How To Convert Arraylist To Array In Java

The toArray() method has two overloaded versions. The first version, toArray(), returns an array of type Object[] containing all the elements in the ArrayList. The second version, toArray(T[] a), returns an array of type T[] containing all the elements in the ArrayList.

In Java, an ArrayList is a dynamic array that can grow or shrink as needed. Sometimes, you may need to convert an ArrayList to a regular array. This can be done using the toArray() method, which is available in the java.util.ArrayList class.

What is the need of Converting Arraylist To Array In Java

There are multiple situations where you may need to convert an ArrayList to an array in Java, that includes:

  • When you need to pass the elements of an ArrayList to a method that expects an array as an argument. In such cases, you can convert the ArrayList to an array using the toArray() method and pass it to the method.
  • When you need to return an array from a method that collects data in an ArrayList. You can collect the data in the ArrayList and then convert it to an array using the toArray() method before returning it.
  • When you need to perform operations on the data that are not supported by an ArrayList. For example, sorting or searching an array is often more efficient than doing the same operation on an ArrayList.
  • When you need to use an API that expects an array instead of an ArrayList. In such cases, you can convert the ArrayList to an array using the toArray() method before passing it to the API.

Methods for Converting Arraylist To Array In Java

There are two methods for converting an ArrayList to an array:

  1. Using the toArray() method with no arguments
  2. Using the toArray() method with a specified array

Let’s discuss both approaches for converting Arraylist To Array In Java along with example for understanding the complete concept:

Approach 1: Using the toArray() method with no arguments

The ArrayList class in Java provides a toArray() method that returns an array containing all of the elements in the ArrayList. This method returns an array of type Object[]. To convert an ArrayList of a specific type to an array of that type, you can use the generic version of the toArray() method. This is the example for understanding the concept:


import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ArrayListToArrayExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // create an ArrayList of integers
        ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                // convert ArrayList to array
        Integer[] array = list.toArray(new Integer[0]);
                // print the array
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
            System.out.print(array[i] + " ");


1 2 3

Explanation of the code:

  • Import the java.util.ArrayList package to use the ArrayList class.
  • Create an ArrayList of integers and add some elements to it.
  • Use the toArray() method with no arguments to convert the ArrayList to an array. We pass an empty array of the desired type (new Integer[0]) as an argument to the method, which ensures that the returned array is of the correct type. The toArray() method returns an array of type Object[], which we then cast to Integer[].
  • Loop through the resulting array and print its elements.

Approach 2: Using the toArray() method with a specified array

The ArrayList class also provides a version of the toArray() method that takes an array of the desired type as a parameter. This method fills the provided array with the elements of the ArrayList. If the array is too small to hold all of the elements, a new array is created and returned instead. Let’s check the example:


import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ArrayListToArrayExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // create an ArrayList of strings
        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
                // create a new array of strings
        String[] array = new String[list.size()];
                // convert ArrayList to array
        array = list.toArray(array);
                // print the array
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
            System.out.print(array[i] + " ");


one two three

Explanation of the code:

  • Import the java.util.ArrayList package to use the ArrayList class.
  • Create an ArrayList of strings and add some elements to it.
  • Create a new array of strings with the same length as the ArrayList.
  • Use the toArray() method with a specified array to convert the ArrayList to the new array. We pass the new array as an argument to the method, which ensures that the returned array is of the correct type and length. The toArray() method fills the new array with the elements of the ArrayList and returns it.
  • Loop through the resulting array and print its elements.

Best Approach for Converting Arraylist To Array In Java

Using the toArray() method with no arguments is the best approach for converting ArrayList to an array in Java because of the following reasons:

  • Simplicity: The toArray() method with no arguments is the simplest approach for converting ArrayList to an array. It requires only a single line of code to convert the entire ArrayList to an array.
  • Type safety: The toArray() method with no arguments ensures that the resulting array is of the same type as the elements in the ArrayList. This is because the method creates a new array of the correct type and copies the elements of the ArrayList to it.
  • Dynamic sizing: The toArray() method with no arguments creates a new array of the correct size based on the number of elements in the ArrayList. This ensures that the resulting array is not too large or too small.
  • Performance: The toArray() method with no arguments is faster than other approaches, such as creating a new array of the correct size and then using a loop to copy the elements of the ArrayList to it. This is because the toArray() method optimizes the creation of the new array and the copying of the elements.
  • Concise code: Using the toArray() method with no arguments reduces the amount of code needed to convert an ArrayList to an array. This makes the code easier to read and understand, and reduces the likelihood of errors.

Sample Problems for Converting Arraylist To Array In Java

Sample Problem 1

Write a Java code that takes an ArrayList of Strings as input and returns an array of Strings that contains only the strings that have an odd length. Solve this question using the toArray() method with no arguments.


  • We start by creating a new class called StringArrayExample that contains our main method.
  • In the main method, we create a new ArrayList of String objects called list and add some values to it.
  • We then call the getOddLengthStrings method and pass in our list object as a parameter. This method returns an array of String objects that contains only the strings with odd length.
  • We then loop through the resulting array and print each string to the console.
  • In the getOddLengthStrings method, we first create a new List object called result to store our filtered strings.
  • We then loop through each string in the input list and check if its length is odd using the % operator.
  • If the length is odd, we add it to our result list.
  • Finally, we convert the result list to an array of String objects using the toArray() method with no arguments. The new String[0] argument is passed to ensure that the resulting array has the correct type.
  • The resulting array is then returned.
import java.util.List;
public class StringArrayExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

        String[] result = getOddLengthStrings(list);
        for (String str : result) {

    public static String[] getOddLengthStrings(ArrayList<String> list) {
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String str : list) {
            if (str.length() % 2 != 0) {
        return result.toArray(new String[0]);



Sample Problem 2

Write a code in Java that takes an ArrayList of integers as input and returns an array of integers that contains only the even numbers. Solve this question Using the toArray() method with a specified array.


  • We start by creating a new class called IntegerArrayExample that contains our main method.
  • In the main method, we create a new ArrayList of Integer objects called list and add some values to it.
  • We then call the getEvenNumbers method and pass in our list object as a parameter. This method returns an array of Integer objects that contains only the even numbers.
  • We then loop through the resulting array and print each number to the console.
  • In the getEvenNumbers method, we first create a new Integer array called arr with the same size as the input list.
  • We then loop through each integer in the input list and check if it’s even using the % operator.
  • If the number is even, we add it to our arr array and increment the counter variable count.
  • Finally, we return the arr array.
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class IntegerArrayExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
        Integer[] result = getEvenNumbers(list);
        for (Integer num : result) {
    public static Integer[] getEvenNumbers(ArrayList<Integer> list) {
        Integer[] arr = new Integer[list.size()]; // create an array of same size as input list
        int count = 0; // initialize the counter variable
        for (int num : list) {
            if (num % 2 == 0) {
                arr[count++] = num; // add the even number to the array and increment the counter
        return arr;




In conclusion, converting an ArrayList to an array in Java can be done using the toArray() method. This method can be used with no arguments to create a new array of the correct size, or with a specified array to use an existing array.

Converting an ArrayList to an array can be useful for passing the contents of the list to a method that expects an array, or for performing array-based operations on the list. When converting an ArrayList to an array, it’s important to ensure that the resulting array has the correct type, and to handle any exceptions that may be thrown by the toArray() method.

Overall, using the toArray() method is a simple and efficient way to convert an ArrayList to an array in Java, and is a common practice in many Java programs.