How To Convert Int To Float in Python

It is possible that you will need to know how to change int to a float in python while working with numerical data. When working with libraries that only take float numbers or conducting computations, this is frequently required.

Thankfully, Python has a number of ways, each with distinct advantages and disadvantages, for converting an int to a float.

This blog post will go over seven alternative ways which will answer the question how to convert an int to a float in Python. Each method will be thoroughly explained, with sample code and output provided to show how it operates.

You will have a solid understanding of the many Python functions that may be used to convert an int to a float by the time you finish reading this post.

Need to convert int to float in Python

There are various reasons why there might be a need to turn an integer to a float in Python. Here are some common situations:

  1. Calculations: If you need to perform calculations that involve decimal values, you may need to convert an integer to a float. For example, if you need to divide an integer by another value that is not an integer, you will get a truncated result unless you convert the integer to a float first.
  2. Data types: In Python, a few variables and data structures exclusively take floating-point numbers. You would have to convert integers to floats before sending them as arguments, for instance, if you were working with a library that only accepted float values.
  3. Conversions: If you are working with user input, you may need to convert integers to floats to ensure that the data is in the correct format for calculations or other operations.

Overall, converting an integer to a floating-point number is a common operation in Python and can be useful in a variety of situations where decimal values are needed.

Different techniques to convert int to float in Python

Here are the various methods to convert an int to float in Python:

  1. Using the float() function
  2. Using division by a float value
  3. Using the format() method with a float placeholder
  4. Using f-strings with a float placeholder
  5. Using the str() function with concatenation of ‘.0’
  6. Using the decimal module
  7. Using numpy’s astype() function

Detailed Explanation of techniques:

1. Using the float() function

The float() function in Python can be used to convert an int to a float. It takes a single argument which can be an integer or a string that represents a number.


num = 10
float_num = float(num)



Explanation of Code:

  1. The code initialises an integer variable num to the value 10.
  2. It then converts num to a floating-point number using the float() function and assigns the result to the variable float_num.
  3. Finally, it prints the value of float_num to the console.

2. Using division by a float value

Another way to convert an int to a float is by dividing it with a float value. This forces the result to be a float value.


num = 10
float_num = num / 1.0



Explanation of Code:

  1. This program creates the variable num and gives it the number 10.
  2. Then, it divides num by the float value 1.0, effectively turning num into a float. A new variable called float num is given the resultant float value.
  3. Finally, it outputs 10.0 as the value of float num to the terminal.

3. Using the format() method with a float placeholder

The format() method in Python can be used to format a string with values. By using the float placeholder, we can convert an int to a float. Here’s an example:


num = 10
float_num = float(format(num, ".1f"))



Explanation of Code:

  1. The programm initialises the integer value 10 in the variable num.
  2. The result is then assigned to a new variable called float num after num has been converted to a floating-point number using the float() function.
  3. Although float() is the more common method, the code may have also done so by dividing num by a float value (for example, num / 1.0).
  4. The float num value is then printed to the console.

4. Using f-strings with a float placeholder

Similar to the format() method, we can use f-strings to convert an int to a float by using a float placeholder. Here’s an example:


num = 10
float_num = float(f"{num:.1f}")



Explanation of Code:

  1. A variable called num is initialised in the code with the value of 10.
  2. The float() function is then used to format num as a string with one decimal place using an f-string before converting it to a float.
  3. A new variable called float num is given the resultant float value.
  4. The code then uses the print() function to output float num to the console.

5. Using the str() function with concatenation of ‘.0’

We can also use the str() function to convert an int to a string and then concatenate ‘.0’ to make it a float. Here’s an example:


num = 10
float_num = float(str(num) + ".0")



Explanation of Code:

  1. The code defines a variable called num and assigns it the value 10.
  2. It then converts the integer value of num to a string and concatenates it with the string “.0”.
  3. The resulting string “10.0” is then converted to a float using the float() function and assigned to the variable float_num.
  4. Finally, it prints the value of float_num to the console.

6. Using the decimal module

Python’s decimal module offers a method for performing decimal floating point arithmetic. An int can be changed into a decimal float using the Decimal() function Object() . Here’s an illustration:


import decimal

num = 10
float_num = decimal.Decimal(num)



Explanation of Code:

  1. The code imports the decimal module.
  2. The code initialises a variable num to the integer value 10.
  3. The code converts the integer num to a decimal using the decimal.Decimal() function and stores the result in the variable float_num.
  4. The resulting decimal value is printed to the console using the print() function.

Note that the Decimal() constructor returns a Decimal object, which is a special type of float with a fixed number of decimal places.

7. Using numpy’s astype() function

If we have the numpy library installed, we can use the astype() function to convert an int to a float. Here’s an example:


import numpy as np

num = 10
float_num = np.array(num).astype(float)



Explanation of Code:

  1. The NumPy library is imported in this code, which also gives it the alias “np”.
  2. Initialized with the number 10, the variable “num” is used.
  3. The ‘float num’ array object is created using the NumPy ‘array’ function with ‘num’ as its lone constituent.
  4. The array’s data type is changed to float by calling the “astype” method on the object “float num” with the “float” argument.
  5. The “float num” array that results is reported to the terminal.

Best out of the Seven techniques:

The float() method is regarded as the best approach to convert an integer to a floating-point number in Python for a variety of reasons:

  1. Simpleness: The process of changing an integer into a float is straightforward.
  2. Flexibility: The float() method may handle integers of any size or range and is quite versatile.
  3. Readability: The float() method’s syntax is relatively simple to comprehend and read.
  4. Speed: It is a quick and effective solution that is a built-in function that is performance-optimised and does not need any other libraries or modules to be imported.
  5. Compatibility: The float() function is a trusted and frequently-used way to convert integers to floats since it is compatible with all Python versions, from Python 2 to Python 3.

Overall, the float() function is the best choice for converting an integer to a floating-point number in Python, due to its simplicity, flexibility, readability, speed, and compatibility.

Sample problems:

Problem 1: Write a program that calculates the average of a list of integers. The program should first convert the integers to floats before calculating the average. note convert int to float Using the float() function


  1. We start by defining a list of integers called numbers.
  2. Then we create a new list called float_numbers using a list comprehension. The float() function is applied to each element of the numbers list to convert them to floats.
  3. We calculate the average by dividing the sum of the float_numbers list by its length using the sum() and len() functions respectively.
  4. Finally, we print the result using the print() function.


numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

# Convert integers to floats using the float() function
float_numbers = [float(num) for num in numbers]

# Calculate the average
average = sum(float_numbers) / len(float_numbers)

print("The average is:", average)


The average is: 30.0

Problem 2: Write a program that calculates the area of a circle. The program should prompt the user to enter the radius of the circle as an integer, then convert the radius to a float and use the formula A = πr^2 to calculate the area. note convert int to float Using division by a float value


  1. We first import the math module, which contains the value of pi and other math-related functions.
  2. We prompt the user to enter the radius of the circle as an integer using the input() function and store it in the variable radius.
  3. We then convert the radius to a float by dividing it by 1.0. This works because dividing an integer by a float value automatically converts it to a float.
  4. We calculate the area of the circle using the formula A = πr^2, where math.pi is the value of pi and radius ** 2 calculates the square of the radius.
  5. Finally, we print the area of the circle using the print() function.


import math

radius = int(input("Enter the radius of the circle: "))

# Convert the radius to a float using division by a float value
radius = radius / 1.0

# Calculate the area of the circle using the formula A = πr^2
area = math.pi * radius ** 2

print("The area of the circle is:", area)


Enter the radius of the circle: 5
The area of the circle is: 78.53981633974483

Problem 3: Write a program that calculates the compound interest on a loan. The program should prompt the user for the loan amount, interest rate, and time period in years, and then calculate and print out the total amount owed, rounded to two decimal places using the round() function. note convert int to float Using the format() method with a float placeholder


  1. Prompts the user to input the loan amount, interest rate, and time period in years using the input() function.
  2. Converts the interest rate to a float by dividing it by 100.0.
  3. Calculates the total amount owed using the formula total = loan_amount * (1 + interest_rate) ** years.
  4. Formats the total variable to two decimal places using the format() function and the {:.2f} placeholder.
  5. Prints out the total amount owed to the console.


loan_amount = int(input("Enter the loan amount: "))
interest_rate = int(input("Enter the interest rate: "))
years = int(input("Enter the time period (in years): "))

# convert interest rate to a float
interest_rate = interest_rate / 100.0

# calculate total amount owed
total = loan_amount * (1 + interest_rate) ** years

# print out total amount owed, rounded to two decimal places
print("Total amount owed: ${:.2f}".format(total))


Enter the loan amount: 10000
Enter the interest rate: 5
Enter the time period (in years): 10
Total amount owed: $16288.95

Problem 4: Write a program that calculates the square root of a number using the Newton-Raphson method. The program should prompt the user for the number, convert it to a float, and then use the formula x = 0.5 * (x + n/x) to iteratively calculate the square root, where n is the input number and x is an initial guess. convert int to float Using f-strings with a float placeholder


  1. Prompt the user to enter a number and read it as an integer.
  2. Convert the input number to a float and store it in a variable x.
  3. Implement the Newton-Raphson method to calculate the square root of n.
  4. While the absolute difference between y and x is greater than 0.0001, calculate y as the average of x and n/x.
  5. Update the value of x to y after each iteration until the condition is met.
  6. Print the calculated square root of n with a precision of 2 decimal places.


n = int(input("Enter a number: "))
x = float(n)  # Convert the input number to a float

# Use the Newton-Raphson method to calculate the square root
while True:
    y = 0.5 * (x + n / x)
    if abs(y - x) < 0.0001:
    x = y

print(f"The square root of {n} is {x:.2f}")

Example Output:

Enter a number: 25
The square root of 25 is 5.00

Problem 5: Write a program that calculates the total cost of a meal at a restaurant, including tax and tip. The program should prompt the user for the cost of the meal (an integer), the tax rate as a percentage, and the tip rate as a percentage. The program should then convert the tax and tip rates to decimal values (e.g. 10% becomes 0.1) before calculating the total cost. note: convert int to float Using the str() function with concatenation of ‘.0’


  1. The program first prompts the user to enter the cost of the meal, tax rate, and tip rate as integers.
  2. The tax and tip rates are then converted to decimal values by dividing by 100.
  3. The program calculates the tax and tip amounts by multiplying the meal cost by the respective rates.
  4. The total cost is calculated by adding the meal cost, tax amount, and tip amount.
  5. The meal cost is then converted to a float by first converting it to a string with concatenation of ‘.0’ and then using the float() function to convert the string to a float.
  6. Finally, the program prints the results with 2 decimal places using f-strings.


meal_cost = int(input("Enter the cost of the meal: "))
tax_rate = int(input("Enter the tax rate (as a percentage): "))
tip_rate = int(input("Enter the tip rate (as a percentage): "))

# Convert tax and tip rates to decimal values
tax_rate = tax_rate / 100
tip_rate = tip_rate / 100

# Calculate tax and tip amounts
tax_amount = meal_cost * tax_rate
tip_amount = meal_cost * tip_rate

# Calculate total cost
total_cost = meal_cost + tax_amount + tip_amount

# Convert meal cost to float
meal_cost = float(str(meal_cost) + ".0")

print(f"Meal cost: ${meal_cost:.2f}")
print(f"Tax amount: ${tax_amount:.2f}")
print(f"Tip amount: ${tip_amount:.2f}")
print(f"Total cost: ${total_cost:.2f}")

Example output:

Enter the cost of the meal: 25
Enter the tax rate (as a percentage): 8
Enter the tip rate (as a percentage): 15
Meal cost: $25.00
Tax amount: $2.00
Tip amount: $3.75
Total cost: $30.75

Problem 6: Write a program that calculates the percentage of a number. The program should prompt the user to enter a number as an integer, then convert it to a float. The user should also be prompted to enter a percentage as an integer, which is then divided by 100 and multiplied by the original number converted to a float Using the decimal module.


  1. Import the Decimal module to use decimal arithmetic for greater precision.
  2. Prompt the user to enter a number as an integer and convert it to a Decimal float using the Decimal constructor.
  3. Prompt the user to enter a percentage as an integer and divide it by 100 to convert it to a decimal value using the Decimal constructor.
  4. Multiply the number as a Decimal float by the percentage as a Decimal float to get the result.
  5. Print out the result using an f-string.


from decimal import Decimal

num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
num_float = Decimal(num)

percent = int(input("Enter a percentage: "))
percent_decimal = Decimal(percent) / 100

result = num_float * percent_decimal

print(f"{percent}% of {num} is {result}")

Example output:

Enter a number: 200
Enter a percentage: 25
25% of 200 is 50.00


Floats are important data types that allow programmers to perform calculations with numbers that have decimal points. Converting an integer to a float is a common task that can be useful in a variety of situations, such as when you need to perform division, when you want to assign a variable to a float value, or when you need to use a function that only accepts float inputs.

We covered several methods for converting an integer to a float in Python which includes the built-in float() function. This method is reliable and easy to use, and is often the preferred method for converting integers to floats along with all other methods we discussed.

However, each method has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, and the best method to use will depend on the specific needs of your application.