem 3:

We are in need of writing a program that accepts a grade as input from the user, we need to check if the input is a valid letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F). We can convert the user input into an integer using static_cast<int> and then check if it falls within a certain range.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   // Initialize a character variable with a value
   char grade;
   cout<<"Enter the Grade in Capital :";

   // Convert the character to an integer using static_cast<int>
   int int_grade = static_cast<int>(grade);

   // Check if the integer value falls within a certain range
   if (int_grade >= 65 && int_grade <= 70) {
       cout << "Valid letter grade" << endl;
   else {
       cout << "Invalid letter grade" << endl;

   return 0;


Enter the Grade in Capital :C
Valid letter grade


  • We include the necessary header files for input/output operations and declare the main function.
  • We prompt the user to enter a letter grade in capital letters and store it in the variable ‘grade’ using the standard input function cin.
  • We convert the character ‘grade’ to an integer using the static_cast<int> method and store it in the variable ‘int_grade’.
  • We check if the integer value of the grade falls within the range of 65 to 70, which represents the ASCII values of the letters A to F.
  • If the grade is within this range, we output the message “Valid letter grade” to the console.
  • Otherwise, we output the message “Invalid letter grade” to the console.
  • We return 0 to indicate that the program has executed successfully.

Sample problem 4:

Suppose we are creating a program that checks the strength of a user’s password. We want to assign a score to the password based on various criteria such as length, use of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   // Define variables to hold the password and the password score
   string password;
   int score = 0;

   // Get user input for the password
   cout << "Enter your password: ";
   cin >> password;

   // Check the length of the password and add to the score accordingly
   int length = password.length();
   if (length < 8) {
       score += 1;
   else if (length >= 8 && length < 12) {
       score += 2;
   else {
       score += 3;

   // Check for the use of uppercase and lowercase letters and add to the score accordingly
   bool has_uppercase = false, has_lowercase = false;
   for (char c : password) {
       if (isupper(c)) {
           has_uppercase = true;
       else if (islower(c)) {
           has_lowercase = true;
   if (has_uppercase && has_lowercase) {
       score += 2;
   else if (has_uppercase || has_lowercase) {
       score += 1;

   // Check for the use of numbers and add to the score accordingly
   bool has_number = false;
   for (char c : password) {
       if (isdigit(c)) {
           has_number = true;
   if (has_number) {
       score += 2;

   // Check for the use of special characters and add to the score accordingly
   bool has_special = false;
   for (char c : password) {
       if (ispunct(c)) {
           has_special = true;
   if (has_special) {
       score += 2;

   // Print the password score to the console
   cout << "Your password score is: " << score << endl;

   return 0;


Enter your password: MyPassword1!
Your password score is: 7


  • The program starts by defining two variables: a string to hold the password entered by the user, and an integer to hold the password score.
  • The user is prompted to enter their password using the “Enter your password” message.
  • The program calculates the length of the password and adds to the score based on the length of the password. If the password length is less than 8 characters, the score is increased by 1. If the password length is between 8 and 12 characters, the score is increased by 2. If the password length is greater than or equal to 12 characters, the score is increased by 3.
  • The program then checks for the use of uppercase and lowercase letters in the password and adds to the score accordingly. If the password contains both uppercase and lowercase letters, the score is increased by 2. If the password contains either an uppercase or lowercase letter, the score is increased by 1.
  • The program then checks for the use of numbers in the password and adds to the score accordingly. If the password contains at least one number, the score is increased by 2.
  • The program then checks for the use of special characters in the password and adds to the score accordingly. If the password contains at least one special character, the score is increased by 2.
  • Finally, the program outputs the password score to the console using the “Your password score is:” message.

Sample problem 5:

Suppose we are creating a program that uses a simple encryption algorithm to encode a message. The algorithm works by adding a specified integer value to the ASCII code of each character in the message.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   // Define variables to hold the message, encryption key, and encrypted message
   string message;
   int key, code;
   string encrypted_message = "";

   // Get user input for the message and encryption key
   cout << "Enter your message: ";
   getline(cin, message);
   cout << "Enter an encryption key (0-255): ";
   cin >> key;

   // Loop through each character in the message and apply the encryption algorithm
   for (char c : message) {
       // Convert the character to its corresponding ASCII code
       code = static_cast<int>(c);

       // Add the encryption key to the ASCII code
       code += key;

       // Convert the new ASCII code back to a character
       char encrypted_char = static_cast<char>(code);

       // Append the encrypted character to the encrypted message string
       encrypted_message += encrypted_char;

   // Print the encrypted message to the console
   cout << "Your encrypted message is: " << encrypted_message << endl;

   return 0;


Enter your message: Hello, world!
Enter an encryption key (0-255): 42
Your encrypted message is: ]_ggi+u|gyr(


  • Initialize variables to hold the message, encryption key, and encrypted message.
  • Get user input for the message and encryption key using getline() and cin.
  • Loop through each character in the message using a range-based for loop.
  • Convert the character to its corresponding ASCII code using static_cast<int>().
  • Add the encryption key to the ASCII code.
  • Convert the new ASCII code back to a character using static_cast<char>().
  • Append the encrypted character to the encrypted message string.
  • Print the encrypted message to the console.
  • Exit the program by returning 0.


In conclusion, there are several ways to convert a character to an integer in C++, including using int(), atoi(), stringstream, stoi(), and static_cast<int>. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of which to use depends on the specific needs of the task at hand.

The static_cast<int> method is a simple and efficient way to convert a character to an integer in C++. It works by explicitly casting the character to an integer type, which can be useful in situations where you need to convert a character to an integer quickly and efficiently. It can also be used to convert other data types to integers, such as floating-point values or boolean values.

However, it may not be suitable for more complex or specialized applications that require more sophisticated conversion techniques.