How To Convert Number To String In Java

In Java programming, the process of converting a number to a string is like what we need to do to change a numerical value, such as an int, double, or long, into a string of characters.

While converting a number to a string, such as a numerical value of 10 produces the character “10”. This Java method for converting numbers to strings is useful when working with numerical values as strings, such as when we want to show them on a user interface or store them in a file.

Java provides a variety of ways for converting a number to string ‘stringifying’. The Integer, Double, and Long classes’ function toString() method is one of these options. With the help of these methods, it is possible to convert specific number types to their corresponding string representations. Utilizing the String.valueOf() method is an additional choice that will convert any value type, including a number, into a string.

These methods can make it much more simple to convert numerical numbers to strings in Java programming, enabling us to carry out many varieties of actions that need to be done and manage the data more effectively.

Why do we need to convert number to string in java

There are many reasons why you might need to convert a number to a string in Java, including:

  1. Displaying the number: When displaying a number on a user interface or in console output, it’s often useful to convert the number to a string first so that it can be easily formatted and displayed.
  2. Writing the number to a file: If you need to write a number to a file, you’ll usually need to convert it to a string first so that it can be written as a sequence of characters.
  3. Comparing the number to a string: In some cases, you might need to compare a number to a string. For example, if you’re reading user input and need to check if it matches a certain number, you’ll need to convert the user input to a number before comparing it.
  4. Concatenating the number with other strings: If you need to concatenate a number with other strings, you’ll need to convert the number to a string first so that it can be concatenated as a sequence of characters.

In general, converting a number to a string is a common operation in Java programming, and is often necessary for working with numerical values in various contexts.

Methods For Converting number to string In Java

Some of the methods for converting a number to a string in Java include:

  1. toString() method: defined by the Integer, Double, and Long classes
  2. String.valueOf() method: defined by the String class
  3. String.format() method: defined by the String class
  4. DecimalFormat.format() method: defined by the DecimalFormat class

These methods can be used to convert numbers to strings for a variety of purposes, such as displaying the number or writing it to a file.

Approach 1: How to convert number to string in java Using toString()

To convert a number to a string using the toString() method, you simply need to call the method on the numeric value and assign the result to a string variable. For example, to convert an integer value num to a string, you would call Integer.toString(num):


int num = 42; // create an integer value

String str = Integer.toString(num); // convert the integer to a string using toString()


public class ConvertNumberToStringExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // create an integer value
       int num = 42;

       // convert the integer to a string using toString()
       String str = Integer.toString(num);

       // print the original integer and the resulting string to the console
       System.out.println("Original integer: " + num);
       System.out.println("Converted string: " + str);


Original integer: 42
Converted string: 42


  1. The code defines a public class named “ConvertNumberToStringExample”.
  2. Within the class, a public static method named “main” is defined that takes an array of Strings as input and returns void.
  3. Inside the main method, an integer variable “num” is declared and initialized to the value 42.
  4. The code converts the integer value to a string using the “toString()” method of the “Integer” class and assigns the result to a string variable named “str”.
  5. Finally, the original integer value and the resulting string value are printed to the console using the “println()” method of the “System” class.

Overall, this code demonstrates how to convert an integer to a string using the “toString()” method of the “Integer” class in Java.

Approach 2. Convert number to string in java Using String.valueOf()

The String.valueOf() method can be used to convert any type of value to a string, including numbers. To convert a number to a string using this method, you simply need to pass the numeric value as an argument to the String.valueOf() method:


public class ConvertNumberToStringExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // create a double value
       double num = 3.14;

       // convert the double to a string using valueOf()
       String str = String.valueOf(num);

       // print the original double and the resulting string to the console
       System.out.println("Original double: " + num);
       System.out.println("Converted string: " + str);


Original double: 3.14
Converted string: 3.14


  1. The ConvertNumberToStringExample class is declared with a main() method.
  2. A double variable num is initialized with the value 3.14.
  3. The String.valueOf() method is used to convert num to a string, and the resulting string is stored in a variable str.
  4. The original double value num and the resulting String value str are printed to the console using System.out.println().

Overall, this code shows a simple way to convert a double value to a String in Java.

Approach 3. Convert number to string in java Using String.format()

The String.format() method can be used to convert a number to a string with a specific format. To convert a number to a string using this method, you need to specify a format string that indicates how the number should be formatted, and then pass the numeric value as an argument to the String.format() method:


public class ConvertNumberToStringExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // create a double value
       double num = 3.14;

       // convert the double to a string with 2 decimal places using format()
       String str = String.format("%.2f", num);

       // print the original double and the resulting string to the console
       System.out.println("Original double: " + num);
       System.out.println("Converted string: " + str);


Original double: 3.14
Converted string: 3.14


  1. The ConvertNumberToStringExample class is defined with a main method.
  2. A double variable named num is declared and initialized with the value 3.14.
  3. The String.format() method is used to convert the num variable to a string with 2 decimal places. The format string “%.2f” specifies that the output should be a floating-point number with 2 decimal places.
  4. The resulting string is stored in a variable named str.
  5. The original double value and the resulting string are printed to the console using System.out.println() statements.

Approach 4 Convert number to string in java Using DecimalFormat.format()

The DecimalFormat class can be used to format a number with a specific pattern. To convert a number to a string using this method, you first need to create a DecimalFormat object with the desired pattern, and then use the format() method of this object to format the number:

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class ConvertNumberToStringExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // create a double value
       double num = 3.14;

       // create a DecimalFormat object with pattern "0.00"
       DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");

       // format the double using the DecimalFormat object
       String str = df.format(num);

       // print the original double and the resulting string to the console
       System.out.println("Original double: " + num);
       System.out.println("Converted string: " + str);


Original double: 3.14
Converted string: 3.14


Here’s an explanation of the code in points:

  1. We import the DecimalFormat class from the java.text package.
  2. We define a class called ConvertNumberToStringExample with a main method.
  3. Inside the main method, we create a double variable called num and initialize it to the value 3.14.
  4. We create a DecimalFormat object called df with a pattern of “0.00”. This pattern specifies that the output should have 2 decimal places.
  5. We use the format method of the df object to format the num variable as a string with 2 decimal places. The resulting string is assigned to a new variable called str.
  6. We use System.out.println to print the original num value and the converted str value to the console.
  7. When we run the program, we will see the original double value of 3.14 printed as well as the converted string value of 3.14. The converted string value has been formatted with two decimal places using the DecimalFormat object.

Best Approach For Converting number to String In Java:

The String.valueOf() method can be considered the best approach to convert a number to a string in Java because:

  1. Simplicity: The method is very simple and easy to use, as it takes any primitive data type or object and converts it to a string representation.
  2. Versatility: The method can convert not only numbers but also any other primitive data type or object to a string, making it a versatile and flexible option for any type of conversion.
  3. Performance: The String.valueOf() method is also relatively efficient, as it does not involve the creation of any additional objects or use of any expensive operations.
  4. Widely supported: The String.valueOf() method is widely supported and can be used across different versions of Java, making it a reliable and consistent option for developers.

Overall, the simplicity, versatility, performance, and widespread support of the String.valueOf() method make it a strong candidate for the best approach to convert a number to a string in Java.

Sample Problem for converting number to string in java using String.valueOf():

Sample Problem 1

You are working on a finance application that needs to display the current balance of a user’s account. The balance is stored as a float value in the database, but you need to display it on the screen as a formatted string with a currency symbol.


In this, we will define a float variable balance that contains the current balance value. We also define a string variable currencySymbol that contains the currency symbol we want to use.

We then use String.valueOf() to convert the balance value to a string, and concatenate it with the currencySymbol string using the + operator. This creates a new string formattedBalance that contains the currency symbol followed by the balance value as a string.

Finally, we print out the formattedBalance string using the System.out.println() method.

This approach is a simple and straightforward way to format a float value as a currency string in Java using String.valueOf(). However, it is worth noting that if you need more advanced formatting options, such as specifying the number of decimal places or using locale-specific currency symbols, you may need to use a more specialized formatting library or method.


public class FinanceApplication {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
   // Define the current balance as a float
   float balance = 2500.50f;
    // Format the balance as a currency string with two decimal places
String balanceString = String.format("$%.2f", balance);

// Display the formatted balance to the console
System.out.println("Current balance: " + balanceString);


Current balance: $2500.50


  1. We first create a float variable to represent the balance of the user’s account.
  2. We then convert the float value to a formatted string using String.format(). We use the format specifier “$%.2f” to indicate that we want to include a dollar sign and two decimal places.
  3. Finally, we output the formatted balance string to the console using System.out.println().
  4. Note that this code assumes that the balance value is a valid float value. You may need to add additional error handling code to handle invalid input or unexpected exceptions.

Sample Problem 2:

You are building a personal finance application that allows users to enter their income and expenses. The application stores the income and expenses as numeric values in a BigDecimal object, but you need to display them on the screen as formatted strings with commas for thousands separators and two decimal places.


In this, we will define income and expenses as BigDecimal objects that contain the income and expenses values.

We then create a new DecimalFormatSymbols object and set the grouping separator to a comma using the setGroupingSeparator() method. This tells the formatter to use a comma as the thousands separator.

Next, we create a new DecimalFormat object and pass in the format string “#,##0.00” and the DecimalFormatSymbols object. This tells the formatter to use commas for thousands separators, and to display two decimal places.

We then use df.format() to format the income and expenses values as strings, and assign the formatted strings to formattedIncome and formattedExpenses.

Finally, we print out the formatted strings using System.out.println(). The output shows the income and expenses values formatted as currency strings with commas for thousands separators and two decimal places.


import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Locale;

public class PersonalFinance {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       BigDecimal income = new BigDecimal("5000.00");
       BigDecimal expenses = new BigDecimal("3500.50");

       DecimalFormat formatter = (DecimalFormat) DecimalFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);

       String incomeString = formatter.format(income);
       String expensesString = formatter.format(expenses);

       System.out.println("Income: " + incomeString);
       System.out.println("Expenses: " + expensesString);



Income: $5,000.00
Expenses: $3,500.50


  1. Create two BigDecimal objects, income and expenses, to represent monetary values.
  2. Create a DecimalFormat object, formatter, using the DecimalFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US) method to format the monetary values as currency in US dollars.
  3. Set the minimum and maximum number of fraction digits to 2 in the formatter object.
  4. Use the format() method of the formatter object to convert the BigDecimal values to formatted String values.
  5. Print out the formatted String values.

Sample Problem 3:

You are building a sales application that allows users to enter the price of an item and calculates the total cost including tax. The application stores the price as a double value, but you need to display it on the screen as a formatted string with two decimal places.


In this code, we will define price as a double value that contains the price of the item, and taxRate as a double value that contains the tax rate as a decimal value.

We then calculate the total cost by adding the price to the price multiplied by the taxRate.

Next, we use the String.format() method to format the total value as a string with two decimal places. The format string %.2f tells the formatter to display the value with two decimal places.

Finally, we concatenate the formatted string with the string “Total cost: $” and print it out using System.out.println(). The output shows the total cost of the item formatted as a string with two decimal places.


public class SalesApplication {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       double price = 25.75;
       double taxRate = 0.08;

 // Calculate the total cost including tax by adding the product price to the product of the price and tax rate
 double totalCost = price + (price * taxRate);

 // Format the price as a string with 2 decimal places
 String priceString = String.format("%.2f", price);

 // Format the total cost as a string with 2 decimal places
 String totalCostString = String.format("%.2f", totalCost);

 // Print the formatted price and total cost to the console with appropriate labels
 System.out.println("Price: $" + priceString);
 System.out.println("Total Cost (incl. tax): $" + totalCostString);


Price: $25.75
Total Cost (incl. tax): $27.81

Explanation :

  1. In this code, we first create a double variable to represent the price of the item, and another double variable to represent the tax rate.
  2. We then calculate the total cost of the item including tax by adding the price to the product of the price and tax rate.
  3. We then convert the double values to formatted strings using String.format(). We use the format specifier “%.2f” to indicate that we want to include two decimal places.
  4. Finally, we output the formatted price and total cost strings to the console using System.out.println(). Note that we add a dollar sign to the strings to indicate that they represent monetary values.
  5. Note that this code assumes that the price and tax rate values are valid double values. You may need to add additional error handling code to handle invalid input or unexpected exceptions.


In Java programming, converting a numerical value to a string is a useful task. We can use various methods for performing this conversion, such as the toString() method or the String.valueOf() method. There are several ways to perform the conversion, accordingly we had discussed here about some basic approaches which can be used in converting the number to string in java with several examples & commented codes explained in brief. The String.valueOf() method is a more versatile method that can handle any type of value, including numbers for conversion.

After discussing the best approaches to convert strings to numbers using Java, we also solved some real-life scenario-based sample problems with proper code using the best approach which is already described above and explanations.