How To Convert Hexadecimal To Binary In Java

In Java, this includes various ways to convert hexadecimal strings to binary strings, such as using custom methods to convert hexadecimal to decimal and then decimal to binary or using bitwise operations directly on the hexadecimal values.

In this way, having knowledge of these methods can be useful for Java developers who need to manipulate hexadecimal and binary values in their applications.

Why Converting Hexadecimal To Binary In Java is required

Converting hexadecimal to binary in Java is a common task in programming, it includes reasons for convert hexadecimal to binary in Java:

  • Network communication: In network communication, hexadecimal and binary representations are commonly used to transmit data. Converting hexadecimal data to binary is necessary to process the data or perform operations on it.
  • Data storage: Hexadecimal and binary are commonly used for data storage in computers. Converting hexadecimal data to binary is required to manipulate the data and perform various operations on it.
  • Security: In cryptography and other security applications, hexadecimal and binary representations are used to store and manipulate data. Converting hexadecimal data to binary is necessary to perform cryptographic operations and ensure data security.
  • Computer architecture: In computer architecture, hexadecimal and binary are used to represent instructions and data. Converting hexadecimal data to binary is necessary to execute instructions and process data.
  • Debugging: In software development, hexadecimal and binary representations are used for debugging purposes. Converting hexadecimal data to binary is necessary to understand the data and identify any errors or issues in the code.

Methods for Converting Hexadecimal To Binary In Java

There are different methods to convert hexadecimal to binary in Java, including:

  1. Using Integer.toBinaryString() method
  2. Using Bitwise operations
  3. Using a custom method

Have a look at each approach along with example and explanation:

Approach 1: Using Integer.toBinaryString() method Converting Hexadecimal To Binary In Java

This is the simplest method to convert hexadecimal to binary in Java. The Integer class provides the toBinaryString() method to convert an integer value to its binary representation. You can use the parseInt() method to convert the hexadecimal string to an integer before converting it to binary using the toBinaryString() method.


public class HexToBinaryExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Define the hexadecimal input value
        String hex = "A4";

        // Convert the hexadecimal string to a decimal integer value
        int decimal = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16);

        // Convert the decimal integer value to a binary string
        String binary = Integer.toBinaryString(decimal);

        // Print the hexadecimal and binary values to the console
        System.out.println("Hexadecimal: " + hex);
        System.out.println("Binary: " + binary);


Hexadecimal: A4
Binary: 10100100

Explanation of code:

  • We first declare a string hex that contains the hexadecimal input value “A4”.
  • We then use the Integer.parseInt() method to convert the hexadecimal string to an integer value. The second argument of the parseInt() method is the radix, which is 16 for hexadecimal values.
  • We pass the decimal integer value to the Integer.toBinaryString() method, which converts the decimal value to a binary string.
  • Finally, we print the hexadecimal and binary values to the console using System.out.println().

Approach 2: Using Bitwise operations Converting Hexadecimal To Binary In Java

Bitwise operations are operations that manipulate the binary representation of integer values at the bit level. In Java, you can use bitwise operators to perform various operations on integers, including converting hexadecimal to binary.


public class HexToBinaryExample {

    // The main method is the entry point of the program.
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Declare a hexadecimal input value.
        String hex = "A4";

        // Call the hexToBinary method to convert the hexadecimal string to a binary string.
        String binary = hexToBinary(hex);

        // Print the input hexadecimal value and the output binary value to the console.
        System.out.println("Hexadecimal: " + hex);
        System.out.println("Binary: " + binary);

    // The hexToBinary method takes a hexadecimal string as input and returns its binary representation.
    public static String hexToBinary(String hex) {

        // Initialize an empty string to store the binary digits.
        String binary = "";

        // Loop through each character in the hexadecimal string.
        for (int i = 0; i < hex.length(); i++) {

            // Extract the character at the current index.
            char c = hex.charAt(i);

            // Convert the hexadecimal digit to its decimal value using the Character.digit method.
            int num = Character.digit(c, 16);

            // Convert the decimal value to a binary string using the Integer.toBinaryString method.
            // Format the binary string to have a length of 4 digits using the String.format method.
            // Replace any spaces in the formatted binary string with zeros using the String.replace method.
            String bin = String.format("%4s", Integer.toBinaryString(num)).replace(' ', '0');

            // Concatenate the binary string to the overall binary representation.
            binary += bin;

        // Return the binary representation of the hexadecimal input value.
        return binary;


Hexadecimal: A4
Binary: 10100100

Explanation of code:

  • We first declare a string hex that contains the hexadecimal input value “A4”.
  • We then call a custom method hexToBinary() that takes the hexadecimal input value as an argument and returns its binary representation.
  • Inside the hexToBinary() method, we initialize an empty string binary that we will use to store the binary digits.
  • We loop through each character in the hexadecimal string using a for loop. For each character, we perform the following steps:
  • We extract the character using the charAt() method and store it in a variable called c.
  • We use the Character.digit() method to convert the hexadecimal digit to its decimal value. The second argument of the digit() method is the radix, which is 16 for hexadecimal values.
  • We use the Integer.toBinaryString() method to convert the decimal value to a binary string.
  • We format the binary string to have a length of 4 digits using the String.format() method. This ensures that each binary digit is represented by 4 bits.
  • We replace any spaces in the formatted binary string with zeros using the String.replace() method.
  • We concatenate the formatted binary string to the binary string.
  • Finally, we return the binary string from the hexToBinary() method.
  • We print the hexadecimal and binary values to the console using System.out.println() in the main() method.

Approach 3: Using a custom method Converting Hexadecimal To Binary In Java

A custom method for converting hexadecimal to binary in Java is a user-defined method that implements a specific algorithm to convert a hexadecimal string to its binary representation. This method can be tailored to your specific needs and requirements.


public class HexToBinaryExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String hex = "A4";
        String binary = hexToBinary(hex);
        System.out.println("Hexadecimal: " + hex);
        System.out.println("Binary: " + binary);

    // Method to convert hexadecimal to binary
    public static String hexToBinary(String hex) {
        StringBuilder binary = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < hex.length(); i++) {
            // Convert each hexadecimal character to decimal
            int decimal = hexCharToDecimal(hex.charAt(i));
            // Convert decimal to binary and append to the StringBuilder
        // Return the binary string representation
        return binary.toString();

    // Method to convert a hexadecimal character to decimal
    public static int hexCharToDecimal(char c) {
        if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
            // If the character is a digit, return the numeric value
            return c - '0';
        } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
            // If the character is an uppercase letter, subtract 10 to get the value
            return c - 'A' + 10;
        } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
            // If the character is a lowercase letter, subtract 10 to get the value
            return c - 'a' + 10;
        } else {
            // If the character is not a valid hexadecimal character, throw an exception
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid hexadecimal character: " + c);

    // Method to convert a decimal number to binary
    public static String decimalToBinary(int decimal) {
        StringBuilder binary = new StringBuilder();
        while (decimal > 0) {
            // Compute the least significant bit and append to the StringBuilder
            int bit = decimal % 2;
            binary.insert(0, bit);
            // Divide the decimal number by 2 to get the next bit
            decimal /= 2;
        // Pad the binary string with leading zeros to ensure that each group of 4 bits is represented
        int padding = 4 - binary.length() % 4;
        for (int i = 0; i < padding; i++) {
            binary.insert(0, "0");
        // Return the binary string representation
        return binary.toString();


Hexadecimal: A4
Binary: 000010100100

Explanation of code:

  • The main() method is the entry point of the program. It declares a hexadecimal input value hex and calls the hexToBinary() method to convert the input value to binary. Finally, it prints the input value and the output binary value to the console.
  • The hexToBinary() method takes a hexadecimal string as input and returns its binary representation as a string. It uses a StringBuilder to accumulate the binary digits.
  • The for loop iterates over each character in the hexadecimal string. It converts each hexadecimal character to its decimal value using the hexCharToDecimal() method, and then converts the decimal value to its binary representation using the decimalToBinary() method. The resulting binary string is appended to the StringBuilder.
  • The hexCharToDecimal() method converts a single hexadecimal character to its decimal value. It first checks if the character is a digit (0 to 9) or a letter (A to F or a to f). It then returns the corresponding decimal value.
  • The decimalToBinary() method converts a decimal number to its binary representation as a string. It uses a StringBuilder to accumulate the binary digits.
  • The while loop repeatedly divides the decimal number by 2 and appends the remainder (either 0 or 1) to the StringBuilder until the decimal number becomes zero.
  • The method then pads the binary string with leading zeros so that its length is a multiple of 4, because each hexadecimal character corresponds to 4 binary digits. It calculates the number of padding zeros needed by taking the remainder of the binary length divided by 4. If the remainder is not zero, it inserts the necessary padding zeros to the beginning of the binary string.
  • Finally, the method returns the binary string.

Best Method for Converting Hexadecimal To Binary In Java

The Integer.toBinaryString() method is considered as the best method for converting hexadecimal to binary in Java and this includes following reasons:

  • Simplicity: The Integer.toBinaryString() method provides a simple and concise way to convert hexadecimal to binary. It takes an integer value as an argument and returns a string representation of the binary value.
  • Built-in Functionality: The Integer.toBinaryString() method is a built-in Java function, which means that there is no need to write custom code or use external libraries to convert hexadecimal to binary.
  • Efficiency: The Integer.toBinaryString() method is highly optimized and efficient, which means that it can convert large numbers quickly without consuming a lot of system resources.
  • Ease of Use: The Integer.toBinaryString() method can be easily used in conjunction with other Java functions to perform complex operations involving hexadecimal and binary values.
  • Platform Independence: The Integer.toBinaryString() method works on any platform that supports Java, which means that it can be used in cross-platform applications without modification.

Sample Problems for Converting Hexadecimal To Binary In Java

Sample Problem 1

Write a program that converts a hexadecimal string input to binary using the Integer.toBinaryString() method and validates if the output is correct by comparing it with the expected output.


  • We define the input hexadecimal string to be converted to binary.
  • We convert the hexadecimal string to binary using the Integer.toBinaryString() method, which converts the hexadecimal string to an integer using Integer.parseInt() method and then converts the integer to a binary string. The resulting binary string is stored in the binary variable.
  • We define the expected output binary string.
  • We validate the output binary string by comparing it with the expected output binary string. If the output binary string is equal to the expected output binary string, we print “Conversion successful!”. If not, we print “Conversion failed!”.
  • We display the input hexadecimal string and the resulting binary string.
public class HexToBinaryExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Define the input hexadecimal string
        String hex = "A4";

        // Convert the hexadecimal string to binary using Integer.toBinaryString() method
        String binary = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(hex, 16));

        // Define the expected output
        String expectedOutput = "10100100";

        // Validate the output by comparing it with the expected output
        if (binary.equals(expectedOutput)) {
            System.out.println("Conversion successful!");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Conversion failed!");

        // Display the results
        System.out.println("Hexadecimal: " + hex);
        System.out.println("Binary: " + binary);


Conversion successful!
Hexadecimal: A4
Binary: 10100100

Sample Problem 2

Write a program that converts a hexadecimal string input to binary using the custom method that converts hexadecimal to decimal and then decimal to binary and validates if the output is correct by comparing it with the expected output.


  • The expected output of the conversion to binary is “10100100”.
  • The program calls the hexToBinary method, passing in the hexadecimal string as an argument.
  • The hexToBinary method converts the hexadecimal string to binary by iterating over each character in the string, converting each character to its decimal equivalent using the hexCharToDecimal method, and then converting the decimal integer to a binary string using the decimalToBinary method. The binary strings for each character are concatenated into a single binary string, which is returned.
  • The hexCharToDecimal method converts a single hexadecimal character to its decimal equivalent by checking if the character is a digit or a letter, and then performing the appropriate conversion.
  • The decimalToBinary method converts a decimal integer to a binary string by repeatedly dividing the integer by 2 and appending the remainder to a StringBuilder. The binary string is then padded with leading zeros to ensure that it is a multiple of 4 digits long, as each hexadecimal character represents 4 bits.
  • The program outputs the hexadecimal input
public class HexToBinaryExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String hex = "A4";
        String expectedBinary = "10100100";
        String binary = hexToBinary(hex);
        System.out.println("Hexadecimal: " + hex);
        System.out.println("Expected Binary: " + expectedBinary);
        System.out.println("Binary: " + binary);
        System.out.println("Is the conversion correct? " + expectedBinary.equals(binary));

     * Converts a hexadecimal string to binary using the custom method of first converting to decimal
     * and then decimal to binary.
     * @param hex the hexadecimal string to convert
     * @return the binary string
    public static String hexToBinary(String hex) {
        StringBuilder binary = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < hex.length(); i++) {
            int decimal = hexCharToDecimal(hex.charAt(i));
            String binaryString = decimalToBinary(decimal);
        return binary.toString();

     * Converts a hexadecimal character to its decimal equivalent.
     * @param c the hexadecimal character
     * @return the decimal equivalent
    public static int hexCharToDecimal(char c) {
        if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
            return c - '0';
        } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
            return c - 'A' + 10;
        } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
            return c - 'a' + 10;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid hexadecimal character: " + c);

     * Converts a decimal integer to a binary string.
     * @param decimal the decimal integer
     * @return the binary string
    public static String decimalToBinary(int decimal) {
        StringBuilder binary = new StringBuilder();
        while (decimal > 0) {
            int bit = decimal % 2;
            binary.insert(0, bit);
            decimal /= 2;
        int padding = 4 - binary.length() % 4;
        for (int i = 0; i < padding; i++) {
            binary.insert(0, "0");
        return binary.toString();


Hexadecimal: A4
Expected Binary: 10100100
Binary: 10100100
Is the conversion correct? true

Sample Problem 3

Write a program that converts a hexadecimal string input to binary using bitwise operations and validates if the output is correct by comparing it with the expected output.


  • The program takes a hexadecimal string input and converts it to binary using bitwise operations.
  • The hexToBinary() method iterates through each character in the hexadecimal string and converts it to decimal using the hexCharToDecimal() method.
  • The decimalToBinary() method converts the decimal integer to a binary string using bitwise operations. It uses a mask of 0x8 (binary 1000) to extract each bit from the decimal integer and appends “1” or “0” to the binary string depending on whether the bit is set or not.
  • The binary string for each character is appended to the StringBuilder and the final binary string is returned.
  • The expected binary string is compared with the actual binary string using the equals() method and the result is printed.
public class HexToBinaryExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String hex = "A4";
        String expectedBinary = "10100100";
        String binary = hexToBinary(hex);
        System.out.println("Hexadecimal: " + hex);
        System.out.println("Expected Binary: " + expectedBinary);
        System.out.println("Binary: " + binary);
        System.out.println("Is the conversion correct? " + expectedBinary.equals(binary));

     * Converts a hexadecimal string to binary using bitwise operations.
     * @param hex the hexadecimal string to convert
     * @return the binary string
    public static String hexToBinary(String hex) {
        StringBuilder binary = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < hex.length(); i++) {
            char c = hex.charAt(i);
            int decimal = hexCharToDecimal(c);
            String binaryString = decimalToBinary(decimal);
        return binary.toString();

     * Converts a hexadecimal character to its decimal equivalent.
     * @param c the hexadecimal character
     * @return the decimal equivalent
    public static int hexCharToDecimal(char c) {
        if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
            return c - '0';
        } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
            return c - 'A' + 10;
        } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
            return c - 'a' + 10;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid hexadecimal character: " + c);

     * Converts a decimal integer to a binary string using bitwise operations.
     * @param decimal the decimal integer
     * @return the binary string
    public static String decimalToBinary(int decimal) {
        StringBuilder binary = new StringBuilder();
        int mask = 0x8;
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            if ((decimal & mask) == 0) {
            } else {
            mask >>>= 1;
        return binary.toString();


Hexadecimal: A4
Expected Binary: 10100100
Binary: 10100100
Is the conversion correct? true


In Java, there are multiple ways to convert a hexadecimal string to binary. The first approach is to use the custom method that converts hexadecimal to decimal and then decimal to binary.

This method involves breaking the hexadecimal string into individual characters, converting each character to decimal, and then converting the decimal value to binary using a loop.

The second approach is to use bitwise operations to directly convert each hexadecimal character to binary.